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Google Bans Gay LGBT Advertisements (9)

1 Name: Vidya : 2013-09-22 23:02 ID:b7AJYxxV [Del]

To whom it may concern I read a disturbing blog post today about Google and other major companies refusing to allow ads promoting gay romance novels on the grounds that they weren't family friendly, but accepted the ads when the word "gay" was taken out. Read more here:

2 Name: SassyGirl : 2013-09-22 23:09 ID:nBvgDz6z [Del]

that's a good thing.

3 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-09-23 06:58 ID:B3MAgP5F [Del]

How could an international icon such as Google refuse? The reasons given were also hypocrite. Terrible.

4 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-23 07:33 ID:rprbBxJx [Del]

Honestly, "gay" is a major search tag used for homosexual porn. It's not the only thing it means, obviously, but that's something that it's used to describe for porn ads, so it makes sense that Google would be against having that word in an ad, especially alongside the word 'romantic'.

It's just the implications that are suggested by the mix of tags in the ad. Straight porn isn't tagged as "straight" or "heterosexual" - it's just assumed to be that way. Because of the lack of being used as a common NSFW tag, it's not something that would be filtered.

Google is a huge icon for the LGBT movement and has been for years; their logo has actually been pro LGBT multiple times in the past few years. They are a positive part of the movement. Just because they filtered out one misinterpreted ad doesn't mean anything :L

5 Name: Beyond : 2013-09-24 08:14 ID:4ZNuz2u0 [Del]

I agree on that point and while some may not like the fact that google wont show ads geared towards homosexuality it makes sense that they would exit the word. In my opinion,google not allowing this is a good thing and is a highly effective decision on their part. not because it shuns homosexuals but because it prevents the cause of a misinterpretation in terms of searching for something. if one types in 'gay romance' in google, more than likely youre going to get something pornographic when in fact you were just looking for an honest search. and that there is where I wonder if its googles fault or if they can even be blamed for what they are doing. google itself is a search engine. and unless youre specific, a very general search engine. searching the word 'One' will get you anything from the number one, to Neo from the matrix, to something referring to Jesus as the One.

6 Name: cody : 2013-09-24 23:25 ID:mGRJFjhI [Del]

we honestly need to stop freaking out over the littlest shit google is there to make money with advertisement and nothing more so stop freaking out their not homophobes. the only people who are are trolls, children, old people, religious nuts and people who cant stay out of others bisness

7 Name: cody : 2013-09-24 23:28 ID:mGRJFjhI [Del]

its also 2013 we need to get over this homophobe and racism shit. its getting a bit old

8 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-09-25 15:16 ID:gLgbQR+l [Del]

>>7 Discrimination is never going to get old.

9 Name: Ao : 2013-09-25 16:51 ID:oPubdxsq [Del]

@cody post 7: I agree, why discriminate in the first place?