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Here's a Story That Will Make You Go "Umm...What?!" (55)

1 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-12 11:14 ID:SQO1dnMz (Image: 624x312 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

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If it doesn't, then you have truly seen it all.

Read More:

An NAACP leader and prominent civil rights activist in Washington state has been pretending to be black for years, her parents admitted local media Thursday. (Tumblr, eat your heart out!)

Rachel Dolezal’s parents, who are both white, provided a birth certificate and childhood pictures of their daughter to the Coeur d’Alene Press to back up their claims she has been grossly misrepresenting herself.

The birth certificate confirmed she was born to the white couple, and the pictures show Dolezal as a pasty, blonde child — a complete contrast the darker skin and curly brown hair she has now.

“It is very disturbing that she has become so dishonest,” Dolezal’s mother, Ruthanne Dolezal, told the Idaho newspaper.

Her parents also alleged a much wider web of warped lies Dolezal spun about her background. A black man who Dolezal has publicly claimed to be her son is in fact her adopted brother, they said — a fact Dolezal confirmed to the paper.

Dolezal also lied about growing up in a teepee, hunting for her own food with bows and arrows, being abused by a stepfather and once living in South Africa, her parents said.

2 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-12 11:15 ID:SQO1dnMz (Image: 1052x282 png, 122 kb) [Del]

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Check out the comments too, if you can. I always find them insightful.

3 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-13 02:07 ID:8BjEZqq7 [Del]

Fuck it.

4 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-06-13 08:50 ID:mtKiS/vQ [Del]

"Dolezal also lied about growing up in a teepee, hunting for her own food with bows and arrows..."

of all the stupidity in this story, I think this line takes the cake. lol

5 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-13 11:37 ID:DikiWXY5 [Del]

>>4 YES.

I mean, that right there was the red flag that she was white and had never gone to Africa. Only the most rural and traditional not cities, not towns, but VILLAGES still do that. Also, it should've made her black as night, not lighter than me.

6 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-13 13:04 ID:DikiWXY5 [Del]

You guys honestly have nothing to say about this??

7 Name: HAM : 2015-06-13 16:30 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

>>6 there's nothing to say because the stupidity is tacit.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-13 17:11 ID:oK7w8D3d [Del]

>>7I don't know... I guess I was just expecting more feedback.

Like, can someone identify as a different race if someone can identify as a different gender?

They say there are psychological stressors by being transgender; what about trans-racial?

What about the comments below the article?

It's gone from people saying that this an example of why people can't "use the race card" or how racism no longer exists or how being trans-racial is A-OK, so apparently it's just not as black and white as I had thought before, too.

10 Name: HAM : 2015-06-13 18:03 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

>>9 race has to do with heritage, culture, where you came from in the world, evolutions, adaptations, etc.

gender is not the same at all to be compared with. to me it's just like hair color, chosen by genetics but can be changed if need/wanted.

i think race is a little more complicated, and i believe most people would be offended if someone was trying to copy their heritage and make a joke out of it (look at this woman, grew up in a teepee? really??). gender is something way more individual IMO

11 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-06-13 21:13 ID:fei22jUd [Del]

to be fair, the way the line was worded makes it seem like the supposed teepee-living and first-hand hunting happened separately from her supposed life in South Africa.

and as far as I'm concerned, that makes it even more hilarious

this I guess

12 Name: HAM : 2015-06-13 21:32 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

i had a talk with someone, and i guess a new thing to say would be that there isnt anything inherently wrong with wanting a different skin color. look at all the americans who tan to darken skin, the indians who wear sunscreen to lighten skin, etc. however, it is a whole 'nother thing to pretend to be something you're not and poke fun at a whole culture/group of people. she even lied about her brother being her son and being raised in a teepee so idk why we're (or i am) taking this remotely seriously.

