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Is this what kids do nowadays? (137)

1 Name: shadowwolf : 2012-01-13 22:18 ID:V5HliLf4 [Del]

Ok, so there has been a story about these teens who put an illegal firework into a dogs mouth so it couldn't open it, and lit it. That dog's life was pretty much over from that point, as the teens who did it continued with life like nothing happened. The dog died sometime later. This is very disgusting what they did.

2 Name: Sleepology : 2012-01-13 22:20 ID:LbwzdWJl [Del]

Thanks for ruining my evening Debby Downer.

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-13 22:43 ID:8J+AIykr [Del]

What most kids do? No.
You're talking about the kids that will spend their future lives in jail like it's the majority of the youth population.
And we're not.

I hope.

4 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-01-14 00:55 ID:otqY1NZP [Del]

How are previous generations different? I'm pretty sure people back then did some pretty fucked up stuff too, lol.

5 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-01-14 01:15 ID:e5oGN55j [Del]

Will probably grow up and kill someone if not several people. Animal mutilation like that is typically a sign of it, although maybe that is just some bullshit statistic based on nothing that I heard somewhere.

6 Name: Akiyama235 : 2012-01-14 02:19 ID:28wH+A1N [Del]

how horrible....

7 Name: VenXIV !AgF2eDcRvw : 2012-01-14 02:22 ID:QVzBrDvS [Del]

I'm not surprised at how far people go to doing sick shit nowadays, but it still pisses me off to know that they're still going at it. If I ever see anyone doing something so stupid, I'd punch their face so hard :|

8 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-01-14 03:23 ID:GDlSsLZG [Del]

that's just terrible! it's like it was their entertainment! Some 'great' parenting. <note the sarcasm.

9 Name: im pised : 2012-01-14 05:32 ID:ye1fL3JJ [Del]

ok tht pisses me off i now feel like doing tht to those kids to show them what the dog felt in its final minutes

10 Name: bock : 2012-01-14 05:36 ID:mBJsXWhn [Del]

those kds need a beating and not with a belt, if i ever find who theyare im gonna pummel the shit out of them until a bloody pulp is left

11 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-01-14 08:00 ID:e5oGN55j [Del]

To bad it wasn't a cat, if so Anon would lose it.

12 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2012-01-14 12:04 ID:08nwU/+G [Del]

thats so sad! Why would someone in their right mind do that? Oh, wait! They arent in their right mind! They are so sick, dammit!

13 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-14 12:45 ID:0DO8eFhm [Del]

Teens have been pulling rebellious and dangerous stunts like this since the beginning of time. But it only gets worse every year, and It pisses me off so much.

14 Name: Aquatic : 2012-01-14 14:55 ID:XeXyT6Z5 [Del]

>:0 that..... omg i have no words to express this feeling

15 Name: 1869 : 2012-01-14 18:29 ID:SQO1Ckv7 [Del]

It can also be considered as a mental disease instead of just going though a rebellious stage. But most people who do stuff like that start off with torturing animals and than move on to humans later on in life.
And also, no it's not normal for most people to do these kinds of things, teens or adults. I'm a teen and most of my friends are too. They all found it disgusting and cruel.

16 Name: Catheleya!9H9CmZHAt6 : 2012-01-14 22:21 ID:vCNmgmXB [Del]

I've seen the picture. It made me so sad, almost to the point I wanted to cry.

Well, teens like them should be "lectured" properly, not in an exaggerated way. I don't know what kind of "lecture" should they learn. I agree with 1869 >>15. And the best solution to irresponsibility is discipline.

17 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-14 22:46 ID:+YzE9pUK [Del]

Not sure which is worse, my mom remembers a bunch of kids lighting fireworks in a poor dog's anus when she was a kid....just...damn...

18 Name: Darasuum : 2012-01-15 01:36 ID:CCbv9hLy [Del]

*eye twitch*.....*sigh*.....*gets up & walks away*.....*stops and turns backaround as i realize that i have no idea what to do*

This is some sick shit and i hope these people die in a small dark hole in the ground and get $@&*#€+;¥^% (cannot express anger) Aaaaahhhhhhhh!

