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Gay Marriage Legal in Illinois! (33)

1 Name: GreatGastps : 2013-11-22 22:14 ID:g/6fHaDn [Del]

I live in Illinois and now Gay marriage is legal! I found out about this the day after they legalized on the news that morning! What to guys think?

2 Name: Brenden : 2013-11-22 23:09 ID:PTG0U8Z+ [Del]

It's a benefit to have such an occurance helps alleviate the discrimination and prejudice of society not that necessarily it's an improvement

3 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-11-26 09:12 ID:hbShzofc (Image: 192x300 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1385478730229.jpg: 192x300, 10 kb

4 Name: Norbert : 2013-11-26 16:55 ID:6/639DgX [Del]

Woo-hoo! Gay marriage is legal in Illinois, our leader`s home state! What a great way to show to the world that we aren`t just a bunch of bigoted, hateful jack-asses anymore!
Not. Where the heck does one see where America`s society as a whole, or even the majority, is discriminatory and prejudiced? In reality, tolerance is NOT a value to be upheld, instead it is a vice that should be eliminated. We do not "tolerate" murder, hate, theft, or rape; why therefore should we "tolerate" such obscene behavior as homosexuality by making said behavior considered a freaking right, especially a wrong "right" that defiles the sanctity of marriage! What garbage.

5 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-26 17:42 ID:zqNcC+FC [Del]

>>4 I can't even.

1. Why should people tolerate you? If a bunch of people with guns and knifes got annoyed listening to you speak your mind, and they decided to kill you, they shouldn't tolerate you and just kill you? You argue tolerance is not a value to be upheld, yet you forget in order for anyone to even understand or agree with what you say, people need to tolerate you. Fail.

2. We do not "tolerate" intolerance. Murder is intolerant of people's right to live. Hate is intolerance. Theft is intolerance of people's personal value. Rape is intolerant of any speck of dignity or choice a person has. You argue that tolerance is not good because we don't tolerate everything, yet we do tolerate everything except not tolerating everything. Fail.

3. Many things before the gays have destroyed the sanctity of marriage as you see it. America has the 6th highest divorce rate in the entire world. Almost 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were married for 72 days, not even three months before they divorced, and Kim made almost $20 million off of people watching the wedding. You argue gay marriage defiles the sanctity of marriage and shouldn't be allowed, yet celebrities defile it, and it is not only allowed but paid for by the masses. Fail.

Your points are bad, but I see where you are coming from. You just need to understand that your right to your beliefs doesn't mean you can make other people do what you want. I did realize that and I am happier.

6 Name: Lady : 2013-11-26 19:38 ID:lfJ5RIOj [Del]

>>4 How does it fuck with the sanctity of marriage? Does 2 gay people ,who love each other, marrying each other effect you in any way? How does it harm you?

You know something, people like you are garbage. Selfish, inconsiderate, closed-minded people like you are a waste of flesh. I don't have nearly enough middle finger to show you how I feel. Do the world a favor and stop polluting it with the biohazard coming out of that shithole you call a mouth.

7 Name: Norbert : 2013-11-26 21:15 ID:6/639DgX [Del]

I truly thank you both for your truly intolerant words and ignorant attitudes. I now know that my words have had an effect on people`s lives, and therefore I am vindicated. My entire purpose for writing what I did is to let people know that this is morally wrong. Until then, I will not take the easy way out and wash my hands of this as Pilate cowardly did, but will instead continue to speak out about this evil, and it seems that I`m the only one with the courage to do so on this site. Any intolerant abuse sent my way can only make me glad that I am found worthy to suffer for the cause of righteousness. If people don`t want to listen, it`s their soul.
1: On the sanctity of marriage; America`s un-Godly high divorce rate doesn`t prove that heterosexual marriage is not the only way, nor does one celebrity-marriage-gone-bad shatter the image of the sanctity of heterosexual marriage. It merely shows the depths that our society has sunk to. When Kim Kardashian starts deciding moral values, you let me know.
2: I argue that "tolerance" as our society has come to know it is wrong. According to Merriam Webster, tolerance is “Willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own”
“The ability to accept, experience, or survive something harmful or unpleasant.” It is truly harmful to “tolerate” this evil as an individual “right,” as if it is suddenly expected for one to do wrong. "Tolerance" has also come to mean the forcing of individuals to conform to ideas/beliefs of others, even if, as you say, those individuals` refusal to agree doesn`t hurt them. That is the evil "tolerance."

8 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-11-26 21:43 ID:ooER2eH+ [Del]

lol this guy
0/10, troll harder.

