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ISIS have executed Japanese journalist Kenji Goto. (38)

1 Name: Elpis : 2015-02-03 06:51 ID:Y8U4pXKf (Image: 570x316 jpg, 43 kb) [Del]

src/1422967891679.jpg: 570x316, 43 kb
ISIS uploaded a video of the killing on January 31. Here's the link to an article about that video and with its translation:

2 Name: Drizzle : 2015-02-03 07:48 ID:/NliwQP/ [Del]

i feel sorry for japan and his family. Even if i don't know him, i bet he was a loyal and brave man.

3 Name: Orion : 2015-02-03 11:58 ID:nz2on9j8 [Del]

This is sickening. It really angers me when I see ISIS doing such cruel and unjustified acts against humanity! It's despicable!

4 Name: Rue : 2015-02-03 15:38 ID:NOU7bDBf [Del]

Worst of all: they say they're doing this for god.

5 Name: RIN-SHIMIZU : 2015-02-03 18:48 ID:SuJD47DX [Del]

i wish we could somehow take down ISIS. a good way to start is to watch out for terrorist in america and all over. if u see something speak up to ur fellow dollars . UNITED WE ARE STRONG. TOGETHER WE ARE TRANSPARENT.

6 Name: chaw : 2015-02-04 01:01 ID:8no7MHD4 [Del]

I wish we could stopp ISIS, maybe we the dollars should try to do something about this?

7 Name: ~Aden Xin~ : 2015-02-04 02:25 ID:lUrdgDg8 [Del]


8 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-02-04 03:28 ID:uJXKwQQn [Del]

>>5 >>6
There's always a way. Some people in history who were known little about at first accomplished great things. We can stop ISIS despite it sounding optimistic or cheesy.

1. If you know someone involved with these people, talk them out of this. If it doesn't work, tell their guardian or someone in their family.

2. We got to remember that the internet is our power as well as our numbers, not the military in our countries.

3. Attacking them as a group will only accomplish as much as any military has at this stage, not much. However divided they will fall, but the same goes for us.

4. Taking Media into our own hands.

5. Also going by the way of the pen and paper, much is accomplished. Some civilisations once upon a time were so advanced in literature, the people were able to catch murderers simply through a 4 short-versed poem given by the deceased as his last words.

6. Don't lose faith in yourself.

9 Name: mg : 2015-02-04 09:09 ID:jRM98mpy [Del]

Seeing that on TV seems like a part of TV show.I think we should do more to take attention to others.

10 Name: Genkohan_de !cD6E5yqUgU : 2015-02-04 11:20 ID:hWvelKKf [Del]

The only thing we can do right now are little things like spreading the word and thinking and maybe one day all those little things add up and make a big thing.

11 Name: VampirePotato : 2015-02-04 15:20 ID:0tUtzoHA [Del]

It's really sad to see things like this happen. Damn hypocrites murdering fellow humans and encouraging hatred and stereotyping.

12 Name: Kanjiru : 2015-02-04 15:41 ID:M1p98jfk [Del]

Isis can die in hell for killing others for god. Killing others have nothing to do with worshiping god (If it actually is sorry. I don't really pay attention to religious things that much) I hope we can take down Isis and stop their murders!

13 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-04 15:52 ID:ckFwwIMM [Del]

Controversial Opinion: I don't think the world should pay attention and report on ISIS "look at me, look at me" broadcasts.
I think we should let respective governments plan out how to save their hostages ( or providing aid to rebels), but I don't think reporting this is necessary. It's more or less giving them exactly what they want. They're children who want to be "acknowledged" in the most inane, inhuman way, and if the world were to turn their backs on them, it would just infuriate their tantrums more into make a desperate move to gain back the world's attention. Desperate moves can be rash ones, and if we planned and waited for the opportunity, we could wipe them off the map.

Boko Haram on the other hand, isn't an attention seeker, because he knows damn well the only reason he's still around, is because government lets him. Even the local people of the 200+ kidnapped girls were able to find his base on their own!
He knows that as soon as outside appears, he would get wiped out. The media should report more on the thousands kidnapped and killed in Africa, while we waited for ISIS next move. Then, we would get the people more aware, as well as irritate ISIS, and force Boko Haram to slow his roll in terrorist activities.

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Chrome : 2015-02-04 16:55 ID:ZgPEVLfY [Del]

>>13 I absolutely agree with you Magnolia on everything.

16 Name: Mag : 2015-02-06 02:26 ID:UU1DM9DP [Del]

>>15 Kinda surprised... =3

17 Name: Ryuushi : 2015-02-06 06:36 ID:YRQzXFzj [Del]

Can I have a link of the video?

