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4Chan v.s. Tumblr War Causes Teenage Suicide. (42)

1 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-06 07:57 ID:SmcL83ZX [Del]

4Chan, a site that shares memes and common interests, is a birthplace of many memes and trolls. Making Memes seems to be a very territorial art, because many members of 4Chan are claiming position to memes that were shared on member's Tumblr. Tumblr is a blogging website where you can follow your interests. Members of 4Chan decided to organize "Raids" of Tumblr, From placing gore picture, and 18+ material in tag's such at #Cute, #Homosexual-Acceptance,or #Puppies and taking people's #Me Self Portraits and photoshopping them onto porn and sharing them onto the internet. A "Raid" on this July 4th has been the direct cause to the suicide of a teenager, and multiple panic attacks of many people and Close Friends of mine.

2 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-06 07:58 ID:SmcL83ZX (Image: 500x600 jpg, 120 kb) [Del]

src/1404651504637.jpg: 500x600, 120 kb

3 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-06 08:02 ID:SmcL83ZX (Image: 720x1280 png, 386 kb) [Del]

src/1404651725464.png: 720x1280, 386 kb

4 Name: Sayomi : 2014-07-06 11:03 ID:FD9P38YE [Del]

Ugh this whole thing was horrible! I was there to witness it first hand! the suicides are devastating though :(
When will humanity learn...

5 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2014-07-06 11:13 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

You know what i just love about this post? It doesn't talk about the actual thing it's initially referencing in the title until the very fucking end. If you want to talk about the whole shit posting fiasco that's going on that's fine but don't use someone's assumed suicide because of it as an attention grabber.

6 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-07-06 13:57 ID:09azSrbL [Del]

'Whatever.' We're sort of done with it now, but I guess it's still going? Fuck tumblr.

7 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-06 14:43 ID:3JJsyh0y [Del]

There are a surprising lack of links.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-06 15:51 ID:sRn7FOwV [Del]

Also I said position not possession "4Chan Members are claiming Possession to memes..."

10 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-06 16:00 ID:sRn7FOwV [Del]

Unfortunately, I was looking up at articles, and the assumed suicide was a hoax. And there arn't link to this because online event such as this don't make the new too often unless there is a law suit in play, currently there is a petition to count the actions as unlawful, but no suit can be filed at this time.

>>5 I didn't just place the title to get attention, It was to my knowledge that these event's were documented, but was too hasty to actually look for proper evidence. I would never use suicide as a hook to gain attention to something this trivial unless it would have happened, it was my fault for a hasty post, I look forward to this being permasaged in the future.

11 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-06 16:01 ID:sRn7FOwV [Del]

arn't any links*

12 Name: Malikaru : 2014-07-06 16:08 ID:ulp9j8mI [Del]

Wow I didn't hear about that...that's intense

13 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-06 16:11 ID:3JJsyh0y [Del]

>>10 Well, I think the event itself would be a valid topic of discussion. But, it should be remade with a link to an article if there is one and with properly researched information from that link. If there are no articles on it anywhere, unfortunately it doesn't really belong on this board.

14 Name: Malikaru : 2014-07-06 16:23 ID:ulp9j8mI [Del]

I found a little something on the topic that may help.

15 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-07-06 16:28 ID:09azSrbL [Del]

I hate snowflakes.

16 Name: Malikaru : 2014-07-06 16:30 ID:ulp9j8mI [Del]

No need to hate on snowflakes there sir.

17 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-07-06 16:46 ID:09azSrbL [Del]

>>16 What's your trigger, shitflake?

18 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-06 16:52 ID:sRn7FOwV [Del]

>>14 That is the page that i looked at to find more information, that along with many other pages displayed that the suicide was just a lie for Tumblr people trying to make the 4Chaners feel bad. It as sick to lie about suicide just to hurt others, and this entire event is just 2 idiots hurting each other cause they have no proper sense of purpose.

19 Name: Malikaru : 2014-07-06 17:47 ID:tMRiM/bw [Del]

I agree it's sick and no reason for it to happen

20 Name: Akagami : 2014-07-06 18:04 ID:CSZ/g0lz [Del]

Jesus Christ those poor girls...! Just kidding.

Tumblr started it. Tumblr went to 4chan, messed with them a little, and were actually shocked that 4chan would follow them back to their cave. Tumblr doesn't have the inner strength to deal with being a target of 4chan yet they put themselves under 4chan's radar with their dumb antics. And now they are paying for it. Because this is 4chan and if you're dumb enough to pick a fight with them you almost deserve what you get.

