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Anti- Halal campaign = Funding for Terrorism? (9)

1 Name: Leviora : 2015-04-07 07:55 ID:LwYzhXo2 (Image: 700x394 jpg, 89 kb) [Del]

src/1428411338383.jpg: 700x394, 89 kb
Hi. Although this is probably only big in Australia, I'm afraid that if left unattended, the fire will spark, and more people would join in this useless rally. Recently, there's this huge controversy over how food producers in countries (which are not countries where the majorities are muslims), refused to produce halal-certified food anymore. The main reason? Why, because it'll promote terrorism. There are a lot of other reasons, I'm sure but this one is total bullshit.

Now, before I start on why I say so, let me clarify one thing. Halal food means food that has no traces of pork, alcohol,and blood and if the food involves meat (other than pork), the animals involved have to be killed a certain way. The reason is because that's the rule. That's how muslims were required to do. That was the rule they had to comply due to their religion. I believe in this ever-expanding, globalizing world, respect to each other is important.And this method of how muslims eat has been practised for centuries. Even our ancestors had no problem with that. There are no terrorism-related agenda behind it. Which is why I think this whole thing is ridiculous. None of the halal food affects another person's diet whatsoever. Seriously though. Why waste your time campaigning to have companies stop producing these type of food? The muslims need food. The muslims buy these food from them. The companies are doing nothing but losing their own consumers. Also, I know a lot of people know this already. But please stop with the Islam = Terrorism kind of thing. We all know that's not true.

2 Name: Mag : 2015-04-07 08:23 ID:woFJn91z [Del]

>>1 This technically isn't news either because it's less of a news article and more of a forged opinion.

We'll keep this here since you provided news articles, but it's best to post this in the "Signal Boosting" thread in Missions.

A very interesting topic though... It's common for organized crimes to use legal businesses as a front or source for funds. Unfortunately, I haven't read of an Australian government agency looking into this instead of just the Australian Food & Grocery Council.

Of course, it's people like Ms Hanson that really get under your skin. Racists will claim they are everything and anything but racist, and I bet she's one of them, but she has a point; she can't be racist because Islam isn't a race. Congrats, you're now labeled as xenophobic for your ignorant comments.
“Criticism is not racism. We have a right to say and to have an opinion.
“We are, and we don’t like Islam – we’re in fear of what Islam may do to our culture, our country, our way of life.”

Ironically, this way of thinking is actually no different from the radical Muslims. It's no different from the Georgian man who planned to blow shit up in order to create more fear of Muslims.

3 Name: Skybox : 2015-04-08 09:10 ID:Sfk6qTmK [Del]

I totally agree thanks for sticking up for the Muslim people. Not many do that. I have some friends who are Muslim and people can be really terrible in the way they choose to treat others based on religion.

4 Name: Mag : 2015-04-08 18:02 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>3 and skin color, and sexuality, and nationality.

5 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-09 13:24 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]


6 Name: Azern : 2015-04-13 02:52 ID:sPF5Xg1C [Del]

No halal food... that means i can only eat vegetables and fruits entire life if i were there. And also, halal actually means "may to eat". What may to eat is acvording to the rules written in the Quran

7 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-04-13 06:56 ID:DsY+YIDa [Del]

Meh, I see this pop up every few years. Some idiot goes on 60 minutes or something and tries to make a case for halal meat being "un-Australian" or some other bullshit.
I think at one point they wanted to put halal meat in supermarkets (as opposed to halal butchers) and people flipped their shit. It's a mentality I don't really get. A lot of non-Muslim Aussies I've spoken to know there's no difference in the meat but still wouldn't eat it.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry, OP. It's only a vocal minority of stupid,

8 Name: D : 2015-04-14 00:47 ID:wG5WF//6 [Del]

I don't really get it. It's not like this halal meat is going to be the only king sold in supermarkets and what not. And why is it commonly assumed that Islam means terrorist attack? Because, that is all we hear abou. Terrorist this, extremist Muslim. That's why.

9 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-04-14 23:41 ID:OTby12lH [Del]

I watched the video on the link and literally felt my brain broke... I'm so confused. By brain I mean mental function. Because, I don't understand. I can't even pretend to understand.