13 Name: Handle : 2015-06-13 22:47 ID:65tm/I+B [Del]

(taking a break from essay writing)

>>12 I'm not well-versed in this news story (sorry Mag, nice thread, btw), but I suppose the reason why we're taking it seriously is because someone actually lied about their race and flown under the radar for as long as she has. Despite how stupid her story is, there were people who actually let her get away with it. Like, they couldn't tell that her hair isn't naturally curled like that, or that she's clearly wearing foundation that's 10-times darker than her actual skin colour? Really? Has the cosmetic industry become that advanced in the span of a year?

Idk, this is just all weird for me. As you guys probably already know, I'm biracial white Australian-Chinese, so whatever I'm going to say probably stems from there. With everything race-related happening in the news recently, it's pretty much a slap in the face for any racial minority group trying to get their story out there.

Like, for example, with some multi-racial people it's pretty difficult to have people believe the race you actually are. Multi-racials are more likely to experience identity issues, and it's almost always a long time before you figure out where you fit in between cultures. In some cases, you decide to accept both heritages, but there are also people out there who relate to one race and culture more than the other. These result from a variety of places in varying degrees, but it's a complex process that requires a lot of soul-searching, which in some cases is very difficult if you don't have a support base that's willing to accept who you are. I mean, racial purism is still a thing that exists among many people, and some might reject the idea that you're a half-Asian or half-African American altogether and just box you in as if you're fully white or fully black or whatever. So, to have someone pretend to be another race (and very poorly, might I add), and, up until now succeed in that endeavour is disturbing, imo.

From an Australian lens, this is something that just brings up a whole other can of worms, considering our history with minority groups and that kind of thing. I mean, you hear a lot on the news about fair skinned Indigenous people trying to have the public recognise the disparity and inequality that exists between their demographic and ours, only to be spurned off by conservatives because they're 'not Aboriginal enough'. I mean, this is still a group of people still coming to terms with the Stolen Generations, a period in which full-Indigenous and 'half-caste' Indigenous children were forcefully taken from their families and the lands of their ancestors to be raised in the 'superior' Anglo-Saxon culture (I suggest you look it up if you want to learn more, it's horrible stuff). I mean, for them and other groups recovering from genocide and institutionalised oppression, I'm guessing that it's probably a huge insult to have someone pretend to be another race, then discuss human rights, probably with more people willing to listen.

This is fucked up.

14 Name: Handle : 2015-06-13 22:50 ID:65tm/I+B [Del]

>>13 ...

Okay, so that ended up sounding more tumblr-y than initially intended...

I got overly passionate about this. Oh dear.

15 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-14 01:36 ID:5Mhk3Tlu [Del]

It's actually the exact same thing as transgender. You can be a different race on the inside, a black person born in a white body. Or in my case, a Chinese person inside of a white person.
No one can tell me that I'm not Chinese.
Check your cisracial privilege

16 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 06:39 ID:7YwlS0UY [Del]

Just discovered that I've been using the word transracial wrong:

What a disturbed world we live in...

17 Name: HAM : 2015-06-14 06:56 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

>>16 tumblr isnt a great source, so i avoid using the word in general because everyone thinks of their own definition.

>>15 lol

>>13 this. i agree with this.

it's also why i have a hard time talking about race issues like these because im basically a mix of lots of european, aka white as hell, so i try not to say anything that isnt in my place. i havent yet heard of a person pretending to be white yet? though i've heard a couple of stories (nothing this major so far until now) of people pretending to be black.

18 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 07:18 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>17 No, no, no. I mean THE TRUE definition. Transracial is being borrowed by these mainly white idiots (I've yet to find someone who isn't white claiming to be of a different race).
Transracial is actually when a white family adopts a child of a different race. That's when you call them a transracial family, and sometimes the child may have identity issues for not being fully accepted by either race.

THAT'S transracial. Not the current bullshit going around right now.

19 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 07:38 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>18 Wait, not just white- when a family adopts a child of a different race.

I forgot that does happen and I've even seen it with a teammate's family who were black and adopted a Chinese baby girl. Mind you, this was a time during gendercide still being a huge problem over there, so I think less people questioned it.