However it is unfortunate in the sense of "casualties" (If you want to even call it that). Not all tumblrettes were apart of the fight on 4chan but now have to deal with 4chan's counterattack because of what their fellow tumblr sisters brought on. So whose fault is it, really?

Also. People on tumblr are the most spineless oversenstive cunts on the face of the planet who claim to be triggered and suffer from panic attacks from the word "faggot" and "retard". Who demand trigger warning labels on literally everything because they might accidentally see something that they don't like and can't draw yaoi of. They want everyone to cater to them and their bullshit victim complexes and treat them like actual babies.

Tumblr needs to stop picking fights and stick to bullying and being passive aggresive to their own community. Because that it what they do best.

And also. The suicide thing is bullshit. It's a lie. Tumblrettes are exactly the kind of people who would make something like that up to try and get your sympathy and further their sense of victim hood. And you know what. Even if it is real, if a girl actually commits suicide because of some stupid shit like tag spamming, then really, how badly should we feel for someone so weak? If that's all it took, even if tumblr didn't do anything, she would have taken herself out over something stupid eventually. You can call me heartless or whatever. But it's not even true anyway.

Tumblr thinks they are heroes. Tumblr thinks they are progressive. Tumblr is not. They are controlling, passive aggressive, bullying sheep with fragile egos who band together in a sisterhood circle jerk, deeming people who don't agree with them and walk on eggshells around them, as sub human and proceed to target those people into either leaving or submitting into their anti cis/anti man/radical fem group.

4chan knows they are shit lords and do not give a fuck.

No I don't feel bad that 4chan is ruining tags. Yell Tumblr yells at other tumblrettes if you even post anything negative about the subject and demand only happy cock sucking things be put in tags. They have unreasonable expectations and desires because they are fucking brats.

Even if 4chan wasn't here, tumblr would seek things out to "trigger" them just so they can bitch about it and pretend they have PTSD just because they are a little bit unhappy or uncomfortable cuz of something they saw.

If I were to have to pick one thing about tumblr to feel "bad" about regarding the raid, I guess I could say it sucks that apparently 4chan is planning to or already has, been photoshopping porn using tumblrette selfies. Because I assume a lot of the selfies are belonging to people who did nothing to 4chan.

/end rant

tl;dr: Fuck tumblr. They brought it on themselves. You want to protect your fellow tumblrette sisters? Then don't lure beasts into your cave with your weak fight picking.

21 Name: K : 2014-07-06 22:35 ID:M9jSeS2K [Del]

Calm down, whether you be a user of Tumblr or 4chan it's fine. What we have in common (users on this website, not targeting either website) is that we are dollars and do what we believe is right.
Anyone may argue what they feel is right in a respectful manner as we are all entitled to our opinions and should show respect to the members who use this website to view what we contribute.

22 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-07-07 00:38 ID:09azSrbL [Del]

Tl;dr: Tumblr users are too sensitive.

23 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-07-07 04:04 ID:yint3mYS [Del]

>>20 I like you.
>>22 'too sensitive' doesn't even begin to cover it.

Tumblr and 4chan are both fucking awful places that house fucking awful people. It's the internet, guys: if you're too sensitive to handle all the crazy, messed up shit that goes down, you need to take some bloody initiative and leave.
If people really are suffering because of this, that's a shame, but we're all at fault here.

24 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-07 11:20 ID:3JJsyh0y [Del]

>It's the internet

The Internet is not one big 'place'.
Saying you shouldn't visit websites at all if you can't handle the worst websites is like saying you shouldn't drive if you can't handle driving in Montreal. It's silly and unrealistic.


They are spamming safe tags. The people that view those tags are taking an effort specifically to avoid the 'crazy, messed up shit that goes down' elsewhere on other websites or even within the same website. What are these people supposed to do if they can't handle rape porn and gore? They can't visit any web pages on the Internet?

The only people that 'deserve' to be disrupted are the people that instigated it, and you can bet that wasn't even close to the majority of the users being affected by this raid. I'd also bet those people could probably handle the content being spammed.

It seems the people who are most against tumblr. are people that already have preconceived notions of how sensitive the entire user base of the site is. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a website that wouldn't freak out if it started getting spammed with gore and rape.

Users that continue to use the site knowing of the raid are taking a risk and it is their fault if they encounter content they can't handle. It is now an accepted risk. If someone continues to do this to the point of a meltdown or suicide, I don't have much sympathy for them.

25 Name: Akagami : 2014-07-07 16:02 ID:CSZ/g0lz [Del]


Alright I do respect your opinion but I wish to counter argue a bit if that's alright.

