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Airliner crashes in French Alps (32)

1 Name: Dulcane : 2015-03-24 07:09 ID:VFRudbt6 (Image: 625x351 jpg, 38 kb) [Del]

src/1427198989243.jpg: 625x351, 38 kb
An Airbus A320 airliner has crashed in the French Alps between Barcelonnette and Digne


2 Name: SM&A : 2015-03-24 15:58 ID:I+6HFlBM [Del]

Is it me or does an unnatural amount of planes crash into the Alps?
My guess is the weather in the area.
Another guess would be why they keep that airline. It's probably the quickest route, and anything we've seen is actually just a rare occasion, which doesn't seem like the case since it's ALL we see.

3 Name: Neverman : 2015-03-25 08:39 ID:cvkgAKgo [Del]

I think this is just you. I only found one other crash in 1947.

Another Problem is the Alps are pretty huge and stretch over all of Central Europe. I guess there are many hundreds of planes per day that fly over the alps.

Anyway my thoughts are with the poor people who have died in the crash and their relatives.

4 Name: Incognito!tZsGgTBOzw : 2015-03-26 13:28 ID:Bi+4NiJl [Del]

is this the one where the copilot literally locked the pilot out from the cockpit? scarrrryyyyyy~

5 Name: Rue : 2015-03-26 14:12 ID:SzUHB5pR [Del]

it was a German plane and apperantly the copilot did this on purpose.
At the moment nobody knows why though. I am from Germany and this is going crazy in the news.
There even was a school class on their way home in there.
I feel so sorry for them.

6 Name: Kami ameh : 2015-03-26 14:19 ID:0QebbH1j [Del]

I feel like flights are getting more and more disastrous , I mean if the bad news about flights keep coming in people are going to start using boats and ships to get around the world.

7 Name: Death Duelist : 2015-03-26 15:17 ID:4pcvNqr8 [Del]

I feel the same way too... I want to visit my relatives in another country one day, but with many recent airline disasters it's giving me second thoughts.

8 Name: SM&A : 2015-03-26 15:52 ID:a2yKvR0M [Del]

You guys really have to calm yourselves.
The only reason you think planes are so dangerous is because the only thing you EVER SEE about planes is when they crash.
Hundreds of planes are circling the globe as we speak, and none of them are messed up in the slightest.
Odds are, you're pretty safe. Unless plane crash frequencies enter the hundreds, then ships will not be the way to go.

9 Name: Death Duelist : 2015-03-26 16:37 ID:4pcvNqr8 [Del]

So I just heard on the news that the crash might've been intentional. The copilot apparently wanted the plane destroyed. Dunno if it's just western media bs but that's what I heard.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-26 18:05 ID:HthErqu9 [Del]

>>9 Here's the link to a more detailed article:
Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot 'wanted to destroy plane'

According to the Marseille prosecutors, the co-pilot deliberately locked the pilot out when the latter went to the toilet. He then set the landing mechanisms in motion even though there weren't any airports around. His motives still remain in the dark.

12 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-27 10:46 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

Is it true that most single handed mass murderers are white? I read that on a comment today in a News article.

Regardless, do you guys think this was suicide or mass murder and suicide? Because, I don't think it's right to say some guy was simply depressed, while saying he killed 150. I don't think this is an act of terrorism, either. I think this guy just wanted to be remembered for so wing notorious, and like most mass shooters, decided to go out with a "bang". Or in this case, "boom".

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Death Duelist : 2015-03-27 11:22 ID:q6jf/Wo5 [Del]

Die with infamy rather than living with nothing at all huh?

15 Name: V-138 : 2015-03-27 15:04 ID:mnMTq2VL [Del]

I saw this on the news. I still don't know what really happened.

16 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-27 15:15 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>14 Couldn't have worded it better. That's basically what my theory is for this nut job.

17 Name: Inti : 2015-03-27 22:24 ID:5ywcZods [Del]

The sad part about this the co pilot did on purpose because the main pilot went to the bathroom for a while and could not get back on since the co pilot locked the door. Supposedly he was depperesed and possibly suicidal

18 Name: treza : 2015-03-28 03:46 ID:bbbDKHrt [Del]

Apparently andreas lubitz (the co pilot) he is reported to have said "everyone will know my name" to his wife. So this might be an intentional act.

19 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-28 07:59 ID:lWCLUDkG [Del]

On the news they said that the investigators found remains of several sick certificates in his homes. He had been to the doctor's and was on sick leave due to mental health problems on the very day of the plane crash. Apparently, he had tried to destroy the evidence and still went to work.

I think we really need regular (mental) health check-ups for crew members to prevent the possibility of such actions in the future.

