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Fukushima lie? (8)

1 Name: kyu : 2013-01-12 18:46 ID:YgiwtMp7 [Del]

Read page and what do you think?

2 Name: Vallian : 2013-01-12 22:10 ID:f7cZaBDE [Del]

1. This report is shady. Go find a credible report for this topic.

2. It's a conspiracy theory. Chernobyl was just as destructive as a nuclear weapon, why can't this be? And how can this reporter claim that the quake was a hoax, It was initially scaled at 8.8 and grew to 9.0 after further analysis. The Water level where the tsunami hit the beach reached over 10 meters high and MILES inland; there were cars on top of 3-story buildings. a train went missing entirely, there was live footage of the water as it dragged debris across the country, (I saw that for myself) and it left a huge part of northern Japan in ruins.

3. Japan has been expecting earthquakes for some time. So large Concrete buildings, like public schools are constructed to resist earthquake shocks.

Don't take my word for this though, look these up, watch the countless videos of the disaster and try to agree with the author and say "yeah, these are fake."

3 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-01-15 16:32 ID:UqTyCBra [Del]

Read it. This is crap. I personally know and have talked with people who lived near Tokyo when this happened, the earthquake was as real as can be.

4 Name: Timmy no Thumbs !AicIGfZdzI : 2013-01-16 00:29 ID:0X4YHDh1 [Del]

The earthquake was real. It caused the emergency shut down of the nuclear generators, which lasted so long that the water in the cooling system evaporated, and that's what everyone freaked out over. Even at its worse though, Fukashima would not have ended up nearly as devastating as Chernobyl. Fukashima's reactor would not have exploded, or if it did it wouldn't be very large, and the isotope used in that reactor was different from the one in Chernobyl, having a much shorter half-life and reducing to non-threatening levels way before it traveled even close to a third of the distance.

5 Name: seven : 2013-01-22 09:18 ID:dFkEGXMr (Image: 360x480 jpg, 143 kb) [Del]

src/1358867889681.jpg: 360x480, 143 kb
pls read this and share on facebook

6 Name: seven : 2013-01-22 09:22 ID:dFkEGXMr [Del]

tried to make new thread wouldnt let me

7 Name: DrDark : 2013-01-23 08:54 ID:y0vl1iwF [Del]

just because you can't make a new thread doesn't mean you should invade another with a new topic

8 Name: DrDark : 2013-01-23 11:55 ID:y0vl1iwF [Del]

to get to the original topic, it is very radical and one sided. There is no way that they could predict and prepare something on this scale in the time that the earthquake was detected.