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Stand up for Science (5)

1 Name: Reiko-chan : 2013-09-16 17:36 ID:dABccPi/ [Del]

Motion supporting scientists' freedom to speak tabled by NDP

Canadian scientists and their supporters held demonstrations across the country Monday, calling on the federal government to stop cutting scientific research and muzzling scientists.

“Stand Up for Science” events were held in 17 cities by the non-profit science advocacy group Evidence for Democracy.

“Scientists would rather be doing research than rallying, but many of us are concerned about the health of public science, and feel that Canadians should understand these concerns,” said Scott Findlay, a co-founder of Evidence of Democracy and a professor of biology at the University of Ottawa, in a statement.

“The Canadian standard of living is, in large measure, a result of scientific discovery and technological innovation. So every Canadian has a vested interest in the health of public science, and the use of scientific evidence to protect and sustain the values we hold.”

(personal notes: In another way to look at it: Scientist like biologist,ecologist.etc had been turned down to publish research to the public. New research that may contain valuable information about our ecosystem, it may contain solution to problems in our environment, it may contain more problem thats been happening in the ecosystems. It concerns me that the government had been "muzzling" these scientists. The government probably focused on the economy but I think they need to focus more on our earth. But thats my opinion. Now which ones more important to you; the economy or the environment)

2 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-09-17 22:31 ID:eYQiRAGY [Del]


3 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-30 19:23 ID:nN1H3Nwg [Del]

what needs to happen is that more money needs to go to SCIENCE, you knowv people whop do stuff to preserve our enviroment, and more precautions need to be made against scientist who abuse animals

4 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-30 19:23 ID:nN1H3Nwg [Del]

what needs to happen is that more money needs to go to SCIENCE, you knowv people whop do stuff to preserve our enviroment, and more precautions need to be made against scientist who abuse animals

5 Name: Dulcane : 2014-03-31 06:25 ID:cHLBhTap [Del]

>>4 I agree with you on the most part however i think that money also needs to go to animal recherch, i say this because most of the innovations in modern medicine happen within animal tests, most of us would not be alive if it were not for the tests conduct on animals. you would be surprised how meany rules and regulations there are already on animal testing, you need to get approval, depending on the size of the animal you get more frequent random inspections ect