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They're at it again (141)

1 Name: Shokua : 2012-04-13 02:06 ID:L3k6SR1p [Del]

My fellow Dollars, I have a very pressing concern I wish to share with you all. It would appear the christians have declared all-out war against the homosexual population. I'm not sure what we should do, or if even if we CAN do anything, but I feel like we must do something.

2 Name: mitch_rand : 2012-04-13 05:05 ID:iq3iFy+A [Del]

in situations like this you cant do anything just let them sort it out and it will all roll over within a month.

3 Name: St.Joshin : 2012-04-13 07:31 ID:Td3OT4yS [Del]

look their idiots waisting their time on other peoples and not takeing 1 bloody look at them selve. the only time the spend in a mirror is either straitining their collor, or reciteing their anti-homosexualty speach. All hail the great lord joshin JK no seriously, people like them are in tolorant and need to take a look at how its hurting people.

4 Name: LordAce1213 : 2012-04-14 13:02 ID:wYK6qrtf [Del]

Um, okay, as a Christian I'd just like to point out that we're not all like that. Personally, I have nothing against gay people (in fact, I love being around gay people, they're fun) Not all Christians are self-righteous pricks like the ones hating on the homosexual community. Most of us just wish everyone could be happy and remember that in God's eyes, all are equal (not trying to start a sermon here, that's just what I believe personally).

In any case I'd just like to speak for those of us Christians who are proud to say they're fact, I'm not even gonna say tolerant. There's nothing to tolerate, nothing wrong with someone who has their own preferences at all. I will gladly hang out with some gay people and not get uncomfortable at all. Anyway, long story short, there are those of us who love everybody, I just ask that we all keep this in mind before calling all Christians pricks...we honestly aren't all like that and we're kinda sad that we live in a world today where all of us are viewed like this. Sorry if I'm rambling, I just get a bit fired up at things like this. Thanks for listening, hope we CAN do something to help.

5 Name: TimeLeap : 2012-04-14 13:45 ID:yI8wH9EZ [Del]

The best thing to do in these situations is to politely inform them they are bigots who should die in brutal accidents and then ignore them from then on.

6 Name: Sirjj : 2012-04-14 14:23 ID:DwMjmS7P [Del]

Its things like that that give us a bad name I know the bible says a man should not lay with a man but it also says to sf all and there ways even if thay are not the ones I made

7 Name: Mika : 2012-04-15 00:12 ID:Nkt5a+Ug [Del]

What!? I haven't heard anything like that. But we must save the gays!

8 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-04-15 00:46 ID:MGZNWloS [Del]

Jeez, how old is that video?
I mean, I'm trying to do some digging up on the original release date of it, but I'm not finding anything because I don't know the original video name.
The thing looks years old. How does that make it an all out war being declared by Christians today?
It was probably made by some extremist fringe group years ago that is hardly relevant today.

9 Name: Shika : 2012-04-15 16:23 ID:+HNtPFyu [Del]

That's sad

10 Name: Ria.x : 2012-04-15 22:58 ID:VyITaDZF [Del]

I wish members of my religion aren't so arrogant and "righteous"
Geez, it only brings shame to the label "Christian"

11 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-15 23:47 ID:Eq/E5v1X [Del]

That's like saying all Muslims are terrorists. You can't say an entire religion is like this or that because of one small group.

12 Name: Liozamu !GnZKM.7sWw : 2012-04-16 00:00 ID:gr+OnjLW [Del]

It`s people like this that make me dislike religion.

13 Name: anon : 2012-04-16 04:49 ID:V2JPP/A3 [Del]

I don't dislike religion but I dislike the people who use religion like this.....

14 Name: Doremo : 2012-04-16 17:40 ID:BiLLY/X0 [Del]

Bumping stupid shit off

15 Name: Neko-Sebby : 2012-04-17 00:15 ID:u/uDL3lH [Del]

WTH what is up with that I'm all for Homosexuality

16 Name: Tsukiko !TgQ3fuQLTo : 2012-04-17 01:00 ID:oWFkduy0 [Del]

I'm a Christan and i have absolutely no problems with Homosexuality. What is the world coming to ==?

17 Name: Jez : 2012-04-17 03:58 ID:5enezx98 [Del]

Two of my best friends are gay.. (with each other) sometimes I feel like a third wheel... Lol
Im not Christian (I'm Wicca) and i believe that love is love, and it doesn't matter who you love, because it's really a special thing to be able to share that with someone.
For anyone who out there who is affected by this, I say keep fighting because I'm sure there re just as many people who support you!
Good luck my fellow dollars!

18 Name: Zero : 2012-04-17 10:55 ID:xEcZdPA+ [Del]

I know a gay guy and I have no issues with him. I'm strait and he isn't, so what? Let gays be gays, they can't help it.

I'm for gay rights even if i'm heterosexual. I mean honsetly, gays are nice people, they just don't like to be with the opposite sex in a relationship other than friendship or relative. I'm not gay basher, gays just make up another difference in the world we live in.

19 Name: Kyri : 2012-04-17 12:31 ID:8dBJcqs9 [Del]

This is sad and concerning, but what troubles me most is that all people can do is yell at each other about it or argue, and its kinda going nowhere, if only we could do something else to help the cause... but all i can think of is banners and stuff, which isn't gonna help much. It already pretty bad considering most gays aren't even allowed to get married in many states. :(

20 Name: Eizo : 2012-04-17 23:28 ID:iKTngb+w [Del]

This whole thing... everytime I hear thinks like that coming up again.... I get worried, sad and angry....
I'm gay and I'm really lucky having a open hearted family and friends. I have never been beaten up for beeing gay...

I really whish that everyone could happen to have so much luck as I did... Well... My girl left me after 6 years... but that's life....
Couples never exsting or parting because of people picking on them, making them scared of living as the persons they are .... this all makes me so sick....
It could me so easy.... as long as there will be no one harmed... everyone should be able to love and share her/his/ ? life with the special person they happen to meet and love......

