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Nine Dead in Czech Pub Shooting (4)

1 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-25 04:33 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

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A man who complained that he had been bullied [but did not go into detail how] decided to take revenge by entering a pub, and was described as "shooting mindlessly". What makes this even weirder is how the man has no past criminal record, but so far, everyone's content with just calling him crazy and leaving it at that. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. At the end of the massacre, he then turned the gun on himself, so we may never know.

"The man burst into the Družba (Best Man) pub in Uherský Brod, southern Moravia, at lunchtime on Tuesday brandishing two weapons and fired at random into the open-plan dining area.

'The phone call lasted around four minutes before he hung up,' said Pavel Lebduska, the Prima reporter who took the call. 'He introduced himself [and] told me to send a crew to Uherský Brod. He told me that he was going to hurt a lot of people, that he had been bullied and that the authorities didn’t want to help him, therefore he was taking things into his own hands. He said he has a pistol and hostages, and would do things his own way.'

Lebduska said the man had spoken in a calm voice, pausing repeatedly."

2 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-25 04:37 ID:Mse7mCv3 [Del]

If you're comfortable killing a large group of people in cold blood then you are insane, so I think that calling him crazy is justified. I have not clicked on the link.

3 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-25 06:06 ID:yQCYfrL+ [Del]

>>2 There's a lot of straining pressures that can break a person when being a victim of "bullying". Before I label the man as crazy, I'd like to know what he meant by that. He has a clean criminal record, but what about his medical history? Was this a random act of violence, or a crime of passion? Were his "bullies" customers of the pub, or was he bullied by the government or system (as some domestic terrorists like to say). Too many unanswered questions. They'll have to search his computer and contacts and family history before we can really label him as crazy and design preventive measures.

4 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-25 10:50 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]
