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Kindergartner Suspended Over Bubble Gun Threat (34)

1 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-20 23:37 ID:hi0FosTd [Del]

A 5-year-old girl was suspended from school earlier this week after she made what the school called a “terrorist threat.”

Her weapon of choice? A small, Hello Kitty automatic bubble blower.

The kindergartner, who attends Mount Carmel Area Elementary School in Pennsylvania, caught administrators’ attention after suggesting she and a classmate should shoot each other with bubbles.

What the fuck...WHAT THE FUCK...I don't want to live on this planet anymore...


I can't even beleive this is real.

2 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-20 23:43 ID:4ByFvbsI [Del]

First of all, how is that a terrorist threat? Second, could a child of that age really do something worth suspension? Third, BUBBLES! BUBBLEBUBBLESBUBBLES! My bubbles...

3 Name: Omnia Ravus : 2013-01-21 00:34 ID:CucIR9ab [Del]

Well folks, it's Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty's evil. That explains it all.
Okay, just kidding. Schools and their "Zero Tolerance" are seriously annoying. And yet, pro-military assemblies. They're happy if you go to the military when you grow up, but HOLY SHIT, THAT KID HAS A BUBBLE GUN. It makes no sense. When I was in grade school, the teachers scared the living heck out of us students by saying 'You need to do this lockdown drill, because not too long ago someone walked into a classroom, lined up the students in front of the blackboard, and shot them all, one by one.' Really oxymoronic how they pick on you to no end if you break the rules of 'Zero Tolerance', but they can say whatever the heck they want. I'm glad I'm not there anymore!
A long time ago I passed through Mount Carmel where this 'bubble threat' happened, and all I remember was that it was one of the most ugly towns I've ever seen. No offense to any residents, but the buildings and everything were in such utter decay. Graffiti and punk kids abounded. I felt 'Oh shoot, I'm in a halfway decent car. . . staying here, we could get robbed. . . get out!' So maybe the school is taking measures to change that view on their town. But WAY too drastically. . .
Sorry if this post is a bit long. My family often has discussions/debates/rants about this kind of topic. School Idiocy, yay!

4 Name: Omnia Ravus : 2013-01-21 00:34 ID:CucIR9ab [Del]

Well folks, it's Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty's evil. That explains it all.
Okay, just kidding. Schools and their "Zero Tolerance" are seriously annoying. And yet, pro-military assemblies. They're happy if you go to the military when you grow up, but HOLY SHIT, THAT KID HAS A BUBBLE GUN. It makes no sense. When I was in grade school, the teachers scared the living heck out of us students by saying 'You need to do this lockdown drill, because not too long ago someone walked into a classroom, lined up the students in front of the blackboard, and shot them all, one by one.' Really oxymoronic how they pick on you to no end if you break the rules of 'Zero Tolerance', but they can say whatever the heck they want. I'm glad I'm not there anymore!
A long time ago I passed through Mount Carmel where this 'bubble threat' happened, and all I remember was that it was one of the most ugly towns I've ever seen. No offense to any residents, but the buildings and everything were in such utter decay. Graffiti and punk kids abounded. I felt 'Oh shoot, I'm in a halfway decent car. . . staying here, we could get robbed. . . get out!' So maybe the school is taking measures to change that view on their town. But WAY too drastically. . .
Sorry if this post is a bit long. My family often has discussions/debates/rants about this kind of topic. School Idiocy, yay!

5 Name: zero : 2013-01-21 12:38 ID:fpHnlre8 [Del]

to Omnia Ravus there is a big diffrents between shooting fish in a barrel and serving your country the chalk bored sinario you have no choose the serving you do

6 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-21 13:50 ID:nkD49+mf [Del]

>misread OP title as "Bubble Gum Threat"

dafuq'd then and equally dafuqing now.

7 Name: Omnia Ravus : 2013-01-21 14:06 ID:CucIR9ab [Del]

>>5 I understand, I'm just saying, that if they want to prepare you for that, they don't make sense flipping out over little things. And I'm sorry if I come across anti-military. I just find it strange.

8 Name: EldritchAnime : 2013-01-22 02:14 ID:OnDg+w4m [Del]

Can children actually be suspended for such a minor thing?

9 Name: Saiko-chan : 2013-01-22 06:24 ID:AR3MQyzW [Del]

Bubble gun lol :)))

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: darkness : 2013-01-23 14:23 ID:Rr9afnCR [Del]

that is so stupid.
i mean what the Fuck.

12 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-01-23 14:57 ID:KLDJts77 [Del]

It;s even worse that she didn't bring the gun to school, or even threaten anyone... She told her friend that they should shoot eachother with bubbles after school...

13 Name: LOLO : 2013-01-24 12:09 ID:biD0hnMh [Del]

That is some bullshit its like do the teachers not have anything to do. and lets not forget that the kid is 5. this is crazy period point and the blank

14 Name: Dias !Fwa6UqgPqQ : 2013-01-24 14:09 ID:VIL6qRgt [Del]

I saw this on tumblr, and all I did was shake my head.