I agree with reply# 19 from Kira.... This fighting and yelling and arguing will lead nowhere...only into more anger and hatred between the front lines .... ._______. why must people make thinks so complicated?

21 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-04-19 14:10 ID:rBqCkE3t [Del]


22 Name: Fei Ashita : 2012-04-19 23:55 ID:zSEr/S6J [Del]

Okay, I think this needs to be said.
I am Christian. And I have nothing against the homosexual population. Some of best friends are Catholic. And gay. While some people may want to believe that there is a lot of hatred coming from the Christians, I think that only certain people feel the way they do. It's not fair to label people. Not Christians, or homosexuals.

23 Name: soul-lies : 2012-04-20 05:47 ID:OX/zhrkb [Del]

Really. what's wrong with homosexuals? Nothing. Nothing. They're just people.

24 Name: Darasuum : 2012-04-20 09:45 ID:KVhwFm6D [Del]

>>22 i was just about to say that, not ALL of them are like that. If you put everyone in a group than that means you( >>1 ) are just as opressive as the initial opressor.

25 Name: kikyo : 2012-04-20 20:31 ID:8SCQosi8 [Del]

I think everyone should have a chance at love. They are people and i think we should give them the rights. You love who you love and no one can change that.

26 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-04-20 21:05 ID:KeLN8551 [Del]

>>1 Please be careful about how you word a statement. The above (>>1) statement appears as though you're saying ALL Christians are declaring war on homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, I'm not Cristian, but they've done good things, as well as bad, as almost every group has.

27 Name: lovemuffin : 2012-04-20 21:20 ID:HoHuUzsC [Del]

im christan but if they whant to be homo or lesby go head becaus i really dont care becase its ther life

28 Name: cody : 2012-04-20 22:53 ID:V5hIkx7r [Del]

its also none of our bisness what they do

29 Name: Yuri : 2012-04-21 05:52 ID:kT3ht0Dd [Del]

Shokua, I'm beggining to be christian, it seems like you're saying the whole religion hates homosexuals. Thats probably just a bunch of idiots just thinking its in the name of god, but don't mind them if you're actually being serious. Trust me- I'm not discriminating some randoms, I'm just suggesting.

30 Post deleted by user.

31 Name: Saika : 2012-04-21 16:32 ID:fd7q9yT8 [Del]

same here they can all go die for all i care they don't have the right's to say all of these mean thing's they need to learn to live with it so if they don't like it to bad they can die fuckers i hate people like that men it just make's me want to kill no no nothing like that now o.k i want to help see me in the dollars chat room the chat room is called the dollars see me there. love Saika

32 Name: Leroy : 2012-04-21 20:09 ID:t6IWOJfy [Del]

Man.Now days ppl use the word/religion cristian to make it look like there good ppl.I mean I use to be cristian but everyone kept making judgements and sinning to much and they dared to call themselves a days everything is corrupted.

33 Name: Maaku : 2012-04-21 22:22 ID:ig8Z5b9m [Del]

religion is total bs wats wrong with homosexual

34 Name: Vincent Creed : 2012-04-21 23:07 ID:oxBhe+0M [Del]

I don't see what the big deal is. If a guy wants to be gay, let him be gay. It's not going to end the world. I may be Christian but this goes to far.

35 Post deleted by user.

36 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-04-22 00:23 ID:MGZNWloS [Del]

I'm going to say this again since I am not receiving any answers from other posters/from successfully digging up my own.
I would like to know the original video name/release date of the video because it seems like it may be somewhat old to me. The video posted by the OP could actually be years old and is only now resurfacing and causing an issue where there really isn't one.
It was probably just made by some small nut fringe group.

37 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-04-22 00:31 ID:kavCwrSb [Del]

After 5 or so minutes of looking up the title of the movie on google, I was lead to piratebay and there, the synopsis was given.

"A video from the 90's about gay rights movement. The video's underline message is that the gay rights movement in the 90's was trying to give gays more rights and privileges than someone who wasn't gay."

So there, it's from the 90's.

38 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-04-22 01:59 ID:MGZNWloS [Del]

Well obviously my internet searching skills suck...this is why I research things in books at the library...

39 Name: Riceball Melody : 2012-04-22 16:17 ID:+mKaRyFz [Del]

Seriously guys? Not every Christian is anti-homosexuality. I'm christian, and some of my closest friends are lesbians. I don't try to change them; I accept them for who they are. I agree: it's messed up what a lot of christians do, but there are messed up people everywhere. Honestly, guys.

40 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-04-22 18:34 ID:MGZNWloS [Del]

>>39 This. I'm a Baptist and about 2/5ths of my friends are Lesbians, Gays, or Bi.

41 Name: Kuichi Kenshin : 2012-04-23 19:41 ID:nAXEZlA2 [Del]

same for me @WiseWolf. but i am a catholic and in my view sexual orientation has nothing to do with judging a person. If the Christians really want to launch an all-out attack on the homosexuals, they will be brought down with swift justice and criticism.

42 Name: Zero : 2012-04-24 10:24 ID:xEcZdPA+ [Del]

I don't care if your gay or not, if you hate homosexuality, you can go into the woods and get mauled by a bear. I mean seriously, its already bad enough gays can't marry in most states. But oppressing them? That's just wrong.

43 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-04-25 07:52 ID:hpiGmVlF [Del]

I don't agree with oppressing gays either but you seem to be lumping all the Christians together like they all have the same doctrine. That's the same as saying that all (even saying most is wrong) gays are rapists or are gay because of a traumatic experience in their life.
There are different denominations, and in those denominations not everyone agrees on the issue. There are different people in their after all, and their are always going to be different opinions.... People really have to stop generalizing everything otherwise it's just useless trying to make peace.

44 Name: Shizaya : 2012-04-25 13:19 ID:EUKvUhGH [Del]

Actually I am a christian, but I have no problem with gays or lesbians, it's just that sometimes when I am sharing a gospel, some homo would misunderstand and hate on me like I was criticizing them, we were given free will to let us pilot our lives, but the work of us christians is to share what we think is right, but we don't need to force it into other people's throats. :D

45 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-26 10:07 ID:sAUbkVky [Del]


46 Name: Shinra~swap : 2012-04-26 15:19 ID:hWbCQ5Wi [Del]

I'm Christion, and I have absolutely no prob with homosexuals. In the same way that you don't force your beliefs on someone, I believe you should also let them be with their beliefs. Let them live their own lives and you live yours. If they want your help, do what you feels right.

