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United States bombs hospital. accident or on purpose? (27)

1 Name: algren : 2015-10-08 15:06 ID:4HwvRdED [Del]

"A Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan was struck accidentally after Afghan forces called for air support from the American military, Gen. John Campbell, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said Monday."

The united states just shot itself in the foot with this one, whether it was an accident or on purpose.

2 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-08 15:43 ID:DfysjYKP [Del]

Accident ?

Only one building was struck : US was accurately pointing.

Also, MSF formerly gave the coordinates of the hospital. And whan the airstrike begun, they called the NATO to warn about their being targeted. The strikes continued until the building was completely destroyed.

US knew what it was doing, and the Afghan gov raised its mobile.

And since the US protects its citizen from being judged by any intl court (although it support the actions of these intl courts abroad), it's not likely that a trail for War Crime will take place. That's too bad.

3 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-08 15:57 ID:DfysjYKP [Del]

Option B : real failures in the chain of command allowed this tragedy. That wouldn't be the first time: already in 1988, the U.S. Navy shot down an Israeli Airbus soon after its take off from Israel.

But unlike the recent incidents, this was a one-shot and not a long air strike during which a distress call was emitted.

I'd all the same like to specify that after the 1988 shoot-down, the U.S. lied to the journalists on the positions of the navy ships, aiming to reduce their responsibility.
That's why the MSF case requires an independent inquiry.

4 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-10-08 18:12 ID:R07T4r5o [Del]

The country is just messing up all over. Some US citizens wonder why their military is constantly harangued....

5 Name: Neko : 2015-10-08 22:20 ID:pcrPdb+d [Del]

US is overrated

6 Name: DrakoCT : 2015-10-09 11:35 ID:x4zdOzpN [Del]

@Neko True... XD

7 Name: w : 2015-10-09 11:38 ID:SQlG5aSp [Del]


8 Name: cats : 2015-10-09 13:30 ID:L2hE61bU [Del]

@W , why did you post that?Were you trying to bump the thread back up?I don't think writting one letter can bump the thread back up to the top of the page.I think you need a minimum of four letters to do that.
I found a Polandball comic about it.
Lots of polandball comics have sterotypes in them,and it also tries to put humor into it.If thoese aren't you're thing , then it's okay.Don't read the comic.:)
This is a huge tragedy.It was complelety unjustified ( if it was done on purpose ,but I think he just messed up ).I hope nothing like this happens again . Thank you for sharing it .

9 Name: Hidden !LjhheuuNPg : 2015-10-14 16:53 ID:y2woR2Q1 [Del]

United States targeting systems are pretty spot on... The way I see it either the Afgans targeted the hospital themselves, or we did in fact do it on purpose, and by we, that can be taken on many different levels, to something as insegnificant as the pilot theirself choosing to do it, the person operating the targeting system did it, up to the point of high cammanding military leaders ordered it. I highly doubt we are going to hit a hospital of civilians on purpose though, I see no reason for it, and I doubt if I could find logic in doing that, the people in the military wouldn't either. The airstrike was called in by Afghanistan, it's not like we would've gone completely off on our own to go find a hospital to bomb, the Afghanistans were apparently fighitng in a civilian populated area. No duh civilians are going to be hit in cross-fire, that was mistake number one.

10 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2015-10-15 15:11 ID:kLF0ElC+ [Del]

It would probably be impossible for someone to drop a bomb somewhere on accident though...

11 Name: Kawaiineko-sensei : 2015-10-15 16:47 ID:iPwk4kr0 [Del]

The war was ending in that part of the world and then the U.S. just blew up a hospital. Woops..

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: fatninjadude : 2015-10-15 17:19 ID:G0v3A8uQ [Del]

I don't know if it was on purpose, but I sure hope the people in there are okay...

