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"SOPA has been delayed for now" (51)

1 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-20 02:05 ID:+QZritsZ (Image: 450x301 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

src/1327046731211.jpg: 450x301, 19 kb
The growing anti-SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) support that has swept through the gaming and Internet community found a very big ally today. With websites like Reddit and Wikipedia and gaming organizations like Major League Gaming prepared for a blackout on January 18th – the same day that the House Judiciary Committee hearing on HR 3261was scheduled in Washington, DC – President Barack Obama has stepped in and said he would not support the bill.

SOPA has been delayed, for now. The House has agreed to revisit the issue next month, but they now know the White House will veto any bill that’s not more narrowly focused.

Much to the chagrin of Hollywood, the Entertainment Software Association (which has been a backer of the bill from early on), and Internet domain company (which lost many accounts as a result of its support for the bill); SOPA has been shelved. The Motion Picture Association of America, one of the bill’s largest sponsors, is expected to regroup.

California congressman Darrell Issa, who has been opposed to the bill from the beginning, praised the Internet action that has swept like a virus across the Web the past week.

Source :


2 Name: Taekwondo : 2012-01-20 02:11 ID:O+XfR376 [Del]

Well, its going to be agreed by gov. once more :3

3 Name: Ryuzaaki1234 : 2012-01-20 02:46 ID:hpiGmVlF [Del]

Yes! But what will happen to MegaUpload after this? Do you think they'll be back up any time soon (I have no idea how things work on the itnernetz)?

4 Name: MechaPilot : 2012-01-20 03:21 ID:3lDhsTQ4 [Del]

I highly doubt about megaupload, maybe there may be hope, but thats very high expectations7 Megaupload staff members weer already arrested, and i dont think that the president could do somethin for them

5 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-20 05:38 ID:FMKxUjpU [Del]

>Saved the internet

Temporarily, but every extra bit counts. It may be shelved, but we can't rest until it's nothing but a fire that burns the political lives of the politicians supporting it.

This is just a brief respite.

6 Name: Leon : 2012-01-20 06:45 ID:pEQAodfk [Del]

Reading this)

Yes the BATTLE is Over! For now. But they'll be back with it more Furiously then before...And we'll be ready to Protest Once again!

7 Name: Ruki : 2012-01-20 09:34 ID:IJNlEJQP [Del]

>>6 True that 8D

8 Name: Yamie : 2012-01-20 11:29 ID:bu+gNHJ1 [Del]

>>6 After all, it IS 2012... XDDDDD

9 Name: Ferrik Flint !i8Fb1hrncA : 2012-01-20 11:53 ID:bu+gNHJ1 [Del]

I read earlier today that Anonymous has been retaliating for Megaupload. Here's the article.

10 Name: Chrome : 2012-01-20 12:38 ID:T5S4XZkr (Image: 780x585 png, 362 kb) [Del]

src/1327084727575.png: 780x585, 362 kb

11 Name: Ryuugan : 2012-01-20 14:50 ID:ect4o/F0 (Image: 1447x764 jpg, 364 kb) [Del]

src/1327092629422.jpg: 1447x764, 364 kb
SOPA might cause a revolution if people are willing to so.

12 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-01-20 14:50 ID:gAhWlp3v [Del]

Yes! this makes me proud to have Obama as our president he's doing what the people want not what his politico friends think!
As for megaupload i havent seen the video >>9

13 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-20 18:56 ID:zZHr48qA [Del]


World is not mine.

Oh man, that's adorable.

14 Name: Ulrich!tsGpSwX8mo : 2012-01-20 19:33 ID:xbXYYpvz [Del]

>>12 Sorry to oppose but Obama wasted our money on stimulus.
And he passed a bullying act that would get most people who are
victims of it in trouble because of resistance. I however intend to resist authority because with each president we elect, we dig our own graves. I think that we need to be under colonial rule once again(A king and or Queen) because presidents is getting us nowheres but WW3

15 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-01-20 22:42 ID:Fef8nyBW [Del]

>>14 So you're saying you want a dictatorship? Lol, I'll just stay with democracy, where our voice can actually be heard if we try.

