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Anonymous Millionmaskmarch (58)

1 Name: Kon. : 2013-11-06 15:24 ID:2IZY4EWJ (Image: 1570x882 jpg, 61 kb) [Del]

src/1383773055965.jpg: 1570x882, 61 kb
So I was hearing an awful lot of these world wide protests orchestrated by anonymous. Apparently they are protesting against government abuse and corruption. What are your thoughts on this? and how much do you know?

2 Name: Lady : 2013-11-06 18:32 ID:lfJ5RIOj [Del]

Governments are dicks, they deserved to be overthrown. Especially our US government.

3 Name: Hayato : 2013-11-07 00:18 ID:jfaU9ozL [Del]

Many governments are, in some way, corrupt. They perform shady actions, keep the people they govern in the dark on important issues. That being said, if an organization managed to overthrow the govt., a new form of government would rise to take it's place, and there's no guarantee that it will or will not be corrupt. I believe that the organization opposing govt abuse and corruption is positive, but overthrowing it appears to be a bit much.

4 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-11-07 00:21 ID:bDhMyo0z [Del]

>>3 Agreed. Overthrowing the government is a terrible idea. Changing the government for the better is what we need to do - in a calm, non-violent way.

Also, links. Could OP find some, please?

5 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-07 01:16 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]


6 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-07 01:21 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]

also, link since OP is a faggot

Not making it clickable.
Fuck this gay thread.

7 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-07 05:55 ID:AvFBPGp3 [Del]

Anarchists annoy the hell out of me.

8 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-07 07:16 ID:lW2Ii8Od [Del]

>>7Free market Anarchists annoy the hell out of me.

9 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-07 07:22 ID:AvFBPGp3 [Del]

>>8 Anybody that believes society would miraculously function fine without any semblance of an organizing power annoys the hell out of me.

10 Name: kon. : 2013-11-07 10:55 ID:v0KRgFKM [Del]

OP here, and I agree that they are being a little extreme, I don't think the core governments are the problem, i think its apl these zombi e banks and how large corporations influence banks such as the federal reserve and the bank of england/royal bank of scotland ect most affiliated western governments are just debt piling puppets, GDP is up at one dollar per 17 dollars of debt, maybe they are getting a little extreme, but its nice to see protesters who won't go quietly into the night

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2013-11-08 22:50 ID:ysBmmuMf [Del]

The problem is too many people are a bit of followers. They'll follow groups believing they are making some sort of difference being the "rebels" against the "man" or whatever they are against. But they aren't making that decision themselves to find out what's really making things bad. You have to keep your own eyes open and decide for yourself what action to take.

13 Name: Kon. : 2013-11-09 11:30 ID:LEx055BQ [Del]

Exactly that flying lion! these days everything is up and in your face, it's easy to get distracted, I don't think the whole world is doom and gloom, but civil protest is how voices get heard, alot of people argue that it's ineffective these days, I see it more that the government are trying to tackle harder problems than we've had before, and those decisions are hard to make for anyone regardless.

14 Name: Aregenenzi : 2013-11-14 01:33 ID:EFw1dVu8 [Del]

well, what is anonymous? why do they exist?

15 Name: Rule : 2013-12-06 16:03 ID:/6opi5am [Del]

>>14 Anonymous is an loosely associated group of hackers and anarchists. They all wear masks and have no set leader, as they consider themselves all equal.
They exist to oppose the government and stop the corrupt. "The Corrupt Fear Us, The Honest Support Us", so they say. However, they have been getting more and more...pushy lately. It is your opinion that matters though, so I will not give mine, which is neither negative nor positive.

16 Name: underground detective : 2013-12-07 03:28 ID:Dv7+odD/ [Del]

how about all dollar take the popularity of the anonymous...we also colourless

17 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-07 07:27 ID:BmlZwbNq [Del]

>>15 Shut the fuck up faggot, you don't know shit.

18 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-07 07:30 ID:BmlZwbNq (Image: 650x1274 png, 537 kb) [Del]

src/1386423028791.png: 650x1274, 537 kb
If you <3 niggers, jews, fags, social justice protests, you are not anonymous.

Plain and simple.
Pic fucking related.

19 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-07 18:44 ID:BmlZwbNq [Del]

You know what.
Fuck OP and fuck gay posters.
This is now a general Anon news thread.

20 Name: Lady : 2013-12-08 09:59 ID:lfJ5RIOj [Del]

The governments are paranoid, controlling, shitheads. They are corrupted. Honestly, If the U.S. ever passes an extremely restricting bill, I'll be the first to start the revolution. Put that in your pot and stir it, NSA.

21 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-08 10:40 ID:BmlZwbNq [Del]

>>20 Um.
They already have.
Get out and blow something up.