20 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 07:56 ID:XvOMGAnd (Image: 1114x1108 jpg, 290 kb) [Del]

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>>13>>14 No, no! Thank you for sharing. You brought up a point that never occurred to me: "I'm guessing that it's probably a huge insult to have someone pretend to be another race, then discuss human rights, probably with more people willing to listen."

It's really good to have an outside looking in POV.


Read More:

When Rachel applied to Howard University to study art with a portfolio of “exclusively African American portraiture,” the university “took her for a black woman” and gave her a full scholarship.

In telephone interviews with The Post, two of the Dolezals’ adopted sons confirmed she is white as well.

Ezra Dolezal, 22, compared his sister’s decision to conceal her race to blackface.

“Back in the early 1900s, what she did would be considered highly racist,” said Ezra Dolezal, who described himself as “25 percent black.” He added: “You really should not do that. It’s completely opposite – she’s basically creating more racism.”

Zach Dolezal, 21, said when he visited his sister in Spokane, he was told not to speak of Lawrence and Ruthanne as their parents.

“It’s a farce, really, is what it is,” he said, adding he thought Rachel had posted a photo of a black couple from Spokane on her Facebook page and referred to them as her parents.

The Dolezals, it should be noted, are a family divided. Parents Lawrence and Ruthanne and brothers Ezra and Zach do not speak with their sister because, they say, she alleged abuse in the family and obtained custody of her 21-year-old brother Izaiah. Izaiah, who is black, lives with Rachel Dolezal in Spokane — and Rachel says he is her son, the family alleged.

“Izaiah always was her favorite child,” Ezra Dolezal said. “… She turned Izaiah kind of racist. Told Izaiah all this stuff about white people, made him really racist toward white people.”

More than Rachel’s claims of African American heritage, the custody of Izaiah seems to have driven the Dolezals apart.

“I can understand hairstyles and all that,” Zach Dolezal said of his sister’s alleged attempts to appropriate black culture. “Saying her brother is her son, I don’t understand that.”

21 Name: HAM : 2015-06-14 08:08 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

>>20 so it's not just "i want to black lol" it's "i'm lying and deceiving many people about who i am, my family, and taking money i dont deserve because of it and being racist as hell in the process (to both black and white people)"

22 Name: Handle : 2015-06-14 08:09 ID:65tm/I+B [Del]

>>17 I think it depends on what you're talking about when you're referring to white people. Individual European nations tend to have old, developed cultures while for the Americas and the Antipodes... well, it's kind of hard for us to determine what our culture is, exactly. It's pretty much because our white majority is such a mish-mash of everything. Our countries are pretty young so often-times we're described as lacking a culture. There's a 'white' culture, but it's very watered-down for a culture compared to others.

If you don't mind me saying, Hammity, it's less that you don't have a place to say something, but rather that you don't have much to say about it, or you can't say much about it. If I'm wrong about that assumption, I apologise. *hug* My white side is pretty much similar to yours, only that I'm aware that I've got a strong British background (one of my grandmas was a staunch monarchist), that I've got an Irish last name, and somehow the Germans were involved. Everything else is just a mix of all these different cultures, I just don't particularly know in what proportion. So yeah, you do have a place, I don't think your whiteness invalidates what you have to say, as long as you put thought into it and speak honestly. Though, people have the right to disagree with you.

I haven't heard of people actively trying to be white, but then again, there have always been times where non-whites do something out of their own stereotype and members of the in-group criticise them for it... things like, 'are you even Asian?' or 'oh, you think you're white now?', though those comments are most likely from a deep-set insecurity and defensiveness. Personally, I blame colonial history and Social Darwinist thought that placed whites above all others.

