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Duck Dynasty Censorship?!?! (25)

1 Name: Abysswalker : 2013-12-19 23:44 ID:UqaQ5m9m [Del]

So apparently the company A&E or channel or whatever is kicking Phil Robertson out of the show for answering truthfully in an interview, quoting the Bible and how it says homosexuality is wrong. It breaks my heart to see this so called "Freedom of Speach" and "Freedom of Religion" watered down. All the company is doing is shooting itself in the head.

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-12-20 00:56 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

before you can actually spell speech, dont talk about it. Giving a opinion that by the audience is seem as negative and unwanted, it only makes sense that they would drop him, because getting views is more important than your so called speech. And for the love of god links!

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-12-20 06:44 ID:ooER2eH+ [Del]

lol OP
Robertson did have the freedom of speech. He said what he wanted and didn't get thrown in jail or executed. That is the freedom of speech. And the freedom of religion? They're not forcing him to be un-Christian. He could express what he wanted to without being thrown in jail. That is the freedom of religion.

Speaking of which, A&E employs Phil. He may be the head of his family, his show, and his money, but A&E as a whole is still above him in the corporate food chain. If they find his statements to be a conflict of interest with theirs, they have every right in the world to fire him, just as a boss can fire an employee who mouthed off too much in the wrong direction.

You can say what you want, but he should've taken the possible consequences of his actions into account before saying anything. Given A&E's stance on gay rights, he should have known better if he wanted to keep his job.

Welcome to life, folks.

4 Name: Abysswalker : 2013-12-20 11:27 ID:UqaQ5m9m [Del]

@Yatahaze makes sense I suppose. @Sleepology I'm on a Tablet when I use this site so I apologize that I am still figuring out how to link things with this bloody thing.

5 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-12-20 12:53 ID:y/QK9Bz4 [Del]

I've actually heard talk from a few people around here that are upset about it. They understand the channel trying to save face, but don't understand why they're still playing reruns.

6 Name: Norbert : 2013-12-20 19:30 ID:6/639DgX [Del]

Señor Robertson was wrongfully fired by A&E for voicing his opinions, not on the show or channel, but in a magazine interview. He never spoke out as a voice for the channel, but was still fired. Am I the only one seeing a problem with the channel firing an employee for his private opinion yet continuing to say it supports free speech and individual rights?

7 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2013-12-20 20:03 ID:v0v7BAkj [Del]

>>6 Free speech means you can't get arrested for speaking your mind. Being fired does not infringe on rights.

I would hardly consider an interview private. That is one of the few times he has to represent A&E, and he didn't think about what he was saying in that situation.

Unfortunately, you can get fired if you speak your opinion and it doesn't match up with your bosses. However, Robertson knew that, and said what he did anyway.

8 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-21 00:00 ID:UadGgiSO [Del]

>>6 They are paying for him to be on Television, therefore he must comply to some standards of views that the station agrees with. If he wants to start his own channel and say those kinds of things, he can go crazy.

Also, let's all not forget that the Free Speech right does mention "to those who wish to hear them". If the station didn't want to hear bigotry views, they are completely within their rights to shut him down.

9 Name: Norbert : 2013-12-21 15:15 ID:6/639DgX [Del]

Where does the Free Speech right mention "to those who wish to hear them"? I see where you're coming from, saying that he works for the channel and therefore is liable to be fired if he says something that they disagree with, but he was in no way representing A&E. Let's also remember that "Duck Dynasty" is a reality show, which (supposedly) portray's a person`s real life. If the person (i.e., Phil Robertson) is in reality an brash, person who believes a certain way and likes to speak up about his belief, how can A&E be surprised that he wants to live his real life even when he`s not filming his "reality" TV show? He also spoke in much the same way in previous instances, and yet nobody got onto him like they are now. At the risk of only using recently used clips, just search "phil Robertson Gay Marriage" in the searchbar and you can find tons of material on things he said years ago, before becoming a TV star.Can you tell me why A&E is only now penalizing him when they knew of his opinions when they hired him?

10 Name: Mawk : 2013-12-21 15:53 ID:2VVuwBsU [Del]

>>9 My guess is that A&E knew about his previous statements when they signed him on, but made some sort of deal with him to keep those sort of statements off the air. With the success of the show, it doesn't really matter if he stated his views on the show or not, what he said will come back to his employer. A good example is if a spokesman for a company on his own time made public statements that would promote a competitor to his company, his employer would be well within their rights to fire him for it, even if they weren't on the clock when they made the statements. It's the same sort of idea with this, as a recognizable reality TV star his statements still reflect on whoever employs him.

11 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-21 18:04 ID:GEZPLh+3 [Del]

>>9 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights writes as such: "Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them."

>>10 Pretty much that.

12 Name: Lady : 2013-12-21 21:42 ID:lfJ5RIOj [Del]

The main reason their banning him indefinitely is because A&E are strong supporters of gay rights so him saying what he said really put the Company in a compromising position. On one hand 'free speech' and all that jazz, and then on the other the fact they are strong stable supporters of the LGBTQ community. I mean if they hadn't they would've been bashed for being 'hypocrites so really they were stuck in between a rock and a hard place.

13 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-22 02:22 ID:GEZPLh+3 [Del]

Also, free speech does not cover hate speech. In fact, any declaration of rights explicitly mentions that free speech and the ability to spread hate verbally are two different things. The guy compared homosexuality to beastiality, that could easily be considered hate speech.