16 Name: lex : 2012-01-20 22:47 ID:JYBUG3Tv [Del]

>>15 awe you kidding me would it not be awesome to have a king rule you know if we kill a deer we will get our heads chopped of and no one can say shit or if he wanted to start ww3 we have to :D it would be awesome.

I'm with Lt.Dodger with this

17 Name: マシンガン !v0GixqO39k : 2012-01-21 00:36 ID:SLFSX+Bv [Del]

I'm not sure why this was allowed to pass in the first place. Then again, we're talking about the president that approved the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

18 Name: Edgespeare : 2012-01-21 00:57 ID:GQjZCHww [Del]

>>17 Please don't place the blame at Obama's feet. I may not support him or even come close to trusting him ((he's a fucking politician)), but to place all blame on him is retarded. He himself, before signing the NDAA, said that he was against certain part of the bill ((meaning, the exact parts everyone else is opposed to)) but was politically strong armed into signing it. The President is NOT absolute power. Yeah he hasn't been fucking stellar but you know what? I'd rather this motherfucker than the Texan monkey who's daddy's got deep oily pockets.

19 Name: マシンガン !v0GixqO39k : 2012-01-21 01:34 ID:SLFSX+Bv [Del]

>>18 He could have vetoed it. By admitting his political party pushed him into it only proves that he'd rather be re-elected than stick to his principles, meaning that his job as an actor (essentially what all politicians are) means more to him than his own beliefs.

I'd rather have a "Texan monkey" who truly believes in his principles and will stick up for them than a pushover who only cares about re-election.

20 Name: Doktor!9kLEhl6ssA : 2012-01-21 21:29 ID:oN8+adfQ [Del]

i totally agree with >>19 i want someone who sticks with there beliefs

21 Name: Yaro Shien !lvlf3wVa7U : 2012-01-21 21:36 ID:gqJvH1c8 [Del]

A Dollars View

22 Name: Tul : 2012-01-22 00:16 ID:9vL4XR4Z [Del]

Vote for Ron Paul, I think he may be an honest man and will do what he says hr will or try his best.

23 Name: Kon : 2012-01-22 00:50 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

>>19 And in a real congress, they would have done that, but in this circus, well I doubt it ever possible. This will be a spot of shame for the Obama administration, just like Don't Ask Don't Tell was for the Clinton administration, and ohh yeah, before it even got close to the president, it was past overwhelmingly through the Republican filled Senate. Also, if he wouldn't have signed something, then the military would have been left without funds, not only the active duty members, but also the whole retired sector, along with the VA, and so on. I honestly don't know why I even bothered writing this tho, since if he wouldn't have signed it, you'd be posting that he's some terrorist loving hippy who want's to get rid of the military, but yeah w/e

24 Name: マシンガン !v0GixqO39k : 2012-01-22 20:03 ID:SLFSX+Bv [Del]

>>23 I appreciate your sweeping generalizations of a person you have never met before. It brings a tear to my eye that when someone does not disagree with you, you make assumptions about their behavior and/or personality.

And although this bill received "overwhelming" support from the Republicans, one of the two people that really spearheaded this bill was a democrat. You shouldn't make assumptions about people. Also you should know that his current approval rate is less than 20%. (Or at least according to my Political Science professor, and considering he's teaching at a top university and has a doctorate in his field, I'm pretty sure he knows what he is talking about.) Does that mean that 80% of the population sees Obama as a "terrorist loving hippy?" Doubtful.

25 Name: マシンガン !v0GixqO39k : 2012-01-22 20:04 ID:SLFSX+Bv [Del]

*When someone does not agree with you

I apologize for any (other) typos that may have occurred.

26 Name: ??? : 2012-01-22 20:35 ID:pOV1EES7 [Del]

Thanks Obama for the extra time. we'll need to use it, get the world to tell the government that we won't allow this. WE matter, WE are important. People who support SOPA doesn't understand the problem that their supporting, what it will effect the WORLD!
We don't know how long this support is going to last, so we need to stand up and fight!
What will we do WITHOUT the freedom of the internet?

