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Cross dressing (26)

1 Name: Lelouch lamperouge !.b/Y.Q88Ic : 2015-04-05 11:13 ID:jpuMFqs1 [Del]

So this girl, on Easter, wanted to wear a suit, the clerk had other ideas:

2 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-05 14:59 ID:U0shsb8J [Del]

"The woman’s face was just a face of disgust," Giordano recalled to the press. "She told me that I was promoting wrong behavior. That parents should not let their children choose the way that they dress if it's cross-gendered."


Honestly, as a Christian, I would be reluctant in letting my child cross-dress. I would do as my mom did, and wait until I was 10-12. I would just pray until then that they're not gay. I'd teach them the scripture against it, and the health dangers of it.

And then if they still want to cross-dress, that's absolutely fine; I wanted to too when I was a teen.

And if despite my hopes and prayers they turn out to be gay...
I'll buy my son the prettiest dresses and dress my daughter the way I always wanted to. And I dare any motherfucker to call my kids disgusting. They'll wake up and find them missing a motherfucking tongue.
Can't say something NICE; don't say anything at all. FOREVER.

3 Name: 眼鏡の悪役 : 2015-04-05 16:49 ID:cbxEHaOV [Del]

>>2 Funny, as an amoral sociopath I'd do almost the same thing, except I'd skip the praying and waiting and go straight to the mutilation. I suppose I'd be more readily accepting given that I have firsthand knowledge of what it feels like to be treated that way.

4 Name: Shadeslayer914 : 2015-04-05 18:19 ID:4bR8UP8X [Del]

>> Magnolia, what health issues are there with homosexual activities?
I wouldn't call my self educated in the subject at all, but I don't think there any more health risks for homosexual relationships compared to heterosexual ones. If anything there are less, because, you know, pregnancy isn't an issue if you're homosexual.

5 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-05 18:58 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>4 There are. This will blow into a huge raging discussion, so I'd rather avoid it, but there are higher physical and especially mental health risks for gay men. For gay women, mainly mental health concerns.

If you're curious enough, read here:
& here:
& here:
& here:

6 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-05 19:02 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

This too:
It sums up the mental concerns nicely.

7 Name: 眼鏡の悪役 : 2015-04-05 20:14 ID:cbxEHaOV [Del]

Hm, telling people that they shouldn't be allowed to exist and constantly harassing them, denying their rights, and, oh yes, KILLING them causes mental health problems? Never would have guessed.

This is coming from someone that was beat back into hiding it by the very people sworn to protect them. In hindsight, it may be part of why I'm an amoral sociopath.

8 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-06 04:31 ID:NQh7xPXt [Del]

>>7 Oh, for the love- be a dramatic whiny bitch elsewhere, troll. We know you're just seeking attention. You always swoop into serious conversations with your unintelligible bullshit.

9 Name: Pure Water 100% : 2015-04-06 09:23 ID:UR4VZwKe [Del]

Well then... guess I can't wear a suit to prom. But then again, f those people! Clothes aren't for one gender! It's all fabric! It doesn't matter!

10 Name: Ruushii : 2015-04-06 12:44 ID:Yg+xKceZ [Del]

Clothes should be genderless. If you buy clothes, they should be your clothes, not girl's clothes, not guy's clothes, just your clothes. It shouldn't be such a big deal what gender they're "supposed" to be for. It's also incredibly distressing that people are verbally (and probably physically) attacking cross-dressers. Their choices don't affect your safety or your quality of life in the long run, so don't judge or attack them.

11 Name: 眼鏡の悪役 : 2015-04-06 19:32 ID:cbxEHaOV [Del]

>>8 Not trolling, pointing out how much of a captain obvious statement that was by pointing out simple facts, and relating a little personal experience.

12 Name: mx : 2015-04-06 20:52 ID:Jvtnr/K5 [Del]

>>11 Fagnolia is one of those people who shout troll when they disagree with something someone said.

Yeah, but I don't think you're trolling. I think you're genuinely stupid as fuck.

13 Name: Mag ( ̄▽ ̄)/ ✫ \( ̄▽ ̄) : 2015-04-06 21:30 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]


14 Name: 眼鏡の悪役 : 2015-04-06 21:35 ID:cbxEHaOV [Del]

>>12 I'm stupid for knowing that in every state except California people can claim "trans panic" or "gay panic" for killing a trans or gay person out of the blue. Interesting. I thought facts made one informed, not ignorant.

At any rate, the thread has been derailed. The original point was how it's nobody else's business how a parent dresses their child or allows them to dress themself, wasn't it?

15 Name: Mag ( ̄▽ ̄)/ ✫ \( ̄▽ ̄) : 2015-04-06 21:41 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>14 You're kind of the one who derailed it...

16 Name: mx : 2015-04-06 21:42 ID:Jvtnr/K5 [Del]

>>14 You can win everything by being delusional like you are.
Good luck.

17 Name: mx : 2015-04-06 21:44 ID:Jvtnr/K5 [Del]


18 Name: 眼鏡の悪役 : 2015-04-06 21:51 ID:cbxEHaOV [Del]

>>15 >>16 I initially gave a general agreement with the sentiment that anyone that would fuck with one of mine would learn the hard way it why that was a bad idea.

I followed up with criticizing a captain obvious statement.

I then continued with clarifying my criticism.

Nowhere did I try to win an argument. And I'd like it if you didn't casually throw around the word delusional. It's a silencing tactic that also directly insults people that do have delusion-type mental illness, and no I am not one of them. What I know isn't a delusion.

19 Name: mx : 2015-04-06 21:57 ID:Jvtnr/K5 [Del]

This thread is gold.

20 Name: Lelouch lamperouge !.b/Y.Q88Ic : 2015-04-07 18:16 ID:jpuMFqs1 [Del]

Are there any other guys ho wish they could have a purse for the convenience that it allows but doesn't have one because of social dynamics?

21 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-04-07 18:52 ID:fei22jUd [Del]


22 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-04-09 07:15 ID:Zf6gAhSt [Del]

I think it's ridiculous for anyone to get so upset about something as small as clothing. In a protest against that kind of thing, a few years ago this guy I knew wore a dress to a high school dance. Some of the staff memyers tried to give him a hard time, but it was really cool how no one else minded. I feel like there are actually a lot of people who don't mind cross-dressing, and it's only a limited few who have any problem with it. What always surprises me is how much those few care about other people's personal business. I mean, why do you care what someone else wears? Like >>10 points out, clothes are clothes.

23 Name: 眼鏡の悪役 : 2015-04-09 07:53 ID:cbxEHaOV [Del]

>>22 "Clothes are clothes" seems to be the general consensus of this generation, which gives me a little more hope for humanity in the future. We keep moving forward, pushing little by little to total equality. What a glorious day it will be when that is achieved.

24 Name: Byakko : 2015-04-09 20:53 ID:3HXNd/Dm [Del]

Funny. I had a dream today that I was in a dress and just going about my day. It was funny.

25 Name: Rossie : 2015-04-09 21:57 ID:/dLMNRQe [Del]

People feel the right to judge others of what they wear because apparently, it is wrong to express yourself in society.I hope we can all change society to be accepting soon :(

26 Name: milkman : 2015-04-10 05:54 ID:qgA0Sr++ [Del]

I honestly beleive that we'll never achieve total equality... ever. Just because of the fact that in a society, their are smart people, average people and a f*ck load more stupid people. I think that people WANT to judge people but because they don't know the person so well, they need to base themselfs on looks.