14 Name: ShadowHeart2 : 2015-10-15 18:03 ID:fYbeRksZ [Del]

I know I shouldn't say this about the place I was born and raised but I would believe that they did it on purpose because the war has already ended and they want to take the chance of striking while they aren't prepared

15 Name: Anon : 2015-10-15 19:02 ID:gkwVEUS3 [Del]

>>14 i fell the same way as a born usa citizen im so disappointed in our country and how brain washed we were into believing that we are good and free ..everything is bullshit here in the usa..alot of people want to leave or travel but we cant because money rules our lives and only 1 percent of america is rich 99 percent of us live our lives one paycheck at a time.

16 Name: Possiblity : 2015-10-16 03:41 ID:vtBKtt3n [Del]

This so called war is Pointless why bomb a hospital american army are just effed in the head

17 Name: Possiblity : 2015-10-16 03:42 ID:vtBKtt3n [Del]

where so called peace all countrys fighted for if hitler was still around maybe there wouldnt be conflict

18 Name: Jel : 2015-10-16 21:30 ID:SvKEws3S [Del]

Always a sad day when your country proves itself not-that-great once again

19 Name: Chrome : 2015-10-17 10:25 ID:E3gOHunl [Del]

You are aware that Obama is muslim..?

20 Name: anon : 2015-10-17 12:52 ID:YUP+zJGx [Del]

>>19 Obama is NOT Muslim i don't know where you get your facts from but your should keep researching because that is false.

21 Name: Knightwalker : 2015-10-17 15:17 ID:KPnwhD4v [Del]

Obama is an alliance with the muslim but he not muslim.. I think the United States did on purpose

22 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-18 09:47 ID:DfysjYKP [Del]

>>19 >>20 >>21 Obama is whatever he wants ! Why a such debate about his belief ? (and he's christian)

23 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2015-11-05 15:31 ID:f/Pbntge [Del]

It's My Personal Opinion:
I heard from some people that this was a joint operation with foreign intelligence, the US bombed a location that was "Identified" as an ISIS operations area, and still is known as one, but it was placed near the Doctors without Borders location, which at the time we didn't know at the time, because its legally a "Unlawful Target" In The LOAC. I haven't had much information about this the last few weeks, but that s what I gathered from it. This is from what I understand and not official.

24 Name: gvgh : 2015-11-07 23:49 ID:4Xz99Djy [Del]

I believe America is beyond repair at this point. The communist infiltration that began in the early 20th century has finally established itself with such prevalence that now the average American is willing to sacrifice the rule of law and dismiss the one thousand years of political and philosophical lessons that helped James Madison pen the document that prevented domestic tyranny for over 200 years.

Here we stand now with a population so ignorant of these lessons and of many other things, so dismissive of limited government and so hostile to personal responsibility and liberty that what lay before us is nothing short of national obliteration, weakened, and prime for opportunistic aggressors to carve away their piece of it.

As we enter this new era of profound stupidity I would be remiss to not remind you Bernie Sanders idiots of the horrors that come with authoritarian centralized government that will inevitably be the outgrowth of this movement to the left brought to us by our latin American voters, women, homosexuals, people of color and the treacherous white and Jewish enablers that have usurped our Republic.

What is going to happen is a break up of these 'united' states. There's no longer anything united about us and no society left. However, there's still plenty of space available for whole new city states. Think along the lines of what the Amish have done. They operate outside of the system. Any other group can as well. Will you link up with like minded people or will you just be a victim?

Good luck to you all, and God speed.

25 Name: Chip_Sleeveman : 2015-11-08 06:15 ID:m6ve4JI4 [Del]

How horrible, it doesn't matter if it was an accident, military forces should be aware of what they are doing...

26 Name: Hiroki : 2015-11-08 09:52 ID:DfysjYKP [Del]

>>25 At least they didn't say that the hospital had trucks to produce mass destruction weapons.

They're improving.

27 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-11 22:20 ID:9sk1YZep [Del]

Ehh, I don't think it was on purpose, if it was on purpose they just would've said it was ISIS who did it, they're just extremely inept.