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Strange dancing lights in pampanga (Philippines) (6)

1 Name: ShizuyA : 2015-05-02 21:35 ID:eQ/HinXL [Del]

Check out this videos and information -->

There were also strange lights in my country. It was reported recently and was named by the PAG-ASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration) a "Mysterious light" and now they're investigating it on where they came from. Based on what I saw in T.V news, there are five lights. They appear dancing in the night sky then they suddenly disappeared. Few seconds later, they came again. This is really strange and interesting. This was the first time that PAG-ASA investigated it seriously. Though this is not the first time. It also happened last 2000.

2 Name: Hiroki : 2015-05-03 04:06 ID:bCc4q1tz [Del]

The lights are not moving, compare it to the movement of the cars on the motorway.
It comes from a building, a camp or something on the top of a hill.

And something can disappear because of a cloud, which is invisible by night.

3 Name: SM&A : 2015-05-03 17:37 ID:NWPSba1p [Del]

>>2 Look at the picture below the first video. If you read it, that's the exact area of where he took the video at night.
"As you can see, NO MOUNTAINS IN THAT AREA, NO BUILDINGS. They were really in the sky, floating."
Also, if it were anything humans would make, the lights would be blinking.

4 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-05-04 06:45 ID:1xlvYuL6 [Del]

Ever wondered why in the video, there are streetlights and on the picture there are none?
Also the lights might have been blinking. I mean the video quality is just _so good_. One can clearly tell.

But even if they weren't human made lights, it could be any natural phenomena we aren't acquainted with. No need to jump to rash conclusions...

5 Name: SM&A : 2015-05-04 11:31 ID:Nb6h3MqQ [Del]

>>4 While it's difficult to decide whether or not they are blinking, we are forced to settle with what we see and what the guy with the oh-so-familiar (to me) accent is describing.
Also, he sees the streetlights when he turns his camera to the right. In the picture below, the streetlights aren't shown because they are to the right.
Also, the guy called it a "highway", meaning that it's probably a fairly popular road (which is further supported by the more than several cars that pass in a time elapse of less than 50 seconds). From this, we can assume the nearby city of Manila has taken the money to install streetlights on one side of the road.

This isn't to say you're wrong/right; The video, as you said, is oh-so-amazing, and it could have very well have been faked. However, with the evidence CURRENTLY presented, we have no other choice but to accept them as they are.

6 Name: KuroMokona : 2015-05-04 16:51 ID:GEcNoAUZ [Del]

get to that highway,follow your map. dont have a map? well your own fault. keep your gun at the ready and get somewhere safe.