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Katie Hopkins In General. (2)

1 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-07 13:32 ID:cNmbn5sr [Del]

Man I think I've developed a thing for spawning arguments on the internet, so have this. I'm going to add some of my comments to what she's said.

Here we have a woman who is proud to not be PC, judges people by their names and social class, and believes fat people are lazy and unemployable. I've found this circulating on Tumblr recently and thought it would make for an interesting debate.

"Take Tyler for example. When I shut my eyes I can already see the type of parent standing behind him. A legging-clad mum, carrying too much weight and a couple of Primark bags, both larger than her latest baby. There may be another one in the pipeline – but you can’t be sure."
Why the shit would it matter how a mother looks? It doesn't mean she isn't intelligent or talented or kind and a fantastic mother.
“I can’t be the only one who would limit the number of babies that the state will support to one per family. The number of young mums that are expecting the state to play daddy and give them all that they need is at odds with a work ethic. Hard working families make difficult choices every day, 'cutting their cloth' according to their means."
Are you saying my mother, a disabled single mother who is unable to work and has to look after two children (one of which also has a disability and medical issues), should not be supported by a government? Dear god I want to stab her in the throat at this point.
"For me, and lots of people like me, when you see tattoos you think of someone who is just looking for attention, who hasn't managed to find a way in their life through conventional means and who is just shouting 'I want attention'."
So you're saying my friend who got a tattoo to symbolize her overcoming two forms of cancer is just looking for attention and can't hold a job.
People don't get tattoos so people will notice them - people get tattoos because they are SYMBOLIC. Have you seen all the ancient cultures who tattooed or otherwise marked their skin? Were they all looking for attention? No, they did it because it was symbolic to both them and their society.
//End rant.

2 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-07-07 13:50 ID:galrkOUK [Del]

I don't think she's not being politically correct so much as she's just giving herself latitude to be an asshole. You can be not politically correct and still be kind and understanding.