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USA challenges Japan to a robot battle?!!! (50)

1 Name: Algren : 2015-07-08 17:14 ID:f6EyFpws (Image: 700x467 jpg, 75 kb) [Del]

src/1436393677732.jpg: 700x467, 75 kb
link to the amazing news.
Looks like the IGPX will become a reality with this!

The dream might become a reality in 2016 when MegaBots goes head-to-head with Kuratas, weighing only 4.5 tons. Unlike MegaBots’ two tracks for feet, Kuratas is supported by four legs, allowing it to stand tall or crouch and move at up to 10km/h (6m/h). Fantasy-inspired features such as a three-panel cockpit display (with a touch-panel operation) make this bot really stand out.

Who will win?

2 Name: Democracy : 2015-07-09 01:27 ID:ezOPqwWR [Del]

the us robot
looks like it was build in a junkyard :/

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Gintoki : 2015-07-09 14:01 ID:Of9Lkrdk [Del]

This is super cool im. Cheering for kuratas

5 Name: GK : 2015-07-09 16:27 ID:OazXH/8l [Del]

This is some future shit right there. I'm definitely watching this.

6 Name: Fray !W1Nq.7lGn2 : 2015-07-10 08:19 ID:zwRT9hj3 [Del]

The future is here ladies and gents, and it's badass.
Damn, I wish I was a mecha pilot now.

7 Name: Izumi : 2015-07-10 15:31 ID:mV21R/yZ [Del]

Awesome! it looks fantastic I wish I could c it

8 Name: kami_demon : 2015-07-11 03:36 ID:IJn8G10C [Del]

it will be a battle between metal gear and transformers!

9 Name: Faustos : 2015-07-11 07:31 ID:AFFcSPnz [Del]

I need to see a Baymax model!!! TUT

10 Name: Andres : 2015-07-12 03:55 ID:ab43jxx9 [Del]


11 Name: Katsu : 2015-07-12 22:11 ID:/PBhrcyZ [Del]

America has clearly lost

12 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-07-15 09:02 ID:l1hEWoJt [Del]

Me n my gf plan to try and see this when they start to sell tickets to this. If any other members are going this may be a great way to meet.

13 Name: Alron : 2015-07-15 09:24 ID:C7zQAAxS [Del]

I´d like to see a Europe representative. despite the lack of it, it´s still awesome.

14 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-07-16 01:15 ID:4E74SkbS [Del]

Come next year I can see them both with a fair few sponsors stickers slapped on them both. :P

The a America one looks like it was a rush job in design compared to the Japanese Kuratas.

15 Name: Magnolia : 2015-07-16 05:46 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

Guys guys... Arent most of you basing your opinions off of the American one being covered in dirt? Come on now, that's just an actual preference than black, sleek, and shiny. Think of all the pickup truck commercials with the car driving through the mud and splashing it on the sides. I wpuldnt be surprised if they splashed red paint on it before the battle to represent the blood of our enemies.

16 Name: Doctor Duck : 2015-07-18 04:42 ID:Jxut0yhf [Del]

I mean you do have a point Magnolia, its also like in fancy car commercials they make it look sleek, and truck commercials dirty. Its all opinionated. But still pretty damn awesome!!!

17 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-07-18 13:12 ID:3tIDxWPp [Del]

I think Japan's will eventually win this since it seems to have more mobility.

18 Name: Akurega : 2015-07-19 02:30 ID:NQZgaskU [Del]

MegaBots inc. probably just made the robot "American" themed and they also based off their design and paint color through a person's submission to their online competition.

19 Name: Khepri : 2015-07-19 13:19 ID:8v7n2zdx [Del]

While yes, some people may bet on Japan's Robot because it looks fancier, I bet on it because it looks more well-made.
(I know a thing or two about engineering)
Take a close look: Japan's Robot is much more well-made. We can look at the legs:
JP's Robot moves on wheels, and judging by the article, seems to have the ability to kneel. On top of that, it has four separate legs.
Judging by how it's worthy of being challenged at all, we can assume it's fully mobile.
Also, we can see that it has two miniguns on the left arm. That's devastating, and only some high-quality armor can block that.
Now, we can look at the U.S. Robot:
A lot of the top half seems to be invested in the cockpit, meaning the technology used has to either be compressed somehow or overall limited.
Now, the legs: Judging by the piston clearly shown, it moves via hydraulics. Also, there's only one leg with two bulldozer-type tracks on it.
In my opinion this seems less efficient, having operated a track-based robot before. It'll be more difficult to turn whilst moving, though it is easy to pivot in place.
Also, the hydraulics are completely exposed. JP's minigun can go straight for that.
The big old cannon on the right side looks scary, though.

So all in all, I think Japan's robot is going to win due to the sheer design of it all. The U.S. seems to have underestimated what they are going up against, or have something up their sleeve.
JP's robot seems so much more maneuverable and well-made, that that's why I think it's going to win.

20 Name: Mitty : 2015-07-29 20:16 ID:5tkxgaAm [Del]

Japan will definitely win. The robot from USA is basically just a tank with a more human-like body and has to be controlled by 2 people. On the other hand the Kurata is much more advanced and just needs 1 person to be controlled.
Another thing, I personally think it was kind of stupid for the USA to make such challenge, because the Kurata wasn't really made to be a fighting robot, it was mainly just for fun, after all none of the guns the Kurata had real bullets that could actually hurt people, but the USA did not notice that, they immediately made a huge robot, added guns to it, and asked for a fight.

