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Quebec Man Sentenced to 60 Days for Watching Hentai Anime (34)

1 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-12 06:07 ID:Sv0KEjHa [Del]

Is this truly a just way to handle the case? I think the whole thing sounds a little overexaggerated, especially last one. Everyone should have the right to read and watch what they want as long as human suffering isn't involved. It's not like they're hurting anyone. Any thoughts?

2 Name: Tokiomi !zbda3poRao : 2014-09-12 17:37 ID:LNXRKkec [Del]

Truly, I don't see why they sentenced him to jail at all in my opinion you have to be out of your mind to sentence him to jail. In all honesty it's just an animation characters not real people. You can't just send a person to jail because of what they watch in their daily life.

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-13 18:27 ID:SWHntUQK [Del]

That's pretty damn stupid. I guess I've finally found a side of Canada that I don't appreciate.

4 Name: Arith : 2014-09-13 18:44 ID:fPpQMIK/ [Del]

He was sentenced because it showed underage pornography. I don't mean to take a side, but I think it is still illegal, even if it is drawn.

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-13 19:05 ID:SWHntUQK [Del]

>>4 Any depiction of the privates of characters who are or appear to be under 18 is considered child pornography in Canada.

Which is stupid. Nobody is getting harmed in it. Would you rather have pedophiles seek out real kids or would you rather they fap to pixels? Personally, I'd rather they cum on their laptop screen than in someone's kid.

6 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-13 19:48 ID:Sv0KEjHa [Del]

>>4 If it's illegal or not is not the point here. Of course it's illegal. I mean, you would probably be surprised how many different stupid things are illegal in certain countries.
I just don't see the harm in it. If anyone would have a valid argument as to why it should be illegal, I may understand but I never heard one yet.

7 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-09-14 08:01 ID:gRkjQCzN [Del]

Though I'm totally with Barabi in thinking that drawn naked kids don't at all equal real naked kids, what he did still counts as an offence. But ten years on the sex offenders registry for that is just insane.

8 Name: Dawn Blake : 2014-09-14 09:57 ID:ujunyDEt [Del]

like... what the actual fuck

9 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-14 23:47 ID:SWHntUQK [Del]

>>7 It's almost as bad as the people in 'Murica put on the sex offenders registry for pissing in the woods. Because, you know, that's like... plant molestation. Kinda like pixel molestation. What a crazy world - you just don't know what kind of nutjobs are gonna show up these days!

10 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-15 01:37 ID:Sv0KEjHa [Del]

>>9 lolwtf. What kind of cruel country expects a man (or woman) to hold it in until she gets to a toilet in the woods. I mean, considering the abundance of public bathrooms in the woods...
I can just picture it:
- "Hi. I'm Mike. I'm a 20 year old sex offender."
- "Hey Mike. Confess your sins, child."
- "Well. So it started when I harassed my first plant...
...t'was a blueberry bush..."

11 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-15 12:29 ID:SWHntUQK [Del]

>>10 Seriously. They usually don't enforce it along hiking routes, but otherwise peeing in public in any form can have you put on the sex offender registry in NJ. The people who get hit with it the most are the ones who pull off the parkway and piss in the woods there. Would you seriously rather they pissed in their cars? :\

Even the assholes who do legitimately piss in public (like the boys who piss on the side of 7/11 for the hell of it) and should be punished don't deserve to be put on the sex offender registry. That shit is harsh. It manages where you can live and where you can go and who you can see and can even be reason to lose custody of your kids. Not to mention your information is publicly available by anyone who goes to the police department in your neighborhood and asks for a list of local sex offenders. That shit follows you.

12 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-09-15 12:47 ID:1xlvYuL6 [Del]

>>11 I'd gladly look at what a politician would have to say to this after having his or her tank full with no public bathrooms in the vincinity. And even that shit ain't sanitary usually. NJ, that stands for New Jersey?

13 Name: Six !6cVG7VjCko : 2014-09-15 15:20 ID:Trv4xIw4 [Del]

People are gonna think I am stupid here but if a person is a pedophile then that is who they are. Everybody likes things or does things that they arent proud of and it is what makes everybody in this world different. The fact that instead of seeking out innocent children in real life he watched erotic art is a good thing. If anything, he has more of my respect than the people who judge him.
>>10 On another note, your plant story brought me to tears and I am not even joking!

14 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-15 16:49 ID:Sv0KEjHa [Del]

>>13 you mean tears of laughter right? ... ... ... right?

15 Name: Termicreeper : 2014-09-16 10:06 ID:4hlXeQlx [Del]

I feel bad for this man.