"The only people that 'deserve' to be disrupted are the people that instigated it"

In a way I agree. But unfortunately, this is how war tends to work. Innocents will pay for the actions of a select few. If you don't want 4chan to torment your entire website, don't pick a fight with them. Because 4chan knows what kind of site tumblr is, knows they are easy targets, and are more than willing to target everyone as a whole.

"It seems the people who are most against tumblr. are people that already have preconceived notions of how sensitive the entire user base of the site is. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a website that wouldn't freak out if it started getting spammed with gore and rape."

I actually have been a member of tumblr since before it actually got bad. I've actually watched the type of stuff that goes on that people are always saying. Constantly. You hear it so much you begin to think "Oh people are just hearing things through the grape vine. Probably a little exaggerated" but the sad thing is it's not. I've seen the way they treat people. I've seen their unreasonable demands and expectations. Their bratty attitudes. Their passive aggressiveness. And their hive bullying. And their victim complex as well as this weird complex they have where they think they are better than everyone else because they say "gross", "problematic", "scum" and "trash" instead of "faggot". My entire rant is based on hundreds of examples of things I have personally seen and also personally been through because of those cunts as well as friends of mine.

Tumblr behaves badly whether 4chan is there or not. Fuck, I was called a supporter of rape culture because I called myself a camwhore once for crying out loud.

Their delusional minds are real.

26 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-07-08 08:01 ID:yint3mYS [Del]

>>24 The point I'm making is that people don't need to be on Tumblr. If there is a persistent problem on Tumblr, users can simply log off and the issue is gone. They shouldn't have to leave, but if it is somehow harming them, they are fully able to do so and should for their own good. It's all so avoidable.
>>25 This. It's really not exaggerated. The 'social justice activists' on Tumblr are practically rabid. They're immature, delusional, self-righteous bullies.

I don't know why people are getting so amped up about this. Why not just stay out of popular tags until this all passes? That's what I'm doing, and it's working out just fine. Wow, 4chan did something annoying and disgusting, what a surprise!

27 Name: Extispicer !KOEpxeIGfQ : 2014-07-08 13:03 ID:hI9r6m6T [Del]

>>1 Source?

28 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-08 13:10 ID:3JJsyh0y [Del]

>>25 >>26 Oh, I don't disagree that in general, the site's users get very defensive and insulted over very small, petty things. I did not mean to imply that. However, having safe tags spammed with gore is worth getting very offended over, and I feel the majority of people that disagree with this are basing that on their wish for these tumblr. users to be violated. I almost feel as if many people silently (or not silently) hated this site, and this attack which would normally bring support brought none because of these feelings.

Of course, we can't expect everyone to treat everyone neutrally and disregard all past actions. Even if they do deserve to get antsy over this, people will remember how they've gone out of their way to make people feel bad for making social mistakes, in their eyes.

>>26 Like I said, I completely agree. If they had some sort of reaction when they thought it was safe, fine. However, it is possible to simply avoid using the service for the weeks the attack will take to boil down.

I do think it's kind of scummy they are attacking tags specifically to get people to freak out now, like #OCD, etc. That might be a bit far.

>I wish to counter argue a bit if that's alright.

It's always all right.
It's why I do this in the first place.
Counter away. :)

29 Name: Chreggome : 2014-07-09 00:50 ID:2IJIqNvA [Del]

All the tumblerfags have to do to win is just turn the computers off.
Anon is a hero.
He is Tyler Durden.

30 Name: Chreggome : 2014-07-09 01:00 ID:2IJIqNvA (Image: 640x720 png, 525 kb) [Del]

src/1404885603663.png: 640x720, 525 kb

31 Name: Zero : 2014-07-09 13:50 ID:J6V+SVb9 [Del]

4chan is was on the right side and I find it incredibly hard to believe some one would kill themselves over the whole squirmish is a hoax

32 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-09 18:49 ID:0m145oOC [Del]

Holy shit, I didn't expect any kind of reaction close to this. Such pride in an internet website, and such reactions as to cause such hatred is just... Stupid. "I like this website, this other website made fun of my web site, They should have their houses set on fire with them an their dog's and their children still in it." Serously, how fucked up does the world, and people since of morality stray so far as to bully stragners on the internet who had nothing to do with each other, because one asshole bothered another, And too Lie about suicide, and to wish for the death of another, JUST BECAUSE YOU ALL SHARED MEAN WORDS! this shit right here is why there are school shootings, why there are people like the Westboro Baptist Church, and increase in teen suicide. Not because of video games, not because of music or the public media, It because of assholes who think that they can do anything on the internet to anybody, and not have any consequences. The internet removes our inhibitions, out since of morality better then any alcohol, drug, or preacher. It's to beer in this aspect as mud is to water. There are people who think they can tell someone to kill themselves because they are ugly in the internet, but would lash out at someone for saying the word cunt. WTF is with this. Ths event was stupid, but your reactions to it, some of you, are just saddening, and down right idiotic. NO-ONE should place a website's pride over a human life, it's worse than racism, saying one person's life is worth less than a construct of 1's and 0's just for being on another website is something I'll never be able to wrap my mind around. To those who participated in, agree with, or even think that these events are in any way justifiable, Get a life. Stop sadistically and malevolently doing shit over the internet to people you don't even know, it's plain old stupid. no one should be hurt over the internet from something as stupid as this.

