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Gay rights clash: Obama, African host are at odds (7)

1 Name: 🐾BlackFoxNews : 2013-06-28 07:08 ID:G+TjtCzr (Image: 620x300 jpg, 32 kb) [Del]

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President Barack Obama on Thursday urged African leaders to extend equal rights to gays and lesbians but was bluntly rebuked by Senegal's president, who said his country "still isn't ready" to decriminalize homosexuality. A report Monday by Amnesty International said 38 African countries criminalize homosexuality. In four of those — Mauritania, northern Nigeria, southern Somalia and Sudan — the punishment is death.

Discrimination against gays is the norm. In Uganda, evictions of homosexuals by landlords occur regularly, says the Amnesty report. Vigilante groups in several countries have posted the names of homosexuals online or denounced them on the radio, forcing them to go into hiding to avoid mob violence. In Senegal, suspected homosexuals who were buried in Muslim cemeteries were disinterred in several towns and villages, and their corpses were dragged through the streets.

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-28 08:21 ID:WUO3b12Q [Del]

Please provide resource links on all the threads you make here.

3 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-06-28 18:27 ID:0H5Q7o3E [Del]

Pretty good thread otherwise though.

4 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel) : 2013-06-28 21:40 ID:Ae4t2THY [Del]

Odd that we don't have a thread about DOMA being repealed..... Still.... After like 2 days

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-28 22:41 ID:WUO3b12Q [Del]

>>4 Instead of complaining, why don't you go make one?

6 Name: karou-kun : 2013-06-30 01:57 ID:kldLXr7M (Image: 194x259 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

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thats fuck up is not rith to just because their dating the same sex doesn't mean that they should be kiil, or being dishonoured. this is my viewpoint and tat not going to change.

7 Name: 20 : 2013-06-30 03:58 ID:UK+jN8f/ [Del]

That's terrible! :( are there any dollars from Africa maybe we can get more info
from them.