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The Internet is in Danger (63)

1 Name: Ryu Prime : 2015-10-16 06:31 ID:iU2UAt43 [Del]

Let me ask you a question, do you like internet anonymity, lets plays, abridging, cosplaying, fan art, doujinshi, song covers, and/or film reviews with clips from that film? If you answered yes to one or all of these things then you should know that something known as the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) or as some would call it SOMA 2.0, threatens to take these things away; to put it long story short, it wishes to enforce a more strict copyright law, that if disobeyed, it could result in a prison sentence.

I urge you to help fight back this partnership by clicking this link: and spread the word about what the TPP threatens to take away.

If you need more information about what the dangers the TPP poses against the internet then hopefully these links should help:

This could be considered as the internet's darkest hour, but lets turn that into our finest, by uniting together, and beating this thing once and for all.

2 Name: Egor : 2015-10-16 09:03 ID:/DYUPbru [Del]

COME ON dollars unite and take down the TTP

3 Name: Kei : 2015-10-16 13:25 ID:PTOKbKyq [Del]

Just read about the TPP. Can't belive it... if it happens i'll probably stop using my computer.

4 Name: John : 2015-10-16 14:52 ID:ZNBg8UpO [Del]

Signed and here's a boost too keep this up at the top!
Let's save our doujinshi and goodies Dollars!

5 Name: Sleepy_Hollow : 2015-10-17 16:53 ID:U3XSD6x3 [Del]

Seriously, who actually thought this would be a good idea?
Signed it.

6 Name: Damiaen : 2015-10-18 05:31 ID:hX6js6vF [Del]

I cannot believe they are trying to do this... It's seriously unreal. Thanks for sharing this, I'm signing it for sure.

7 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-18 09:45 ID:DfysjYKP (Image: 150x150 png, 6 kb) [Del]

src/1445179511605.png: 150x150, 6 kb
Funny, in EU we have the same problem with the TAFTA/TTIP.

8 Name: MacTire : 2015-10-18 16:33 ID:SGK2wzfJ [Del]

Damn, I heard about this, we should keep this post visible for all Dollar Members to combat it.

9 Name: X : 2015-10-18 22:02 ID:4ztylFfV [Del]

I feel the need to bring up that the TPP simply creates uniformity among the the signing nations as they will then adopt a the US's basic copyright law. While this may not be the greatest thing in the world, it is not the end of the world. And given the numerous economic benefits that the TPP will provide to the US and foreign countries, it's an overall good deal.

10 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-19 02:18 ID:DfysjYKP [Del]

>>9 Economically, yes.

But what about lowering the standarts, copying the US model everywhere, and giving the companies the power to rule over the states ?

And by doing all of that, that's our own system and culture which are threatened.

And I'm also against it, because by enhancing a competition between unreglemented US companies and local ones, we can fear for our social heritage.

11 Name: DrakoCT : 2015-10-20 09:23 ID:x4zdOzpN [Del]

bump :3

12 Name: cats : 2015-10-20 14:49 ID:L2hE61bU [Del]

Thanks for posting this .:D Can you post thsi on the Missions too?

13 Name: Megumi : 2015-10-20 20:05 ID:YcQhqRDO [Del]

TPP....what-..what are the-.....WHY??

14 Name: Khepri : 2015-10-21 08:37 ID:s3Hu3nYP [Del]

Well then, let's fight.

15 Post deleted by moderator.

16 Name: Aik : 2015-10-21 17:46 ID:pUz0ougb [Del]

You apparently need to be monitored. Go fucking die in a ditch. No one wants you spam so stop >>15

17 Name: Synchro : 2015-10-22 06:10 ID:XlNUIGcU [Del]

Guys, look this is important, we can't be wasting our potential fighting amongst ourselves, we should be fighting the common enemy, the TOP.

18 Name: Synchro : 2015-10-22 06:11 ID:XlNUIGcU [Del]


19 Name: Top Ramen : 2015-10-22 19:49 ID:x3Mf0p21 (Image: 222x222 jpg, 28 kb) [Del]

src/1445561369742.jpg: 222x222, 28 kb
HEY! THAT'S JUST MEAN! >>16 He should die wherever he wants! :D

20 Name: Blk_Cat : 2015-10-23 04:53 ID:Hzy0KPqm [Del]

I think is something that was bound to happen back when SOPA, PIPA, and every other copyright action was beginning to set for ruling. Back in the day we had enough online activists at the ready to DDOS or online sit-in as well as rally against them. Back then Anonymous was still fairly young and organized so it was a decent backlash. This was also around the time that Piratebay and wikileaks were coming about so the news covered it with extreme detail about "Terrorists" fighting against new "Bog Brother" laws. The Dollars BBS has never been very guns blazing of a group mostly due to age and experience but it wouldnt hurt to Install Kali or Tails and learn how to tunnel proxy to protect yourselves and start sending a message by DDOSing, doxing, vandalizing webpages, and spreading the word of a new online vigilante group willing to break the law to protect the internet.