22 Name: Face : 2013-12-08 13:00 ID:qT9BsEq5 [Del]

>>20 No, people are paranoid, controlling " "

All this government conspiracy talk reminds me why I have no faith in humanity. We need limits. We need restrictions. We need a hand to hold us down. Thats what the government is for. Limitation. Rights are given as gifts. You arent entitled to rights. If they're taken, too bad. The government isnt asking for your virgin daughter or firstborn son. Stop being paranoid, American.

23 Name: Mimi : 2013-12-08 14:23 ID:3UbGxzuP [Del]

Whoa interesting...I haven't heard of this, I'm missing alot of news..

24 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-08 17:06 ID:BmlZwbNq [Del]

>>22 Shut the fuck up, kike.

25 Name: Lady : 2013-12-08 17:32 ID:lfJ5RIOj [Del]

>>22 Tell that to the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, Libiya, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba, etc.

We need rules, but not restrictions.

26 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2013-12-08 17:33 ID:wFhx7XCT [Del]

You're pretty much a fucking retard with no concept of the world.

27 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2013-12-08 17:34 ID:wFhx7XCT [Del]

There are such things as rights. People's rights are meant to be kept, else they aren't supposed to be called "rights".

28 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2013-12-08 17:35 ID:wFhx7XCT [Del]

Bur a child with a Middle School education with no peripheral vision to speak of, obviously wouldn't know about other people's struggles, know would they?

29 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2013-12-08 17:35 ID:wFhx7XCT [Del]


30 Name: Lady : 2013-12-08 18:10 ID:lfJ5RIOj [Del]

>>27 I agree.

>>22 You are a butt trumpet, and I hope rats ejaculate on you.

31 Name: shadows : 2013-12-08 18:29 ID:uQgYO74e [Del]

i believe that we do need a government. but our government now is very corrupt. in fact the whole world is corrupt. we're supposed to fight against corruption right? i dont know about you but thats why i joined the dollars.

32 Name: Face : 2013-12-08 19:44 ID:+pNO2Rlb [Del]

>>31 Do you think such a microscopic group could take on the government? A group of misfits less than a thousand strong, with no identity or diplomatic power, could take on the colossus of the free world?

If restrictions don't need to exist, then you're saying that anyone can take a gun, aim it to a government official's face and kill them? Keep in mind, even mailmen are feds. Are you telling me that man or women with a husband or wife at home who could possibly have children deserves to die? The government's evil, right? The big bad government does so many bad things, right? Do you know what the government is? Do you know who it consists of? Schools can receive government funding. Abolish the government and where is it? Exactly.

Restrictions are needed because mankind is overly passionate. When someone wrongs us, we feel that they should be wronged back. Without restriction, I could just kill whoever I want when they wrong me. Limitations apply to the government as well. Limitations of involvement in global affairs, limitations of the government, etc. Without limitations, this 'evil' government you preach of could do ANYTHING. They could establish a day where a fed could come to your house and sacrifice your virgin daughter unless you pay your taxes regularly. Limitations and restrictions are good. They prevent people from doing things. They prevent the government from doing things.

33 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-08 20:06 ID:So2C563y [Del]

>>32 You're way too black and white, too simple. Shades of political grey exist for a reason. It doesn't have to be 'NO RESTRICTIONS OR FULL RESTRICTIONS', there is a medium that can be easily found. It just shows you do not have the capability to keep anything more complex than all or none up. Do not try to force your flaws on the rest of the world.

34 Name: Lady : 2013-12-08 21:22 ID:lfJ5RIOj [Del]

>>31 The American Revolution happened, the french revolution happened; Don't tell me what I can and can't do.

35 Name: zero : 2013-12-08 21:37 ID:hrhmqxQn [Del]

Most people have no concept of the goverment or there actions or points in fact most just care about hownthis affects them like for instience about 40%of the us economie belonges to 1%of the population most would complane and not ask why of course you think annomous but if you know what it truly is and some of its reason can be just as bad if not worse than the goverment if you dont like what the goverment is doing stand up and say something dont just stand there and watch them take out every one and when they come for you relise no one will speak for you to quote a german monk from around ww2 going to a death camp speak up pr dont complane about it when it happends learn from the past or die with out progress i know what im doing so you deside for your self

36 Name: Face : 2013-12-08 23:49 ID:+pNO2Rlb [Del]

>>35 I don't even..

>>33 >>34 this is the world. Black and white. A real world. A real world full of delusional people. And this talk of revolution. How many otherwise innocent people died in revolutions? How many people went overboard in riots and attacked people, destroyed people's stores, etc? Too many. People are stupid and need to be kept on a leash.