9 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-11-26 22:14 ID:galrkOUK [Del]

>>7 You do realize that morality is largely subjective, and depends a lot on context, don't you?

Also, from what I understand, the "sanctity of marriage" argument is largely religion-based. However, I think that argument ignores context, giving it less weight. What I mean by that is that, today, marriage (and life in general)--even for those who are religious--is much, much more secular than it used to be. Even for many religious people, marriage doesn't have as strong religious undertones as it used to have. So, the sanctity of marriage, when it exists, is much weaker anyways. This intensely sacred bond you're arguing for doesn't exist anymore in most cases.

Also, just in general, have you ever heard of the notion of agreeing to disagree?

10 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-26 23:20 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

I smell a shitty troll.

Guiz, stop reacting.

11 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-11-26 23:40 ID:eYQiRAGY [Del]

I pity these newfags reacting.

12 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-27 00:14 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]

I think gays should be allowed to get married.
I don't think they should be allowed to go to a parade in a dildo covered body suit.

13 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-27 00:15 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

>>11 Both of them are great members, rest of the time. And let's face it, we've all been sucked in by a troll without realising it at some point.

>>12 Can't argue with that.

14 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-27 00:19 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]

Norbert really annoys me.
I really hate it when people fall for the Jew tricks and actually believe that the jew god is real and just.


15 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-27 00:50 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

Fuck Odin

16 Name: Tatsuki 15 : 2013-11-27 01:42 ID:K5m5iHGG [Del]

I think that gay marriage should be legal and that they're finally doing the right thing. They're human so they have the same rights as everyone else, including marriage.

17 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-27 12:22 ID:3L+lhelP [Del]

>>7 "I truly thank you both for your truly intolerant words and ignorant attitudes."

That gave it away. I didn't even realize until then.

>>13 On the bright side, now I'll never do it again.

18 Name: Norbert : 2013-11-27 20:16 ID:6/639DgX [Del]

I`m cool with no more fighting. By the by, can anyone tell me what the vote yay/nay was to legalize it?

19 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-11-27 22:50 ID:uU843PaH [Del]

>>11 Eh, I don't really care if I get "sucked in" or "fooled" or whatnot. With threads like these that are more likely to generate thoughtful discussion, I only post when I feel like I can contribute something meaningful to the discussion, regardless of what prompts me to think of it (e.g., other thoughtful posts or someone just trying really hard to get under people's skin). I don't react just on an emotional level.

There have been numerous threads that people were trolling on that got to me emotionally, but there wasn't really anything to say in return, either because anything thoughtful that I could think of to say had already been said (oftentimes much better than I would have said it), or because it was clear the person wasn't trying to have any kind of debate/discussion at all and was just trying to rile people up and any attempt at reasonable discussion with them would be ignored, or because I really didn't have anything thoughtful to say in response that could add to the discussion/debate.

I don't think I was goaded into a solely emotion-based reply that contributed nothing to the discussion.

20 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-27 23:25 ID:3L+lhelP [Del]

>>19 The main problem is by replying, even with valid discussion points, the behavior in question is perpetrated further. Norbert did have some worthwhile points, but instead of discussing his ideas he ignored everyone else's arguments and just kept repeating his own, which I don't care to see. I agree with you somewhat, but just realize that most of the time, they don't care for meaningful discussion.

21 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-27 23:40 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

>>19 Yes, but that is falling into a troll. They write things with the hope of extracting a reaction; even if you recognise they're a troll, if you reply they've won.

22 Name: Aku : 2013-11-28 04:26 ID:L9u6gKjE [Del]

i hate gays

23 Name: Norbert : 2013-11-28 10:50 ID:6/639DgX [Del]

No, stop there. Hating people for being gay is just as evil as the act itself. I personally respect gays as people, regardless if I agree with their actions. You shouldn't hate someone because of that.

24 Name: Brenden : 2013-11-30 09:06 ID:PTG0U8Z+ [Del]

You gotta be pretty prejudice and discriminatory to loathe them without a legitimate reason.

25 Name: kanra : 2013-11-30 15:50 ID:5n6hVfNi [Del] sorry, aku.. but thats just wrong to hate people just because theyre gay or lesbian!! i just busted all of the football players and their coach just for saying that they were gonna imaginarily kill anyone whos not hetero and anyone whos not christian..the coach had to apologize to me was really bad and i cried until i solved the problem, because im not christian and most of my friends are either homosexual of athiest..

