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Anonymous's possible cry for a final stand against U.S. government (62)

1 Name: Roganu : 2012-01-24 17:18 ID:EmIVdnJu [Del]
Anonymous posted another video telling about how the gov. is gaining more control and its time to take a final stand (what I believe) and overthrow the U.S. government.
your thoughts on this?

2 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-24 17:35 ID:+QnECLzm [Del]

I like how they are fighting, but they won't OVERTHROW anything. This is now getting fucking ridiculous.

3 Name: Randori : 2012-01-24 21:59 ID:3VMrJQh9 [Del]

anonymous is mostly all bark and no bite, they are like a giant ant hive without a head, they occasionally do something big and stupid, but that's only if they actually put their head together

4 Name: Kouda : 2012-01-25 03:08 ID:k5gX5YGW [Del]

Watching this unfold certainly will be interesting.

5 Name: SweetNinja : 2012-01-25 03:40 ID:FiaV/sZA [Del]

I really hope things will work out. I dont want the internet to change like that.

6 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-25 07:05 ID:MHj1UVeo [Del]

>>4 This is like an epic battle to win back the internet. :O

7 Name: untitled : 2012-01-25 08:49 ID:vHSM2isi [Del]

fight for the right!!! wahh!!! just like "SUMMER WARS" hahahaha

8 Name: Yoko : 2012-01-25 09:37 ID:C91Wj0em [Del]

Guys! Now there's talk of an ACTA! More widespread than SOPA or anything! It's a worldwide thing, and could devastate the Internet for all of us!
Stand up against it, please!

9 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-25 12:27 ID:fW4dBbuX [Del]

This is going beyond the internet, and it has been a long time coming. The reason for Anonymous, for OWS, for the Tea Party; for all these groups, the reason is the same: taking down a corrupt system.

Tea Party members are arming themselves with guns. OWS members are arming themselves with groups. Anonymous members are arming themselves with LOIC. And the system is getting very, very afraid.

Both the federal government, and several top-tier corporations, are ready to exercise whatever control mechanisms are necessary to prevent a full-scale revolution. We've been talking about this since 2008. Probably before that.

Civil tension is coming to a head. All that's left is for someone to throw the first stone, and then all hell's going to break loose.

We need to stop deluding ourselves, and prepare for it. If you don't want to get involved, then what you can do is try to keep your family safe. Try to keep your property safe. And if nothing else, hunker down until the storm passes.

10 Name: Warhorse : 2012-01-25 18:36 ID:nNpOVon+ [Del]

Don't fight the government they know and see everything they will shut us down

11 Name: Feral : 2012-01-25 18:50 ID:XKK8DuC3 [Del]

>>10 But isn't that a good enough reason to fight against them? Why should we bow our heads to a group of people who know nothing about the struggle of the people they lead? Just so we can have these comforts? I'd rather live a life of starvation and despair if it meant not having to wear a collar like some dog.

But I saw this coming from a mile away. 2012 conspiracies abound, but mine is simple. Civil war. We've been at the boiling point for well over the last four years, the government giving us band-aid solution after band-aid solution. Now, it looks like everything is coming to a head.

12 Name: jayblaster : 2012-01-25 19:21 ID:skzAOA1X [Del]

im pretty mad about what they did to playstation network yea but im new to this i was getting ready to start my own color gang the green eyes wasn't gonna copy like green jackets

13 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2012-01-25 19:55 ID:gcS1Boul [Del]

>>11 You're taking this the wrong way. Even though I dont like what the govt is doing, >>10 is right. They will always be 10 steps ahead of the people because they can see everything and CAN shut us down. They were about to pass SOPA, PIPA, and NDAA. (The last one gives permission to kill at sight without trial.) This shows that although we DO pressure them, they're the ones calling the shots.

