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Nigeria abducted schoolgirls: Police reward offered (10)

1 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-05-07 13:43 ID:6v6KfZwo (Image: 624x400 jpg, 48 kb) [Del]

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Nigeria's many disparate groups have united behind the issue of the abducted girls

Nigeria's police have offered a $300,000 (£180,000) reward to anyone who can help locate and rescue more than 200 abducted schoolgirls.

They were kidnapped more than three weeks ago by Islamist Boko Haram militants from their boarding school in the north-eastern state of Borno.

The militants have been blamed for another attack on a town in the state on Monday, a busy market day.

A senator from the remote area said some 300 people had died in the raid.

Ahmed Zanna said the gunmen arrived in a convoy of vans in Gamboru Ngala, near the border with Cameroon.

They stole food and motorbikes, burning hundreds of cars and buildings during their rampage, the politician told the BBC's Hausa service.

A town resident, who asked not to be named, told the BBC gunshots were heard at the same time as the Muslim call to prayer, at 13:00 (12:00 GMT) on Monday.

Source: BBC News

This could also be a mission, even though it is extremely dangerous but there shouldn't be militants walking around abducting girls so any help given to the authorities of Nigeria, in ANY way shape or form, would be a successful mission. (Am I saying this partly cause of the reward? Of course!)

2 Name: RYMS_mia : 2014-05-07 14:44 ID:3/HBAvh1 [Del]

i wish i was there to support/try to help them,i can't beleive how cruel humans can be!

3 Name: Paladian : 2014-05-08 08:11 ID:FfKzcRld [Del]

Send in SEAL team 6

4 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-05-08 14:33 ID:6v6KfZwo [Del]

>>3 US is doing something like not sure what it is though.

5 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-05-08 15:48 ID:eHgSl4Yh [Del]


6 Name: CadeSenpai : 2014-05-10 11:05 ID:Tng8sDvA [Del]

I really hope something is done soon; my cousin goes to an all girl’s boarding school in northern Nigeria, so this is pretty scary

7 Name: ♠Mars♠ : 2014-05-14 11:36 ID:5fRAmfvD [Del]

>>3 (Most of) SEAL 6 are either dead or injured. Thanks to Biden spilling the beans at a PUBLIC conference about the death of Bin Laden. Ever since that information was thrown out into the open, SEAL 6 members have been targeted and many killed.

Personally I think it' s just a way to gain more influence over Nigeria's oil flow.

8 Name: ♠Mars♠ : 2014-05-14 11:38 ID:5fRAmfvD [Del]

9 Name: Solace!o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-05-15 11:05 ID:gN6YWjXa [Del]

>>8 and that isn't bias media at all.

Every time I see a report of that chopper being shot down the number of Seals on board changes.

It's just attempting to vilify the Obama administration.

10 Name: Lunarous : 2014-05-15 14:16 ID:p+Gckq8w [Del]

>Am I saying this partly cause of the reward? Of course!

Wow don't do it for the reward do it for those poor girls!!!! ! !

I wish there was some way to help but sadly I'm all the way here in the states. Is there a support group or something I can join to help?