27 Name: Eon : 2012-01-22 21:09 ID:InGLhz0/ [Del]

we won't do anything. because there won't BE an internet if this happens

28 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-23 00:10 ID:xo/QLWHi [Del]

Sigh it's only Delayed for now but.

29 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-23 11:12 ID:xo/QLWHi [Del]


30 Name: JayP!zRFXXkK4tI : 2012-01-23 14:32 ID:Lsp/Q3xS [Del]

It's official! SOPA and PIPA have been indefinitly Shelved! Point for the Internet, but the fight's not over!

31 Name: kuroji_shizue : 2012-01-23 19:53 ID:bPbK2yCw [Del]

president barack obama just made my day

32 Name: ??? : 2012-01-23 22:54 ID:pOV1EES7 [Del]

true that...but we have to do something... by the way, did you sign the petition on Google yet?:

33 Name: Hintin!RJBMyjgnAA : 2012-01-23 23:47 ID:aL6BbPeF [Del]

We love you, Obeezy!!!

34 Name: Randori : 2012-01-24 22:04 ID:3VMrJQh9 [Del]

its good but not enough
delay doesn't mean completely dead

35 Name: Girl who likes to sing : 2012-01-25 10:04 ID:omsCGWZU [Del]

>>32 I sighned it!!!!! :) go us!!

36 Name: tiloulou : 2012-01-25 11:18 ID:6EB0lMAH [Del]

go anti-sopa/pipa~ go everyone~!

37 Name: Different : 2012-01-27 15:04 ID:cCIe0lqt [Del]

SOPA was shelved, not stopped-and PIPA is still a threat so the fight continues, don't stop and celebrate yet.

38 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-01-27 16:04 ID:K5fwFkqu [Del]

>>37 not to mention potential ACTA signing in America and other countries

39 Name: StarlightxCircus : 2012-01-27 17:22 ID:RfXNfQ8u [Del]

You should take a look at the ACTA thread that's been up here. There's also some info on another bill that strengthens ACTA, called TTP. I know it seems like a constant stream of bills and actions to fight, but it's necessary because it IS a constant stream coming at us. Once one bill is killed or shelved another one pops up to take its place. That's how you wear down the opposition, which is why we need to remain strong. Eventually, there will come a bill that will give better protection with less of the damage being done. When we fight these ill-written bills, we send the message that we need a better solution, so that's what we (as the people who are TRULY in power) need to convey to our reps.

40 Name: StarlightxCircus : 2012-01-27 17:56 ID:RfXNfQ8u [Del]

The other ACTA thread has some more helpful links to signing petitions and one for the Black March too. It's under the missions section.

41 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-28 03:48 ID:+QZritsZ [Del]

Tch We defeated SOPA, But her Brother ACTA came...FUCK

42 Name: StarlightxCircus : 2012-01-28 17:57 ID:RfXNfQ8u [Del]

>>41 It's not that easy. SOPA and PIPA have only been set aside for another time to be looked over again, they are not finished. We haven't defeated anything yet. ACTA may be SOPAs big brother, but it looks like TTP is the new hot-shot in town...

43 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2012-01-30 18:31 ID:l8TrI2WO [Del]

TTP, you gota be kidding me another one, when are the governments gona give up already?

44 Name: StarlightxCircus : 2012-01-30 20:28 ID:ubDfoAsm [Del]

I wish I was kidding, but unfortunately I'm not :/
I also wish I could tell you more about TTP, but it's another one that's been kept on lockdown so we won't know until it's already had someone sign it, so it seems. All I know is that it's even bigger than ACTA, and more than twice as dangerous. The 'governments' themselves don't always make the bills; they're made by a select group of people who them propose it to the House and Senate. They don't stop because they honestly - or at least partly - believe that they're going to make a good decision that will benefit a LOT of people. Just like how we fight against them for something we love.