19 Name: Aquatic : 2012-01-15 02:03 ID:ifOfZQ33 [Del]

o.o >>18

20 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-15 05:47 ID:o8RVlFJz [Del]

Well, I've seen dogs get lit on fire before so this isn't just a once in a while occurrence.

21 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-15 05:49 ID:o8RVlFJz [Del]

>>9 Minutes? Idk fireworks go off pretty quick.

22 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-15 08:12 ID:+YzE9pUK [Del]

>>21 Sometimes, the fireworks don't instantly kill, it wounds them horribly, and they bleed out, feeling everything.....

23 Name: akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2012-01-15 08:19 ID:uxzqHMtz [Del]

...ouch. reminds me og when kids used to put small firecrackers into a frog.

24 Name: ガチャポン : 2012-01-15 09:17 ID:39inRs6F [Del]

I heard about that one Tumblr.

It was a damn shame. I hard all about the suffering the dog went through

25 Name: Maxeyn !FSogti7gEo : 2012-01-15 13:12 ID:c+srA/g8 [Del]

Stuff like this ticks me off.

I hate when people think, just because they're animals, that they can't feel anything.

26 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2012-01-15 13:43 ID:T+mCWNky [Del]

This is so bad. I don't understand why they felt the need to do that. That poor, poor animal.

27 Name: Maaku : 2012-01-15 20:59 ID:ig8Z5b9m [Del]

wat the fuck who whould do that kind of shit

28 Post deleted by user.

29 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-15 21:05 ID:51MOce0x [Del]

30 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-15 21:07 ID:LhwY+Z0R [Del]

Without a source, I reserve my right to assume this is bullshit. However, I don't doubt that some obnoxious kid has done it before. You know what? A murder story of a human isn't half as bad as that of an animal to me; I'd rip those kids apart piece by piece if I ever met them. Those kids better hope they never brag to me about that shit.

31 Name: Andyfire : 2012-01-15 22:52 ID:SDC8qXIy [Del]

I get it, better than most people. I get exactly how crule these people are. I'm a teen too and what others my age do makes me sick to my stomach. THEY DID IT TO MY CATS!! Be it cat or dog, when somone loses a pet some one ends up crying.
I makes me wonder though, if their willing to do this to animals then whats stoping them from doing the same to people.
.....thats all I have to say.

32 Name: rio : 2012-01-16 11:58 ID:+vpLzO9F [Del]

a lot of people think that 'animals dont feel pain or mind anything' animals are people to

33 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-16 14:38 ID:Rw8meHWd [Del]

Sorry but that 'Animals are people too' bit made me laugh. I see where you're going, but no. People are people. Animals are animals.

34 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-16 15:24 ID:TwJtyDEE [Del]

>>33 Ignore rio. She's been spamming this page with alot of thoughtless drek lately.

35 Name: Paranoia : 2012-01-16 16:39 ID:0IVN2JJO [Del]

Indeed it is sickening and quite pathetic really. To think that the youth of our nation resorts to violence for fun is pathetic.

36 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-16 16:51 ID:o8RVlFJz [Del]

>>31 Sorry about your cat, but if that happened to me I wouldn't cry about it, I'd get violent.

>>33 What made me laugh was if animals are people, and most people think animals have no sense of pain, wouldn't animals think animals feel no pain? But yeah, I got what he was trying to say.

37 Name: Edgespeare : 2012-01-17 03:16 ID:GQjZCHww [Del]

I distinctly remember hearing of a group of kids who found a tortoise out in the student parking lot when I was still in high school and them breaking open it's shell. They even put it up on some kind of raised pedestal of rocks like a trophy. That along with mutilating cats and putting firecrackers in frogs was a lot of what I heard in school. It always made me sick. I don't think it's right, however, to say "I hope they die painfully, ect, ect." cuz then you're just being as sadistic as them...I'd still beat the shit out of them, but I wouldn't wish them death.

Kids and teens and even adults all around the world have been doing such things for centuries, it's just better exposed by the media today. It's sad but a fact of life. We all have a sadistic side...some of us are just more stupid/batshit insane than the others.