20 Name: Kanata : 2015-03-28 09:29 ID:70fWWnHY [Del]

3 peoples of my country died in this accident :/

21 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-03-30 01:44 ID:6ALDP3We [Del]

Shit like this makes me never want to sit on an airplane again.

22 Name: XCross : 2015-03-30 14:30 ID:kmJhLUEM [Del]

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

23 Name: Kasumi Hayashi : 2015-03-30 16:29 ID:CnjKiU1z [Del]

Ah...this is why I am reluctant to ride airplanes.

24 Name: KIK : 2015-03-30 23:09 ID:CzuuXZvr [Del]

The pilot had depression for christ sake, I myself have depression and I know personally that those who have depression, when depressed and suicidal, dont think of anybody, our brains do not work like that, we only think of ourselves at the time, call us attention seekers, call us crazy, call us useless but what you call us only effects us even more... I know this rant may see pointless to you but I've heard the news, the facebook posts and the other social media posts, the pilot who crashed the plane was not a a**hole, or a person with a f****ed up head, he had his issues, and no it isn't all pilots who have this... I am surprised that other precautions were not taken to make him less likely to fly the plane, Doctors contacting the company (because suicidal thoughts and a medical certificate are not going to stop a man willing to take his life in the hope that it will make everyone else happy)...

25 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-31 05:12 ID:7XIYjUKx [Del]

>>24 I agree with your criticism towards the media coverage for the co-pilot, which is why I think we need regular check-ups by company physicians or psychologists. Someone may have been able to help him with his depression before he became suicidal. Regarding other possible precautionary measures, well, regular practitioners aren't allowed to contact a patient's employer due to their oath of confidentality.

26 Name: Matev : 2015-03-31 07:32 ID:qI0TtAPL [Del]

>>24 But it doesnt mean we have to forgive a murderer who killed 150.

27 Post deleted by user.

28 Name: Ayumi Kitsune : 2015-04-02 00:28 ID:3IfnutVG [Del]

I know depression is harsh, but bringing people down with you because of your only mental suffering isn't right, I know because I've had experience.

29 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-02 02:58 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

>>24 This is utter bullshit.
I have clinical depression as well as the rest of my family, and when members have killed themselves, that's all they kill- them-fucking-selves.

Now, I was discussing with a friend how disorders in the brain can lay out a foundation for more disorders and make them more susceptible to them. You cannot blame depression for this, because it was only one of the symptoms, and most people with depression do not fucking kill over a hundred people with them. This is more similar to mass shooters who kill a bunch of people, and then afterwards, themselves.
So yes; chances are the pilot who crashed it may have been fucked in the head as well as an asshole.

For example, people diagnosed with Asperger syndrome are not usually defined as violent. Hell, if you ask people they'll define a kid with Asperger syndrome as "sweet" compared with the others.

But Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook mass murder was also diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Autism advocates campaigned that autism was not so much a mental illness, as a brain development disorder. That may be the case, but that was at age 13, from then in he may have become more susceptible to mental disorders. Later on he was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder that went untreated because of the mother's disapproval. From their, the father believed Adam began showing symptoms of schizophrenia.

THIS would explain the Connecticut shooting and why this particular crash occurred; not simply because of autism- and certainly not simply because of depression. When diagnosed with either, like I said before, you'd more likely be a danger to YOURSELF...than anyone else.

30 Name: chibi_choko : 2015-04-02 03:25 ID:MP8CbYvH [Del]

The co-pilot having depression was a motive, not a reason/justification, in my opinion. Depression is a hard thing to struggle with, and often clouds judgement heavily. Please try to remember the pilot who tried to save everyone on that plane, rather than continuing to forget another tragedy. The pilot who tried to save the lives of the passengers was Patrick Sondenheimer.

31 Name: !!LTL6hFw4 : 2015-04-03 02:34 ID:2IJIqNvA [Del]

>Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook mass murder
The Sandy Hook mass murderer was actually federal agents.

This situation is beyond fucked though.
I'm pretty sad a lot of the times.
But I'll only take like a police station or a government building with me when I go.
Killing this many people because you're so super sad is just...mind boggling sad.
Poor guy, I don't think he's an asshole...but damn.
Fucking die with some dignity ffs

32 Name: Ruushii : 2015-04-06 12:58 ID:Yg+xKceZ [Del]

This irritates me for a number of reasons. For starters, I probably can't comment much because I'll get burned for not "understanding mental illness" so I apologize for that in advance. Anyway, did he not realize the consequences of his actions before he decided to crash his plane? I'm not even sure if it was a conscious decision. I haven't really looked at a lot of the evidence yet, so I'll do that later. It's just so irritating when people go through with something without thinking of the consequences. >n<