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1 Name: Nano : 2015-11-13 19:29 ID:IDJTbhfG [Del]

There has just been a shooting in France, many are dead and France has been placed under martial law. The U.S has just increased authourity. 158 dead confirmed at Bats Clan(excuse my spelling) a group of people escaped by running to the emergency stairs but the doors were locked so they ran up to the roof to find a man waving at them from an apartment building next to it. The people crossed and waited until the police raid.
Here's an article for more, again, this just happened.

2 Name: Nano : 2015-11-13 21:41 ID:IDJTbhfG [Del]

Paris is under martial law. There has been a series of attacks. They were all at the same time and they all killed over 100 at each location.

I'd like to make it known that France hasn't been under martial law since 1942 and that the French President was there.

The attacks were at a stadium, two restaurants a shopping center, concert hall bataclan and others.

The borders have been shut off, soldiers have been deployed, a curfew has been implemented and there's currently a manhunt. Isis has declared the U.S. as the next target.

Each place killed over or at least 100 people. All major cities in America have been immediately increased in security and law enforcement.

Congressman Peter Hall has confirmed that security will be confirmed and that drills will most likely be implemented in schools. Also that the reality of it is that we can't tell the difference between terrorist and non-terrorist, that our screening system isn't 100%.

People killed by the dozens and some were badly wounded and finished off. It was as I quote, "a blood bath"

John Carry has also released a statement in Vienna.

Catherine says,"credible isis accounts, not confirmed...has not been any claims...#ParisInFlames released by isis tweets also that-"

People have escaped from the stadium and concert venue in blood and there has been quotes by witnesses of hearing mention of Iraq and Isis.

All locations we're popular, high security places. Concern about military training being involved to suggest how the operatives knew how to operate the weapons.

Al Queda insider in E. Africa and Yemen says that other countries should do what France did, Close the borders. "The sleeper cells have woken up"

He says that they are very calculated, and barbaric.

Killing children and babies is actually allowed in Islam. So disregard for children is common got example an attack on a plan over Egypt. (Awhile ago I assume) the insider says that they plan to stay.

Streets have been closed off and all forms of transportation have been shut down. All attackers are believed to be dead.

David Calstrum bad this to stay,"...very very concerned of what I've seen...I believe the whole immigrants into Europe was planned... when you look at pictures of them most of them are under 18 it's phony... we'd be pointing fingers if it happened here...This has to stop if not...We could see what we saw today in France...I would take away all the things that burden investigations...we could do thus well within our constituition....we have these countries run by these naive people... Something's going to happen we don't have enough people...we haven't had enough people die here in the United's the president saying that isis is contained...'american blood is best and we will taste it soon'...if were stupid enough to bring in all these people we know nothing about we're only adding to the backpack... we're so naive about what we're doing. We don't need to become a police state we just need to make more common sense decisions."

There may be still people trapped in the stadium. Reiterate that they believe that all the attackers have killed themselves.
A sister of the FBI says I quote,"it is Isis"
Retired coronal talks with the Megan news lady,"I do believe thatc we'll see more than 100 thousand killed here. Right now the French are working feverishly to figure out how they missed it. This is the biggest attack in French history."

What will the U.S. do to help the french? One belief is that we need to go back to espionage. Double agents. We need to get people in there.

The Vatican, "this is an attack on piece from all humanity, we need to make a decisive-" they basically recognize that we need to attack and get completely committed to riding ourselves of them. We have to go after the problem of the cancer.

Charles cook, we need to shut off the visas while collecting these people
France is America's oldest ally, the ones who gifted us the statue of liberty.
5 other locations were confirmed stacked aside from the others.
The first curfew implemented since 1944 when the Nazis attacked.

President Obama has made it clear that we will "stand beside France in the fight against terrorism and extremism." And that we are ready to provide whatever is needed also that we have been in contact with French officials and that the situation is still under progression.
President Obama is confident that he will be in contact with the president of France within the next couple of days.
We do owe it to the French that we will be on their side.

Alright my dad just changed the channel to our roku so that he can watch seven deadly sins (ironically) so that's all I'll report for today until tomorrow. Hopefully.