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Palestine: in the Gaza (20)

1 Name: Nene : 2014-07-23 10:05 ID:JaSoDUnf [Del]

I must say I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about this topic.

I've read this information from the cbs news website but trust me, it's all over the place. Internet, newspapers, tv, everywhere. Of course these situations always are.

Apparently Israeli attacks continue in the Gaza strip of Palestine. Many Palestinians have been killed, and I'm pretty sure that many of the ones fighting have also been killed. Also I've heard of an unconditional cease fire that the Islamic militant group will not be agreeing to.

U.S. Secretary of state, Mr. John Kerry says that the U.S. will be providing $47 million to assist the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Although I am glad that this is being done to help those people, I have reason to believe that this act of charity isn't just an innocent act of charity. There's always something behind those kinds of actions. It's not hard to see.

And before you go pointing fingers at those responsible for this horrible situation, think for a second and remember that a few people's actions don't make up one entire race. Don't be so quick to judge or accuse. Let's not have a repeat of 9/11.

If you don't know at all what I'm talking about, I suggest you do a little research. If you really don't know about this, watch the news some more. What are you're opinions?

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: :^) : 2014-07-23 14:59 ID:5Kmycd5T [Del]

>what are you're opinions
> what are you are opinions
>you are opinions
2deep OP 2deep

4 Name: Kazami : 2014-07-23 20:39 ID:6sOKK1+o [Del]

This situation resulted from 60 years of oppression made by the immigrants. You'll understand if you read the history of Palestine and Zionist occupation after WW2.

5 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-23 21:36 ID:4qLT0JiH [Del]

>>3 >If you don't know at all what I'm talking about, I suggest you do a little research

That's your job when you post a topic on the News board. If you read the rules, you'd know you have to post links to back up the stories you are posting about. If it's all over the place as you say, this shouldn't be too difficult to find information on and link here.

6 Name: :^)) : 2014-07-24 04:33 ID:2IJIqNvA [Del]

I could literally feel that kike writhing in his skin and seat towards the end of the discussion.

>I have reason to believe that this act of charity isn't just an innocent act of charity

Hahaha u wot?

7 Name: Raiden : 2014-07-25 03:21 ID:PFOSFdeU [Del]

Humanity i going in a slow downward spiral

8 Name: Raiden : 2014-07-25 03:22 ID:PFOSFdeU [Del]


9 Name: Zaendle : 2014-07-25 04:35 ID:hy+14rmy [Del]

This is really bad. I do hope they stop the fighting and learn to live peacefully. They are hurting those innocent people who doesn't want to get involved :(

10 Name: Chrome_kun : 2014-07-25 08:35 ID:FS5s/9/W [Del]

I feel sorry for the children that are being caught in their stupid war

11 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-25 08:52 ID:tfb8OL9Y [Del]

>>10 With Jews you lose.

12 Name: AllyKat : 2014-07-26 02:49 ID:OVNFkq8h [Del]

i was told it was $48 million. but what eves,this scares me though cause my father is in the military.

13 Name: KuroNeko : 2014-07-26 16:27 ID:7sjJhWqT [Del]

Thos has been going on for years and I think it has gotten worse after what was happening in Syria and Egypt. I'm not too full on sure about details but I know thousands are dying from the bombs even when the Israelis claim to warn them to evacuate 10 minutes before, but to where? The Egyptians are beginning to side with the Israelis and they border Where Gaza stands and the other side is the sea and they will only be killed if they run to the Israelian territory. So they are cornered.

The people who people can send the charity and supplies to fight back have been locked up and possibly killed leaving for the rest to create their own self defense, which is a fake bomb made to scar the Israelis.

Honestly, I don't think this is going to end until one of them is annihilated or backs off. Not only that, I feel Utterly annoyed that fellow Arab countries are on Israels side and are watching them tear them apart.

I believe They are planning on splitting up the Arab countries even more than they are (Like whats happening in Syria) to weaken them more than they have been after the Sykes-picot.

I'm Palestinian myself and am getting increasingly angry.

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Potato-Chan : 2014-07-26 16:47 ID:7sjJhWqT [Del]

I believe the entire Israeli attacks that have been constantly happening throughout the years was to try and kick out Hamas who is a Muslim ruler in Gaza.They don't want someone who is not under their rule. In Westbank Palestine, the 'Muslim' ruler there agrees to everything the Israelis tell him to do, However in Gaza they stand strong against them. Even though Hamas isn't exactly who the Muslims want he is at least better than the other rulers.

To summarize:

Israelis dislike the fact that there Gaza refuses to give in and to be occupied as easily causing this never ending battle to break out after every few years. They dislike that it isn't under their rule.

This is what I understood from the entire ongoing war.

16 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-09 01:19 ID:zIxJGsxL [Del]


17 Name: Dom : 2014-08-11 06:29 ID:wl7KCLAr [Del]

Let's show some facts:
There was never a COUNTRY named Palestine, only a city.
Israel is bombed on a daily basis. EVERY YEAR.
IDF is dropping notes from their planes about bombing that are about to happen so people could hide, unlike the hamas...

Learn about BOTH sides. I'm pro-israel.

18 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-11 07:02 ID:2IJIqNvA [Del]

>>17 Ew. Gross.

Israel is a stolen state.
If us White folk didn't slaughter the Red man, do you not think our cities would be attacked daily?
Think about it.
Israel was created by our government because they felt bad the poor Jews got their big noses into trouble all over Europe.
We gave Indians(what was left of them) shit land that we own, we gave the poor niggers the projects, moved the lower class into section 8, and then gave those dirty yids a whole country to do whatever they so wish. We gave them what pretty much amounts to a force field, so those daily bombing are pretty useless.

Did you know that the Jews kicked out a whole village of people so they could put up Jew only housing?
Did you know that the people of Gaza can't trade anything without Israel's consent? Did you know that at any day an American born Jew can just hop a plane over to the illegal state of Israel?
Israel has stolen state secrets and thrust us into war in the Middle East for so long now.
If you're pro-Israel, you're either a Jew, a shill, or really really dumb mang.

Israel is literally worse than Hitler.

19 Name: Dom : 2014-08-11 07:47 ID:wl7KCLAr [Del]

Stolen? But Britain PROMISED this land. The kinda OWNED it. [kinda]. So it's not stolen.

Did you know that the people of Gaza are teaching their kids to hate jews [and Christians. Well, any not-Muslim person] & be racist?
Did you know that the people of Gaza are training kids to be TERRORISTS?
Did you know that they send people to explode in BUSS?
Did you know that they bombed [and still doing it] Israel for over 4 years on a regular basis?

Instead investing money in Gaza, they invested in terrorism and creating huge-ass tunnels.

You're either a Muslim, a shill or a really really dumb man.

And I'm an atheist.
It's like you are ignoring all the terror they have done...

20 Name: :^) : 2014-08-11 11:40 ID:SyRA+jR+ [Del]

Let people hate who they want to hate in their own country, which was stolen, just like Americaland.
Terrorists or freedom fighters? Fine line.

I'm a Christian.

It's like you're ignoring all the terror Israel has done.