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#CutForBieber trending on Twitter!? (72)

1 Name: Setton : 2013-01-07 20:41 ID:RFB0ZCMB [Del]

Hey guys, I guess this would be news? I have no idea where to post this...So I go on Twitter this afternoon and see that #Cutforbieber is trending, so naturally I click it to see what it is all about. Now, I am not one to be up on my "Bieber Facts", but what I've learned from reading the posts on twitter is that Justin Bieber was caught smoking weed and his fans are going to cut themselves until he stops. What do you guys think? I personally think it is very stupid, because there are a lot of people in the world who suffer from depression and self injure, but his fans are doing it for no valid reason!


2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-07 20:53 ID:9ykhCdE3 [Del]

justin bieber is gayer then mr.sulu and one direction combined

3 Name: Setton : 2013-01-07 20:58 ID:RFB0ZCMB [Del]

That's a wonderful opinion, Anonymous, but it does not pertain to the post.

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5 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-07 22:06 ID:hi0FosTd [Del]

9gag started it, but they're making it so it's 4chan's fault.
Seriously?...9gag has some sick people.

6 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2013-01-07 22:48 ID:7wSHzNL4 [Del]


7 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-07 23:07 ID:ooER2eH+ [Del]

Yeah, saw news on this earlier.

Basically if I find out anyone I know is doing this, Yata here is gonna have to smack a bitch.

I'm really hoping this is just some retarded hoax though.

8 Name: Celine : 2013-01-07 23:23 ID:BOvZgv0i [Del]

yea... it scares me. i mean thats a lot of people cutting. cant wait to hear what the teachers say,

9 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-07 23:24 ID:rgNHa1dq [Del]

>>7 Agreed

I'd kind of laugh if JB just came out and said, "Look, guys, this is nice and all, but I don't do weed. Please stop being such fucking morons and cutting yourselves because of something I don't even do?"

10 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-01-08 01:15 ID:xFSqYbGz [Del]

Its most likely yet another hoax as someone posted befor on twitter "go bold for Bieber" as they were claiming he had cancer.

Just remember that
twitter should not be used as a reliable source of news/information.

11 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2013-01-08 06:22 ID:QNAf1RrL [Del]

>>5 >>6 <3

Hahahahaha people get so tricked when it comes to the Bieb.
It's like...all of his followers are mindless preteens.

12 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-01-08 09:16 ID:hbShzofc [Del]

>>1 Wait what? Oh my god, what is wrong with people?

First, it's his fucking buisness; not anyone else's (unless he harms someone). Let him smoke weed if he wants.
Second, people shouldn't hurt himself and join a self-cutting cult just to get this one person to stop smoking weed.
Third, God, humanity is stupid.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-08 09:19 ID:tPIm3Ku0 [Del]

>>12 I know right, humanity's so stupid. I see a stupid human right now. It's the poster I'm replying to.

Making generalizations is bad.

14 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-01-08 09:22 ID:hbShzofc [Del]

>>13 I see a hypocrite~

Also, you can't see me. I'm probably not even in the same state as you. And I'm a windowless basement room at school.

Unless you're in the same room as me, you can't see me right now.

15 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-08 09:24 ID:hi0FosTd [Del]

>>14 Never knew that windowless basement rooms in school could type on a computer.

Just let the stupidity go when it must, people can't stop that.

16 Name: Aquatic : 2013-01-08 13:31 ID:bmERmSM8 [Del]

I personally dont see why his fans are doing this. People cut themselves for much deeper reasons than this. Alot of my friends used to cut themselves and some still do. The "Beliebers" current action of cutting themselves for him to stop is very stupid and is very offensive to both me and my friends that cut themselves for ACTUAL reasons.

17 Name: Aquatic : 2013-01-08 13:34 ID:bmERmSM8 [Del]

Plus if he does smokes weed, so what? Its not the Beliebers lives to begin with so they shouldn't even get themselves mixed into this by cutting themselves.

18 Name: Venom : 2013-01-08 17:37 ID:MwxjicPo [Del]

it was a hoax on 4-chan

19 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2013-01-08 18:11 ID:6Su+RJ5+ [Del]

Actaully I think you're mistaking the "Bald for Bieber" hoax. Which did start on 4Chan.

