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Assassination Classroom T-shirt sparks outrage (45)

1 Name: Psycha : 2015-08-15 12:37 ID:Xadr+j3s (Image: 600x335 png, 231 kb) [Del]

src/1439660232464.png: 600x335, 231 kb
Assassination Classroom, or Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, is a popular anime and shonen manga created by Yusei Matsu about a middle school last who have one year to learn how to assassinate their alien teacher or else he'll annihilate the world. One of the series's most well known parody slogan is "Keep Calm and Kill Your Teacher", which has spark some concern with among teachers, parents, and lawmakers. Many are outraged at the offensive slogan on the t-shirt, disapproving of its negative message. There is a petition on Amazon to stop selling the Assassination Classroom T-shirt and is on its course to reach a 10,000 signatures.

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2 Name: Matev : 2015-08-15 13:14 ID:M4l2x750 [Del]

Well, duh. What were they thinking when they were printing them? I read the manga but i doesn't feel really nice wearing that in public

3 Name: ~ Yamato ~ : 2015-08-15 13:39 ID:pwbF/feB [Del]

I was going to watch this anime, but guests realized that it is an amateur. Personal opinion about this anime and manga, I can not say.

4 Name: Yuukio : 2015-08-16 11:58 ID:Ks+nb69m [Del]

For ome who knows what the anime is about, I laughed at it for a while before being serious. I imagined kids taking bb guns and shoot at the teachers... which sounds really ridiculous. However, for people who doesn't knoe what the anime is about, their fearful response is legitimate since there are so many mass shooting/killing cases around these years

5 Name: K !6rngLJwon. : 2015-08-16 13:50 ID:v32fgwLg [Del]

I think people should'nt worry about this, seriously. It's just a T-shirt, it's not going to harm anyone. Why do people get bothered about such silly things? Geez.

6 Name: Kkaebsong : 2015-08-17 09:03 ID:yJmpb1ZJ [Del]

I actually agree with the petition. With our world today, who knows how people are impacted. Some people, influenced by violent video games, stab a random stranger or run over them with a vehicle thinking that they are merely in a video game. What if someone, influenced by anime and manga, sees the slogan and actually does something like that? Even though it is a seemingly harmless sentence, it holds the power to control one in the wrong way.

7 Name: eccochem : 2015-08-17 10:01 ID:I/VPoHWV [Del]

Well after thinking a long time. I would only wear the Tshirt at a convention or at home. As >>4 >>6 said, there are some people who do it just for the cause. Maybe some won't even know why they did it. I think a Tshirt with the AC Logo on a Shirt should be just enough and that slogan is kind of overused.

8 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-18 03:54 ID:7vOQ8Y4N [Del]

I think it's not a good thing to promote, despite it being unintentional, people are influenced by the smallest things.

9 Name: Inuki : 2015-08-18 13:03 ID:jVAbZ4Sa [Del]

Because I'm a fan of the anime, I like it.
However, as a student and civilian, I don't think it will be appropriate for everyday wear.
If they wish to promote the anime, they should be more considerate of those who do not know the anime would feel about it.
Instead of saying "Keep Calm and Kill Your Teacher" as a 'fun' way to promote the show, they should rather have the actual characters, or such. That way, the designs can still be cute and fun rather than 'instructions' that may lead to possible harm in society.

10 Name: Chellastine : 2015-08-18 15:10 ID:H/97PBiu [Del]

I like the shirt and I like the show, But do I think people should wear it at school etc. Not really. But when it comes down to it, it's someones shirt and they can wear it/ do with it whatever they want.

11 Name: Ztshp : 2015-08-18 16:43 ID:JMbpnuSY [Del]

It's censorship pure and simple, down with censorship!

12 Name: Novel : 2015-08-19 09:55 ID:4Oin2thx [Del]

It should be called keep calm and kill korosensei.
I'm done.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-19 11:16 ID:xxniI2f/ [Del]

hahah that's hilarious :')

14 Name: kayano : 2015-08-19 16:21 ID:ENE2ZYTg [Del]

Ooh I want one.

15 Name: Isamu !pIYEypQghU : 2015-08-20 15:09 ID:QS5aw11o [Del]

I don't see a problem with it, I understand the concern that comes with something like this but I don't feel that it will cause anyone to actually kill their teacher. Most people who purchase the shirt probably watch the show.