Though, I should say that it would be pretty hard to tell if people tried to be white, because of, yet again, European imperialism. I mean, nowadays, we normally view the mish-mash Western culture to pretty much be the universal thing in most countries. We don't see people out in their traditional cultural dress, but rather in a t-shirt and jeans kind of deal. I mean, it might be obvious if someone actually used bleaching creams to lighten their skin tone and got plastic surgery to look like a white person, but generally that's considered to be innate racism and not cultural appropriation... It's a sad situation, but probably for different reasons compared to some white person claiming to be 'trans-ethnic' because they find white people to be boring and largely prefer dim sum and sushi to a Sunday roast.

But yeah, race be complicated.

>>15 Luls.

23 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 08:26 ID:7YwlS0UY (Image: 1123x884 jpg, 169 kb) [Del]

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You know... We could really use this to our advantage actually.

I can start turning in job applications with a check in the "Caucasian" box now.

I can tell store clerks to stop fucking stalking me because I'm white too, like the 20 other customers, and you don't have to blatantly hover around me.

Why not? I grew up in the suburbs, I like cheese, I prefer wine over any other liquor... I could go around saying "Omg look at how tan I am!" in the summer more. All I need to do is relax my hair, dye it blonde, and get blue contacts and everyone would have no choice but to treat me as white, right?

24 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 08:32 ID:XvOMGAnd (Image: 1306x398 jpg, 80 kb) [Del]

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Thing is about Tumblr is that it's a smorgasbord of (strong) opinions. It's easier to read theirs when you don't have one yourself. I think I know where I stand on this.

25 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 08:33 ID:XvOMGAnd (Image: 1117x1555 jpg, 220 kb) [Del]

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26 Name: HAM : 2015-06-14 08:49 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

>>22 what you said is pretty much what i meant, i just worded it poorly. i dont even know what i am besides 25% italian, and that's only 25%, so i tend not to think about my family background/culture/heritage/whatever. it's not that i dont /have/ a place, it's that i dont want to say things that are for the people who have a more personal involvement (for example, the people who wanted Derpy off of MLP because "it's offensive" when the people who could actually relate to her wanted her on the show. i dont want to act heroic and pretend i understand and know issues i dont even have personal involvement with)

>>23 lol whenever i think of this i think of dumb teenagers who are utterly obsessed with anime and japan tbh. i know i went through a bad anime phase, but i never went hard core weeaboo where i decided to use japanese words in everyday speech, spend money on only japanese related things, and consider them master race like a sad amount of people.

>>25 this.

>>24 i understand their point but at the same time, being a trans* person myself, dont compare that to these dumb people...

27 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 09:50 ID:XvOMGAnd (Image: 595x555 jpg, 98 kb) [Del]

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28 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 09:55 ID:XvOMGAnd (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 467 kb) [Del]

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Just wow...

29 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 10:23 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>27 Starting to suspect that's a fake acc...

30 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-14 14:19 ID:KlNA2fe2 [Del]

This is beyond retarded now.
They are distracting us from something...quick, when does Jade Helm start?

31 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-14 15:12 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>30 Yeah, people were also commenting something similar. Like that idiotic movie being a distraction from the Torture Report by the CIA.

I cant believe it worked... Would living in Britain be any better?

32 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-14 18:50 ID:n9bOLd1x [Del]

What...the...hell? This lady...was there a point to lying about living in a teepee and everything else she said? Just dumb...

I actually know someone like this who lies about her race all the time. One day she's Russian, the next she's Japanese, British, and recently she says she comes from Germany. She told the whole school that and says it's why she doesn't wear deodorant. If you call her up on the fact that she's lying she gets mad. It's really irritating when people lie like that. Sometimes it makes me wonder if they're ashamed of their own race.

I'm not really sure what to say about this. I'm mixed with black and white(irish) with a small percentage of Native American but I'd never lie about living in a teepee . Also, Dolezal looks light-skinned enough you can tell she has white in her cause that current picture is almost my skin complexion. We all know she's really white but she would've done better to pass herself off as mixed but that's still dumb.