47 Name: Master-sama : 2012-04-26 20:59 ID:yEBLDUXQ [Del]

I'm agnostic and a little bit of an apatheist, so I probably don't have much say in this matter, but >>46 and >>44 are right. And my bit to offer is that it has nothing to do with religon, but prejudice and ignorance. These people have good intentions I'm sure, but they're very closed minded. The reason they use religon as a way to attack homosexuality is simply because they can't understand the appeal of being attracted to the same sex, it's just disgusting to them. I do not mind homosexuality, a lot of my guy friends are actually gay! So it's easier to talk to them about girl stuff!! ;D

48 Name: Sleonesia : 2012-04-27 17:59 ID:CZ8hCm2A [Del]

now thats just mean! >:(

49 Name: Aki : 2012-04-28 00:16 ID:RmAdL3tY [Del]

in Christian and homosexual...well, guess im fucked xD

50 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-04-28 13:29 ID:vbzOkxNc [Del]

Im Christian! BUT IM NOT A PART OF THIS MADNESS!!! Stupid...nuns. Er...certain Christians. Pffft.

51 Name: Lina : 2012-04-28 17:41 ID:fbckHCX0 [Del]

Sorry, I'm Christian, but really there isn't a problem with homosexuality. Sure, some consider it a sin, but most of us don't. I wouldn't call it a war.

52 Name: Animadversor !9XbiR6YbYc : 2012-04-28 21:52 ID:jtYk37Tc [Del]

Judging an entire faction based on the acts of some of its constituents isn't a good idea. It only insults the parts of it that are on your side.

53 Name: Ayaka : 2012-04-29 08:31 ID:L5vlAVyT [Del]

I consider myself a Christian, and I'd just like to say that not all of us are like that. It's unfair to label people of a certain religion that way; it's like another stereotype really. Some Christians, most likely the really strict, more 'traditional' ones, do call it a sin, but that's not everyone. I personally think that everyone should have the right to love, regardless of which gender they find it in.

54 Name: Chadoa : 2012-04-29 08:39 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

Im a Christian... sure I dont think homosexuality is right, but I dont think it wrong either. Who am I to say their wrong? Its their choice....
And dont yoi dare go labeling all Christians as idiotic moronsn justbecause of this retarded group whos taking crap too far.
Its like seeing one dead patch of grass and claiming that the whole dang field is dead... Almost like saying all Arabs are suicide bombers... If anything, be more specific by saying "this group or these couple of groups have declared...." you make it sound like all Christians are one group and when one says something, all others agree.

55 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-04-29 10:53 ID:e3Lupl9w [Del]

because they can't just let someone be themselves.

56 Name: Vanlandinghale : 2012-04-29 13:24 ID:LMgdqtqr [Del]

>>55 That would be too easy.

57 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-04-29 18:06 ID:8J+AIykr [Del]

I have an extreme problem with the OP's wording of "the christians" and those that agree with him underneath in this thread. Way to be a judgemental asshole.

I didn't watch the video, but I need to point this out, and while it may have already been done, I need to get this off my chest. For everyone that considers all Christians to have the same mindset, fuck you. There are so many on this Earth and there are so many different branches of Christianity it saddens me to see people group them all together like that. I'm not going to go into detail, but OP, you ruined this post with that persecustion-filled tone. Up yours.

58 Name: Vanlandinghale : 2012-04-29 19:58 ID:LMgdqtqr [Del]

Different sects, different religions, same attitude. They are right, others are wrong. Some work together, some fight against others. It is a scenario that will never go away. It has been here since the beginning, and will continue to be here long after we pass.

Best thing everyone should do, when it comes to religion and their beliefs is this: If it doesn't directly affect your health, job, safety, or safety of family...mind your own fucking details.

59 Name: hero : 2012-04-30 16:13 ID:T923SqQr [Del]

God dont hate gays if god is anc all loving being he dosint hate gays but they are filling heads that got hate gays any body agree i mean come on who knows whats good or bad kid fell off a hours and broke his leg then a day later an army passed threw and said since you are hurt we will not force you to go in to battle one man survived and came back all his men was killed with no army the viligers where free get it of no

60 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-30 19:36 ID:ImViLYjg [Del]

>>57 Thank you, Yatahaze. I am Christian, and if you're gay, I don't give a fuck. Well, I'd like to know before I develop a crush on you, but otherwise, go about your merry business.

>>58, You're starting to piss me off. Saying every religious person has the same attitude (and before you argue that that's not what you said read your first sentence) is narrow minded and naive. I find myself of a very different attitude than others in my own congregation. While some are narrow minded and judgmental I myself accept just about everyone. Unless they just can't learn to use common sense.

61 Name: Meow : 2012-04-30 22:34 ID:udEVr5gp [Del]

When the Christ came everything was made new... EVERYTHING.

I agree.

I agree (again). The best kind of love is the one that can transcend boundaries.

This embarrassing. They say they're Christians but they're not acting like one at all. Christ's way was love and mercy. And hey , I catholic school.

62 Name: Meow : 2012-04-30 22:43 ID:GaW+UmLt [Del]

I mean I studied in a catholic school.

63 Name: Chadoa : 2012-04-30 23:48 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>59 WTH are you saying?

64 Name: nobody : 2012-05-01 01:51 ID:CxqWPDaz [Del]

well, it's not christians per-say. just ignorant, homophobic christians. i mean, i used to be christian and had no problem with homosexuality. all i know is that many animals int he animal kingdom have been recorded displaying acts of homosexuality. for example, dogs, cats, dolphins, monkeys, and many more species have been recorded in displaying traits of homosexuality. however, the only species of animals ever to display traits of homophobia are humans. go figure. so like yeah....COME AT ME HOMOPHOBIC SELF-RELIGIOUS CHRISTIANS

65 Name: Chadoa : 2012-05-01 02:15 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>64 Sooo... compareing us (humans) to animals now? Dont make me crap on your door mat.... followed by a hump on the leg just because I cant control myself...