The main reason people are so afraid of this shirt is because they don't understand the context and they have a generalized fear of violence and shootings. It's understandable because who wouldn't be freaked out by that but, the thing to understand is that shirts, games, and movies don't really contribute to the reasons that people react in those extreme measures. It's usually caused by their poor quality of life at home or during school hours, abuse and bullying for the most part.

So.. eh, I get it but it's being made a bigger issue than it really is.

16 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-20 23:18 ID:tQUz8YTw [Del]

You'd be amazed by how people can be influenced by such small things. I personally do not care if people really wear it or not, but out of context yes it does make it look a bit weird.
The fact of the matter is that whether it's in context or not doesn't matter, the people who look at it out of context would be influenced. Especially young kids, the things you can make young kids believe is scary ya know?

On the flip side yeah it probably won't really do much, and it's not that big of a deal but eh.

17 Name: renato : 2015-08-21 01:58 ID:aZbQQclU [Del]

I also think it should have said kurosensei instead of teacher because its not the people watching the anime you have to worry about. Its the people who dont know the refrence who might take it out of context and be influenced. I like the shirt, but I dont think its something to wear to school at the least.

18 Name: Dakki : 2015-08-22 15:01 ID:19kqtU/3 [Del]

And the death note fiasco... everyone was making a big deal like seriously. Some kid brought a " death note" to school.

19 Name: niaocat : 2015-08-22 20:24 ID:/oIWbsjL [Del]

I was doodling "Death Note" in that weird font in my school notebook once...... and got sent to the counselor's office. ^^;;;
I showed her volume one, which I just happened to have in my backpack. It proved I wasn't writing a suicide note (which is what my classmate thought) but I think it opened up some other questions for her......

As for the topic at hand, I think that people taking it out of context/missing the reference could be a problem... also the fact that just kurosensei's face could be a normal smiley face, so there's nothing making it absolutely clear that it's a reference to anything at all and therefore could be taken literally.

20 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-23 05:54 ID:zzDw92/R [Del]

It's a poorly thought out design, having never seen the anime or read the manga I would think the wearer was a creep. You'd have to be an idiot to buy a t-shirt with such a daft design. Who would actually think this is a good idea haha?

21 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-23 05:55 ID:zzDw92/R [Del]

Specifically in America, it's also rather tasteless. Less so in Europe, but still a bad design.

22 Name: Rin Mitsuo : 2015-08-23 12:57 ID:/bQxUQQs [Del]

I'd buy it but i wouldn't wear it to school.

23 Name: colakun : 2015-08-23 13:24 ID:NQ3Olygg [Del]

i would wanna wear it understand the reference of this but they could have thought the slogan through a little more because there are butt hurt adults who think if we wear that we are going to become a sociopath or something.I think if everyone was aware of the reference it wouldn't cause so much fuss but of course that wouldn't be possible and is kind of unreasonable to think they would understand. QAQ// they could have said some thing like keeps calm and kill your alien teacher.(it sounds corny but the specificity of this would make the shirt seem safer and plus it would reference the manga more.)

24 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-08-24 10:23 ID:iYlPKtgL [Del]

>>21 everyone is so uptight here in america *sigh*

25 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-08-24 20:21 ID:wx2rdE60 [Del]

>>24 Really?
It says "Kill your teacher" humorously, in a place where that very thing happening is not humorous at all. It's also likely someone looking at the shirt has not seen the show.
In the show, it's really not that bad, because the teacher is an alien. It doesn't carry the same weight at all. But the shirt offers none of this context, and so in my opinion, it's pretty tasteless.

26 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-24 22:53 ID:GOi+mR/W [Del]

I actually really like this shirt tho.
//hides in shame corner

I get the outrage, but I'd wear it. It's an easy way to spark conversation about an interesting show. Or to get punched. Either or, it could be fun.

27 Name: Kuinshī : 2015-08-25 07:40 ID:wKeV9w3S [Del]

That has to be one of my favorite shirts on the planet. People are always outraged by the anime/manga community and honestly I believe people should just enjoy what makes them happy. so I am all for this shirt.