45 Name: Phantom : 2012-01-30 21:19 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

I agree partially with thos who think we need to go back to the colonial or king and queen system.but they are going about it wrong.obama is a figure head.confress is corrupted by large business bribes.

What us need ed is a compkete abolishment of the current system abd a new system built in place of it.Since the foundation of the USA system,it has had flaws that the people tried to time continued new flaws were added and removed but still slowly built up to the.point where life was perfect one moment and sucked the next like a pendulum constantly swinging wider.of course this system would eventually crash. it alsi was unabke to keep up with global changes and change in culture.

the current system is a relic that should be discarded and replaced with a more effecient moderated system. even seperation of certain states should be annulled regardless of history in their pasts as some of these statss no longer are seperated by beliefs,culture or other reasons tha they once were divided by.

The world is changing and if the government cannot keep up with and accept those changes then it should be replaced.

A strong point i notice is how the government says it would no longer be accosiated with relegious beliefs yet still uses it quiet often and most moral laws are still influenced by it as asia u can also see a similar influencebut not nearly as dominating.

for a nice example of the behvior the USA exhibits,se the conversation in the documentary 'Bowling for Columbine' .

Id also refer peple to media such as V for Vendetta,Code Geass, or other movies that realy force you to THINK.Something thatbwill open your mind to a realist perspective and show the darker side of human corruption.

as for crime in the USA, the movie batman:Under the red Hood seems to hae the right idea.a repet criminal of major charges like rape,murder, slavetrade(women and children for sexual use,the new definition) does it once it should mean life in complete secluded prison, built under water or a prison built in a desert suspended by cables from multiple towers with the prison itself supported by these cables on a pillar aleast 40 to 80 floors high just to keep them in.bothare secure since the second would be in the open and the skys could be monitored. if they did any of the acts more than once,execution. drug dealing and illegal wepons sales,50 years minimum in a no contact secluded prison community. under military guard.

lower crimes ranging from normal prison to maximum security.

small crimes like stealing,defacing public property,or a such petty crimes...2 weeks hokding at a pllice station followed by a fine.increased fine depending on severity or ammount of time the person has been in.

really alot oukd b don to correct the united states.but it seems it would take.a.major disaster for he country to get its.act together or crash completely.

That is all.Also sorry if my typing is a bit off.touch pad is being dumb.

46 Name: Phantom : 2012-02-01 18:14 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

wow..forgotten fast?

u all realize a similar bill is being pushed right?

47 Name: Minato. : 2012-02-03 18:16 ID:E3ZucIjw [Del]

Guys, sopa/acta has taken almost all of the torrents down. Ever heard of Bakbt? The site that has torrents of full hd episodes of anime? They took all the torrents down. The Pirate Bay? None not even tora dora for crying out loud. My fellow pirates who watches Illegally through sites. This is the year of the storm, surely it is. but remember as long as people stand up to there rights we will prevail. In this year of the storm, the winners will build windmills and the losers will raise shelters. So flex your muscles, fellow pirates, and give power to us all! Build more sites! More nets! More protocols! Scream louder than ever and take it to the next level! I am tired of this Sopa/Acta bullshit! and if the goverment tries to censor this ... Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
Damn you Sopa/acta! Go back to the stupid ass minds of your creators.

48 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-03 18:51 ID:F/nY3Cu+ [Del]

SOPA hasn't taken anything down as it hasn't been voted in officially. It's FEAR that has taken shit down, or the already inserted laws regarding privacy. SOPA hasn't done shit except stir up fear.

49 Name: Alfred_Juumonji!yZs/RnAftw : 2012-02-03 19:51 ID:Yn78MxfV [Del]

Why not just rename it SOPA, the Stop Online Predators Act? Simply replace prosecuting piracy with prosecuting predators.

50 Name: Randori : 2012-02-03 23:05 ID:Jle8UeLV [Del]

that's true but copyright group can twist that to make it look like everyone doing piracy is a predator

51 Post deleted by user.