20 Name: Venom : 2013-01-08 20:14 ID:MwxjicPo [Del]

nawp I am correct. They started it on 4-chan saying lets do that shit to see with the little girls will cut. saw proof.

21 Name: InquisitorAeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-01-09 15:09 ID:UqTyCBra [Del]

You do realize that the people on the main image boards (4chan, 2chan, 7chan, 9gag, and Reddit) all have numerous people who can edit images, right? It's painfully easy. Black and I both can do it so that it looks like a real image.

Point being that don't believe anything on the internet. Also, Bieber needs to just stop doing anything. Including breathing.

22 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-01-11 16:27 ID:ZBEBkfiE [Del]

THis came up with some off my friends in German class today and honestly its stupid. He is getting to be less of a kid now and he's growing up now. And thats what we kids do when we start to grow up. We expiriment with stuff and make decisions. And thats exactly what Justin beiber did. He cant be a role model for 12 year old girls everywhere forever...

23 Name: nerdyanimegirl : 2013-01-12 01:00 ID:GaMXpHoa [Del]

what!!! really they are going to cut themselves because of a guy who isn't worth it. what if he doesn't stop. what will they do then kill themselves. that's the saddest thing I heard. if he still doesn't stop that proves he is just a

24 Name: AkemiChan : 2013-01-17 19:46 ID:3e7kpbSX [Del]

OMG! JUSTIN BIEBER SMOKES WEED! Who gives a fuck? I find that cutforbieber thing disgusting and offensive.

25 Name: SanityJinx : 2013-01-18 06:33 ID:9sEhcOJP [Del]

Is it weird that I first thought this was a PETA protest, Where they cut themselves to save beavers? Don't get me wrong I still believe this is a poor excuse for a fan support but I'll stick to my wood eating animals..

26 Name: David Fossard : 2013-01-18 12:59 ID:cXAFEqtl [Del]

man that is messed up why would you do that just so someone you've never met would stop doing something just because you like his songs?

27 Name: Anlora : 2013-01-18 14:33 ID:HRpGUwyU [Del]

I actually think it's kinda disrespectful for Bieber. He is just living his life and making his own decisions, whether they be good or bad, and his fans, who are supposed to support him, are putting him in a really bad position. It must be awful to not be able to make a decision without it causing riot among a lot of other people.

28 Name: Dias !Fwa6UqgPqQ : 2013-01-18 14:49 ID:VIL6qRgt [Del]

It's Bieber's body, his fans shouldn't give a fuck about what he does to it, much less injure themselves for him to stop. Now what does he do? It's not like it's his obligation to do something because his fans tell him to, but it leaves him in a tough situation of choice.

29 Name: Alexavier : 2013-01-19 17:53 ID:uu9oHoU3 [Del]

A girl killed herself over it. Just so ya know.

30 Name: Sora : 2013-01-19 18:27 ID:ihDoFk7b [Del]

That's horrible! Why would they do that?! A girl in my school tried to kill herself because her boyfriend was killed but that is at least somewhat understandable! She tried to join someone she loved and knew. Why would people kill and hurt themselves over someone who could watch them die and only think, "Who is that?"

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33 Name: Jbley : 2013-01-19 23:36 ID:cMGVp8lF [Del]

Because they're mad that weed is gay now because of how gay bieber is

34 Name: Kleid_D : 2013-01-20 10:35 ID:jdHo6RwR [Del]

I saw photos, the believer are crazy

35 Name: Legionof$ : 2013-01-20 12:04 ID:X6RRkhNn [Del]

This is sick, those fangirls are sort of flaunting cutting. Self-harm is not something to be done for a cause.

36 Name: BarabiSama!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-01-20 19:33 ID:evKJtMkw [Del]


37 Name: Flamemaster1 : 2013-01-20 20:25 ID:/AjngNyq [Del]

>>36 Just don't. No one wants to hear that. Get a good psychologist, get yourself sorted out, and THEN come talk to us

38 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-01-20 20:36 ID:UqTyCBra [Del]

>>37 I'm pretty sure this is one of Barabi's impostors. Don't feed it, please. The more you ignore it the faster it'll go away.