Remember, they've proved countless times that they don't care about breaking the laws our government was founded on. I dont think we should stay quiet, but ppl need to stop trying to counter every offense, and strategize more

14 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-25 20:15 ID:+QnECLzm [Del]

Anon won't be able to TAKE over anything. This isn't some anime, or movie, where a group of noble warriors plan to topple a giant, evil empire or corporation. It's kids, who hack. All they would be able to do is mess with their Internet. Guess what? They got guns. I think that far outweighs that in which they can do to them.

15 Name: Nerouu!pe0dX8X2mw : 2012-01-25 21:45 ID:rDgKRqMx [Del]

Anyone know when the plan to act upon this 'last stand' of theirs? They are right. The U.S. government has become corrupt and they need to be taken down. overthrown, and annihilated. The citizens are suppose to be in control of the government. But when the fuck did this change? It needs to change. Like I've said countless times, we need to get in league with the Anonymous. And from what I've heard, some of our members are. But all I can say is the government needs to come down, NOW!

16 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-25 22:12 ID:+QnECLzm [Del]

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's fucking Internet people thinking they can take down a whole Government of PHYSICAL beings.

17 Name: Nerouu!pe0dX8X2mw : 2012-01-25 22:34 ID:rDgKRqMx [Del]

Are you stupid? Do you fucking know anything about them and what they've already done? Plus, the government security is pretty all based on technology and its systematic. They are hackers, like you said previously. If you knew what they have already done, and previous things that have involved the government.They can hack like a mother fucker and it won't be that difficult for them to get in to the majority of the government and pass the security. And like the video said, if you even watched it, you have no idea how many members they have. But I can assure you its in the thousands. And the followers; millions. Now if you don't agree with this topic, DON"T FUCKING POST!

18 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-25 23:37 ID:+QnECLzm [Del]

How about I do post, and you deal with it? Also how about you deal with the fact that I think Anon, in this case, are being unrealistic FUCTARDS who could be spending their time actually making a difference? Like they were doing until they decided to think they should FIGHT and overthrow the government. Something in which they won't do. Mostly cause to OVER THROW it, you still have to physically do something to start it up. Just taking out their computers, will just make them not have it. But guess what? they are still there. Something Anon won't physically go out and do, and others won't care to fucking listen to.

Again. They aren't some noble warriors. Mostly just ignorant trolls who refuse to give up. There are some that are good, but mostly those who join Anon are there to be part of a trolling cult. Which will continue to hide and attack the net and computers. Which may halt progress on some things, but it won't magically stop and over throw the government, and people won't risk shit to right up jump them once their shit is down, because if they do, people will die. There is no question on whether they will, or won't. THEY WILL FUCKING DIE. Which puts quite a big damper on any 'action' that they wanted to take.

They will hide in their lives, doing what they have been doing.

19 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-25 23:39 ID:+QnECLzm [Del]

Now, let's see some retarded comment, trying to defend them, their intelligence, and yourself, while still trying to focus on reason and logic. Let's see you NOT rage. Which I'm pretty sure you will do because I just broke down your wall of false, broken logic, leaving you oh-so weak and vulnerable to other comments that use REAL logic.

20 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-25 23:48 ID:nhe0pkIY [Del]

>asking to see other people not rage when they get called out on being wrong


While it physically pains me to agree here - Or maybe that's just how hard I'm laughing? - Thiamor has a point. Anonymous isn't a staying force. They'll do what they do, but at no point in time will they overthrow a government.

If revolution starts, odds are they'll help. But they won't be the ones to start it - The people will.

21 Name: Nerouu!pe0dX8X2mw : 2012-01-26 00:19 ID:rDgKRqMx [Del]

I'm not saying they will start themselves. They want a last stand or whatever. Trying to recruit people and have them see that the government is shit. The followers what to be a part of something they believe in, and some members too. But they stand by the citizens and our rights that we are being stripped of. The people will be the ones to start the revolution. And I'll be there, that's for sure. However, the Anonymous will aid us I'm sure. They can shut doown security. And I'm sure they can corrupt and really fuck over the smaller branches. That's what I'm saying. Shit like the Pentgon though? No.