38 Name: introspect : 2012-01-17 07:05 ID:1VeIfp9b [Del]


39 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2012-01-24 19:29 ID:08nwU/+G (Image: 720x540 jpg, 53 kb) [Del]

src/1327454940686.jpg: 720x540, 53 kb
This is gonna be disturbing and horrible. Seeing this made me cry.

40 Name: nice guy : 2012-01-24 21:36 ID:9ykhCdE3 [Del]

jesus christ what the hell are these kids doing they need to go to jail.

41 Name: Mugetsu!QySUCX4GUE : 2012-01-24 21:41 ID:Oq/ddhti [Del]

If not jail, at least a rehab institution or something.

42 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-24 21:46 ID:Skaj1Plf [Del]


43 Name: Randori : 2012-01-24 22:05 ID:3VMrJQh9 [Del]

I read about that
such vulgarity
how would they like it if they have firework lock in their mouth ?!

44 Name: Kouda : 2012-01-25 03:06 ID:k5gX5YGW [Del]

>>39 OMFG. I'm sorry, if that were my dog I wouldn't be able to live the burden of that, its cruel to the dog to let it live in that state, to be rational I would have the poor thing put to rest. Jeezus.

45 Name: Kuroneko : 2012-03-21 08:44 ID:fDO8IloF [Del]

What most kids to? No. Honestly, I'm 14, and no, I'm not here to stick up for their bullshit. I'm just here to say that it's not what most kids do now. Yeah, there are some people (Not just teenagers) who do shit, but teenagers are blamed the most for it.
And also, I honestly think it's partially their PARENT'S fault for not disciplining them properly. They should've known better even without their parents though.

46 Name: StuffedFriia !HI4j9f3lc2 : 2012-03-21 19:42 ID:lkIW371z [Del]

I agree with >>45
Parents are there to instruct their kids on what's right and wrong, and to be an example of how to be a good person. When parents fail at this, their children turn out to be horrible little monsters. >.>

47 Name: mei-chan : 2012-03-21 19:49 ID:tJ2GLOja [Del]

ohh so sad T^T and im afraid of dogs. horible horible horible ppl!

48 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-22 09:29 ID:4akULqtU [Del]

That is sad. What's wrong with kids nowadays. :(

49 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-03-22 10:11 ID:ZNnPJfwn [Del]

you forgot that the kids were intoxinated. and no of course not most kids are doing that. what an asshole for saying most kids. and that picture was up from another thread.

50 Name: custom !vP93IZ2rns : 2012-03-22 13:45 ID:L0lQtwRH [Del]

if someone did that to my dog i do the same thing back to them -_-

51 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-03-22 14:40 ID:unnctn+s [Del]

Stuff like that just makes me sick.

52 Name: dollars member : 2012-03-22 19:36 ID:okWLfZuc [Del]

wtf did they grow up on cocane

53 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-03-22 22:04 ID:ZNnPJfwn [Del]

they were drunk!

54 Name: Dollars member : 2012-03-23 21:08 ID:okWLfZuc [Del]

>> 53 that dont make up for what they did that like me kill a baby and say o no it was the bud light it told me to do it

55 Name: red x : 2012-03-23 21:32 ID:8Vn9yThL [Del]

poor dog , it didnt deserve that
those guys are serious ***holes

56 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-03-24 20:26 ID:rU1ejIDX [Del]

>>54 i wasnt taking the freakin kids side. wow i've said it a few times that i am an animal lover. you freakin retard.

57 Name: Hekomi : 2012-03-25 20:52 ID:Q2mrlzqa [Del]

No one said you where. Ha. What >>54 said didn't even hint that you were taking the kid's side. Just tone it down a notch, why don't you? Though I understand your point, in a sense.

I agree with >>54. Just because these people were intoxicated does not justify their actions. They shouldn't have had alcohol in the first place, *especially* if there were teenagers.

These people were being utterly stupid as I see it, given all the info here. Getting drunk, #1. Parents *letting* them get drunk, #2. Deciding to use, and have in possession, illegal fireworks, #3. And #4, choosing a living creature as the victim.