18 Name: Ren : 2015-02-06 13:43 ID:nD8THFih [Del]

They claim that they're doing this for God? What God approves of this?!?!

19 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-02-06 16:04 ID:uJXKwQQn [Del]

It's true, they mainly do this for attention. Definitely something that shouldn't be done, they're still capturing hostages and ruthlessly killing them however. Some of these hostages are journalists and the like. In my opinion, I think everyone should just stay away from them. Deprive them, like suffocating a wart...

20 Name: Takaya : 2015-02-07 17:50 ID:+CYsVjjA [Del]

Some people are saying ISIS is going to be a cause of World War 3..

21 Name: Alternate : 2015-02-07 21:01 ID:v+0Whx9g [Del]

ISIS truly disgusts me...

22 Name: Dan strike : 2015-02-07 21:41 ID:sDCg0V0h [Del]

dang i hope WW3 will not happen,I hope in the future there won't be anymore wars.

23 Name: Pierre Gaston : 2015-02-07 22:12 ID:JSkDRsgv [Del]

World war? please no! Do you have any idea how hard it is to live in a time where there's a major war happening? I haven't experienced it myself but I've read books about it. Just no!

24 Name: Ryuushi : 2015-02-08 03:07 ID:YRQzXFzj [Del]

>>23 Well it really is scary, but it is really possible for ISIS to cause WW3, I think it is best to prepare for the worst but I hope not.

P.S. Just look at the bright side, if WW3 happen then everyone knows what the aftermath will be, a new COD game lol (Just Kidding)

25 Name: Akira : 2015-02-08 03:35 ID:6PfwEAz2 [Del]

I really hope there isn't a World War 3...

26 Name: Shu : 2015-02-08 05:33 ID:nl6bzsfS [Del]

This is really troublesome news to everyone, still I hope someone can stop the ISIS its not good taking people lives just for fun or whatever reason they have.

27 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-08 07:30 ID:VSwgVFZp [Del]

Sigh... What's all this bull about ISIS and WWIII? You guys are either seriously young, or eating up the media propaganda that blows their boy scout size group out of proportion.

World Wars are started when countries fights and their allies back them.
ISIS is only an Islamic State to themselves, and though they have allies, none of them would ever want their deeds brought to light.
The entire world is pretty vocal and unanimous about their thoughts on Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Taliban, and ISIS.

If they started a World War together, it would be the shortest World War in history... But unfortunately, also the bloodiest. Since they're all mostly in the Middle East, imagine what happened in Japan 1945, but with 100x more apathy. The majority of terrorists and their bases will be wiped out along with the civilians, and as usual, the western world will go on about their day after it happens, and wonder about harvesting oil.

In Boko Haram's case... I think no one would go through the trouble of infiltrating, leaking his plans, or triangulating his position, but after the war murders millions in the middle east to kill a few thousand terrorists, he's probably going to slow his roll in fear of being next.

28 Name: Kida : 2015-02-08 20:09 ID:XBKYUa8T [Del]

Please no world war 3!

29 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-08 20:20 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]

I can only assume everyone who keeps bringing up a 3rd World War, didn't read this >>27, of are actual little freaks who are getting hyped with excitement at the thought of another World War.

30 Name: Junior : 2015-02-09 03:51 ID:xOUUTtuh [Del]

A world war is when nations of every continent are involved, so i highly doubt this idea as well...

31 Name: Flora in May : 2015-02-09 22:53 ID:d2nU7tmP [Del]

OMG...that is horrible...(๑ŐдŐ)b

32 Name: kid-j : 2015-02-10 13:02 ID:U+db11h+ [Del]

Anonymous has hacked their recruiting site,I feel like there is something the dollars could do to help.

33 Name: Anon. : 2015-02-12 07:51 ID:kRp8zRBo [Del]

These scums disgust me. They are the plague upon mankind.

34 Name: Zenta : 2015-02-12 15:18 ID:Yz7QBE5t [Del]

Seriously! This is disgusting! And the most disgusting thing is that they film these and post to the internet so anyone can watch these!

35 Name: Luka : 2015-02-12 17:37 ID:sdp5v1eH [Del]

I find this horrible, i am not fond of anon, but i thank them for slowing the process of this sick recruitment.

36 Name: Windy : 2015-02-12 18:41 ID:VuaNoMB3 [Del]

It enrages me that on top of all the sick things they do, they decide to broadcast it to the world....makes me want to destroy them.

37 Name: Luka : 2015-02-12 19:54 ID:sdp5v1eH [Del]

>>36 completely agree...

38 Name: Vicki-san : 2015-02-13 04:46 ID:w4RqTLHW [Del]

This is completely sick and this is all over what again? They really have no purpose.