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Robot passes self-awareness test for the first time (20)

1 Name: Panther : 2015-07-25 13:18 ID:qyj+elsA [Del]

A robot passed the self-awareness test. Basically, it knows it exists.

Three robots were each given "pills." Two pills muted the robots, while the third pill allowed the robot to speak. Meaning: only one robot could speak.

When asked if it was given the dumming pill (the pill that makes it quiet), the speaking robot answered that it didn't know. Once it realized that it was speaking as it said that, it realized the contradiction in its own words and knew the answer.

Sorry for the super long title, but I think this is pretty incredible.

Not to mention cute as hell, too. Be sure to watch the video. It's short.

2 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-07-25 13:30 ID:txXukxAQ [Del]

It's far from being self aware. A program is still a program, even if it's just a self learning/evolving program at that.

You have to actually know you exist and have emotions to back that up. Right now the program just upgrades based on what it learns, but it isn't actually comprehending it's own existence.

Though for an AI it's a good start for more intelligent AI. Though I am not one to say that self-aware robots are impossible since our brain is basically a computer that we're using.

3 Name: Mag : 2015-07-25 13:49 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

"Selmer Bringsjord set up a similar situation for the three robots - two were prevented from talking, then all three were asked which one was still able to speak. All attempt to say "I don't know", but only one succeeds - and when it hears its own voice, it understands that it was not silenced, saying "Sorry, I know now!" " cute.

I don't know Thia, this is...something new.

4 Name: _____ : 2015-07-25 18:48 ID:Idy7cjxw [Del]

that was pretty cool! :p

5 Name: Keirii : 2015-07-25 20:09 ID:pGSp29c0 [Del]

I think it's pretty cool, because humans by definition are "self aware" and always gaining new knowledge whether on purpose or not. If we follow that pattern of thinking then I really see no reason why a robot couldn't become "self aware" in the same manner, despite - or perhaps because - of its programming!

6 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-07-25 20:13 ID:txXukxAQ [Del]

It's not new, Mag. It is a program that evolves, sure, but it evolved into using If/And/Or Statements.

If X is taken check to see if Y is muted
If yes, then no action is taken
If no, action is taken.

7 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-07-25 20:15 ID:txXukxAQ [Del]

It still uses programs and logic. It'll only evolve so far as to do things within logical parameters. If it can rapidly evolve based on what we perceive as an emotional state, then I'll agree it's close to being self-aware.

8 Name: artifex : 2015-07-25 20:17 ID:3V04G+iT [Del]

That's awesome! Although our days are counted now.

9 Name: Mag : 2015-07-25 22:17 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>7 You want it to be on an emotional state before calling it "self-aware?...

No, man... We just have different definitions of the term.

10 Name: The Lost : 2015-07-27 01:11 ID:2XTi5BnH [Del]

Tell me when AIs actually become close to have their own mindsets.

11 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-07-27 06:46 ID:1xlvYuL6 [Del]

>>9 I guess what Thiamor is trying to say that it will be self-aware if it's aware of it's own existence, but the test doesn't prove that. And I agree with him, that the test only proves that the robot is able to use a simple feedback loop. It's something we use in heating homes for example, nothing really new or sensational technologically.

If any machine is capable of self awareness at all, my best educated guess would be google brain.

12 Name: Ellipsys : 2015-07-28 01:43 ID:KmyCxHec [Del]

Wow that a step a robot knowing its own existence .... How knows what will come next .... ><

13 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-07-31 04:55 ID:6ALDP3We [Del]

>>12 How knows indeed my friend, how knows...

14 Name: Mudial : 2015-08-01 06:44 ID:2QY0I8js [Del]

If something like that really was a self awareness i think we need to prepare against the new terminator, nah just kidding. Still i think it was amazing.

15 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-08-01 07:02 ID:0A9AyThj [Del]

>>14 "Asimov's Laws" or otherwise known as "The Three Laws of Robotics"

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

16 Name: Mudial : 2015-08-01 07:34 ID:2QY0I8js [Del]

Then what about those wewponized robot the military developed, isn't alrewdy violation of the first law?

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 09:18 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>16 I dont think it counts bc they're not self aware.

19 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-08-02 09:31 ID:4DVvUXW8 (Image: 580x356 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

src/1438525893738.jpg: 580x356, 67 kb
>>16 what are you talking about those drones called UAV's which are controlled by people, :? because they are manned by people from in a control centre.

Also if you didn't know there are big ethical debates on this at the moment that are asking questions if it is ethical to use robots with artificial intelligence for military purposes, when that tech is fully developed.

20 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-08-03 09:32 ID:cIoNZyLn [Del]

>>16 Link to the BBC about what I said on >>19

copy and past link -