16 Name: Six !6cVG7VjCko : 2014-09-16 12:48 ID:aNCPWkWq [Del]

>>14 Laughter...confusion...just pure happiness...I don't even know anymore

17 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-16 13:02 ID:Sv0KEjHa [Del]

>>16 Mkay.....

18 Name: Kuroi-chan : 2014-09-19 12:47 ID:ucFwbBF7 [Del]

This is way too much.... :/

19 Name: NOIZ : 2014-09-19 14:08 ID:hRjd5/0F [Del]


20 Name: admin : 2014-09-19 14:30 ID:HbI9DMZw [Del]


21 Name: Salzamoz : 2014-09-21 00:37 ID:YR3UV8QS [Del]

I think this is completely ridiculous. We all should have the equal right to participate in our own hobbies no matter what they are. You're right, he isn't bringing harm to anyone.

22 Name: Alloliza Ayi : 2014-09-23 11:26 ID:NZ4/rcab [Del]

that is wrong....let the guy do watever the crap he wants
he's not hurting anything

23 Name: Baika : 2014-09-23 18:04 ID:69VMNr+U [Del]

i mean he could see that and want to go and rape real children

24 Name: trylouu : 2014-09-23 20:06 ID:/EEXRKpF [Del]

I guess he could, but only if he sees those lolis as children, most characters are at least 15 years and older. but it could be illegal or something there, I dont know

25 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-24 01:44 ID:Sv0KEjHa [Del]

"i mean he could see that and want to go and rape real children"

or he could not see it and still go rape real children. What he watches doesn't make a difference. Someone with an established value system won't mix up fiction with reality.

Also following that logic no one should see the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or No country for old men, since they'll go out and massacre a lot of people right? No.

26 Name: Cryoatic : 2014-10-01 06:03 ID:sO8Knowe [Del]

Was it boku no pico Causei would arrest him for that

27 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-10-01 09:11 ID:SWHntUQK [Del]

I would also like to put it out there that fapping to loli hentai doesn't always mean you're a pedophile escaping from their urges, either. That's like saying a boy watching yaoi must be suppressing his inner homo. You can enjoy watching something and have no intention of ever doing it in real life, nor even liking the concept of it done in real life. Just because someone watches guro doesn't mean they want to dismember their lovers and cut off their nipples, for example.

Though in the case of true pedophiles watching it, I'd much rather they get it off to cartoons than actually children.

>>12 ikr? And yeah, New Jersey. We have laws that micromanage everything, but at least we're not as bad as New York. I think I'd cry if they limited the size sodas you can buy in stores here like they tried to do there.

>>13 I'm glad to hear it amused you :>

28 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-10-01 11:33 ID:1xlvYuL6 [Del]

>>27 Pretty much agree with that.

We have a law in our country apparently that if someone has to go to the toilet, citizens are obligated to let them in the building to use the restroom. Also makes me think why McDonalds can legally charge for a person using the bathroom tho lol. Weird stuff.

29 Name: HAM !!GwEk0fN9 : 2014-10-07 19:06 ID:7PDkdrA5 [Del]

>>27>>25 These.

As a guro fan I can account that while it may be appealing in fantasy, it's fucking disgusting even by my standards for real life. But people still have a right to what they think and watch. When they place their urges onto others who are unwilling, THAT'S when something needs to be done about it. Otherwise it's just a general freedom/human rights argument.

30 Name: Annie : 2014-10-09 13:31 ID:LAtXWxgO [Del]

i know this doesn´t belong to the subject but i promised myself to tell you all about this. there is a facebook group for dollars called Unity law.
if you wanna join, then you have to ask for the friendship of the man who owns the group. Adam Ace Eriksson.
i hope that i´ll get to see you all at facebook^^

31 Name: Rodrigo_SOL : 2014-10-09 21:49 ID:dKnls/gH [Del]

Isn't hentai like porn? So wouldn't means he's going to jail for watching porn? Smh...

32 Name: Inuhakka !INb4cATsHE : 2014-10-09 23:44 ID:TRPH05K+ [Del]

>>31 Yeah, but it's child porn in this case. That is technically a crime. Most of the time, though, that is because a child was harmed in the making of it. Here, that does not apply.

33 Name: Masaya : 2014-10-16 19:57 ID:DJTeZYhg [Del]

Yeah, Loli porn is also illegal. Although I see Shota shit sometimes... -_-

34 Name: BarabiSama : 2014-10-16 21:31 ID:aW5VrT0N [Del]

What's a hernia?