22 Name: Roganu : 2012-01-26 00:34 ID:EmIVdnJu [Del]

I gotta say people against anonomous or think it's nothing, the context of anonymous itself is an idea if you've really took the time to look it up, anonymouse is anyone and everyone who are willing to stand up against tyranny not just a bunch of hacker kids, yeah thats what it is most famouse for having a group of hackers fuck up government websites but thats not the entirety of it, the ones that say they're doing nothing your only seeing a small portion, anyone can be an anonymous and be making a difference outside of a computer

23 Name: Roganu : 2012-01-26 00:38 ID:EmIVdnJu [Del]

anonymous is trying to get more people to open their eye's, like it said the government cant stand against the majority, no matter how strong it is, if it does it will end up collapsing its own economy in the long run, but the more people they have the less of a chance the government itself will fight back, not only that we have access to guns as well so it can be possible to go against the government

24 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-26 01:00 ID:o8RVlFJz [Del]

The Government doesn't rule shit. They're not the ones running the show anymore.

25 Name: Deilo/Alan : 2012-01-26 06:55 ID:1FSCwc5W [Del]

Am I the only one who thinks we should unite with them?!

26 Name: Argentum !ir0FRmG1cA : 2012-01-26 10:24 ID:fydubdE6 [Del]

I believe we must wait longer before we decide to overthrow the government, but we should still unite.

27 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-26 11:51 ID:Vk1TXYYQ [Del]


28 Name: moriarty : 2012-01-26 14:56 ID:eSoQ1Lt+ [Del]

you never knew the CIA might be reading this right now. over throw the goverment using the name of dollars? the creator would not have like that.

29 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-26 15:42 ID:FZ4NzaHP [Del]

››28 wait wouldn't the cia need a password to get in. and i think this topic is way too big for the dollars to get into...

30 Name: Roganu : 2012-01-26 17:46 ID:EmIVdnJu [Del]

CIA has their way with getting into websites so they don't necessarily need a password. Uniting with ANON as Dollars isn't too bad of an idea but, how I view it, I think it kinda bypasses what we are a little and it could unknowingly end up getting us some attention too so, I would say as an individual consent you can unite with them but as Dollars it could end up going against some things that we are about in the end

31 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-26 18:10 ID:+QnECLzm [Del]

CIA can get in, in a second. Without even knowing the password.

32 Name: Peachez : 2012-01-27 07:51 ID:dLmRczZZ [Del]

Personally, I don't think we should get involved in Anonymous' war, but I know people will join Anonymous.

33 Name: Saberion !gsOpfmfzEI : 2012-02-23 10:47 ID:MYoXbmpJ [Del]

I think that I will take a neutral stance on the whole "To join Anon or not to join Anon" thing until I see the entire picture of what's going down. Then if I think it is an intelligent idea to merge myself with a bunch of random idealist, then so be it. But I also think that people who either join them for just the idea of what they do/stand for are wasting their, and Anon's, time with petty conspiracy/anti-gov't mentalities and that those who openly oppose groups like Anon at first glance, without even taking the time to look into more than just what is shown to the government/public, are just as petty. I don't care if people agree with my ideals or not and personally I don't care if Anon overthrows the Gov't or not. As long as they both leave my family out of there "little war games" I don't have a problem with either of them.

34 Name: Saberion !gsOpfmfzEI : 2012-02-23 10:48 ID:MYoXbmpJ [Del]

Hmm. It would seem that I don't know how to work the "bold" and "italic" functions properly yet...