66 Name: Chadoa : 2012-05-01 02:34 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>64 Their "homosexuality" are more or less because of lack of distinction... notice that turtle humping the pan... the dog on the pillow and your leg.... the monkey on the tree... I seriously doubt its in any related to homosexuality. *just wondering* soo... you watch animals having sex? ;P

67 Name: natoumi : 2012-05-01 06:02 ID:9L/PZrVU [Del]

Sadly Shokua, this is true. Sickeningly true. I have to be careful to whom I tell my best friend is actually my girlfriend, and it gets pretty stressful sometimes because we like to be close. I have another friend that doesn't even know. My Nana, the woman that raised me from childhood, is a very devout Christian. I asked her beliefs on homosexuality once, and her response shocked me. She said that she believes that being gay is not a choice, but acting on it is what's a sin. She then proceeded to tell me about a gay cousin she had. She said that he just lived his life alone because being with another man is wrong. That he chose to be lonely so that he would not sin. She said it was God's way of testing some people. My Nana loves me to death, and my girlfriend as well, but I could never tell her about us. It's sad.

68 Name: Axel Faraday : 2012-05-01 06:50 ID:ejk6Wz3U [Del]

I cant repect religion if it only respects itself. if i go any more deeper than that we will have a rage argument soon

69 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-01 09:55 ID:AHahjKJg [Del]


Animals only hump the SAME sex to show their dominance. To try to be the alpha male...alpha female...whatever.

70 Name: Chadoa : 2012-05-01 09:56 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>68 Haha I think with just that much you already will.

But I cant hold back on saying this for the hundredths time... DONT freaking label all religions and respecting themselves just because of a few stuck up groups who make crap up and take it too far!

71 Name: Airai : 2012-05-01 11:33 ID:3+5Pr1sM [Del]

Personally, I am an aethiest, but I don't like the idea that you are assuming that /All/ Christians are in the same boat on this.
News flash. They aren't.

72 Name: Meow : 2012-05-02 05:36 ID:Jl3sf0a1 [Del]

Are you sure they're humping....or fighting?

73 Name: Telekinesis : 2012-05-02 17:15 ID:binTihLU [Del]

>>1 This a controversial subject saying "the Christians" at are it again. GET FACTS STRAIGHT. Not all get Christians are like that. heeellooo~ There's always going to be homophobics and always will be.(I'm not tho :D ) Putting a label on Christians and thinking they're all the same, is basically the same as putting a label on gays. It's like saying you meet a group of blondes. They're all mean to you, so you say all blondes are bitches. NO. i know some very nice people who are blonde. Not all Christians are homophobic. >>1 What can we do, hmmm?? It's not all Christians. It's not like it's a war GAY vs. CHRISTIANS. Really,

74 Name: hero : 2012-05-03 16:01 ID:T923SqQr [Del]

We are the dollars

75 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-05-03 16:19 ID:8J+AIykr [Del]

Excellent observation.

Have anything more to add to that?

76 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-05-03 16:48 ID:e3Lupl9w [Del]

this really pisses me off. yes you should have faith. but you know what God is gonna expect you for who you are, not what the bible says you need to be. yes i am someone who goes to church and listen to the gospel each week. but fuck you christians.

77 Name: Meow : 2012-05-03 20:29 ID:TThf0UMp [Del]

Really, not all Christians are self-righteous, elitist, homophobic idiots. So please have just a little bit of respect there.

78 Name: Chadoa : 2012-05-03 21:41 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>76 Maybe... just maybe, if you read the rest of the freaking posts Nd had any logic and respect for anyone but yourself, you would realize that what your'e saying is just as retarded as what that group of "christians" said almost 15 friggin years ago.

79 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2012-05-04 12:29 ID:iRAa1bSG [Del]

>>77 I agree. I'm a christian and I support homosexuality. Please don't hate on the whole Christian community, just the ones who are being like this.

80 Name: Doc O'Malley !1vNAXUWgng : 2012-05-06 14:13 ID:ZkqXIlSm [Del]

Some people need to give it a rest :p I openly make the homophobes feel uncomfortable. That's what they get for being so close minded. But I will admit its not like all Christians are bad, and hell its not just them, anyone can be a homophobe! So Shokua, I wouldnt worry too much about it ;P

81 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2012-05-30 08:44 ID:fDO8IloF [Del]

Forgive me if someone else has made this point already, but it's not only gay people that are experiencing this. It's people who aren't Christian as well, and in some cases, those who aren't of a certain ethnicity, or who have certain mental or physical problems.

82 Name: Minato : 2012-05-30 09:07 ID:jq+XT9rD [Del]

Don't blame the christians! Yes they might not agree with homosexuality but it's because of the law in the bible and that's what they believe, fine you can say whatever shit you want to christians i won't mind. But just saying that not all christians are assholes outside and angels inside >_> LOL

83 Name: Minato : 2012-05-30 09:07 ID:jq+XT9rD [Del]

wait correction not law but what the bible said.

84 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-05-30 17:07 ID:byKJrRif [Del]

Everyone who is making the stupid comment that it's all Christians, we don't all feel like this. >>81 every religion there is has, at one time or another, discriminated against people not of that religion. It just so happens that, as a majority of Americans are Christian, that Christianity is the one that most often gets a bad rap. Also, not every sect of Christianity is the same. Catholics=/=Baptists=/=Mormon=/=Methodist. I myself, as a Christian, have no problem with gays. I've kissed a girl myself and am likely to do it again. >>81 I have friends of every ethnicity, several with mental problems and with physical problems. Stop being an idiot.

