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Arizona shooting victim sends Snapchat before seeking help (15)

1 Name: Cj / |dota-chin| !gsTotYKqwI : 2015-03-19 18:30 ID:/OBiGbL4 [Del]

A man in Arizona was shot in the shoulder during the Mesa shooting spree on Wednesday. After hitting the ground what does he do? Well of course he gets up and snapchats a picture of the wound, casually saying "I just got shot...". He later sends another snapchat from his hospital bed with be big grin on his face.
If there's anything you should take away from this story it is that you should always try to make the best out of a bad situation and don't let the bad crapy things in life get you down.
I've heard people say "shit happens and there's nothing you can do about it so just get on with it" all too often. Well this story proves there is always something you CAN do about it. Something horrible happend this man yet he laughed about it. So next time something bad happens or something dosen't go as planned, remember Isaac Martinez and how he managed to smile after getting shot.

Here's the link to the full story if you're interested. (WARNING: PICTUTES OF A GUNSHOT WOUND ARE INCLUDED)

2 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-19 19:57 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]


That's one way to see it...

3 Name: Shadeslayer914 : 2015-03-19 22:18 ID:Pe70JDwE [Del]

Oh, WOW! How true OP, how true. Okay people, whenever something bad happens, don't be down about it and complain, send a snapchat to your friends; because that will certainly help you. Uh-huh... yeahhhhhhhno.

4 Name: Cj / |dota-chin| !gsTotYKqwI : 2015-03-20 03:29 ID:GVd4T9JP [Del]

>>3 Don't think you quite see the point here. This guy got shot. And he's smiling. Alot of people could learn from this. To keep an optimistic view through though times is no small feat.

5 Name: Raider : 2015-03-20 17:50 ID:ra4oQLS4 [Del]

I think thats ignorance.

6 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-03-20 18:21 ID:6ALDP3We [Del]

Well excuuuuse me, but last time I heard about it, smilin' ain't make no motherfucker bulletproof, so as well as it is
-being positive and all-, maybe if you get shot you SHOULD FUCKIN' WORRY. Maybe there's a reason people worry about shit. Hmm... a fine example would be...let's say..GETTING SHOT. Just sayin' that's all...

7 Name: Darisam : 2015-03-20 22:19 ID:pABNqpGH [Del]

That man probably said hey i get shot only once in a life time sooooo.......

8 Name: Cj / |dota-chin| !gsTotYKqwI : 2015-03-21 15:13 ID:kCtylkCZ [Del]

>>6 Fair point, you're right when you say simling dosn't make you bullet proof haha :'). Yes if you get shot you can worry, but panicing won't help you. "Oh I got shot I should go this sorted out asap" anything more than that could be bad for you. And to go around worrying about things like that arnt gonna help you much. I would much rather not worry about stuff like that and have less weight on my shoulders than constantly worry about it and gain more stress from it.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-03-22 17:25 ID:6ALDP3We [Del]

>>8 Yeah I guess you're right about that too, you can't be constantly worrying either in a situation like that, since it can cloud your judgement, but worrying, having stress is a natural reaction to a life threatening situation and it's purpose is to save you in those situations. It's kind of similar to sports, where you build up stress, and you can either use it as a means to overcome your own limitations, or it will slowly eat away at you. I don't know if I managed to express my metaphor clearly, but I think of it like that.

11 Name: Cj / |dota-chin| !gsTotYKqwI : 2015-03-22 18:13 ID:Adk86D0p [Del]

>>10 Nope you worded that well and it's a very valid point. I think the way the article is worded it makes it seem a bit more like the guy didn't care he had been shot and thought it would be funny to spend vaulubal time taking selfies rather than seeking medical attention. If this is the case then I probably did link the wrong story with the point I wanted to make. However I think he took the first picture as he was walking to the near by authorities to get the attention he needed. The second one was when he was in the hospital bed and this is the one where he is smiling. So it seems like he did worry about the fact he had been shot, just not to much that he over paniced and cause himself more harm. Or at least that's how I imagine this situation to have happen haha.

12 Name: Veon : 2015-03-22 18:15 ID:dNOq1hf/ [Del]

I like how you see this, most people would say "Man what an idiot taking a picture at a time like that" you say the parts in it, that not many people would

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Veon : 2015-03-22 18:16 ID:dNOq1hf/ [Del]

I mean't see not say, and also good parts not just parts

15 Name: Tsukota : 2015-03-23 12:34 ID:b0Zvpbej [Del]

Reminds me of the times I've almost been hit by a car and I walk away laughing. The guy was probably smiling because he's not dead, and that's something to be optimistic about. The pain and worry that the shot gave him is nothing compared to if he'd actually died.