58 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-25 21:00 ID:fABLP3z3 [Del]

How does this imply parents letting these kids get drunk? It's near impossible to have 100% control over kids, and if they get drunk and do something seriously bad, you can't just jump to the conclusion that it's the parents whom are to be blamed. They might need a better grip on them, but it's not always the parent's fault.

59 Post deleted by user.

60 Name: Grammar Dictator : 2012-03-27 09:08 ID:d4LuDg/T [Del]

>>56 Chill out. It's one guy who can't type worth a damn. And that dog deserves a medal while those kids should be locked up.

61 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-03-27 18:52 ID:rU1ejIDX [Del]

>>60 i did not know that the dog died. but i did have the feeling that it did. from just watching the animal cop shows, just watching that just makes me hate human kind. it upsets me. :'(

62 Post deleted by user.

63 Name: Σuphex : 2012-03-28 11:37 ID:NeSYvEKI [Del]

wtf this is terrible

64 Name: JonJon : 2012-03-28 23:56 ID:sdq5uRDK [Del]

when I saw the picture I wanted to vomit I swear some people are not human that was just unbelievable

65 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-30 11:00 ID:8vML4NZs [Del]

Who the hell decides to that to an animal?! Especially a German Shepherd! Bastards need to die or something. Ya know, in some states they can get arrested for abusing an animal of any kind. That poor dog, probably did absolutely nothing too.

66 Name: XxKyokoxX : 2012-03-30 13:29 ID:TMVr0151 [Del]

>>39 I have a very weak stomach.. yeah. Thats disgusting!! Those kids are sick. They need to go to a rehab centre or something..

67 Name: Zero : 2012-03-31 18:14 ID:SXNUXvAz [Del]

Anyone that cruel....

That ever happens in MY area, the Dollars of Kentucky will swarm those people in a HEARTBEAT.

I hate seeing animals, who did nothing, get hurt like this, it makes me want to vomit.

68 Name: babob !JayKHwx3t6 : 2012-03-31 20:31 ID:62f4pVsX [Del]

This kinda shit pisses me off. And what pisses me off even more, is that these teens may be bragging and laughing about it, feeling no guilt or sense of human in them whatsoever.

But what pisses me off the most, is that they think that just because the dog's an animal, it doesn't have feelings or feel pain. People with that kind of sick, cruel and rotten sense of 'fun' or humor or whatever should just burn in hell.

Felt like puking when I saw the picture of that dog with his mouth burned off like that at >>39... Those kids should be locked up, because they've seriously got some mental problems.

69 Name: Kitsune Lawliet : 2012-04-01 16:02 ID:l/Fj6aOu [Del]

Its horrible what some people do to animals. those are the people i hate most in this world

70 Name: Altered : 2012-04-01 17:40 ID:EGFTcsrt [Del]

I've been seeing a lot of these "Kids these days suck" topics all over the internet, but a lot of people don't understand that the previous generation is what influences the next. So before you guys start saying that "kids these days are screwed up" remember, we screwed them up.

71 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-01 19:41 ID:fnnNdEcF [Del]


So you're basically implying, these kids did it because someone else had to? Oh for fucks sake, just blame the moron kids for doing it, instead of trying to place blame on something else, and make it ALL OKAY on the damn kids.

72 Name: Obsidian !vFA5QOIIik : 2012-04-03 19:02 ID:QJwAq/Lz [Del]

>>70 I understand that some kids might take after their parents in some way, but that doesn't explain why someone would do something like this. It's their own damn selves that did this and the blame shouldn't be entirely shifted to the parents. I mean, I'm a teen myself and I don't have the most well mannered or responsible parents, but that doesn't make me some little punk troublemaker.

73 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-04 02:06 ID:ea+ewb1g [Del]

Altered, I believe you are half correct. The kids nowadays still have free will and can choose how they want to live their life. Personally I'm not to fucked up, but there are quite a few things people would consider wrong, weird, or immoral. That being said, I feel that it was my decision to do or not do the things my parents told me were wrong or immoral or that they did not approve of. Now granted, the parents do play a huge role in the kid's life. But they still have this amazing thing called choice.

