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Family Research Center Shooter Had 15 Chik-fil-A Sandwiches In Bag (11)

1 Name: Hyoren : 2012-08-16 16:11 ID:WOue5wvK [Del]

(Washington, D.C.) Floyd Lee Corkins II, the suspect in Wednesday’s shooting ‏at the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Family Research Council, was carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches in a bag when he opened fire, according to the criminal complaint filed by the Justice Department on Thursday.

Corkins, 28, of Herndon, Va., was charged with “interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition”—a federal offense—along with the “intent to kill while armed.” The offenses carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for transportation of a weapon, and 30 years for intent to kill. Corkins is expected to make an initial court appearance later Thursday.

Yahoo News reports in the FBI affidavit, Corkins’ parents said their son “has strong opinions with respect to those he believes do not treat homosexuals in a fair manner.” According to The Associated Press, Corkins “had been volunteering recently at a community center for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.”

The guard, Leo Johnson, was shot in the left arm, police said. Corkins was tackled and then taken into custody. Johnson was taken to a local hospital and is expected to make a full recovery, an FRC spokesman said.

The FBI said it found Corkins with “two additional magazines loaded with ammunition and an additional box of 50 rounds of ammunition,” according to Talking Points Memo.

The Family Research Council is a Christian organization and conservative lobbying group that “promotes the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system.” Its motto is “advancing faith, family and freedom.” The group, which was founded in 1981, opposes abortion and gay marriage.”

Now people, hate crimes go both ways. I don’t care what you say or try to say. Before anything gets said about me lumping all liberals into a pile I’m not, and you shouldn’t do the same about christians. This is taking it too far just like WBC takes it too far. Quit complaining about how christians act and look at how others are acting.
And for those of you who will spew filth over this post, I actually support gay rights. So please, open your eyes a little to the truth that lies in front of you. I am posting this not because I hate gays but because I love people (not in an Izaya way) Try to understand this is my PERSONAL opinion on this topic. This is to show that things go both ways. Please comment and if this happens to be a dupe then someone tell me >.>

2 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-08-16 23:21 ID:ILilVCtT [Del]

While I don't necessarily agree with his methods, I must say they got what was coming to them. It wasn't so long ago homosexuals were beaten, harassed, ostracized, and sometimes killed for their sexuality. It's a cruel form of justice this man handed out. I for one despise the Christian faith and its dogma. It is a scourge and a blight to this world. An intrinsic depravity that only breeds more hatred. Now, keep in mind I don't necessarily hate 'Christians' I hate their religion so before you start flaming me read the whole comment. Although, I must say SOME Christians really do piss me off and I despise them along with their fairy tale fantasies.

3 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-08-17 00:24 ID:nXE/91pt [Del]

>>2 So...two wrongs make a right? Good to know!
Also, just because in the past homosexuals were being beaten, harassed, etc. that makes it A-okay for those who have nothing to do with it suffer? Are you really supporting the harming of innocents? Chrimeony man, your more messed up than me.

4 Name: Hyoren : 2012-08-17 10:33 ID:89l1edI1 [Del]

>>2 I hate to tell you but you just made yourself look like a huge ass. For one, If you're expecting christians to accept the homosexual life style then you have to accept their's. Two, revenge just fuels for more revenge. They did not deserve it in any form or fashion, neither did gays being beaten. Three, That was years ago that it was in America. Yes it still happens over seas today, it's illegal in some countries, but so is murder in all countries. .. With that being said Christians ,or atleast true christians, do not have fairy tale fantasies. Just because they believe in a God and there is only one way to heaven does not make it right or wrong. If you look back through history a lot of main religions in the world today where started by people who were christians and distorted it, there is a reason it was the root of most religions. Honestly, some christians piss me off more than athiest do. They can be extremely blind, however, they believe what they believe just as you do. Just because they don't agree with gays doesn't mean they deserve to be killed. You don't agree with christians, does that mean you deserve to die? no. There have been more Christian hate crimes in the world than gay, it too is outlawed in foreign countries. So before you start sharing what you see, you should see the whole story. Most christians are accepting of gays whether they see it as right or wrong. Now Mr.Haze, I cannot make you change your opinion, but if you truly want gays to be accepted in the world you have to accept everyone else too.

5 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-17 13:43 ID:BxLDBs/g [Del]

>>2 Im really not even sure how to respond to that, because you just said something crazy hateful n ignorant sounding, but it looks like you tried to back pedal at the end. So yeah, choose your wording better next time you decide to hate something

6 Name: RainyDevil : 2012-08-17 13:48 ID:ajiVz0bE [Del]

A crime is a crime, no matter who committed it or why he did so. I see nothing wrong in putting that man in jail.
About what Mr.Haze said an you all replied ... Well, I'm an atheist who lives with an Orthodox Christian family ... In a Catholic Christian country. I have been taught the faith, and I know what it's all about. All crimes Christianity took blame of were done by people who took their belief too far, and misread the faith. I have read no word in the Bible about abortion, nor about homosexuality ... Well, that's a bit wrong ... The Apochrypha does have these words, but if you read the Apochrypha and take it serious, then anything you do will be right, according to it.

7 Name: Fir3_Fly : 2012-08-17 14:52 ID:kwQrbQAw [Del]

Narrow minded people like that council shouldn't be allowed to operate. Why? They try to mold every child mind to fit theirs. As children they've got no other choice but to except it. By the time they have a choice it's too late. Parents should never force their religious or political views onto their children. I believe what that man did was in his own way how he felt. It was a misguided attempt at change. As to wether or not I respect other people's opinions I.e. religion, I do. But I also believe in equality. People shouldn't have to hide who they are for the fear of persecution. So I believe in Gay rights inane everything that entails.

8 Name: Hyoren : 2012-08-17 21:54 ID:GmSHiLH3 [Del]

>>6 There are several instances in the Bible where it refers to homosexuality, and since our nation was built to be a christian nation that is where they have their standpoint. There is nothing about abortion as far as I have read, however there is about Murder. At the point on conception there is life, not just when it's born. To abort the baby is to kill a living human being whether it has been born or not.

>>7 The same could be said about other organization. As I stated, they say what they say because it's what they believe. Of course you're going to teach your children things that you believe in, no one wants their kid growing up defying everything they have known all their life. It is wrong to indoctrinate, but when it comes to younger children who do not know how the world is then there needs to be some discretion. People teach what they believe and that is no different. Just because they do not 'support' gay rights does not mean they don't accept gays. There is a huge difference people fail to see.

9 Name: wrongku : 2012-08-22 11:44 ID:EarCgR9w [Del]

what up people what is going on right now i am in school and it is boreding to me

10 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-08-22 15:29 ID:xUiaH/4j [Del]

This is not a conversation thread.

11 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-08-22 15:29 ID:xUiaH/4j [Del]

Well not a "general" conversation thread.