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Online Activist Barrett Brown Faces 100 Year Sentence (4)

1 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-04 13:02 ID:TVI2W8FX [Del]

I'll summarize the short version here. Watch the vid linked below for the full details from the interview.

In March 2012, Barrett Brown was indicted for being associated with the Stratfor intel leak by Wikileaks. He posted a link from an anonymous irc channel to his research team, containing hacked information including billing data and credit card information of people within the company.

Despite suggestions by Anonymous to use this information to steal money and donate it to charity, Brown and his research team (Project PM) focused on looking at the documents themselves.

After being targeted by the FBI, who wasn't able to give concrete proof of his involvement, he fled to his mother's house with his laptop. They put out a search warrant to confiscate his laptop, and threatened legal action against his mother for "obstruction of justice" as well, prompting him to post a public confession online. In the poorly worded confession, he vaguely threatens an FBI officer.

They used this threat as leverage to indict him a second time in September, holding him without trial or bail for several weeks. In December, his first indictment was finalized based on his confession.

A third indictment was moved from his mother to him in January of this year, apparently arbitrarily, resulting in his accumulation of charges that lead to his sentence of 100 years.

The major questions and concerns that arise from this are the fact that those previously exposed in a similar way by Project PM would face sentences of perhaps 20 years maximum for the embezzlement of millions of dollars, and a greater-than-lifetime sentence can be compared to that of murder. The question here being, what information could he have possibly obtained to warrant this aggressive approach, other than what was already published through Wikileaks?

My opinion here. Certainly one could justify his sentence based on what the official reports of his indictment are, but from a logical standpoint it seems there was an ulterior motive behind going to such lengths to incarcerate him. Just something to think about.

Source: Interview between Abby Martin of Breaking the Set, and Christian Stork of
Link to the video was posted by YourAnonNews on Twitter.

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-04 13:21 ID:TVI2W8FX [Del]

Some extra information: the summary of what was revealed in the Stratfor leak itself. Consider it as you will, in the context of Brown's sentence.

"They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations,"

"The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods."

3 Name: Feral!/AFattYDZQ : 2013-03-04 16:56 ID:sninlRkF [Del]

To be honest, sounds to me like someone wanted Brown to keep quiet. And, short of outright murder, they really, really dug for reasons to extend his sentence.

4 Name: Kazu : 2013-03-04 22:12 ID:cdevcx1p [Del]

Disgusting, sombody rapes and murders child, they get a 25 - 30 year sentence, sombody messes with the government 100 years fucking disgusting.