85 Name: Reaper !UUx7pe6l6. : 2012-05-30 20:26 ID:O3rR488v [Del]

Yeah guys, not all Christians feel this this way. I'm Christian, and I honestly don't care. Yeah, the Bible says that, but whatever. A couple months ago, there was an argument on Facebook every night about gays-all involving my friend. He HATES them. Whenever he goes on one of his speeches how the Bible says that-blah blah blah, I walk away. I don't necessarily support them, but I don't hate them. I'm friends with a couple homosexuals, and if you don't know them personally, you wouldn't even guess that they're like that. I don't support this "war" at all. these people make their own decisions, and they should be left alone about it.

86 Name: Baus-chan : 2012-05-31 18:11 ID:CNQicbKS [Del]

I agree we have to do something.All people are equal

87 Name: YuKi-himE : 2012-06-02 00:55 ID:PvsEIn1K [Del]

well, basically not all christians are interested or doesn't even care about this topic. i'm a christian and i don't even care with it. but i agree with >>86: all people are created equal.

88 Name: guy : 2012-06-03 01:19 ID:9ykhCdE3 [Del]

i don't think some christian's hate gays i think there just total pricks.
The reason i say some is because not of of them have a problem with it.

89 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-06-03 01:27 ID:52nLe7nA [Del]

Man, I don't get a lot of Christians :/ it makes me sad. I'm Christian and I don't go around making ppl feel like their nothing. One thing I hear a lot from Christian friends is "Why shouldn't we tell them they're evil. God says to speak justice" but he also goes one to say speak justice, LOVE, MERCY. How can you claim to stand for Love and Mercy, some of the number one things the bible teaches us, when you go around telling everyone they're going to hell. That is not love and defiantly not mercy. You know what, being gay may be a sin in the eyes of God, but we all need to remember "He who is with out sin, let him cast the first stone." In other words WE ALL SIN, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!! I'm sure all those Christians out there has lied once in their life, been jealous of someone (yeeeah jealousy is a sin >_>), cheated on a test, kid their siblings, made fun of the geek in class, snapped at someone when they're having a bad day, took something that wasn't theirs, said a bad word, did something against the rules, etc. All that is a sin. But people don't run around telling them they're going to hell for all those things.

But it's not just because they're gay that pisses Christians off. some people feel the need to make themselves feel better about themselves. And when your Christian its a sin to out right bully people, so what do you do? Find the group of people who seams like they are sinning the most and call them on it. The people hating gays are probably the people that need love and mercy the most in the world.

90 Post deleted by user.

91 Name: guy : 2012-06-03 01:29 ID:9ykhCdE3 [Del]

we have to face at times god is a total prick

92 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-06-03 01:58 ID:52nLe7nA [Del]

I think it's people's interpretation of him that is the prick. I don't think he loves gay people any less then the rest of us and I don't think they are any more full of sin then we ourselves are.

93 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-03 03:56 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

That's assuming there even is a god, and assuming even further that it really even cares.

94 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-03 09:15 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>86 Why bother doing crap?? If you read the above posts you would find out... this video is almost 20 friggin years old. Besides... what would you do other than rage post multiple threads saying love the gays?

>>89 jealousy isnt a sin... coveting is. Which is a diffeeent extreme. Everyone can want something someone else has, but its when we lose our peace over it and try to take it from them and its in our every thought that they have what we dont. Jelousy in and of itself isnt a sin.

>>91 God isnt a total prick... its other moron's interpretation of God that make him seem like one. Many people also blame God just because hes available to blame. Blame God for your sons death? Blame the jerk who decided to get drunk and drive and kill your son... not God. Why doesnt God make the world better? Because that takes away from free will... besides it was perfect, Adam and Eve screwed that up for us. We make the decisions ans make it happen, he wont change the world for us, we have to fix it as part of our free will.

>>93 1. How could he not exist? I sure as hell know I didnt come from a friggin monkey for god knows what else... any other reasons for life? Soup? Explosions? Nothingness? Randomness? Seriously... hes practically the only logical option with scientific facts that prove events and settings of the Bible. I wont judge you saying you dont believe in God.... its just the way you threw in that sarcastic remark that gets me.
Does anyone refer to God as it? You make him sound like a friggin animal....

95 Name: Minato : 2012-06-03 09:32 ID:tn0opu6t [Del]

>>94 said it all.

96 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-06-03 09:53 ID:R5a3qys4 [Del]

>>94 Couldn't have said it better my self

97 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-03 12:48 ID:eXONYZWX [Del]


Said it good, but let me ask you. How do you KNOW for a fact that you didn't come from apes? Also don't say anything like "Because apes are still around.

There were many different apes who evolved in different ways. How do you know, when Science itself says it? Now, if it's based on some form of "Belief" of God, then you "don't" know and shouldn't base what happened and didn't happen on some little belief.

Now, you can believe what you want, but you can't go around saying it as if it's a fact. No one knows. Not even you.

98 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-03 14:04 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

>>94 1. It's not that you evolved from a monkey, it's that scientists suspect that modern monkeys and humans share a common ancestor from which we both evolved.

2. Here's the hole in your logic: "We didn't come out of nowhere. Something obviously had to create us, therefore, God." Well if something had to create us, then what created your god? If you say that your god has always existed, then you also say it's possible that the universe always eisted without a god.

3. If there even is a god, how do you know it's a he. It wouldn't be human, nor would you even know if it has a gender. In the bible, the angels are genderless. There are no male or female angels, so it's also likely that your god has no gender as well.

99 Name: pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2012-06-03 14:24 ID:KL71RFVg [Del]


This is what I think of when I hear Christian nowadays.

100 Name: Sebastian rex99 : 2012-06-03 15:30 ID:MIHMzwxe [Del]

Hey I am a christian And I have no problem with any ones religion sexuality or race!

101 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-06-03 15:41 ID:MGZNWloS [Del]

There is a flaw in your #2 as well (talked about this in Philosophy class the other day)...
The thing is, if God does exist it would have to be supernatural, something that defies logic or our means of understanding, so it wouldn't have any sort of creator. God would imply be, and would than proceed to create what we can see and understand.
#3. I can agree with. Humans have a tendency to humanize their Gods, giving them genders or characteristics, even personalities. This makes it something other than a God, and more like something human. Religions are incredibly guilty of this, hence why I don't have any specific religion I adhere to.