33 Name: mx : 2015-06-14 21:12 ID:zxeysWcE [Del]
We have a whole board dedicated to transracial.
  • Pick your favorite Japanese name.

  • Identify with it.

  • Why the fuck can't I be a small Chinese boy making goods in a factory. Boy, do I love the smell of rubber soles. I have so much plastic. I must be Chinese.

    Gotta love cultural Marxism.

    34 Name: HAM : 2015-06-14 21:56 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

    >>28 cept MJ had, ya know, an actual skin disease that turned his skin completely white (he did NOT bleach himself). it happens to be the same skin disease my father has, actually.

    the amount of dumb. in this >>32 too

    35 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-15 00:26 ID:3DU5wiph [Del]

    >>31 not really
    I mean you would get away from the impending doom of martial law but politics is the same no matter where you go. The sky is the sky and people are people.

    36 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-06-15 03:40 ID:Fc3DL0qO [Del]

    I really don't see the harm in this...

    37 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-15 04:45 ID:Ba2Z2A8+ [Del]

    >>36 The harm isn't in the act itself, the act itself is just fucking stupid.
    The harm comes from when a stupid thing reaches (out to) stupid people.

    38 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-15 05:21 ID:o1PMiWe9 [Del]

    ...You didnt read previous comments, did you?There must be at least a dozen reasons why what she did was wrong.

    39 Post deleted by user.

    40 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-06-15 05:25 ID:UmfZaAa/ [Del]

    Read a couple of them. Still don't see the harm in it, sorry.

    41 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-15 06:12 ID:o1PMiWe9 [Del]

    This is basically Blackface. Are you cool with Blackface? It's ironic how she claims to have wanted to help the black community in her 6-figure job, while taking everything almost a 100 years back by having people think blackface is okay again.

    She lied her way there, took a scholarship for black females when she isnt one, took leadership of a black organization after repeatedly stating that she knew what it was like to be black (when she doesn't), has possibly made false reports of receiving hate mail in a mailbox only she has the key to, and besides all of this, has lied about practically everything, where she grew up, living in a teepee and hunting with bows and arrows, suffering child abuse, having a black son who is actually his brother, having a black father who is actually a stranger, and being black herself.

    This is the ultimate act of white privilege because the opposite can't happen; black people and other minorities cant pretend they're white. That wouldn't have stopped the cross burnings in my mother and grandmother's yard, nor would it stop the racism I've experienced growing up, nor would it exclude you from police brutality, or the growing racism in European nations such as east Germany...

    While all she would have to do is wipe off that make up.

    I can't believe I have to explain this. Tl;dr: It's basically what Ham said >>21

    His adopted sister was always interested in African-American culture but it wasn't until about 2011 that he started to notice physical changes.

    "There was the gradual darkening of the skin and the hair," he said. "She started molding herself into who she is today."

    He said Dolezal's transformation was tantamount to living in "blackface."

    "It's kind of a slap in the face to African-Americans because she doesn't know what it's like to be black," said Ezra Dolezal, whose biological mother was white and father half-black. "She's only been African-American when it benefited her. She hasn't been through all the struggles. She's only been African-American the last few years."

    Izaiah's petition for emancipation was dropped. In a separate legal action in 2010, the court appointed Rachel Dolezal to be the adopted brother's guardian with the consent of Ruthanne and Lawrence Dolezal.

    Ezra Dolezal said he admires his adopted sister's appreciation and advocacy for the black community and culture. But he questions her handling of the race issue.

    "I believe that the first most important thing regardless of what a person does is that they have integrity," he said. "Rachel has done really good work fighting against racism and police brutality ... but she went about it the wrong way. She said I was born black. I grew up black and I know what it's like growing up as an African-American in this world. She does not."

    Dolezal's time at predominantly black Howard University may have been a major turning point in her transformation, her adopted brother said.

    "When she applied they thought she was a black student," he said. "When she came there, they saw she was white and she wasn't treated that well, especially by people that worked there. She probably started developing this kind of dislike for being white and dislike for white people. She used to tell Izaiah ... that all white people are racists. She might have developed some self-hatred."