37 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-09 00:00 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

>>36 Literally nothing in the universe is black and white aside from the colours. Nothing is ever completely pure towards one aspect, everything is mixed. For one thing to be complete and pure, it would have to be omnipotent and contain every single other atom in the universe. You're just doing black and white because it's easier. You think that you're being cynical and 'realising the harsh truth of reality that others simply cannot grasp', but in reality, you're just being a moron. If a revolution can lead to a better state of society, but it also causes the deaths of many, in what way is that black or white? If you can list anything that is justifiably completely black or white, I'd be interested to hear it.

38 Name: Face : 2013-12-09 00:18 ID:+pNO2Rlb [Del]

>>37 because there is no such thing as ethical evil. Even when the intentions are pure, forcing it upon others is just as evil as any other evil deed. No, I'm not being cynical. No, there is no "harsh reality". The reality I envision is a beautiful one. One I sincerely wish everyone could live I'm one day. Everything is black and white. Even this "grey" you speak of is literally composed of black and white. Morally speaking, there is good and evil. A man that gives to an orphanage after having brutally murdered a little girl and ate her organs is considered evil, despite his good deed. A man who dedicates 60% of his earnings from his multimillion dollar company to various donation centers that accidentally lies to someone is still considered good. A child that didnt know any better after stealing a cookie from a jar and cries out his remorse isn't considered bad.. See my point? We don't use the term neutral when referring to people. Even if you eye a lever scale closely, there's no way the two weights will be at an even weight, even it they're holding the same item. If they were apples, one apple could be slightly larger. 1 apple could be slightly away from the center of the scale, etc.

39 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-09 00:26 ID:mwRSJdUN [Del]

>>38 Ahh yes, but if you have pure intentions while doing something that is relatively speaking 'evil', then once again morals get mixed. Once again, both the examples you used are mixed. They committed an evil act and a good act, or are you not aware of what metaphorical grey is? You said that even grey is comprised of white and black, exactly. Two opposing things mix together, just like everything else in the universe, and create a compromise and existence.

But please, refer to my post in the Same Sex thread for my closing argument.

40 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-09 01:14 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]

Face, this is not a thread to discuss your middle school ideas on how life and the real world works.
Cool, you read some Nietzsche and now you hate everything.
You are not a well-rounded individual.
You're looking at things in a negative light, you misunderstand hatred, my friend.

Anyways, quit saying stupid shit.
This is a thread for News about the Anon collective.

So talk stories, post links, or get the fuck out of here.

41 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2013-12-09 03:50 ID:wFhx7XCT [Del]

Face is a Hipster, that's all there is too it. Hates what others like just for the sake of hating it.

Hipster. He doesn't believe in most of the shit he preaches, probably doesn't even know what half of the shit he spews even means.

42 Name: Face : 2013-12-09 09:14 ID:+pNO2Rlb [Del]

>>41 a hipster? Do you know where anonymous came from? 4chan. 4chan members are the worst types of hipsters. The problem with children today is that they 'believe' they're apart of some revolution lead by a cyber terrorist organization that rose to messianic status. Anonymous isn't good. In fact, anonymous hasn't had a real message issued in a while. It's just people want to be apart of anonymous that know how to use a text to speech application and download a two steps from hell song off google. If anything, the anti-Christ is the one exalted to his level. Leaking people's credit cards and shutting down non government funded businesses isnt very ethical. Yes, I know precisely what I'm talking about because like you, I was a 15 old child on YouTube. I saw all this crap that they did and worshipped them for it. I learned hexadecimal, C++ and around the same time Geohotz was getting chased for shutting down PSN(A japanese company), I was on the Psp, making a name for myself as a modder. I created a few exploits and hacks using CoderPR and NitePR, and had eventually got to the point where I stopped altogether and started importing homebrew apps to the psp. Of course, however, I grew older and realized just how stupid anonymous and lulsec are. Still, I find it intriguing how they managed to manipulate so many people at once for their goals. At their root, anonymous consists of ex government officials. If you hate the government, you should hate anonymous.

43 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-09 14:17 ID:BmlZwbNq [Del]

>>42 You are really wrong about anon at it's roots.
But you're what, sixteen now?

You're not even old enough to understand anon at it's roots.

Also, links to your work?

44 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2013-12-09 14:29 ID:QsUmtv1W [Del]

>>42 'I learned hexadecimal...'

Are you a wizard?

45 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-09 14:33 ID:BmlZwbNq [Del]

>>44 I bet he won't post links.

Face is about to get faced.

46 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2013-12-09 14:53 ID:QsUmtv1W [Del]

>>45 No, they were taken down when his house was raided.

And they even took the hexadecimal.