39 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-20 22:52 ID:4ByFvbsI [Del]

>>38 She has many imposters.

I don't even have to look at the trip to know that >>36 is a faggot. By the way, FUCK YOU DAI! I'LL CALL THE MORON A FAGGOT IF I FEEL LIKE IT!

totally unnecessary, but that's what I do. It's been a while since I've picked a fight. I'm on 50% sure I even spelled the fucking name right.

40 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-01-21 06:48 ID:J0nc5C5e [Del]

>>36 >>37 Are you stupid?

Guize. Tripcodes exist for a reason :L >>36 didn't even have a proper tripcode, nevermind mine. It's obvious when they're just trolling, at which point they don't deserve a legitimate response.

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42 Name: Pyrogoeth : 2013-01-23 09:33 ID:l0eDZWbO [Del]

I was hearing about this on the internet before, and they mentioned it on my local radio station. Apparently it hasn't come into light for the media that it was started by 9gag, which I also found out a while ago thanks to the internet. Frankly, the whole thing is ridiculous. While I don't agree with 9gag for what they started, it's the fans faults for doing something so blindly. I heard that apparently some parents are blaming JB for it since he's the one that had smoked pot-- The entire reason behind the whole staging of '#Cut4Bieber'. Honestly I find them stupider than their kids. However, self-harm isn't something to be taken so lightly, not to mention isn't something to be done over something as idiotic as your favorite singer smoking pot. Really, the entire thing just rubs me the wrong way.

43 Name: Asa : 2013-01-23 15:44 ID:xX+nnP6W [Del]

The first thing that came to my mind when I found this out was, "What the fuck is wrong with you people? So Beiber is smoking weed, big fucking deal. You don't have to cut yourself over it! It's his problem not yours" Really, what is this world coming too? And on top of that, THEM CUTTING THEMSELVES isn't going to make HIS PROBLEM go away. All they're doing is making worse for themselves.

44 Name: lucid : 2013-01-23 19:11 ID:D7Eim0KY [Del]

The entire gimmick is a hoax. The image first started from a guy in 4chan who posted a picture of the Beiber smoking weed. They then decided to make a joke out of it started posting pictures of girls with cuts but not really dedicated to Beiber and tag it with #Cut4Beiber.

45 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-01-23 20:24 ID:0w52ujS7 [Del]

I'd like to believe people aren't stupid enough to do it, but you should provide the proof of the information for it to be taken seriously.

46 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-01-24 16:29 ID:bJv0GXE3 [Del]

For the love of God, who would cut themselves over some shitty celebrity they don't even know. I mean, it's okay to idolize someone (Though I don't know why anyone would idolize Beiber), but really.
I mean, I have people I really look up to and think are the absolute shit, but I wouldn't hurt myself for them. Probably not, anyway, I guess it depends who it is.
But why, please explain, would ANYONE give two shits about Beiber smoking pot. There are a lot of celebrities who do that. In fact, there are celebrities that do a lot worse.
I have friends who took/take drugs, I wouldn't endanger myself to get them to stop, I'd raid their stash and sell it to hobos or something.

47 Name: Pyrogoeth : 2013-01-25 04:17 ID:l0eDZWbO [Del]


I would actually like to state for the record that it's 9gag's doing, not 4chan's; 9gag is just putting the blame on them to keep themselves out of trouble.

48 Name: Starrrk : 2013-01-25 13:49 ID:Ga7LKNLC [Del]

I cut class for Bieber.

49 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-01-26 07:53 ID:dMuxUh6p [Del]

Now I really believe that JUSTIN BIEBER is a ULTRA BAD INFLUENCE in the community even his fans going to harm they self for him!!!
It's a good choice to hate him!

50 Name: Lady : 2013-01-26 16:01 ID:3jPeQqAM [Del]

I find the fact that JB Never told them to stop questionable.

51 Name: Kanra : 2013-01-26 22:48 ID:f+Kq0pc/ [Del]

9gag started the whole thing

52 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-01-27 12:41 ID:kLEuINxj [Del]

>>49 It's not a good choice to hate him! He's a human being. I'm a girl, and I dont happen to think Justin Bieber is a big deal, but if I were him I would tell them to stop the self-harm. They'd probably listen. He probably just doesn't want to get involved in this kind of messed up shit so please, why can't everyone just give him a break. He's a living breathing person the same as you and me.