35 Name: Phantom : 2012-02-23 13:08 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

Someone needs to privatize their own internet sector of the government cant control

36 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-23 13:15 ID:teX1P+n1 [Del]

Quote:I think that I will take a neutral stance on the whole "To join Anon or not to join Anon" thing until I see the entire picture of what's going down. Then if I think it is an intelligent idea to merge myself with a bunch of random idealist, then so be it. But I also think that people who either join them for just the idea of what they do/stand for are wasting their, and Anon's, time with petty conspiracy/anti-gov't mentalities and that those who openly oppose groups like Anon at first glance, without even taking the time to look into more than just what is shown to the government/public, are just as petty. I don't care if people agree with my ideals or not and personally I don't care if Anon overthrows the Gov't or not. As long as they both leave my family out of there "little war games" I don't have a problem with either of them.:endQuote
I agree with Saberion although, as long as I am here I can always point out that if AnonOps is planning to overthrow the Government that:
1. They will sadly fail and make everyones situation worse.
2. They will porbably end up in jail.
3. They have no physical control over anything but their computers.
Also @Phantom, the government themselves have done that before. Which is why anon cant actually access the FBI/CIA/Gov network. Their actual network is privatized for co-workers only.

37 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-02-23 14:33 ID:ImViLYjg [Del]

>>36, ehhem, everyone's instead of everyones, probably instead of porbably, can't instead of cant, employees instead of co-worker (how can you be a co-worker of the government?)

38 Name: Master-Sama : 2012-02-23 16:20 ID:v36sxQkC [Del]

Question: How do we go about it?? I understand we r probably just going to do protests but do u think we should do alittle more ?

39 Name: Phantom : 2012-02-23 20:33 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

Actually I meant one the govenment CANT acess freely.Currently they can even get on this site without a pasword.But what if someone made There own branchoff internet (base server not connected to the regular International Web) that limited goverment access to the same levels as anyone else.people fail to relize that just cause we have internet doesnt mean you cant create your own.

40 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-23 23:08 ID:MwiW9FXt [Del]

That would work up until it gets large. Then you'd need to make it where anyone can access it, then we're in the same situation.

It's easy to create a server through a computer to computer basis, but when you want more people, you'd need better computers, more of them, more money, and then it'll turn out the same.

41 Name: censel !KereRLt.II : 2012-02-23 23:49 ID:2nq6thA4 [Del]

Well, I will say I got tired of reading every ones annoying posts, at least the arguments, and skipped half the posts. If I repeat, I am sorry, but I am sure some of you would understand.

Anon is not just some over the top group that thinks they are all that. I believe they have shown they really can do allot when it comes to technology. Now with that comes the fact that america is technologically based, and this could prove of use to them. By taking over the technology, they can effectively control and lock down government control. What is stopping them is their animosity. Though they can control the governments control, without proper figure heads, there is no proper control. Having said that, they do not seem power hungry, but rather want the US to wake up and see that the system is corrupt. Not only see though, they want people to stop being lazy and do something.

Now, this is what I think, and if you disagree, don't bash. Just say you don't, put what you think, and quit taking everything so personal.

42 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-02-24 03:47 ID:ObavdSRI [Del]

This is getting exciting, im looking forward to the next move Anonymous will make.

43 Name: SaintXavier : 2012-02-24 07:04 ID:Td3OT4yS [Del]

Probely just BullSpit. Our Goverment snt able to get anymore control unless every person within congress supreme court and the presidintial cabnits are all working together. and also overthrowing out goverment will cause instant anarchy and with how the state of mine is with some people. alot of people. they wold do what ever they want and hurt, kill, steal from, and rape people cause no laws. no one should take any stand cause we can just improve it.

44 Name: sky :3 : 2012-02-24 07:12 ID:9UD/Ef6d [Del]

Hehe the final battle who will be the victor in this exciting conflict

45 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-02-24 07:20 ID:/+lXdAIz [Del]

>>43 Never forget the Revolutionary War. All Americans took a stand against the British government and now we have the freedoms we do now.

46 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-24 09:47 ID:teX1P+n1 [Del]

@ehhem. I hope you know kid. no one cares about spelling on the net. It's all free, so get your facts straight. Go teach people who don't know english correctly like the people who put a Z at the end of each word. Or use numbers for letters. Those people need to be taught english.
Oh yeah, And your a fail troll. Everyone corrects each other in words. But guess what? No one gives a shit. I can spell however the fuck I want. As long as people understand what I was trying to say IDGAF. Like when people say 'wen' instead of 'when' or when they say 'Teh Dolars' instead of 'The Dollars' I know what their saying. Apparently you don't Go back to Urban Dictionary and learn some slang. Then come back.

