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Cop gives homeless man socks and boots (32)

1 Name: The Doctor : 2012-12-02 14:13 ID:Gsyd3zJQ (Image: 300x219 png, 144 kb) [Del]

src/1354479236576.png: 300x219, 144 kb

In New York, a cop patrolling the streets had seen a homeless man on the sidewalk, people just walking by him, either ignoring him, or laughing. He had seen that he didn't have any shoes,and it was a cold night. So he went out of his way to pay $50 for a pair of winter boots and socks to go with it, but he was gone, so he chased him down and helped him put them on, the man was saying "It's alright, I've never had shoes." but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

These kind of stories always raise my hopes for humanity. How many others would have done the same? The answer, is probably if it was brought to your attention, but most likely never even notice. This is making me look at the "Missions" board more often now.

2 Name: El_Taco !QkB/SKbtqg : 2012-12-02 16:18 ID:tDzGYEsp [Del]

I agree. This is a nice alternative to hear about rather than most of the bleak news you see now a days. Indeed, I am compelled to do something about it.

3 Name: Kyo : 2012-12-02 16:46 ID:+bfoXoJ5 [Del]

A lovely story, and from the NYPD no less. Sure makes a change from pepper spraying pregnant women.

4 Name: PsycheBunny !mfbNb4JzaM : 2012-12-02 19:20 ID:RYoYDnFI [Del]

This is such a touching story. If all people were like this, people with little to no income would probably still have a home rather than living like that man has. I hope one day, everyone wakes up and realizes that they have the ability to help others as well as themselves.

5 Name: some person : 2012-12-03 00:06 ID:DJ5R/p15 [Del]

We need more people like that cop

6 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-12-03 05:39 ID:KVZjXpTu [Del]

Some faith in Humanity restored!

7 Name: Celestial Envoy !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-12-03 05:52 ID:AbdRJJAL [Del]

Many people would say that it's pointless to do things like this. But we can't expect change to happen overnight. It take time and effort; and with acts of kindness like these we can achieve a dream that was unreachable. A little bit at a time will go a long way; just be patient and smile.

8 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-03 12:33 ID:fzaQALxb [Del]

>>6 this.

>>7 And that is the point of the Dollars :)

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-03 17:27 ID:BpSQZgBV [Del]

Opinionated opinions follow.

My only problem with this is that you never know if a person is legitimately homeless or not. It's easy to grab an old bookbag, some shabby, oversized clothes, and a moth eaten blanket and set yourself up on the side of the road. A little olive oil in the hair with some purposely made knots and it'll look like you haven't had a shower for weeks. For guys, just don't shave for a while or shave half-assed and you'll look just like a homeless guy. Then, sit around by a train station or by a bus stop and look sad for a while. Come up with a decent story to explain your situation without being over-the-top about it, and shabalang, plenty of suckers passing by will give you money or buy you something (especially if you're particularly young or fairly old).

It's so easy to lie that it's hard to take people seriously :L On one hand, some people think you should be generous whether or not they're having a tough time and help them anyway. But on the other hand, that's your hard earned money; why would you give it over to someone who might just be faking homelessness?

Not trying to be rude, but as far as I know, there are plenty of shelters in and just out of the city. There's no need to be sleeping on the streets. You can stay in a shelter until you can find a job. I admit, it's not always that easy, and we went through this while my brother was homeless for a while (neither us nor his friends would take him in, and he had no job), so I know that getting into a shelter isn't always that easy. But it's possible and reasonable. I can't really take people sleeping on the streets seriously because of that. It's so easy for them to just put some effort into making their situation better instead of lying in the cold hoping somebody will donate to their poverty-cause.

>>8 point of the Missions board*

10 Name: Kisaragi : 2012-12-03 18:14 ID:LuMed7ND [Del]

Oh This is perfect ^^ Wonderful news :3C this is what the dollars are all about, helping others ^^

11 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-12-03 19:03 ID:ooER2eH+ [Del]


12 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-12-03 21:39 ID:E5asHhM6 [Del]

Yeah because the world doesn't have so many homeless, and it's sooooo impossible for buildings to get over run and leave no more room.

I must have missed the memo where homeless people roam on free, open farm lands where they can always gallop the plains.

13 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-12-03 22:44 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

>>9 to your last paragraph, there really isnt as much room in shelters as we would like to believe. If there were, would we have all these homelesses? They would instead be shelter-users. The pursuit of happyness is a lie!!
I do agree with you on the whole be suspicious thing though.