    42 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-15 06:27 ID:o1PMiWe9 [Del]

    Read more:

    She had never been in South Africa, though she claimed she was raised there. Her parents did not discipline her with "baboon whips" similar to those used during slavery days. They did not, as she claimed, punish her for being dark-skinned.

    In November 2013, after seeing Twelve Years a Slave, Dolezal posted an internet message saying, "When Patsy makes the dolls with the braided arms…it brought back memories of when I was a little girl and made the same [corn] husk dolls in the garden, only I braided their hair instead of the arms." On November 9, 2013, Dolezal posted a list of instructions for African Americans going to see "Twelve Years a Slave." "It will take a hold on you…avoid making plans for frivolous social obligations afterward…not the best film to take a white partner on a first date to…sit in the top, back row" to avoid hostility from white audience members. Dolezal tells viewers to be prepared for white people "snickering at awkward moments" and to "get pissed off at them."

    43 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-06-15 07:17 ID:Fc3DL0qO [Del]

    ah, now I see the harm in it. Thx for the explanation Mag :)

    44 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-15 09:55 ID:PKmr4FYR [Del]

    >>41 and>>42 She's told SO many friggin' lies! It sounds like she hates her own race and is ashamed to be white so she just said "Hey I'm black now!" The lady doesn't seem to understand the harm she's causing and with all the drama regarding race these days, she screwed up.
    She has no idea what it's like to be told that you're a sin a sin against God because of your race and skin color. It doesn't feel very good to hear it and I don't think by putting on make-up and saying she's black gives her that feeling of understanding.

    45 Name: HAM : 2015-06-15 10:17 ID:nH8/6KY7 [Del]

    >>44 i dont think she's ashamed

    i think she's just dumb

    46 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-15 10:28 ID:PKmr4FYR [Del]

    >>45 You're right. She's incredibly dumb. I don't see why she wanted to be black so bad. Skin is just skin so it doesn't make any sense. I guess she didn't think so and the truth finally came and bit her in the ass.

    47 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-15 10:28 ID:FgGnjrJ8 [Del]

    >>45 this
    I'm so tired of this race shit.
    We should all just get along and kill the suits!
    Bitches like this are planted, this is all staged.
    Stirring the fucking pot.
    Hate that shit.

    48 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-15 11:54 ID:XvOMGAnd (Image: 660x371 jpg, 72 kb) [Del]

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    >>45>>44 Nah, she's ashamed. There have been shameful history of every culture's past... It's just... A lot of bad things have been done by Caucasians for the past millennium that's been focused on more so than any others: From the middle ages till now, their were the crusades, slavery, lynching, genocides (Native American & Nazism), blatant racial discrimination in the military (giving less provisions to minorities and poor quality equipment), blatant discrimination in general (KKK, Neo-Nazis, Segregation, etc.), forcibly sterilizing Native American Women or causing them abortions, etc.

    When I was living outside of the country, I had a period when I was ashamed of my own race: Ashamed of the racist comments towards white people (because if we wish it to be gone we can't be racists ourselves), ashamed of some of their attitudes towards education, ashamed of them sagging their pants, ashamed of black music artists that are glorifying gang violence, ashamed that some of them were abusing welfare...

    There were also physical things I didn't like, like my lips, my ass, my thighs, my nappy hair...

    But then I realized that stupid shit I found in my culture could be found in every culture, and if I wanted to be black and proud then I could. That means being myself and providing good examples of my African American race and culture. If I didn't like my hair, I didn't need to wish for it to be like an Asians or Caucasians; I'd just cut it off or grow a fro. Yeah, I come across racism, yeah I wish we weren't profiled and stereotyped so much, but I don't want to CHANGE MY SKIN, I just want to change their views of me and my people.

    I went through that stage, but with support I learned that I should LOVE MYSELF, not CHANGE myself. It just seems like Rachel Dolezal had no idea about this.

