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The Good, the Awesome, and the Interesting (6)

1 Name: Genetic Intelligence : 2013-04-16 23:59 ID:5lCIYpl0 (Image: 1286x400 jpg, 356 kb) [Del]

src/1366174767296.jpg: 1286x400, 356 kb
Just a thread to post all of the interesting and awesome news you might hear.

Here's one: The observable universe has no edge.

2 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-17 04:20 ID:ls11t/Os [Del]

>>1 We all knew this... That's why we call it "space"... That's neither interesting, or awesome... I like the idea of this, but you'll need a better example.

3 Name: Genetic Intelligence : 2013-04-17 20:27 ID:5lCIYpl0 [Del]

>>2 I refute your claim. Both the opinions that they are neither interesting nor awesome are both opinions and are subjective.
But I understand that most people know this, I just don't like when people make false claims.

Ok, here is another contestant: Ultracold crystals designed to catch particles of dark matter deep underground have come up with three potential detections, physicists reported April 13 at a meeting of the American Physical Society.

The researchers do not have enough evidence to say they have discovered dark matter particles, but the finding qualifies as a rare clue in the frustrating quest to understand the universe’s most elusive substance.

“We do not believe this result rises to the level of discovery,” said Kevin McCarthy, the MIT physicist who made the announcement. “But it does call for further investigation.”

Dark matter has confounded scientists since the 1930s. A galaxy’s stars, gas and dust cannot account for all of its mass, so astronomers think that some sort of elusive matter that does not absorb or emit light must outweigh ordinary matter by more than 5 to 1. Because astronomers cannot actually see dark matter, they have no idea what it’s made of.

Theoretical physicists have put forth some ideas for particles that might constitute dark matter, including one called a weakly interacting massive particle, or WIMP. The hope is that even though dark matter doesn’t often interact with regular matter, WIMPs may do so occasionally.

4 Name: Genetic Intelligence : 2013-04-17 20:30 ID:5lCIYpl0 [Del]

*Both statements are neither...

5 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-04-17 21:20 ID:ooER2eH+ [Del]

I can't help but feel like this is just a Random Thought Thread in the News board so...why not just post discoveries there instead? :P

Nice pic though, OP. I hope you're referencing what I think you're referencing. /o/

6 Name: Genetic Intelligence : 2013-04-19 09:01 ID:5lCIYpl0 [Del]

>>5 Well, most new discoveries are awesome... You were spot on with what I intended this to be. And yes, I am referencing vlogbrothers ^_^