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Ebola Outbreak in Spain (39)

1 Name: Rina : 2014-10-11 16:16 ID:+J6YPLz8 [Del]

Check this out guys!
The 'Ebola Virus' is spreding wider and wider.

The condition of Teresa Romero Ramos – the Spanish nurse who is the first known person to contract Ebola outside west Africa – has worsened, according to relatives.

On Thursday afternoon, her brother José Ramón Romero told reporters at the Carlos III hospital that her state had deteriorated and she was now intubated. In a television interview with La Sexta he said she was having lung problems.

Four more people have been put in quarantine in the Carlos III hospital in the past day, bringing the total to seven. Another 80 or so are under observation, including health workers who treated Romero Ramos, and two employees at the hair salon where the nurse went for an appointment a week and a half ago.

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-11 18:33 ID:7hHfcb+0 [Del]

Shit I am so scared. O_o There's no way to know you've got it and when you do it's too late. D: This is the apocalypse dammit!

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-10-11 19:04 ID:fei22jUd [Del]

copying this from my FB:

The amount of cases of ebola in this recent outbreak outside of Africa make up .00024% of the total cases. The amount of deaths from this same scenario? .00025%. That's 2 people out of 8399 for the former instance and 1 of 4033 in the latter.

And yet we don't focus on the thousands dead in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, or the rest of West Africa. It's just pitiful egocentrism the media is using to whip people like you, >>2, into a frenzy.

So long story short; do you live in West Africa? No? Great.
Have you made contact with the bodily fluids (piss, fecal matter, saliva, etc.) of someone who was in West Africa over the course of the past month or so?
No? Wow, what are the fucking odds of that.

Now stop freaking out about it.

4 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-11 19:19 ID:7hHfcb+0 [Del]

>>3 well that made me feel better somewhat. They just keep freaking us out at school, especially the biology teachers O_o

5 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-10-11 21:59 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

>>4 you know why you shouldnt be freaked out? Because you arent exchanging fluids with people who are showing symptoms of ebola.

6 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-10-11 21:59 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

ohwait yata already said that. go you yata.

7 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-10-12 07:06 ID:gkecGzHJ [Del]

>>3 This until the day I die.
>>4 Biology teachers should know better, frankly.

People are getting way too worked up about this. The reason that ebola became such a problem in West Africa is because of the severe lack of access to education and medical assistance in the affected communities. The chances of an outbreak on a similar scale outside West Africa are quite low.

8 Name: Gotssan : 2014-10-12 07:35 ID:rqN2/kFm [Del]

>>3 Yatahaze is right. There are far worse problems in the world than ebola right now.

9 Name: OroseC : 2014-10-12 15:23 ID:xraaRInw [Del]

I heard that Ebola is also in Sacramento, California! That's pretty close to me.

10 Name: HHHHH : 2014-10-12 15:25 ID:xraaRInw [Del]

That may be true, Gotssan, but are the other problems you have in mind really things that we can help with?? If we can help with worldwide problems any way at all, we should focus on the ones that we can actually help with.

11 Name: Devin : 2014-10-13 06:20 ID:spS5XwSU [Del]

ebola-chan is so happy lol

12 Name: GIR : 2014-10-13 13:16 ID:Lf8h6Tp6 [Del]

I feel bad for the ones that have Ebola. Let's just hope that Ebola wont spread to Boston.

13 Name: Ru : 2014-10-13 15:03 ID:dwu0mW4a [Del]

Ebola loves people:c

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Juvii : 2014-10-16 00:11 ID:HpM51LYI [Del]

i hope their will be no side effects on that the infected turn into a zombie.seriously im scared of that happen

16 Name: risk : 2014-10-16 01:34 ID:roa9Uomx [Del]

>>15 you actually believe that??

17 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-10-16 06:00 ID:/HdqXKQI [Del]

>>15 facepalm, -_- ' ' '

18 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-16 19:27 ID:tkRB6NiM [Del]

>>16 >>17 actually my cousin (who majored in neurolgy) said that there are proven tests that something like a zombie outbreak could happen, just putting that out there, but I don't believe it. That's all science fiction to me.

19 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-10-16 23:23 ID:mQlgBT32 [Del]

>>18 Perhaps, but not from ebola, I don't think. That kind of thinking is just fearful.

20 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-16 23:33 ID:tkRB6NiM [Del]

>>19 yeah she said it was more likely to be the first time they formulate a cure for cancer that may cause such effects, because it's not well tested and it's the first time they've ever tried I guess.

21 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-10-17 03:25 ID:/HdqXKQI [Del]

>>20 Someone has been watching/playing too much resident evil, facepalm again, that will never happen dude, if you know anything about what cancer is, you would also know how in reality a cure would never turn it into a zombie apocalypse plague outbreak.

Plus - researchers have to deal with at least 10 years or more before human testing even starts for any new drugs.

Heres a link to what cancer is -

22 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-17 08:54 ID:tkRB6NiM [Del]

>>21 I'm not stupid. I know what fricking cancer is!

23 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-10-17 12:31 ID:6+VkE0hr [Del]

>watching/playing too much resident evil
>majored in neurolgy

But, clearly they don't know what cancer is because they disagree with you.
Also, do you seriously think if people catch wind there is a drug to cure cancer, they'll wait out the years it will take to approve it and just hope none of their relatives die in that time?