21 Name: Khepri : 2015-08-08 21:42 ID:7I7Hk6wY [Del]

I don't mean to sound like a tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, but I think there is more to this.
The U.S. is too smart to make such irrational decisions.
What I believe is that this might be a test for the U.S. military to decide which of these robots would become employed in the U.S. military.
If it's not, then this may just be oversized battlebots. I mean, we compete with robots all the time, it's nothing new (I should know, I got most of my engineering knowledge off a robotics team); they may just be doing this for the hell of it.
In any case, it'll be interesting. I wonder when the date of the battle is, or if this'll take years like Mayweather vs Pacquiao did.

22 Name: Archangel : 2015-08-09 02:51 ID:jrm86qBo [Del]

I've seen it before.= =

23 Name: Creashion : 2015-08-09 03:00 ID:Wlx0tYj2 [Del]

Knightmares, evas, gundams, shit im very happy! i wish i could live more to see it envolving!! I support japan in this one but i accept that US is not gonna be easy! but if i am not wrong, the militars have better robots to battle right? this is just like soft presentation of what is happening or its going to happen in the next war, im just guessing, im very curious

24 Name: Khepri : 2015-08-09 13:10 ID:6XNVjnit [Del]

>>23 you can bet that the U.S. has something 10x more efficient than what they publicly make available.
So yeah they probably have something better already, but I think at this point they're looking for some feat of engineering that can be publicly accepted.
Of course this is assuming anything they have right now uses "dishonorable" technology.
I'm just speculating here, though.

25 Name: Gunplaman : 2015-08-10 22:03 ID:KrLUBh+v [Del]

Owh wow..very awesome

26 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-11 14:11 ID:GOi+mR/W [Del]

“Come on guys, make it cooler. Just building something huge and sticking guns on it... It’s… super American.”

They're onto us.

27 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-11 14:14 ID:GOi+mR/W [Del]

>>20 >>21 The guns on the US bot just shoots paintballs. It was made privately for recreational use just like the Kurata lol

28 Name: Khepri : 2015-08-11 17:40 ID:EnI/ItVE [Del]

>>27 oh okay. I probably should've researched it more

29 Name: Pickel : 2015-08-11 18:41 ID:QdfhVzQy [Del]

I just realized how top-heavy the American one looks. I'm still rooting for my home team but I feel like that's a huge disadvantage. The Japanese bot may not have tracks, but it seems like it has a much stabler base. Truly it will be a battle for the ages. Hundreds of years from now, 2016 will always be known as the year of the first bot fight.

30 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-12 19:49 ID:GOi+mR/W [Del]

>>29 ...except for the thousands of bot fights and competitions that happen around the world every year. Maybe they're controlled by remote or artificial intelligence instead of a human body stupidly sitting inside of it, but they're still a thing lmao

31 Name: Bilgintembel : 2015-08-13 04:09 ID:3clg0soK [Del]

Oh shit its begin...

32 Name: kurow-san : 2015-08-13 08:59 ID:h45clQT9 [Del]

oh.. my.. god... I thought this won't happen soon, but dream come true T~T..

33 Name: DaArk RaIn : 2015-08-13 18:11 ID:PE1HO+xJ [Del]

That's Amazing *^*

34 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-14 07:43 ID:JQG7eOfV [Del]

America is so gonna lose this. No offense to USA Dollars

35 Name: EmptyMemory : 2015-08-14 20:13 ID:rt23+eQQ [Del]

100% Japan Wins

36 Name: hitomi : 2015-08-15 11:10 ID:uayrJsWa [Del]

reminds me of code geass

37 Name: Rei !CRKhKaKFmQ : 2015-08-15 18:20 ID:8J73hUVW [Del]

Wow that sounds awesome but we're (USA) going to get our asses handed to us for sure

38 Name: Fray !W1Nq.7lGn2 : 2015-08-16 15:06 ID:gqHbUSfr [Del]

Well, there's still the fact that the versions we see now aren't the ones we're gonna see duke it out. They explicitly said that they're gonna make them "battle ready", hence the one year wait thing. So until we see exactly what those modifications are, it's either or.

39 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-08-17 17:55 ID:oFl5VzW7 [Del]

>>36 Maybe Code Geass was actually a prediction of what was to come...


40 Name: 仕事 : 2015-08-18 03:53 ID:l2yE8mOf [Del]

I'm looking foward to see it! I hope Japan wins this :D

41 Name: armortech : 2015-08-18 20:17 ID:lNYlN02k [Del]

let the mecha wars begin

42 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-08-20 13:54 ID:xZY/6d2Y [Del] .

Not sure if I copied the link right this time or not, but the USA team has a kickstarter for their robot.

43 Name: Mimiyu : 2015-08-21 01:08 ID:zC9ooAw+ [Del]

Freaking awesome.

44 Name: renato : 2015-08-21 01:23 ID:aZbQQclU [Del]

Thats pritty cool, but there not the finished product yet they could end up being completly diffrent when there done. I think I'll hold off on rooting for ether till there done. I think it's really funny though that the Japan rodot looks like it came from an anime/manga though.

45 Name: Dakki : 2015-08-22 15:01 ID:19kqtU/3 [Del]

Thats real cool :D

46 Name: FlatFl : 2015-08-23 05:03 ID:j14jx9p8 [Del]

This is pretty darn epic!

47 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-23 05:51 ID:zzDw92/R [Del]

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear

48 Name: Fearbaragon : 2015-08-24 13:05 ID:tYTopVT8 [Del]

I 'm rooting for the team of Kuratas!
Japanese mechs are the best! :-)

49 Name: Hayate : 2015-08-25 09:35 ID:23bp/dAi [Del]

Wooh, I can't wait! This will be something amazing!

50 Name: I dunno : 2015-08-28 11:34 ID:kUrxq4FQ [Del]

Oh God.....Kurata's gonna stomp. Kuratas has better balance, good weaponry, and you can control its arms by moving mini arms inside of it, It also has a gatlling gun if i'm not mistaken. USA's dead.