28 Name: Saiga : 2015-08-25 22:02 ID:SyVnuV/7 [Del]

People need to learn how to take a joke. It is just an anime it is not like we are really going to kill our teachers.

29 Name: J A Z E : 2015-08-26 13:01 ID:eMT7AzCG [Del]

The shirt or the slogan isn't bad if you know where the phrase actually comes from and what the short represents. In this case, it's a slogan from a popular anime/manga that has a particular reason for that statement. I'd say you should only wear it if your teacher knows the manga or anime.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-29 00:52 ID:zxpOmv3p [Del]

People take stuff seriously sometimes It's just a anime not like we are stupid enough to actually do that

31 Post deleted by user.

32 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-08-29 04:44 ID:GkpEYhHb [Del]

>>30 Even so there has been a numbers of cases which teachers have been attack with a knife or gun and have ended up dead because of students, so why shouldn't they not take it

I mean if it had kill "Koro-sensei" with a larger anime/cartoony picture of that character then yeah it likely be more acceptable, unlike what the T-shire above has on it.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-29 17:19 ID:wQdkg/mV [Del]

>>32 I don't think those teachers were attacked because of this T-shirt. And even if some kid saw this shirt and would attack his teacher he or she would have done something like that sooner or later.

34 Name: Fray !W1Nq.7lGn2 : 2015-08-29 21:46 ID:5HkdryuY [Del]

>>33 Even so, I gotta say the shirt is still kind of in bad taste. Especially with all the recent school shootings that have been going on, it's not surprising that they would flip over this. I kind of see it as a similar situation to mentioning bombs or joking about them at an airport, there's nothing wrong with saying it and it's certainly not going to cause or mean anything 100% of the time, but you probably shouln't do it.

35 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-09-09 23:12 ID:163tFKwA [Del]

If they were intelligent human beings, surely they would realise that the quiet nerd/otaku in the back of the class that doesn't like to start things must have a reason for it. I mean, why not ask? Hm? And anyway, people can make their own t-shirts like this. All they need is the image to put on a white shirt. Then go to Big-W or something. This is a hilarious anime that I'm personally a large fan of

36 Name: Onion Lust : 2015-09-10 05:02 ID:9Gw/S721 [Del]

Personally I think it's stupid that there blaming a show for there students attacking them.

37 Name: Akira : 2015-09-14 13:57 ID:Yjla50mW [Del]

This is so stupid. It's just a shirt referencing a show - theres even Korosensei's face on it. People flip sh*t over this, and then wear a "Cool story babe, make me a sandwich" t-shirt. They're being paranoid over the wrong things.

38 Post deleted by user.

39 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-14 18:59 ID:wx2rdE60 [Del]

>>37 Two wrongs don't make a right.

40 Name: kurokogirlforever : 2015-09-15 12:30 ID:6YzCMcKG [Del]

Its just a show, if people would watch it they would understand the reference. if you never seen it , you got no busn. buying it.

41 Name: Raya : 2015-09-15 19:32 ID:isPMkwoN [Del]

it's just a reference it's not saying to actually go kill your teacher. It's from a tv show about the kids killing their alien teacher! How is this a bad thing that deserves to be taken down from amazon. I don't understand some people.

42 Name: guransu : 2015-09-16 07:06 ID:zPTBGRm7 [Del]

it says kill 'YOUR' teacher not kill 'THE' teacher. I can see why there'd be such a lash against it.

43 Name: milke : 2015-09-16 13:35 ID:XavsWgbP [Del]

I think there's a time and place to wear a shirt like this. Whether Amazon should stop selling this is really up to them, and the petition isn't unreasonable.

44 Name: DaiMajutsu !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-09-18 03:51 ID:1xlvYuL6 [Del]

What bullshit, seriously. Don't people have more urgent problems to worry about than this shit? Sometimes I just wish I could rip people's eyeballs out and put mine in their place, so that they could see the world through my eyes....

45 Name: Chrome : 2015-09-19 17:19 ID:ls7Aw5lY [Del]

if it was supposed to be linked to Assassination Classroom... why would anyone even design it so simple that it was mistaken as a literal phrase... when they decide do make a t-shirt there should be more designs only showing more creative designs that would show that it was from the animation and not to put a "kill your teacher" ....people should know how it affects most people....its like the rape t-shirt again......