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Re: 6 Year Old Colo. Girl Ban from Restroom (5)

1 Name: ByStander : 2013-03-05 07:37 ID:bDN8Qcu4 [Del]

People said I needed a link to post this story, so here you go.

For all of you people that think this little girl isn't having a problem, and that her life is completely normal, there is something wrong with YOU, not her. She has to look in the mirror every single day and know that her physical appearence is not what she wants it to be. She is merely trying to live a normal life, and no one is lettering her do that. I personally know how she feels, and it makes me sick when someone says, "Oh, I'm so fat, I need to loose 10 pounds so I can fit into a size 8 prom dress." Well they need to get over themselves. This little girl I'm sure could be the ugliest, fattest girl in the entire world and she'd be more happy than she is now. You all have no idea how it feels. I am sorry for ranting, but jeez... She can't have a say in the way people view her, even though it is the same as someone with brown hair or glasses. People can be born with an extra toe, or downs syndrome, just like she was born with the opposite parts. It is not her fault, and this is a hate crime. I feel so sorry for her.

2 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-03-05 07:54 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

Entirely unnecessary to make a new thread just to reply to a thread.

3 Name: Eros (School) : 2013-03-05 09:28 ID:LYtrzosC [Del]

Well, at least we got the link.

4 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2013-03-05 21:24 ID:rABMTnOC [Del]

>>1 ByStander, you're a goddamned idiot. I think you're the one who has NO GODDAMNED IDEA what transgenderism is like. It doesn't make you a special snowflake. This isn't just about her safety and privacy; it's about everyone's safety and privacy.

Face the reality that no matter what the situation there will always be a losing party. I've had to deal with the "Not being able to use the right restroom" situation for YEARS. You don't see me complaining. But this little girl and her family are making this a federal fucking issue, dragging the school under the mud, and actually making people MORE critical of transgender individuals in the process.

All she needs to do is change her certificate of live birth, and this issue goes down the drain. If she's living female full time (which surprises even me for such a young age) this isn't even all that hard; all the family needs is for a physician to sign off on it.

And for the record, plagiarizing MY thread without my consent is FUCKING LOW. You are a disgrace to this community. Please get the fuck out and never come back.

5 Name: Mummy boy : 2013-03-17 09:08 ID:f5mr6bv+ [Del]

Yeah, i feel sorry for her to