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Malaysia Airlines Plane Shot Down (12)

1 Name: Anon : 2014-07-17 21:37 ID:08QtPNEr [Del]

anyone else just hear about this?

NY Times Article
NBC News Article

Just sharing the news. Didn't hear about this until five minutes ago and was shocked to read about it... what a mess...

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-18 04:15 ID:spohWn0v [Del]

I live in Ukraine. It is officially said that "separatists" did it. Russia now blames Ukraine, though. Ukraine blames everyone Russia-related, saying that there was a route for Ukrainian warship plane and "separatists" just confused a civil plane with it. Also, in latest few days "separatists" shot 2 our war planes, and there's an unclear evidence that actually the shooting was made from one of nearest Russian cities, not "separatists" territory, which is technically within Ukraine's boards.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-18 04:27 ID:spohWn0v [Del]

I can only give you links to translate with google:
It's not known if the account of separatists leader in social networks is real or fake, but media still refers to it.
LNR=one of separatistic territories ("republics"). DNR - another one. They aren't the same, and they don't really unite.

Everything is really unclear as for now.

4 Name: Anon : 2014-07-18 10:19 ID:08QtPNEr [Del]

>>2>>3 I know there's just a lot of trouble that's been brewing out there but I hope even though things are starting to look a bit bad I hope everyone can stay safe.

5 Name: Flux : 2014-07-18 13:12 ID:cu3ggYqs [Del]

i think Mother Russia is guilty for this ...

6 Name: Ruby : 2014-07-18 19:38 ID:FdWsFSKv [Del]

i heard about it and it sucks

7 Name: Slasher : 2014-07-19 12:48 ID:K+reZXj+ [Del]

This is really bad stuff, and I feel like an ass making a joke right now, but I really am not thinking of going on any Malaysian flights anymore...

8 Name: Kei-kun : 2014-07-19 16:52 ID:08QtPNEr [Del]

>>7 International plane travel is already scary enough as it is though.

Personally I prefer train travel (trains are best! ^ ^) but yeah I can't take a train across the ocean to Japan and a boat takes a ridiculous amount of time soo. I'm kinda stuck. lol

9 Name: Termicreeper : 2014-07-21 08:31 ID:4hlXeQlx [Del]

We should add bridges for trains to get across.

10 Name: :^) : 2014-07-21 22:54 ID:D/TQJfD9 [Del]

>>9 trains would get shot at too

11 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-21 23:31 ID:4qLT0JiH [Del]

>>10 You're right, trains are weak against bullets.

I think we should invest in submarines instead. The missiles to blow those up are significantly more expensive, and would create more jobs when people feel the need to blow something up when they are in dire circumstances and demand goes up sky high.

12 Name: :^) : 2014-07-22 00:36 ID:2IJIqNvA [Del]

>>11 /o/