26 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-30 20:21 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

>>25 I seriously hope you're joking. If you solved your problem by crying and demanding they apologise, you're not going to function well in life. People are going to hate gays, people are going to hate non-Christians, do you really think you solved anything by crying and making them apologise? Do you really think they will hate gays and atheists less because you acted like a little bitch? All you did was give yourself the illusion of comfort. That's fucked.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-30 21:50 ID:BXh7s34F [Del]

guys, kanra's on to something. Maybe crying and demanding people apologize for their actions is the only way to save this world desu! Let's all cry a fucking ocean and demand everybody in the entire world to say sorry for what they did. I'll start!

Guys, I'm sorry... for... Being... A LITTLE BITCH. /sob

I made the world a better place. On the inside. Although in doing so, I lost my male genitalia, BUT THAT'S ALRIGHT.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-30 22:00 ID:03zWMDh7 [Del]

Oh okay. That's cool, guys. Great message, tell the one person willing to stand up against shit at all that they're being a little bitch. It's super easy to directly challenge over an entire football team and an authority figure in defense of your friends and people in general, so let's shit on everyone who can't do it with a straight face, right?

What the god damned fuck is wrong with you, >>26 and >>27? Your argument is that little progress was made, and kanra threw away their pride for that, but is pride really worth keeping if it involves putting up with dumbshits like that? And is "some progress" really that much worse than "no progress," or even condoning their behavior and worsening things?

Jesus tittyfucking christ. I've heard some edgy shit but rarely anything as bad as >>26 and their followup dicksucker >>27.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-30 22:44 ID:BDuqzvDd [Del]


It's "super easy" to stand up for someone obviously being jumped on, but without any context it's kind of pointless don't you think? A quick look at any of their other posts, at least two of which are easily viewable on this board without opening a thread at all, would reveal a similar theme of stories and sentiments.

In short: They're not only likely lying, but also slightly delusional.

Good job, you've now successfully defended that blindly. But we're not done yet - What is wrong with >>26 and >>27?

Your argument is that at least some progress was made at the expense of pride. Now assuming progress was made and the story wasn't the result of delusions or outright storytelling which we pointed out earlier - What progress got made exactly? People who already hated the non-hetero/christians were made to do a pointless face service by someone acting in a stereotypically hateable way that fell into that category.

Nothing long term happened. Nothing short term actually happened except that noted false comfort apology. They did gain yet another reason to hate, and the poster likely even made the situation worse by not handling it in a discreet or mature way.

So imaginary pride (and pride really does mean nothing) got thrown away in exchange for definitely the illusion of self comfort, nothing else, and in all actuality probably made things worse because they were not only a little bitch about it, but an ineffectual little bitch about it? Like they had this good opportunity to get something done and wasted it for personal fulfillment?

And that's assuming the story is even true.

If you can't bother to do some research before you open your mouth, your little more than a whiteknight. If you can't think objectively after that, then you're just willfully ignorant.

Whether >>25 is real or fake is a moot point. If it was real, they fucked up and likely made things worse to make themselves feel better. If it was fake, then it doesn't matter and the poster is a delusional weaboo.

If you want to stand up for something? Do it effectively, and know what you're defending.

30 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-01 00:58 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

>>28 At what point did I say it was at the expense of pride? They gave themselves the illusion of comfort. They did not give a shit about other people, they just wanted to be sheltered from the real world. Making the coach apologise personally (probably by running to some higher figure of authority (because that route is always the best one to take)), would only make the coach hate both of those lifestyles more. What have they achieved at that point? Nothing. The fact that you believe such a course is the right thing to do is beyond me. It's like willingly jumping into the matrix. Pride is so incredibly important, anyway, pride is integrity, which generally means you're doing something right. It means that you would be able to deal with that issue even if there wasn't a higher form of power to rely on as a crutch. In this case, it's crying to a figure of authority, what other life situations does that relate to? A bird shat on my lunch, I'm going to cry at the canteen till they give me another one. When it's in a different context, it doesn't seem so nice, does it?

There's putting up with shit and standing up for shit, then there's running and hiding from the shit. Doing that is worse than doing nothing at all.

31 Post deleted by user.

32 Name: kanra : 2013-12-01 10:22 ID:5n6hVfNi [Del]

im sorry..its just that i didnt wanna sit there and put up with them anymore..

33 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-03-27 11:31 ID:JG8PojkT [Del]

>member since 2011

Norbert wasn't even a troll, he was just an asshole. xD
I guess perceived seniority does matter here, even if the 'newfag' has been here longer than you.