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Your Verdict? (6)

1 Name: NekoSenpai : 2014-12-02 21:06 ID:VW0pajJ/ [Del]

this came in today? Soldier jailed for making nailbomb avoids terrorism charge

2 Name: king0fcats !KiIJ.5zx7w : 2014-12-02 21:14 ID:gHISaH1t [Del]

Isn't nailbomb a metal band?
Okay its both that and a bomb...
As long as he doesn't use it in a bad way nothing should happen. No one gets charged for leagaly setting off fireworks.
(reads article)
"Ryan McGee told police he made the bomb when he was bored and because he did not like mass immigration"
Dafq? Does he just want to kill mexicans?
"A soldier who wrote of murdering immigrants and who praised Adolf Hitler has been jailed for two years after building a viable nailbomb packed with 181 pieces of shrapnel to maximise the carnage it would cause."
Adolf Hitler? Probably a mental issue. Therapy or a mental asylum not jail.
"He supported the English Defence League, Ku Klux Klan and praised then British National party leader Nick Griffin."
Bate for Anons? I honestly don know yet. Probably just mental issues.
"He came from a family, the court heard, with far-rightwing views. He had attended an EDL rally and had a “No Surrender” EDL flag and an EDL T-shirt and jumper – all bought for him by his mother for his 18th birthday."
His mother is messed up to. Brainwashed as a child, not his fault. Just keep heim out of trouble.

3 Name: king0fcats !KiIJ.5zx7w : 2014-12-02 21:21 ID:gHISaH1t [Del]

Also just a note, I used to go by Neko (king0fcats cats get it)

4 Name: NekoSenpai : 2014-12-02 21:24 ID:VW0pajJ/ [Del]

he needs some $$$ in his life haha

5 Name: Yuukio : 2014-12-03 04:15 ID:BGidQwPD [Del]

He's dangerous. When he add nails into bomb, it means that he intentionally do so knowing that add nails to bomb would cause more casualties. Furthermore, they even got evidence of him having a motive for using the bomb...and pictures of him connecting to those terrorist groups...How the heck did he escape the terror charge!?

Well... at least they jailed him up.

6 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-12-03 04:28 ID:1xlvYuL6 [Del]

Parenting fail. Bigtime.