21 Name: Rotosound : 2015-10-23 08:02 ID:3Z3XEPaE [Del]

Just vote for Bernie Sanders

22 Name: Katana Meister : 2015-10-24 13:33 ID:8W2in6ru [Del]


23 Name: Kuzuhara : 2015-10-24 16:54 ID:rCyLkRT7 [Del]

Bump ^^

24 Name: Kyasurin : 2015-10-25 03:04 ID:PyCora2B [Del]


25 Name: Seirots : 2015-10-26 19:55 ID:cSXPn0TK [Del]


26 Name: Rinjiro : 2015-10-26 21:40 ID:pBqfHQ/M [Del]

Damn, another Internet threat? /:

27 Name: Rajin : 2015-10-27 06:31 ID:6sR/iH/5 [Del]


28 Name: daze : 2015-10-27 06:33 ID:ZtptWWkr [Del]

This dumb shit comes up every year, and not once does it ever actually happen. It seems to come up even twice a year now.

How do people still believe this bs?

29 Name: Neko : 2015-10-27 08:17 ID:9ByURjNi [Del]

basically people's lives are just too boring so they want some kind of imaginary crisis they can fight off

30 Name: daze : 2015-10-27 08:26 ID:DdCzhU8O (Image: 318x318 jpg, 28 kb) [Del]

src/1445952403796.jpg: 318x318, 28 kb

Yup, how boring and fake. It has never happened, and never will.

31 Name: Nami : 2015-10-28 00:51 ID:2IfQy5sY [Del]

TPP=Pain in the ass

32 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-28 06:02 ID:gjd6R9Iu [Del]

Bump it!

33 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-10-28 12:04 ID:f3o6GHdt [Del]

>>32 why bump just sage

34 Name: Uh-oh !uC4JN2eoHY : 2015-10-28 20:35 ID:HhcfK0cG [Del]

Glad to see this is getting awareness somewhere. It's pretty terrible.

35 Name: Shiro : 2015-10-31 04:48 ID:bGSkVBXN [Del]

i agree, lets come together and override this new TPP

36 Name: dozing : 2015-11-01 16:10 ID:CaBG4Tlw [Del]

wow this needs to be stopped real hard

37 Name: dozing : 2015-11-01 16:22 ID:CaBG4Tlw [Del]

Even congress doesn't have the documents to this, it would be a real publicity bump for us.

38 Name: dozing : 2015-11-01 16:32 ID:CaBG4Tlw [Del]

sign all the petitions you can and mark them with the dollars

39 Name: Nano : 2015-11-03 11:22 ID:7hVneQdn [Del]

signed, there was a similar article about his, also hasa video, on cnn one day. I was in class last year and here was a stabbing in Japan in the name of creepypasta, as they said, so they walked into a manga store and grabbed a doujin shi and opened it up andtrash talked it even though there was a perfectly kid friendly one next to it. They even had the gull to go to the author of Negima's house and trash talk anime and manga. He tried his hardest to shut them down but they just wouldn't stop talking. And at the end of the video they were saying how we should push the Japanese Government to shut it down and just get rid of all anime and manga. I was literally so pissed about it I just got up and left the class. I use to really like cnn but now i just hate them with my very being. I mean what gives them the right to trash talk anime and manga when there's so much more they could be talking about. They need to shut their mouths because they didn't know a damn thing they were talking about.

40 Name: Phantom : 2015-11-04 09:32 ID:XYM2O/Ez [Del]


41 Name: Acher : 2015-11-04 11:24 ID:MeOXv3SE [Del]

I signed with both my real name and my dollars name. I think it is time we should unite and turn this shitstorm into something we can work with and make an agreement with the people who are trying to get the TPP enacted.

42 Post deleted by user.

43 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-05 02:31 ID:3jJ9wWXz [Del]

we need to find a way to stop this bullshit from getting through, if anyone here has contacts in anonymous, im sure they would be more than willing to help.

