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Boko Haram's Baga attacks (20)

1 Name: Shadeslayer914 : 2015-01-13 16:49 ID:hlE136oE [Del]

Yeah, what happened in France was horrible, but we can't ignore things because something in particular took the media's attention.
Boko Haram militants massacred 2000 Nigerians and it has barely been covered by media. Only within the past day have several major news sources begun to report on the event.

2 Name: CyuRa !mDh0SdBc5E : 2015-01-13 20:29 ID:4P48elos [Del]

I can't believe I didn't hear about this before. Such terrible things are happening yet there is practically no news coverage.

3 Name: Shadeslayer914 : 2015-01-13 20:31 ID:pTN+Czm+ [Del]

Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous that this has not been seriously covered by major news systems.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-13 23:42 ID:fVWx0+r3 (Image: 700x535 jpg, 76 kb) [Del]

src/1421214172857.jpg: 700x535, 76 kb
It was by Huffington Post. It just was never the headline article.

I found an interesting opinion I want to share with you all (it isn't mine...except maybe the 2nd):

Opinion #1: "French people march for french people, nigerians can march for nigerians. Why is it that whenever something happens somewhere everyone immediately points to europe and says "do you care yet?" You dont care about us, we have no obligation to care more about you than our fellow europeans"

Opinion #2: "You know what's grinding my gears? People'd rather complain about how nobody's standing up for Nigeria than stand up for Nigeria. Why is nobody standing up for Nigeria? Because of shitheads like you who'd rather play victim and the blame game than ACTUALLY be compassionate to the REAL victims (also those in Nigeria). That's why."

Opinion #3: "[no one's paying as much attention to the massacre] because if westeners pay attention to it or intervene they are called fascist imperialists, if they do nothing they are called selfish ignorants. but doing nothing is a lot cheaper than a full scale operation with the same result in level of insults, doing nothing costs only some bags of popcorn while they wait for this all to blow over^^"

6 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-13 23:43 ID:fVWx0+r3 [Del]

bleh interesting opinions* >>5

7 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-01-13 23:52 ID:xZY/6d2Y [Del]

>>5 How is paying attention to is making us fascist? I understand us DOING something about it, but just knowing about it?

I think that things like what happened in Nigeria need to be blasted on the news more than what happened in France. Like, yeah. I agree that what happened in France is absolutely horrible. I feel sorry for them and I pray for those affected. Because, that shit changes people.

BUT, I think that more important things should get more coverage. TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE LOST THEIR HOMES IN NIGERIA. TWO THOUSAND KILLED! That's some serious shit, and I think it's more important. Why? More lives are lost.

Just because France it a first world country doesn't make them more important. That's what pisses me off about this. We're only seeing the shit about first world countries. We only care about them. It's sickening, because they're all people.

Though in a perfect world, they'd get equal media coverage. I wish I could have heard both stories on the news, not just one, ya know? Like, everyone's overlooking Nigeria, nad that's a jerk thing to do. Why? Because we think France is better? Why? Because they're more like us? It makes me sick.

8 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-14 00:19 ID:FR6K40Sr [Del]

>>5 I tried to calm down and create a nice, quiet opinion for "Opinion #1"...

But I failed. Warning, there's a lot of cursing.

I just wonder... Is that person serious...? That is so first world thinking... That's like saying the citizens of Gaza should march peacefully in the middle of a fucking war zone. THOUSANDS DEAD. THOUSANDS MORE HOMELESS.

They can't "march"!
They're too busy running!
Running For Their Fucking Lives, You Dumb Bastards!!

I've never been so pissed in my life. Are fucking serious?? The citizens of Gaza and most African countries are in the same boat: They're trapped in a deadly struggle between war/terrorism & politics and neither side gives a fuck about them, and the world just sits there like, "Wow. Why are they letting themselves get massacred?" Fuck You.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-14 00:36 ID:u9El12JZ [Del]

Again, more Islamic extremists.
I feel bad for Nigeria.
They have this and Shell Oil pretty much bleeding them dry.

10 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-14 22:15 ID:fVWx0+r3 [Del]


11 Name: Athena : 2015-01-15 00:49 ID:4zGK9Ly/ [Del]

>>7 To answer your questions: the news channels and websites are only out for a profit. They are trying to make the most amount of money from the stories, so they feel that making the Nigeria incident the main topic won't give them as much money as making the France incident the top story. And this is because France is a first world country and people are more interested in that that than a third world country. (people were more excited about the prince of England marrying than the other pressing issues happening at the time). This is why I don't like the news media because they never cover the things that are the most important. They only cover the things that will line their pockets. (not that the France incident isn't important)

12 Name: Leo : 2015-01-15 09:32 ID:6XHLxTnf [Del]

It's not only Nigeria. Yesterday (i think) Boko Haram attacked Cameroon. They totally got slaughtered by the army tho

13 Name: Lux : 2015-01-15 11:28 ID:toCBMjkc [Del]


14 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-15 22:03 ID:fVWx0+r3 [Del]

^ Read >>5 : Which opinion do you believe in?

15 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-17 22:46 ID:HNmLAQ5p [Del]


16 Name: Yuukio : 2015-01-18 11:03 ID:BGidQwPD [Del]

It's difficult and hard for me to understand why they are doing this.

17 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-13 11:27 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]


18 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-19 13:51 ID:XvOMGAnd [Del]


19 Name: nai_ian : 2015-02-19 22:11 ID:DBFYuFsZ [Del]

The problem with American news is that if America isn't involved then who cares, that said their are some exceptions, i.e. Tienanmen square or the attack on Charlie, but mostly it's all about America, Ebola is still a threat in Africa but how many main line news feeds have reported on it since the last case was dealt with in America.

20 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-24 08:18 ID:VSwgVFZp [Del]