47 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-09 15:31 ID:BmlZwbNq [Del]

>>46 huehuehuehue

48 Post deleted by user.

49 Name: Face : 2013-12-09 19:41 ID:+pNO2Rlb [Del]

>>43 Geohotz' attack on Sony took place in January of 2010. That would make me 19 years of age, seeing as I was already 15 at the time of this hack, and I would've been turning 16 in February.

>>47 Literally. Hexadecimal can refer to both numerics and colors, seeing as a hex number can be assigned to a certain color (in fact, that's one of the hex-edits for the game in question). However, in the case that I am using this term, Hexadecimal refers to numerics. Years ago, NitePR, a hex-editor for the Playstation Portable, was released to the public. Anyone with basic understandings of Hex and Hex values could use this to unlock features in a game that would otherwise remain locked. I, specifically, would use this to code for a game called Syphon Filter (Logan's shadow, dark mirror and combat ops). The Hex editor allows access to otherwise protected binary data. You could use it for anything; Ranking up prematurely, Swapping biped models with existing ones and thanks to a hacker named Ruffian, the ability to inject a bot into the server. For a glance at what the NitePR interface looks like, here's an image

Anyhow, Hexadecimal isn't something that you could get 'raided' for. The following is a link to a dump of codes from myself, Demon450, Ruffian, SonniE and Dark Prince. _xXxTWiST3DxXx_ was my name. They're not significant edits to the code, seeing as it's in a PSP's interface, however, they did grant users an unfair advantage. When you take the code from this dump, you could place it in your .txt file under the NitePR file on your Psp, and then you could load it up in the game. Keep in mind this is requires Custom Firmware to use (Unless someone created something that can sign NitePR and CoderPR. I've been out of this for a while.) The online mode on Syphon Filter has been officially shut down, but you could still see the effects of this with Local play. Another thing to note is that the game may freeze if you apply too many codes at once.

50 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-10 01:09 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]

>>49 I just thought you were 16 because when I was 16 I was pretty angsty too.

I'm surprised you haven't grown out of being an edgy 16 year old though, guy.

>The following is a link to a dump of codes from myself
wut link

>Demon450, Ruffian, SonniE, Dark Prince, and _xXxTWiST3DxXx_

My sides just exploded.

51 Name: AmatoTheSkyKnight : 2013-12-10 10:16 ID:K7OOM5Oc [Del]

to be honest i didnt know anything about this but im glad that someone cares about our freedom and acctualy follows the bill of rights and constitution i fully support everything they do.

52 Name: Face : 2013-12-10 10:37 ID:+pNO2Rlb [Del]

>>50 Here's the link again.

Also, only edgy people believe in Government conspiracies.. The thought of a World War 3 sends them over the edge and the book 1984 leaves them in a perpetual state of ecstasy. Anonymous only feeds into this conspiracy-porn by making videos addressing the Illuminati. It honestly seems too farfetched, as masonic lodges aren't exactly hard to come across. Nothing says clandestine like a building next to a Mcdonalds, right?

53 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2013-12-10 12:26 ID:QsUmtv1W [Del]

>>52 The link points to codes with no proof you are the owner. The poster is 31 and you claim to be much younger.

Only edgy people? Maybe the group of people that choose lottery numbers and Super Bowl winners is fake, but you'd have to be daft to think that the government isn't doing anything big and far-reaching they don't want the public to know about.

54 Name: Face : 2013-12-10 13:52 ID:+pNO2Rlb [Del]

>>53 The fact of the matter is; Secrets do not make you evil. People reserve the right to hold secrets from each other, at their own expense. Just because the goverment holds secrets doesnt mean they're out to kill or hurt anyone.

Also, yes, there's no way to identify whose are whose, rather than the name imbedded into the code when it is loaded up in NitePR. Final Kaoss is the administrator on that board. It's expected for him to be at that age. It costs a good amount of money to run a site and only certain people can run them, even if it were the owner's decision. It's not a zetaboards site. It's a fully registered forum under someone's name. People typically don't mess around when it comes to who they hire.

55 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-10 16:14 ID:a5ueS+Pu [Del]

>>54 You are the exact person who said previously, 'rights are a privilege, not a necessity'. All of a sudden people are entitled to the right of keeping secrets? That completely contradicts your earlier views on government policy.

56 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-11 00:28 ID:DAsg6Yf+ [Del]

>>53 This.

>>54 At one point I said that you're not unintelligent.
I take that back.
You are retarded.

>>55 Also, this.

Face, it's going to be really fun watching you run yourself over and over and over again.

57 Name: deanbbs8718 : 2013-12-12 20:23 ID:X/NblvNv [Del]

That looks like V for Vendetta, in case anybody wants to know my opinion.

58 Name: Alaestor !fAAOkAlae. : 2013-12-12 20:24 ID:oalWnQz9 [Del]

>>57 Ye don't say?