102 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-03 16:14 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

>>101 I'm not saying that god does or doesn't exist. Just that if someone says "well, god has always been", then by their logic that it's also reasonable to say "matter in existence has always been".

103 Name: War : 2012-06-03 19:02 ID:budbHSQX [Del]

>>101 "God" is just the beliefs and knowledge of a certain people humanized.

104 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-03 19:37 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

>>103 Prove it.

105 Name: War : 2012-06-03 19:42 ID:/0wtSNUD [Del]

>>104 Prove "God" then.

106 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-03 19:55 ID:fLA8qSac [Del]

Both of you, SHUT UP!!!!
The purpose of faith is to believe in something, despite the lack/absence of "proof"
But in the end, both sides are an equal opinion!
Believe what you want, just don't think you're better than someone, just because their belief is different!

Besides, that's not what this thread is about! So stop preaching your beliefs as if it's proven fact! BOTH ATHEISTS AND BIBLE THUMPERS ALIKE!

Look, it's just dumb to argue who's right, because both sides can take the other's argument and flip it to their side, so just stop telling people they're wrong, or stupid, just because they do or don't believe in God.

Stop trying to shove it down each other's throats, because the more you push, the dumber you look. That goes for Both sides.

Anyway, the thread is about how Extreme Religious people are spreading ignorant rumors about Homosexuality.

107 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-03 19:57 ID:fLA8qSac [Del]

Now let this thread die.

108 Name: Equality : 2012-06-03 20:03 ID:+gQRLrYn [Del]

>>106 i dont remember them saying anything about being right lol they both just simply stated their opinion right ?

109 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-03 21:00 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

>>106 Excuse me? Where the hell do you get off being so god damn self-righteous? You aren't the be-all-end-all of topics on this site, and you sure as hell aren't going to make me do or not do a god damned thing. We're having a civil discussion, or trying to end ignorance, unlike you. Nobody here is trying to shove their beliefs down anyone elses throat except you,who comes into a thread acting like you're the god damned boss of everyone.

110 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-03 22:39 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>109 This...

Personally i know debating gets me nowhere, i believe most people know that. We do it for fun and just to voice our minds. Where else except the internet can you constantly debate without getting punched or gang raped? (If u did t notice that was partially sarcastic...) and we arent shoving crap down each others throats. We are more or less throwing stuff onto theirs plates saying would you eat this? Let me describe how good this stuff it compared to yours :D
Thats the point of debating.... or discussing if you will.

Heres why I dont think we evolved - (like this thread has haha)

1. Wheres the fossils of animals in the "inbetween stages".
2. Wtf are the chances of random crap like that happening without something going wrong?
3. Our DNA is more related to pigs than monkeys... monkeys just have a more or less physical resemblance and more intelligence than the other not so lucky species.
4. Have you grown a tail recently? (This was a joke btw... im not gay like that)
5. What science proves evolution?
6. This "fact" came from a "theory" writtin within the last 2 decades... A theory my friend...
7. The chances of our dna randomly altering and creating something perfect and better is about the same chance as a tornado hitting a lumber yard and creating a mansion....
8....too lazy to type more....

Anywayz! Well all find out when we die anyways.... $10 says your wrong

111 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-04 01:20 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

1. I'll try to find some pictures tomorrow.

2. Evolution is the long term product of natural selection. What happens is animals with genetic mutations that help them survive longer live longer, therefore reproducing more times than the "typical" animal. The animals without these adaptations don't survive as long, so over time the population of the animals with the adaptation grows, while the "average" declines, until finally the animals who have the adaptation have replaced the others as the "typical animal".

3. We're more closely related to apes. The pig thing is because pigs are inexpensive and share similar skin tissue. Apes are more closely related, but they're expensive.

4. Apes don't have tails 0.o Lemurs do.

5. Charles Darwin's "Theory of Evolution". And Pokemon (because you're into jokes)

6. Evolution is the result of natural selection. Adaptations that help an animal survive are produced more than the typical animal because it survives longer to reproduce more, until that adaptation has become commonplace.

7. We aren't perfect. We're still susceptible to disease, harsh weather, organ failure, etc.

112 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-04 06:49 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]


Responses to -

1. That counts as a reason? :D
2. And how did you find this stuff out? Let alone how long it takes?
3. Their value changes how much we are related? @_@
4. Did i say apes did? >.>
5. Just because of pokemon.... ill believe you.
6. Isnt this the same as #2?
7. I dont know what your talking about.... im immortal ;D

113 Name: Kanra : 2012-06-04 09:18 ID:UUHMkaqZ [Del]

Omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: NO WAY!!!!

114 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-04 16:54 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

1. It was 1 AM, lol

2. Books, school, research, etc. And the time it takes depends on the species

3. No, lol. We just use pigs for research and such instead of apes because pigs are inexpensive.

4. But we aren't closely related to lemurs 0.o


6. Yeah, basically, but it's been accepted as relative fact.

7. Immortal isn't immune :P

115 Name: NaruSai10 : 2012-06-04 22:37 ID:gwY3Lw2s [Del]

Wait...Christians aren't suppose to judge people!!!! And start a war against any type of people!!!!

116 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-05 00:55 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

1. No excuses!!
2. Where do the books and such get it?
3. Either way... the dna makeup and skin tissue is more closely related than apes...,
4. Never said we were related ro them either >.>
5. Nothing to say to that.... cheers?
6. Accepted or not you repeated an answer!!! ;D
7. Im.... im.... im.... immortal... with a side bonus of imune. :3

117 Name: Rin : 2012-06-05 22:58 ID:t5qbWx/V [Del]

You're right, we definitally should do something! I think the biggest, and easiest thing the Dollars could do is simply spread the word that homosexuality is ok, and should not be judged against. If everyone just mentions that once or twice, on the internet and in reality, then think of how many opinions we would be able to change? Just speak out positively for it whenever possible :)

118 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-06 06:47 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

>>117 do something about what? About that retarded group of "christians" from 15 years ago? Not saying what you offered to do is wrong... but did you botger to read any of the above posts? Not just the glorious 3.