44 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-05 03:17 ID:bYzZXMNd [Del]

the solutionn is simple use tor browser at maximum security the odds that your internet traffic is tracked is almost 0

45 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-05 18:59 ID:cTOelsOC [Del]

>>42 can surface websites be reached by tor?

46 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2015-11-05 19:14 ID:b4PL1scB [Del]

>>45 Typically yes. Occasionally your IP may be blocked/banned by the web-server thanks to people abusing that particular exit node. But there is no real reason you can't use tor for regular internet traffic unless you need a low latency connection.

47 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-05 22:58 ID:9sk1YZep [Del]

>>46 well i guess if worst comes to worst, us dollars can always start exclusively using tor

48 Name: Ryu Prime : 2015-11-06 06:46 ID:IcV4Yy+m [Del]

Okay guys, we have 90 days to make the TPP too toxic to pass, please spread the word about this to people you know and to other members of the Dollars, we can stop this if we all do what we can to stop this thing from passing, please help protect the Internet.

49 Name: Em.Cana : 2015-11-07 18:19 ID:WSn3BXpI [Del]

I've signed this twice and shared it on Twitter. Everyone please sign this petition, it is so important!!!

50 Name: Chip_Sleeveman : 2015-11-07 18:58 ID:m6ve4JI4 [Del]

Signed and shared.

51 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-08 02:26 ID:9sk1YZep [Del]


52 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-08 02:28 ID:9sk1YZep [Del]


53 Name: Kage~chan !v.YyOzCW4Q : 2015-11-08 22:50 ID:TNYz6ma+ [Del]


54 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2015-11-09 09:24 ID:A4BcLbRM [Del]

Stop bumping this the Internet is not in danger

55 Name: PureWater100% : 2015-11-09 10:23 ID:pR1XAvKx [Del]

Have ya'll not learned yet? This have happened many MANY times before, the internet isn't going anywhere. It's just a prank, a really bad prank.

56 Name: Osiris : 2015-11-09 21:32 ID:5uoJV4Yl [Del]

an internet prank played on the internet about the internet, dear god what have we come too

57 Name: Rob_Anybody : 2015-11-09 22:15 ID:NkRP+64Z [Del]

except that is isn't a prank at all. There are very real people with very real power who want even more control over the lives of ordinary citizens than they already do.

58 Post deleted by user.

59 Name: Nitramin : 2015-11-10 15:33 ID:TjkOVTVX [Del]

60 Name: PureWater100% : 2015-11-11 10:12 ID:pR1XAvKx [Del]

>>57 But because everyone uses it and how big it is, the government(or whoever) won't let the internet fall. Anyone remember when they were going to make people pay to use the internet? Did it happen? No. Or when they said they would take it down. Did they do it? No.
Therefore there is nothing to fear about this "the internet is in danger" it's not going anywhere guys.

61 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-11-11 11:15 ID:z70zbN1S [Del]

>>60 dude you do pay for the internet through your service provider which is most likely whatever phone company you are with, duh.

Unless your dad or who ever works for a phone company you might be getting it free that way, like my Dad works for BT and we get free broadband.

Also I never heard of any story about taking the internet down, I have heard that in a few years time they will have to make a internet 2, to handle all the crap that is out there and it will be much much faster.

>>1 more or tighter copyright law are a good.


62 Name: Rob_Anybody !sSES3Rsnyk : 2015-11-11 14:15 ID:NkRP+64Z [Del]


The internet isn't going to disappear. The thing that will disappear is net neutrality; which is the concept that all data is treated equally. Service providers are trying to make it legal for them to treat certain data preferentially. Namely, the data from anyone who is willing to pay for preferential treatment. This means things like facebook and netflix will be unaffected (providing they pay service providers for their data to be sent without delay). But things like forums and probably even Wikipedia which relies on donations will have slower service, even to the point of being unusable some or all of the time. Imagine, that right after rushhour, a bunch of people get home and all start watching videos online on "preferred" sites. Because you're on a forum which hasn't paid for preferential treatment, your data basically has to wait for a gap in the stream of other people's media to be sent so that you will experience huge lag times. Game companies will be all but forced to pay the preferential fee, imagine trying to play COD or TF2 or DOTA2 where everyone has a minimum of 500 ping. This will fundamentally change the landscape of the internet in a horrible way.

TLDR: The internet wouldn't disappear, but only big companies would have websites and internet services that would be usable without enormous wait times.

63 Name: MONTA : 2016-01-28 13:37 ID:w4Ek6huw [Del]

I'll get rid of them