14 Name: Celestial Envoy !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-12-04 06:58 ID:AbdRJJAL [Del]

>>9 Whether he was really homeless or not does not mater at all. What maters is that a man saw another in need and went out of his way to help him. That's all that matters here; proof of kindness.

15 Name: xionnoctis : 2012-12-04 08:18 ID:jOPCUup+ [Del]

i would have done the same we need to help other's more instead of laughing at the misfortune of others and and shame on those who laughed at that homeless man

16 Name: Lawin : 2012-12-04 08:53 ID:O3zNrXCW [Del]

Just read another recent news about this, I'm not sure whether to feel disappointed or what...

Here's the link:

17 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-04 10:52 ID:hbShzofc [Del]

This is so touching. TT.TT It would be nice if more people could naturally show good will. We can't forget that everyone has problems and could use a helping hand. Now I think I want to check out the missions board.
I can't help but think of the song "Don't Laugh at Me" by mark wills.

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-04 14:32 ID:BpSQZgBV [Del]

>>13 >>12 You know, I don't remember saying that shelters would always have room. In fact, I remember saying that it's often difficult (but possible) to get into them.

There are a lot of shelters. There are a lot of homeless people. Even if you're homeless, there are better places to be than on the streets all day begging from people. There are enough libraries, at the very least, for them to spend their time at trying to find some source of income. And before you use the, "Not everybody can do that; some of them are old and don't understand it!" argument, let me say that there are free courses for people who don't know how to use computers that well at most libraries. Anybody could end up on the streets. But also, everybody has the power to make their situation better.

>>14 In your opinion.* I, personally, don't think people who are faking it, not trying to better their situation, or who just don't care don't deserve anything of that sort. Kindness should be reserved for those who have been trying their hardest but have gotten knocked down every time.

He is not homeless because he has to be. He is not homeless because he is down on his luck.

The past two links can back this up. He chose this lifestyle. For several years, he has been living on the streets by choice. If it's his choice, then he should take responsibility, and I don't feel he should be getting charity. I don't blame him or anything; that's a fine choice that is up to his discretion. But I still don't think that living on charity is all that acceptable.

19 Name: musiclover : 2012-12-08 15:08 ID:U8PCIL3m [Del]

omg this cop is so nice and sweet. Even though he never meet him and the man is homeless the cop didn't have to buy him shoes he wanted to help him. i just love his so much

20 Name: Acid Scr3m : 2012-12-08 22:21 ID:aTl0UCWD [Del]

I'd do the same

21 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-13 20:14 ID:vHGZeyRC [Del]

Simply... beautiful. He is... a beautiful man. Lawrence Dupree does not wait for one in need to ask for help; he gives it. Those in need the most are sometimes the ones to afraid to ask for such, but... heh.

It is the pursuit of love to fellow man and generosity to fellow man that shows the pursuit of charity and the virtue of kindness.

22 Name: Mydget : 2012-12-14 16:23 ID:YUR/NRve [Del]

first reall act of kindness i'v seen in a long time

23 Name: Z : 2012-12-17 09:14 ID:LlxK27uP [Del]

It's true that the world isn't as bad as it seems. Good people do exist! I would've done the same! Good on the police man!

24 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-17 18:07 ID:vHGZeyRC [Del]

The world isn't as bad as many people think it is.

25 Name: DeltaG : 2012-12-19 23:53 ID:IQPuWVB7 [Del]

We do tend to react more to negative things because of how outrageous they are, but if we look around, we realize there is many more good things hapenning around us than we think.

26 Name: Legionof$ : 2013-01-20 23:12 ID:pbh/GhmP [Del]

He's a true dollar!

27 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-01-20 23:32 ID:/paKCtOX [Del]

A. stfu
B. why you necrobump

28 Name: Ritsu : 2013-01-21 03:40 ID:3Avo5tSZ [Del]

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~ how sweet

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: Cross : 2013-01-21 17:19 ID:xfP0NOwl [Del]

I'd also do the same. And do more for the homeless
I wish we can orginize a lil meeting for the homeless that we see and invite them to a small meal, ya know?

31 Name: Ritsuka : 2013-01-22 20:53 ID:3Avo5tSZ [Del]

I would gave him a bath and some way to sleep dude need's it

32 Name: Minitiny : 2013-01-23 09:31 ID:yiIOae1J [Del]

That is so sweet if life was more like that then maybe people wouldn't shoot other people