53 Name: Vanna : 2013-01-29 17:12 ID:wygB3sgC [Del]

Ok..girls cutting themselves for Justin? In my opinion this is extremely messed up. Let Justin smoke weed, it only hurts him.

54 Name: Eros : 2013-01-31 10:39 ID:LYtrzosC [Del]

If they are stupid enough to do it, let them. They were dumb enough to start liking his music so who cares. If any of them die doing this, ill be sure to ask them if it was worth it when im dead.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-31 13:27 ID:wvYVf5KB [Del]

>>54 Clear out the musical gene pool?

56 Name: Sesu : 2013-01-31 13:44 ID:imXcNPyk [Del]

If I remember right, it is a hoax broughtup by the same people that said he had cancer. Honestly, if they are gonna believe the first thing they see instead of letting him make a statement about it. Let the moronic actions speak for themselves.

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58 Name: Zaymon : 2013-02-02 09:20 ID:CLueizpW [Del]

what i have to say ? they're dumb

59 Name: Unkown : 2013-02-03 18:30 ID:8bDIV9d3 [Del]

IT'S LIKE THAT FUCKING COMMERCIAL!! believe everything you hear/read on the internet,yeah that statefarm commercial? ever saw it? only me? okay :/ But fuck let him do his shit an people need to move on..even if it was a hoax ppl shouldn't believe that shit,and yeah there's alot of celebs who smoke pot/weed and gets in tons of trouble! Ex:LIndsy lohan,etc etc..Yeah but it no one's problem to begin with,personally I hate jb and his music,but ppl cutting temselves for his mistakes..just damn :/ so stupid.

60 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2013-02-03 21:40 ID:lcEA6/tn [Del]

Lol Lindsey Lohan is the only one you actually named.

What happened? Celebrities smoking pot used to be no big deal, hell it was funny! Cheech & Chong. every movie from the '70s, ect.

61 Name: ルーシー : 2013-02-04 03:47 ID:CZEnDKQL [Del]

I agree, I think he is really stupid and his fan also ... sorry for my english, I'm not very good in this language.

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63 Name: raven : 2013-02-04 04:37 ID:ogszK1bb [Del]

wow what happened to going on a drinking binge over the weekend and then working with a hangover
this beiber fever bit is way over the top and those kids need a checkup from the neck up

64 Name: Nile Taiga : 2013-02-04 11:53 ID:hdnkfT80 [Del]

I don't think that's intelligent at all. They're basically saying they'll mutilate their own bodies just to keep him following their perfect image of him. That's a bit controlling. He should be able to do what he wants...
But, he's an idiot for doing those types of things when other people are breathing down his neck so much.

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66 Name: Shiki : 2013-02-06 22:11 ID:3JMt5ur2 [Del]

Others that actually cut who suffer from depression are an entirely different topic. It's just sad that these kids are willing to hurt themselves for Bieber. But I suppose if he did see the trending topic, he would stop smoking right away if he cared for his fans.

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68 Name: Tomi : 2013-02-07 00:13 ID:xKVv6mgO [Del]

He's just a kid though. He doesn't realize to the extent he affects his fans, so even if he saw he wouldn't care enough to stop.

Even adults have trouble inhibiting their own freedoms for the sake of others. Why should Beiber be any different?

69 Name: Its Me : 2013-02-07 21:11 ID:URKngjgA [Del]

Guys come on that was a 4chan prank (Bieber wasnt caught smoking weed) the sad thing is that some kids are stupid enough to believe it.

70 Name: Seagull : 2013-03-27 13:58 ID:/tuxdH/I [Del]

Wow, the things people do (or don't do) and the things people believe they do...

71 Name: gumigirl2324 : 2013-03-31 10:22 ID:+J/lbTQb [Del]

wow i find that very dumb

72 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-31 13:44 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

Why did you bump this thing? Its almost 3 months old and no longer even a thing. If you had some new thing to say about it, sure, but geez.