15 Name: Alexavier : 2013-01-24 21:57 ID:vtqNOgGA [Del]


16 Name: Pyrogoeth : 2013-01-25 04:14 ID:l0eDZWbO [Del]

While the fact that they tried to make her take a ten day suspension is a bit much, as well as the psychological evaluation, we need to keep in mind that it's possible that the teacher misheard the girl regarding what she said to her friend. Being so soon after the Sandy Hook incident, I don't really blame them for being cautious-- Even if they went a little overboard. The girl is five, and the fact that they even put a mark on her record for the incident is absolute rubbish. I don't believe in what they did, but like I said-- They have every right to be cautious.

17 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2013-01-25 11:55 ID:w8bor4Kv [Del]

>>15 I want this on a t-shirt.

18 Name: Haruchan~~ : 2013-01-25 20:53 ID:zMX6i1iT [Del]

>>16 i agree. they have every right but are going too far. seriously? it was a bubble blower! a hellokitty one at that! talk about paranoid.

19 Name: Dias !Fwa6UqgPqQ : 2013-01-25 22:05 ID:VIL6qRgt [Del]

>>17 Agree, that'd look epic on a tshirt

20 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-01-26 07:44 ID:dMuxUh6p [Del]

Just look at her age she's only 5 how will she make something horrible w/ a Hello Kitty Bubble Gun.
A terrorist threat?!
Are they kidding me?! I can't believe this.

I feel Sorry for the poor little girl suspected as a criminal.

21 Name: Lady : 2013-01-26 16:02 ID:3jPeQqAM [Del]

wow she's five. That's past retarded. Calling them retarded insults the special people. That's just wow.

22 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-01-27 12:37 ID:kLEuINxj [Del] wow...

23 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-01-27 17:18 ID:5ve3P2zB [Del]

Reminds me of the kids at my elementary school who would get several weeks of suspension for drawing a swastika.

Remember, we were... what? Between four and ten? We didn't know what the fuck a swastika really meant =_= But the school overreacted so much every time someone drew it in their notebook or on a test, despite there not being any written rules against it.

24 Name: KuroNekoKaede : 2013-01-28 10:04 ID:dnP29iJg [Del]

This is so stupid. It's just bubbles!! It won;t hurt anyone unless they are crazy enough to eat the bubbles.

25 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-01-28 18:38 ID:2zvOX4cg [Del]

The schools thinking is that the little girls "play" could become a reality in the future if she continues with it is my interpritation. They could begin to think that guns and shooting are okay and could ultametly result in a real life version of the play in the future.

Now my opinion is that its stupid. As long as it is just young kids playing games and she is not harassing one certain child or making threats (which I doubt a little 5 year old girl has the malice and angry to do)then this little girl should be perfectly fine. Kids have been suspended for much worse, and seeing as she is just 5 years old, which is barely old enough to understand rules and what has been going on with guns in the media lately, the school should have just sat her down with her parents consent and explained that it wasnt okay or at least explained how gun violence is not okay, but she can play with the bubbles at home.

Now that I've given my dignified smart opinion, time for my much more rebelious me-like opinion. WHat the fuck is wrong with this school. No 5 year old kid could possibly know or understand how the world and America are dealing with guns. They should have just let it be and let the kids have their fun while it lasted. We're already growing up quick enough as it is. They should just let the kids play with their bubbles instead of popping them.

26 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-01-29 12:38 ID:lk7vRdA+ [Del]

>>23 Swastikas are simples of peace, too. =q=. Teachers be dum, yo.

>>24 What about their eyes? It could sting too.

27 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-01-29 16:51 ID:o6sOJ7FG [Del]

They are no longer used for peaceful symbols, though. Most (nowadays) who use them, use them in hateful manners as well as most who see them see them as hateful symbols.

28 Name: anyone : 2013-01-29 17:07 ID:wygB3sgC [Del]

Ok..this really proves how paranoid some schools are. I mean, really, she's a kindergarder, she shouldn't be suspended for wanting to shoot bubbles at someone.

29 Name: EldritchAnime : 2013-01-29 19:53 ID:OnDg+w4m [Del]

Reading this, i remember the day when someone in school molded brown clay to look like poop. One of my teachers almost stepped on it thinking it was real. Then, he got angry & wanted to find that student himself.

When we heard about it I started laughing!

30 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-01-30 08:38 ID:hbShzofc [Del]

>>27 As long as they are not a right-facing and rotated swastika (the Nazi swastika), then it is fine with me. They are still meant as symbols of peace and such, as long as you don't make the Nazi swatzis.

It still carries negative conotation though, even if non-Nazi.

31 Name: Anei : 2013-01-30 13:16 ID:UVa0l28F [Del]

my younger brother was suspended for making shurikun at school

32 Name: Eros : 2013-01-31 10:29 ID:LYtrzosC [Del]

>>17 >>19
Pointless pointlessness is pointless.
>>6 I too misread this.

Anyways, it would be fucked up if this affected her in the future in any way. Also makes me wonder if there have ever been any children who commited murder and understood it.

33 Name: Setton : 2013-01-31 21:52 ID:orIBP0FJ [Del]

yeah and since they put it on the girls personal file the mom tried to change her schools but they wouldnt accept her.
A bubble gun? really?
youre over looking real threats for bubble guns?

34 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-01-31 22:21 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]
