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Microsoft Built a Friggin’ DALEK! (8)

1 Name: TNTD : 2014-11-21 04:28 ID:Q39cPxSl (Image: 1215x428 png, 947 kb) [Del]

src/1416565721699.png: 1215x428, 947 kb

And they totally meant to:
Showing a rather shocking disregard for the long-term safety of human civilization, Microsoft has become one of the first companies to deploy autonomous robot security guards. Dubbed the K5, Microsoft’s Silicon Valley campus was being policed last week by five of these roughly human-sized 300-pound (136 kg) robots, each equipped with enough cameras, sensors, artificial intelligence, and alarms that they can replace most human security patrols. Fortunately, despite looking like uncomfortably like a Dalek from the Doctor Who universe, the K5 is not (yet) equipped with a ray gun or any other method for harming or detaining humans.

The purpose of the K5, like most robots, is straightforward: To replace expensive human workers. The K5 can run for around 24 hours on a single battery charge, automatically navigates back to the charging point when it’s running low, and only takes 15-20 minutes to recharge. Obviously, in the long run, this is cheaper and more efficient than a human security guard — plus, as technology improves, the K5 will probably be more vigilant and capable of spotting smaller discrepancies than a human. In theory, because of the lower cost, you could also field lots of K5 robots, reducing the number of potential holes in security coverage.
It goes without saying, though, that deploying a fleet of roughly human-sized, autonomous robots is just a little bit scary. At the very least, a 300-pound robot would cause a lot of damage if it ran into something — a car, a shop window, a child. In all likelihood, though, if these robotic security guards are popular, they’ll eventually be equipped with weapons — perhaps a taser for subduing a suspect, and a tear gas launcher for clearing groups of people. At that point, you need to be really sure that the AI is free of bugs.

(Read the rest here)
Aside from the obvious immediate safety risks, why does Microsoft think it’s a good idea to replace “expensive human workers” at a time when our economy is oh-so-slowly recovering from a recession? The unemployment rate is down, sure, but it’s not nil. People need those jobs.
Plus, what are we going to do with all those segways?

Read more:

2 Name: anon : 2014-11-26 19:06 ID:J/YTOStn [Del]

this is gonna take a lot of good jobs away from people....

3 Name: Junktio : 2014-11-27 22:27 ID:tlE9kFk1 [Del]

that looks nothing like a Darlek... I emit it does look cool but really It's not a good imitation of a darlek. But like I said. I give them Prop's for creating it.

4 Name: FigeroTheCat : 2014-11-29 09:28 ID:NdmcStEP [Del]

I heard about this....yikes. I Do not agree with the robotics race. I know that the jobs I do and thrive in, like teaching, will one day be taken by computers and robots.
There is not any cost effective nature in this yet because the robots are more expensive than real people, but when is the line drawn on that?

5 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-11-29 11:04 ID:nT1r89Oc [Del]

They will still need people to make sure these robots are working properly, take one job away and it makes a new one. :D

6 Name: Yuukio : 2014-12-03 05:31 ID:BGidQwPD [Del]


but overall, there will still be net loss of jobs because

the no. of people required for maintenance < no. of people being security guard

7 Name: Andyfire !cMPD9cp3SU : 2014-12-03 11:17 ID:+kRRK0mW [Del]

everyone remembers how to kill them right? just one shot to the eyesocket....cuz in my professional opinion that really does look like a Dalek. Especially considering how the Daleks started.

Next thing you know we have cybermen in prodection.....oh please don't say thats true too!

8 Name: sásta : 2014-12-07 17:44 ID:zVtWCq9V [Del]

Oh my! I already have reservations about using artificial intelligence like this but seriously, couldn't they have made robots that don't resemble a Dalek?!