119 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-06 13:39 ID:m9gZrO28 [Del]

1. Lol. I'll find some.

2. Research. But where does the bible come from? There's been no evidence of "god".

3. No it's not. Apes are more closely related.

4. Then what's the point in saying we don't have tails (which we do when we're a fetus)

5. Cheers :P

6. But the same answer is applicable to both questions :P

7. Elf ? :O

120 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-06 15:29 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]


1. Better be good :3
2. Bible comes from prohpets and various others who have had a key role in either Israel, Judah, or Jesus' disciples who have written out the events that happened. No research involved... i guess its a history book or diary more or less.
3. What provided evidence to say that we came from apes? Everything being related in a way doesnt mean we evolved from a common ancestor but made from a single Creator.
4. It was a joke e.e
5. Anything to really add to this one?
6. Nothing to say to this one either...
7. This one as well?

121 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-06 16:09 ID:byKJrRif (Image: 1141x538 jpg, 75 kb) [Del]

src/1339016985389.jpg: 1141x538, 75 kb
1. Here's a pic of different hominids going through evolution.
2. The bible was written by humans with no proof they were instructed by God. It is a story.
3. See pic.
4. Evolution does not believe you will randomly develop a tail, it will develop over generations as those who have longer tail bones mate and will eventually extend to become a tail.
5. See pic.
6. Charles Darwin.
7. We are far from perfect.

122 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-07 07:36 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]


1. are those actual bones? if so... are there tons of more? also, whose to say that those arent just from that one unlucky ape or human...
2. A story with extremely accurate points. Everything in it can be proven. If you think of the flood and our current recorded history, you get the earth being as young as 6000 years old. Same as the moon. Which would then fall in line and make everything make sense. Where do you get crap happening over millions of years? The earth couldnt sustain itself after that long. The earth is already degrading after this lovely 6000ish. Seen the videos of chariots in the middle of the red sea lately? That you know... goes in line with splitting the red sea. I could go on... but im too lazy to type and feel like playing xbox right now.
3. I saw it...
5. yep... still see it. :3
6. Yep thats his name >>
7. I knew that... you know i was joking about being immortal and all right?

123 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-07 07:41 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

Anyone else notice how OP hasnt replied to any of the above replies? Nor has he made an apology or anything like that?
How much you wanna bet that he is lurking under a different name staying low as to not get anyone's attention and start over without seeming like a moron? :D

124 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-07 15:04 ID:byKJrRif [Del]

1. There are tons more of those fossils. These are in chronological order of when they developed.

2. The Earth is significantly older than 6000 years old, carbon dating puts some fossils in the million year range. The flood has never been proven. The Earth is degrading so quickly due to human interference. I've actually seen theories that Moses could get across the red sea through the more swampy areas because the Hebrew people were on foot and wouldn't sink whereas the Egyptians in their chariots became mired and drowned when the tide came in.

3. We didn't come from apes, per-say but rather from an ape like ancestor like the ones in the pic.

4. If you want to have a serious debate and actually learn something stop making jokes and then getting pissed off when people answer them.

5. The pic is the kind of science that proves evolution. Another one is vestigial structures such as pelvic bones that show up in whales every once in awhile and the appendix in humans. Homologous structures (structures that are the same in various animals) are another good example. Humans, cats, whales and bats all have extremely similar bone structures in their front appendages.

6. Considering Charles Darwin lived in the 1800s I think he came up with his theory longer ago than "within the last 2 decades".

7. Considering evolution is essentially "survival of the fittest", it's not unlikely that something as adapted to survive as the human being is what ended up surviving.

125 Name: Saz : 2012-06-07 16:11 ID:FHnLUmhS [Del]

NO they haven't STOP BEING BIAS.
If there is one bad edd there not all bad.

126 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-07 16:21 ID:KXb+oI86 [Del]

Egg, not edd.

127 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-07 16:57 ID:xZY/6d2Y [Del]

That video was hilarious. Some people are honestly misinformed. "Behavior group"? That's a good one. I was saying, "Don't laugh. You can't laugh. This is serious shit." I can't stop laughing at their ignorance.

128 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-08 02:54 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]


1. Alright..
2. Carbon dating has proven to be innacurate. Remeber that mans who drowned and when they found his skull it dated back over thousands or million sof years but hedied 50 years ago? Also why are there chariots in the more or less deeper and nonswampy part of the sea? A current wouldnt pull material away crom the edge unless there was a drain there. And the flood can be proven.
3. Anyways!
4. For starters why does everything have to be dead serious? Also it was a sarcastic question that didnt even need to have been replied to thus not stated for the purpose of gaining information... and i wasnt pissed... i just merely hit caps as to represent me laughing it in a loud voice... not intended to represent anger (sorry if misleading)
5. It couldnt also prove a single creator. You know that a painter has a specific design that will tend to flow in every picture he paints? Same with making things. Common structures, bone, tussie, cells, thought proccesses, could all be a sign that we were made from a Creator.
6. Have no idea why i typed decades... i meant centuries. Forgive me?
7.wait how is that related to my joke about me being immortal? My joke had nothing to do with evolution but was just a random reply to post just to makebtge reply seem longer and well... because.

129 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-08 14:55 ID:byKJrRif [Del]

1. I guess we're done here.

2. Never heard of that, find me a link. bodies of water are not fixed in their boundaries, they could easily expand so they are in deeper parts. Also, give me pics. Prove the flood, go ahead.

3. I guess we're done here too.

4. Capslock nearly always symbolizes yelling, as in pissed off.

5. So, the fact that certain whales have pelvic bones that are completely unnecessary to their design is proof of a creator? What about the appendix? And the fact that embryos of various species look exactly the same in the womb? And human embryos have gill flaps?

6. I suppose so.

7. It was to the being perfect one from your original question list. Basically, as evolution goes on the species would be closer to "perfect" because only the best adapted survive.