14 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-22 05:20 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]

Free speech should include one's dislikes and unpopular opinions.
However, it is up to the station to pick who they have represent them, so I agree with their decision on that basis.

15 Name: Norbert : 2013-12-23 07:50 ID:6/639DgX [Del]

Fair enough; A&E had a legit reason for canning him, simply because what he said, while being serious opinions, were against the station's views and therefore making him liable to being stopped. I recently was watching Charles Krauthammer on Fox News as well as my youth pastor at my church and heard a bit of their takes; what Robertson said was a series of opinions made by a private party (Phil Robertson) and stopped by a private party (A&E). The Freedom of Speech affects only the Govt. blocking his opinions. He was put on hold as a result of his actions because they went against his agreement with the channel. The main problem here is that what was said was about a point of view regarding morality, and it is that, not his 1st Ammendment rights, which is the real issue. Some believe he was wrong for saying that, I personally don't, but his Constitutional rights weren't threatened.

16 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-23 08:12 ID:GEZPLh+3 (Image: 630x492 jpg, 134 kb) [Del]

src/1387807935672.jpg: 630x492, 134 kb
Such men to trust.

17 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-12-23 09:40 ID:VkLErRBm [Del]

Im sorry we expected men who live in the woods duck hunting, eating crawfish all the time, calling their family "kin", constantly wearing camo, and running a company in the middle of backwoods nowhere to not have some kind of offensive views on anything? I mean seriously guys. come on.

That being said my Dads side of the family is from the middle of nowhere Ohio so I know a couple of rednecks. I live with one for christsake. Take what they say with a grain of salt. Although I do find it offensive, remember- Everyone has a view that is offensive to somebody. I pretty much agree with >>14.

18 Name: Shioss : 2013-12-23 14:47 ID:5nMw4tYz [Del]

I'm just going to say my opinion here. There is a large commotion being made over this whole fiasco for NO REASON. Phil decided to make his opinion known. And A&E (being a private business, trying to make a profit) decided to appeal to its larger fan-base (pro-gay, and anti-racist) by banning Phil from their station. Both of them applied their rights, and nothing illegal happened. I personally respect both of their opinions while disagreeing with Phil's. That's all. Enough said.

19 Name: kanra : 2013-12-23 17:16 ID:0rNBEGof [Del]

I'm glad that he was kicked off for that! Talking bad about people that are different from you is wrong!!! I've often cried because of pety comments like those...ive even had to go to the counselor because i cried like every just wouldnt be fair to the human race. He had a contract/commitment made, and he shouldnt have said what he said. If you disagree with me, than its fine ^^ just wanted to speak up ^^

20 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-12-23 17:56 ID:y/QK9Bz4 [Del]

>>19 People have a right to their opinions, hating people for disagreeing with a certain way of life is just as bad as hating a certain way of life. He wasn't talking to the homosexual community, he was asked about it in an interview, and simply answered honestly. There's nothing deplorable about that.

Now, does that give the channel the right to take him off the air? OF COURSE IT DOES. A program on a channel exists to endorse the interests of the channel as a whole, and they can choose to legally terminate any show they want if they feel the cast doesn't meet their standards. Can those reasons for doing so be stupid or senseless? Of course, but it's still within their rights.

Finally, if you were picked on or insulted for being the way you are, I am very sorry. But if you were brought to tears just because some people didn't approve or agree with you, you're pathetic. And I don't say that in conjunction to your beliefs, but because you are a member of a free society.

21 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-23 20:37 ID:GEZPLh+3 [Del]

>>20 Trust me, a lot of people have already been over the whole 'crying because somebody somewhere said something mean about somebody' issue. Best to just not go there.

22 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-24 09:51 ID:GEZPLh+3 [Del]


23 Name: megnekko : 2013-12-24 16:53 ID:qMO4hzHw [Del]

I am glad mr. Robertson did what he did. he had every right to say what he said. cause someone asked him. he spoke his mind and he didn't say it in a bad way. he quoted the bible that's all. he didn't say on what he thinks. but what his faith says on the matter. what's wrong with that? everyone who watches the show knows what their faith is. they pray before they eat after every episode.

but most of all I respect mr Robertson and his family. because he didn't talk bad about gays at all. he didn't call them out for who they are or cuss at them. he just say what he's faith says. he believes in his faith he choses to believe. is that wrong? is it fair he didn't a bad wrap all because he say what he believe?

cause last I check in America you can follow whatever faith you chose and say what you want to say on almost any matter. why make him a target. even after they ask him to take back what he said. he standed up and said he wouldn't. he wouldnt trun his back on his faith. his family and other people stand by him. if after A&E kicked him off his family said they wouldnt continue the show without him.

I don't see a man doing wrong. but a man following what he's faith says with a family having his back.

24 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2013-12-24 18:20 ID:O5fVyx4v [Del]


A&E also did right, too, though.

25 Name: Psychotischen Möglichkieten : 2013-12-24 18:37 ID:ylBsq4bB [Del]

Yes MR.Robertson had every right to say what he said. and i respect his belief of it. it is his religion. but it still doesnt make it right for him to say that on national television. especially in this day and age. he can think that kind of thing all he wants. just doesnt mean its politically correct for him to have said that. just me opioning on the subject