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Obama's New Imigration Policy (3)

1 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-26 19:06 ID:FuN6KPo7 [Del]

I was wondering what everyone thought of this, Obama doesn't have much time in the office and I still believe he can do good for this country, even if it's a small amount it's better than nothing. So I do hope that this immigration policy works out for the best.


I think it's a good idea to do this. Immigrants are everywhere in this country and they bring new ideas to the table (like when your at your job and everyone there is a guy but then a girl gets hired and she gives the other guys a new perspective to get the work done) and come on many have been working in our country for years, they are basically Americans already they just need paperwork so why make it hard?

Also one more thing (I hate to bring race to our Americans but I cannot think of any other way to describe this), why the fuck is there a white man asking for money on the street when you got immigrants with full time jobs!? White people had the best opportunity out of any other American to succeed in this country and they just pissed it away, it's fucking sad.

As an American I am a firm believer in the belief "the land of opportunity" and I want that to come true to these immigrants that hard work in this country will make you an American.


2 Name: meganekko : 2014-11-26 21:47 ID:Uz/4e3zS [Del]

here is how i feel. when i growing up people say check the box that says Mexican or Hispanic. ok, why i do look like i come from Mexican with my dark brown eyes and hair plus my skin color. but i was born in forth worth, Texas. a southern state of America that's has a Mexico just right below us.
my whole family was born here. not one was from mexico. so, how are we Mexican. Mexicans are people from mexico. americans are from America. if we are born where shouldn't we be americans. Mexican-americans. that's for immigrants who come to America. we need stop immigrantion.
America history is white people took natives land then made a nation had black slaves. had a civil war about. then years of civil rights fighting. if it wasn't for slavery of multiple races and immigrants. we wouldn't be here today.
but immigrants also take. in texas Mexicans get the government to help just to send it to others in mexico. that's ours. i understand things are hard there. but fuck don't screw us over. stay in your country make it better. your they re citzen help your own country. fight to keep it going its where you are from. it's yours. i would help any way a could if that's what it comes to with me and america.

3 Post deleted by user.