33 Name: Tofu : 2014-07-09 21:30 ID:GW6dRxv1 [Del]

While I am still actually a Tumblr user, like Akagami, I have been on the site before all the social justice bloggers, "feminist" bloggers, and others came to completely turn everyone into pretty much the Nazis of the internet. Tumblr claims to "accept everyone no matter what", yet attacks anyone who doesn't conform to their standards and forcefully puts their opinions on others; when actually by the way they act, they act like their opinions are fact and rules that need to be kept. It's become so outrageous that there are literally trigger tags for everything.
I know this is pretty much the shorter version of Akagami's rant, but its been sitting in my mind for a pretty long time and it had to be said.

34 Name: Tofu : 2014-07-09 21:30 ID:GW6dRxv1 [Del]

While I am still actually a Tumblr user, like Akagami, I have been on the site before all the social justice bloggers, "feminist" bloggers, and others came to completely turn everyone into pretty much the Nazis of the internet. Tumblr claims to "accept everyone no matter what", yet attacks anyone who doesn't conform to their standards and forcefully puts their opinions on others; when actually by the way they act, they act like their opinions are fact and rules that need to be kept. It's become so outrageous that there are literally trigger tags for everything.
I know this is pretty much the shorter version of Akagami's rant, but its been sitting in my mind for a pretty long time and it had to be said.

35 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-07-09 22:14 ID:0m145oOC [Del]

>>33, I understand that members of any site can be like that. The site claims to accept everyone, and they do, but individual members are the ones who are being "NAZI's of the internet". No need to class everyone as the same, to attack and offend the whole site with such collateral damage to kids who have nothing to do with it and just want to follow and run their blogs, or to stage "Raid" on another site for no reason is completely uncalled for. Both parties are at fault for all of their actions, exposing adult content to children, and photo-shopping people's pictures to porn. It's just cruel, it's something that, if that person did it as an individual, thought there was a chance he would be known for doing it, would have never even attempted it.

36 Name: Kanra : 2014-07-09 22:37 ID:4VKSIIqp [Del]

that's what happens when people are given free expression, they are just being free!, nobody ever said freedom was quite good, no?

37 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-10 02:40 ID:3JJsyh0y [Del]

>>36 That is exactly correct.
When there are no or few laws governing someone's actions, they end up doing very bad things.

38 Name: cyberwizard !eXLy6bzX0w : 2014-07-10 04:02 ID:Ut6CYWjx [Del]

>>35 >>36 >>37
This is not necessarily a bad thing, I think everyone who comes to internet and starts posting himself without restriction to who sees it is aware of the risk they take. I mean in 2014 you have to superdumb if you don't expect people to troll you for being obnoxious.

I'm not saying that I agree with this type of behavior, it's just that this is nothing new, /b/ has been doing this for almost 10 years now.

39 Name: Akira Chan : 2014-07-14 13:19 ID:xJotAj3+ [Del]

not everyone is bad though, I mean look at us! We're doing so many good things, and I'm sure the people on both websites do good as well.

40 Name: CeltysCat : 2014-07-14 15:03 ID:6XI5N0co [Del]

>>20 Since when is tumblr all girls?

I honestly think that the whole thing is stupid. I mean, yeah, I have a tumblr, and Im on it like every other day, but I really dont think that internet wars arent a worthwhile thing.
Do I enjoy the site? yes.
Do I find some stuff on there inspirational? yes.
Have I had anxiety problems? yes.

But I dont ask the whole god damn world to warn me every time something might go wrong or scare me. People honestly just need to calm the fuck down.

41 Name: Chloe : 2014-07-15 12:59 ID:i8CNo+Mb [Del]

The most amusing part was when 4chan decided to post gore on the Hannibal tag. The only reaction there was "Hmmm, what episode was that from?"
As well, Tumblr has updated their site, and you can now report posts if they are inappropriate.

42 Name: Chreggome : 2014-07-22 01:14 ID:2IJIqNvA [Del]