47 Name: Argentum !ir0FRmG1cA : 2012-02-24 09:48 ID:HbQLaHuA [Del]

>>45 Yes, It may be time for another Revolutionary War

48 Name: Liozamu !GnZKM.7sWw : 2012-02-26 14:53 ID:uoWLcnQG [Del]

Like alot of people have said already, I think Anon is just trying to open people`s eyes. I Think they want people to stop blindly following corrupt systems and do something about what they believe is right.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-26 21:09 ID:ig8Z5b9m [Del]

>>47 ahmen

50 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-27 01:53 ID:7vIk46uT [Del]

>>48 that

51 Name: Broken Tangent : 2012-02-28 23:51 ID:Xm7wj6P3 [Del]

Haha oh the irony,


52 Name: Broken Tangent : 2012-02-28 23:53 ID:Xm7wj6P3 [Del]

Again, wow.

The amount of fail in this thread is catastrophic.

53 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-29 00:49 ID:rjy4+K2g [Del]

I'll warn you once, don't try to pull some "Your post is stupid, or whatever, etc etc..." shit on me, unless you're willing to take the full out rage that comes with it, child.

Unless I misread that, that is the very thing in which you're trying to do. It isn't a very smart move. Trust me.

54 Name: Animadversor !9XbiR6YbYc : 2012-02-29 04:36 ID:07KYDXbU [Del]

>>45 >>47 >>49 >>50
Never forget the various revolutions that followed it, either.
-French Revolution- as many as 40,000 people guillotined without trial or dead in prison.
-Russian 1917 revolution places Lenin in power, and ultimately 30,000 dissidents were executed. And of course, they got Stalin after Lenin's death, a thousand times worse.
-One fifth of the nation of Cambodia (~800,000-4,000,000) died as a result of the revolutionary Pol Pot's forced labor, poor medical care and malnutrition, and outright execution after he obtained power.
Do not take revolution lightly. It can restore a people's rights but can just as easily bring a monster to the throne.

55 Name: Titch !xeaU4pzZNA : 2012-02-29 17:46 ID:HxH/FLvG [Del]

If this is the last stand, then does it mean Anon will give up and go away if they lose?

Because if that happened I would eat my hat. There is a lot of power in the government, but not enough to stop everyone from hiding their identity; and the collective Anon will -always- continue as long as free thinking jerks can say what they like from behind the mask of anonymity.

56 Name: BlackStar : 2012-03-01 23:54 ID:0oHlVCFE [Del]

very interesting indeed but i think this is a tish bit over the top as soon as shit hits the fan i bet this anonymous will bail.

57 Name: BlackStar : 2012-03-02 00:01 ID:0oHlVCFE [Del]

but then again who knows im most likely wrong

58 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-03-05 09:19 ID:ETa0vZDi [Del]

why would they bail they are 20,000,000 strong

59 Name: Izaya92 : 2012-03-05 11:02 ID:tZ4YtRww [Del]

I don't think they will overthrow, just mess crap up if trends continue. Anon is not much in position for actual political power, but i do think they will flex their muscles to show that oppression is wrong.

60 Name: Roganu : 2012-03-05 18:49 ID:EmIVdnJu [Del]

well, they never really overthrew a government anyways, they give that decision to the people that they try to open the eyes of, they never start a revolution themself in technicality. They'll continue on messing with the government and leaking information till enough people open their eyes and rise up, when that happens a few anon members will take part in the revolution

61 Name: sky :3 : 2012-03-06 11:38 ID:9UD/Ef6d [Del]

Do think its possible for Anon to win i mean sure they got hackers and a lot of members but challenging the U.S government alone is risky they need help

62 Name: Xaiver!qnt3P1NBvU : 2012-03-08 00:41 ID:HKXhnPcy [Del]

Bumping for orgnization.