    >>47 We heard it the first time, mate. Perhaps its the military operation? Perhaps it's to further make people forget about the torture report or how Edward Snowden's cause is being forgotten swiftly? Or perhaps its just to piss of Liberals so they temporarily forget that Bernie Sanders exists?
    Who knows.

    49 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-15 12:15 ID:o1PMiWe9 [Del]

    >>43 No prob.

    50 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-15 13:10 ID:PKmr4FYR [Del]

    >>48 I don't see why she would be ashamed. Sure there are white people who have done horrible atrocities but it doesn't make all of them bad. Sadly, we all know that someone's skin color doesn't make them an awful person but she doesn't seem to think that way. She should not pretend to be something she's not because that's telling others that whites are so bad that not even a white person wants to be identified as their own race. The message she's sending is just adding fuel to a already lit fire which is...well not good.
    Don't feel bad about your hair. I I just let mine grow out and I love it even if it isn't straight. It's awesome. Anyway, I agree with you that we should just love ourselves. Being ashamed of one's race because of stereotypes or what's happened in history isn't going to change anything. Trying to change your skin because of it definitely won't help and it will only encourage ignorance.

    51 Name: Sid : 2015-06-16 05:02 ID:JlH0Ctpw [Del]

    I think this is hilarious, but I don't think she is trying to send a message. She lied about her culture and heritage and that is quite insulting. However I could care less that she decided to change the shade of her skin. I like to think that the shade of ones skin has nothing to do with who they are. We are really all the same. I see it whoever wants to be white, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. can be. I like to think that the factors in ones upbringing, or demographic area have a bigger say. For example, if someone is adopted and raised in a different home then why can't they associate with those who raised them regardless of skin color? Like an Asian raised by Hispanic, why can't the Asian say he is Hispanic if they grew up with that culture?

    52 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-16 05:58 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

    >>51 That's the true definition of transracial and has been studied for a long time.

    Rachel wasnt adopted though. Said she was beaten as a child for her skin being "too dark" by a step-father who doesnt exist. Said she had a black father, black sons, took up a black scholarship, said she was black herself...

    Dont be fooled by the media's choice of wording in their titles. Most people are mad about the LYING. The lies of her telling everyone her experiences of being black and receiving racism and experiencing oppression has made the work of activists look like a joke now.

    I believe in time, we'll live in a society where you can identify with whatever race you want as long as it's not to ridicule and you accept it within your heart.

    However, today's society is far from that. We still have blatant discrimination and institutionalized racism everywhere. We cant see this as more than black face in 1900s comedic shows where the white men pretending to be black gets paid more than the actual black men.

    I think it's indeed possible to be adopted and accepted by a different culture (and possibly race)... But I think we are no where near that advanced of a society yet. Rachel probably wouldve been okay if this were the year 2115, but it's not. The 21st century still has a shot ton of problems to confront regarding racism and distrust before we can all be happy and accept one another (FINALLY). You'll know when we've reached that point when organizations like the KKK disband on their own.

    53 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-16 06:50 ID:Ju6g7gSO [Del]

    Whoa whoa whoa.
    Blackface isn't okay? I mean, of course it wasn't then.
    But...could it be?
    Because that shit can be funny.
    Snoop's whiteface was pretty funny and Dave Chappell's was god tier.

    It's Always Sunny has a blackface episode too, and that shit is hilarious.

    54 Name: hambae : 2015-06-16 11:15 ID:XA5LYiGo [Del]

    >>53 eh

    depends if people are doing it for the lols and are aware of how it can be taken personally/why it's racist/blah blah blah. like im okay with any disgracing humor like that as long as people arent serious and know it's messed up if serious.

    so, this lady doing blackface? no. historical black and white shows using blackface? no. it's always sunny in philly? yes.

    55 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-16 15:59 ID:VZuJJqLM [Del]

    >>54 agree 1000%