130 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-06-08 18:46 ID:pzPNvkWS [Del]

I'd like to point out that the idea of a massive flood occurring sometime in the past has gained a great deal more credence lately, as relatively recent information suggests a deluge of great magnitude did occur.

The article linked cites an entry in the american archaeology journal, but I'm too lazy to actually go find that - I just know it caused a small commotion when it first came up.

Was this flood biblically accurate and "covered the whole world" ? No, that's stupid. However, at the time of the bible's writing the people probably didn't even realize other continents existed, they were relatively ignorant like that. So if a flood happened to cover their piddly little patch of earth, they would naturally assume it was covering the entire world.

For that matter, hundreds of other mythologies around the world that were either unaware, predated, or unaffected by Christianity also contains a sudden massive flood occurring. As is the usual trend when people don't understand the cause of nature's events (such as storms, earthquakes, tornados, and yes, floods), it is generally attributed to god(s) at work.

One such rather famous non-christian flood myth regards Utnapishtim, and some scholars believe the bible's account of noah or a flood is actually just a christianization of this ancient story which predated the bible - Much like how Romans absorbed greek gods as their own, or how christians would take pagan holidays and repurpose them for a more jesus-friendly appeal.

On the topic of things being repurposed, you can actually find the majority of the backbone of christianity's tenets in the legend of Mithra, which predates the bible as well. There's probably a comparison picture floating around on the net somewhere that consists of a massive wall of text broken down into a point-by-point...

But all of this is going far off point when the original purpose of this post is to lend support to the statement that a "massive flood" did happen, and to verify that it wasn't some "world wide flood sent by god", but rather a fairly large one in a particular geographic region during a time period when the inhabitants were not very world-savvy.

Also, trying to cite the repeated discoveries of noah's ark is silly. It's never been confirmed, and people keep finding new ones.

Continue your 7-point format debate now.

131 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-08 18:53 ID:byKJrRif [Del]

>>130 Thank you, Ayanavi. Honestly, I knew all that, but I'm trying to get this guy to actually come up with sources for his information considering he's demanding that everyone else do this for him. And I was more saying prove there was a flood that actually covered the entire earth and killed every living thing that wasn't on a tiny boat.

132 Name: iono : 2012-06-08 21:14 ID:t2kT7fsb [Del]

No disrespect but "Christians" haven't declared war on anyone. Ignorant people hiding behind christianity to have a stupid excuse to hate people have declared war on homosexuals. Not that this isn't an issue. I'm just saying.

133 Name: girlwholikestosing : 2012-06-09 20:27 ID:zT/g7rWx [Del]

>>132 i agree. I'm agnostic, but I'll try not to criticize since that seems to be what I'm best at. (Not that people who are agnostic always criticize.) I'm from North Carolina. When N.C. outlawed gay marriage, dammit i just couldn't believe it. Homosexuals are just being who they wanna be. Truth be told, we're ALL just being who we are, and at the same time, we're freaking judging all the time!!! There is nothing wrong with homosexuals. My aunt is a devout christian who's husband just committed suicide. She's an alcoholic lesbian now who smokes every friggen day. The addiction is the only wrong. She still prays. She still believes what she's always believed. Nobody criticizes her!! So why all this hate, PEOPLE??? Bring it down! Don't JUDGE!!! Let people be who they wanna be. You've all made it clear that you believe they're going to hell. They know others think what they're doing is wrong. It's they're choice. Let them be who they wanna be. Let them be who they are. And for the love of any thing that is holy and real, RECYCLE!!! ;-P

134 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-09 20:41 ID:byKJrRif [Del]

>>133 I myself was pissed when N.C. passed that law. I was plain disappointed when I found out my mother supported it. I'm Christian and I have plenty of friends who are gay, they should be able to get married same as straight people can.

135 Name: iono : 2012-06-10 01:15 ID:t2kT7fsb [Del]

>>133 Well spoken. And dont worry, I'm good at criticism too. :)

136 Name: Chadoa : 2012-06-10 09:27 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

Too lazy to really go on with this :D getting nowhere. (knew that would happen anyways lol)

Heres why we believe the flood was world wide. In the beginning everything was perfect no? It also says there was a canopy over the earth. Probably of water (ice) With this, the sun rays would hit the ice and reflect back to earth creating a perfect invironment with higher pressure. Higher pressure creates a local condition of longer life, faster healing, and larger life forms, ei larger trees, people, animals... etc... With the canopy (read this in several articles) with the suns rays reflecting and the chemical makeup up the canopy it would create a sort of pink haze on the earth. The color pink is said to actually help people think better and be more happy. (no just like a pink shirt...but a pink light) When man screwed up big time, God punished them after he gave them a chance to escape if they just believed. The morons thought it was a joke and that Noah was high (practically). They paid for it... the canopy broke thus melting in the atmosphere thus covering the earth with water. The sudden disbalence in the earth would have caused utter chaos. volcanoes, water spewing from the earth (underground rivers) thus reformatting the entire earth. Remember how Noah had his sons and their wifes? well they split up... Mesopotamia, Europe, Asia... all that jazz. well they were like another Adam and Eve. They told their children the stories and they told theirs and so on... thus giving almost every civilization a sense of *the flood*.

Human embryo's have gills because well... they need to be able to breath... and what if there was a short failure in the umbilical chord stopped working. The baby would drown... he fixed that with temporary gills.

137 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-10 11:35 ID:byKJrRif [Del]

>>136 They don't have gills, they have have material that in other life forms develops into gills. They don't work as gills. If there was a problem with the umbilical chord at that stage of development the baby would die either way.

As for that whole flood story...I...just no.

138 Name: kaze : 2012-06-10 17:11 ID:99ji5Pas [Del]

all I want to say is that I'm catholic and I quite disagree about how the religion goes against gays... it doesn't make much sense. just remember not every christian will think this way!

139 Name: iono : 2012-06-11 19:56 ID:X7Xgslav [Del]

>>138 I second that

140 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-12 15:36 ID:KeLN8551 [Del]


141 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-13 18:02 ID:KeLN8551 [Del]