24 Name: Sid : 2014-10-18 01:40 ID:JlH0Ctpw [Del]

Just so you know there is a vaccine developed for ebola. It just hasn't been human tested and only proven in chimps. So yeah I think they will wait it out before it is approved just like it is for ebola.

On the zombie matter more than just the brain has to be reanimated. How would the muscles get the energy to move without a pump, like a heart? So it doesn't boil down to neurology, but more of anatomy, on the possibility of reanimating a corpse.

Not sure how, or why, ebola jumped to zombies, but probably should go back to ebola.

25 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-10-18 01:50 ID:2zrqh4bc [Del]

>>24 Yes, ZMapp, and people are already starting to freak out about it. It had success in the limited field tests it was subject to. The story, at least, is that it saved lives.

I do not think they will wait it out, because people don't even wait it out now. There are tons of drugs that haven't been fully clinically tested that have positive results with cancer patients, and these drugs are being sought after by hundreds upon thousands of people. Some of the time, they actually do get them, even before it's been approved.

Plus, with ebola, people are more scared of it and they are far more willing to accept that a cure exists if it qualms their fears.

As for zombies, maybe someone should make another thread.

26 Name: AsbestosX : 2014-10-19 16:19 ID:hdEM5vAq [Del]

Recent problem with Ebola in the US in my area as well... watch yourselves guys.

27 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-10-21 20:05 ID:EWFPDcpG [Del]

>>26 Just listen to good ol' Shep.

28 Name: DRIson : 2014-10-22 08:27 ID:7IkXOYJi [Del]

good job on keeping people calm Crisis theres no way its gonna break out ^^

29 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-10-22 21:13 ID:EWFPDcpG [Del]

>>28 Just the facts, homie.

30 Name: DRIson : 2014-10-23 13:18 ID:7IkXOYJi [Del]

exactly so don't believe the lies people and stay calm nothing will break out ^^

31 Name: Rena : 2014-10-24 11:30 ID:d6rZxHSk [Del]

As that's bad enough, America is already scared of catching what the first guy in America got. O_O

32 Name: Rena : 2014-10-24 11:30 ID:d6rZxHSk [Del]

I thought it was just a case of dandruff.

33 Name: Suli Hyuga : 2014-10-27 05:53 ID:e3Yuovoq [Del]

Just wanna point out that US News sites/channels/media intentionally over exaggerate things to take advantage of viewers. Ebola is only a threat in West Africa only. Ebola has only been confirmed to infect and kill 3 people in the US and research shows that it only transfers via bodily fluids (atleast last time I checked). For now, it's not a serious threat. Just ignore the US media, it's all controlled by the government to brainwash people.

34 Name: Torus : 2014-10-27 19:08 ID:CrZ5C7WI [Del]

Just so you now the U.S. has owned the patent for the ebola virus, for quite some time. things are not as they seem. google it

35 Name: Shh... Secret : 2014-10-27 21:52 ID:vcXjWuqQ [Del]

I feel conflicted about what I should think about Ebola. I know it is a horrible disease, and I send my condolences to anyone who suffers from it. However, I live in the U.S, and people are either making a huge joke about it, or freaking out.

At my school, a few silly guys made up a song about Ebola. I think it's a bit insensitive to people who have had to suffer, or had family members suffer, the disease. The song goes to the tune of 'If you're happy and you know it.'

If you really want Ebola, clap your hands! x2
If you really want Ebola, and you want your eyes to bleed,
If you really want Ebola, clap your hands.

Other people, however, are flipping out about this stuff. They were masks, and gloves, and some Americans were those sanitation suits on airplanes. It's insane.

I think that Ebola will be kept in check in America, as well as other countries, like Spain. My condolences go out to people who have suffered Ebola, died from it, and have had family members affected by it.

36 Name: Koko : 2014-10-28 14:19 ID:kSWjzhqv [Del]

What do you thinks going to happen?

37 Name: Sentry : 2014-10-28 15:04 ID:3uVmP8MJ [Del]

>>36 People panicking, ebola getting contained, and conspiracy theories. Observe how previous epidemics have turned out, ie SARS, flu's. Sooner or later it will be stopped. And

I am by no means putting it off as a joke, and condolences to victims and friends/family.

38 Name: B : 2014-10-28 21:26 ID:0DezWxXL [Del]

Ebola is really creating noise all over the world. Some are so affected by it that they have to wear multiple layers of masks and gloves along with a thick layer of disinfectant alcohol while others just make a joke out of it in the internet.

39 Name: Pawprint66 : 2014-10-29 10:56 ID:pCXEufxM [Del]

The main reason Ebola is so bad in Africa is because they don't have the medical resources or protocols we do here in America. In Africa, anyone afflicted with the disease is taken care of by their family or friends, who then can easily catch it and contaminate others. They don't get the medical care they need or have health protocols to follow, making it easily transmissible.

In America we have protocols of isolation, special protective gear, trained personnel, etc. Of course everyone should be wary and aware that the disease has come here, but it is also extremely contained. Sure, there's always the chance of getting it from someone on a plane or bus, but that's not really in anyones control. That's just how disease works.

All in all, here in America everyone should be paranoid about washing hands and prevention, but there is no need to freak out. We have the medicine and protocols. All the horror stories are from Africa, because unfortunately they don't have them. My condolences to anyone who has or know someone who has been afflicted.