74 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-04 02:27 ID:ea+ewb1g [Del]

I believe that this generation should stop thinking about the kids and start thinking about ourselves! I mean first off, we're kind of fucked with the situation at hand the last generation left us in. Why not devote the brain power used to think about damn kids to something much more productive and current like oh I don't know, reforming our government? I mean what the fuck is up with none of our votes counting? Oh it looks like such and such has the popular vote from statesota but that doesn't really matter because the electoral vote takes seniority. What the fuck? I'm still dumbfounded as to how that came to be. Secondly, what right do we or anyone else have to try and sculpt another being's future? I mean aside from parents and other few people showing the kid how to act in society. Why don't we let the kids decide for themselves how they want to run society and America. Let them see how we've run it and then make their decision based upon what they've learned.

75 Name: kadori : 2012-04-04 08:04 ID:U1IO5Wax [Del]

whats up with common sense nowadsys im sick an tired of reading stories about this crap. It needs to end and fast, especialy seing as most criminals nowadays are teens and there getting younger. How should we go about this we cant just make kids do whats right but we have to do something right. anyone with ideas mesage me cause im tired of being pooled as a no good just because im seventeen.

76 Name: KuroNeko : 2012-04-04 12:56 ID:Tno+2XXr (Image: 363x500 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

src/1333562160239.jpg: 363x500, 22 kb

77 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-06 06:47 ID:ea+ewb1g [Del]


Bro that is an amazing question. What do we do about this? I mean it is quite a big problem, how do we attack? Consulting with Peachez is always a pleasure. In conclusion we have decided that what caused these malevolent children to do such a crime is a mixture of genetics and upbringing. It looks like there is nothing we can do at that level. What else would you say caused them to even consider such a cruel crime?

78 Name: shogun : 2012-04-06 13:36 ID:rsqhgT4N [Del]

wecan understand that those teenagers they are like a litle child tha wants to take out its anger . if you dont have any sense of logic tha isnt and such a big they can do the same and to a person . many incidents like killing an animal or buling a clasmate for fun happens everyday in our lives ...

79 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-06 17:57 ID:pzbdt03v [Del]


No matter what, it is ALWAYS a BAD thing.

80 Name: Konata : 2012-04-06 20:29 ID:5OOPEZvO [Del]

That is just plain messed up what those teenagers did. I'm honestly gonna blame parents and the media for actions like this. Bad influences starting at the begining of your lives makes bad actions. And >>78, I honestly don't care if someone has anger problems or "is just a little child", if they do horrible things like abuse and kill an animal in a torturous way, thats has NO EXCUSE.

81 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-06 23:17 ID:8D1KodqB [Del]


So you're yet another person, who thinks parents are to be 100% blamed for actions caused by another person. It is 100% impossible to keep control over people. may it be their own kids. Impossible. It is not ALL their fault, for their kids being douches, bastards, morons, killers, what have you.

Kids learn from themselves, due to having to GET out. It is their own fault for learning bad traits while their parents aren't there to supervise them 24/7.

82 Name: Tora-sama : 2012-04-07 19:37 ID:09QxFd2p [Del]

People who do such things to a living thing just for their sick pleasure can burn in fucking hell for all I care.

83 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-04-07 20:46 ID:8J+AIykr [Del]


84 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-08 03:20 ID:TvPtLlde [Del]

Let us discuss the media and it's role in the child's life. Back in my day we watched Tom and Jerry. The life of an unlucky, ineffective, and destructive feline against a clever, crafty, and devious common house mouse. Every episode they would regularly beat the other with anything from frying pans to tables. This violence did not make me think it was okay to do such acts of brutality. What do you all think?

85 Name: Tora-sama : 2012-04-08 14:50 ID:09QxFd2p [Del]

>>84 I'm with you! I never wann even think about harming an innocent animal all my life, and I intend to keep it that way!

86 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-09 05:21 ID:iydkJ8Wu [Del]

Then again there is some very interesting stuff shown on MTV. A lot of horror stories. Bad skateboarding accidents really. Still very gruesome. I could see how this would desensitize a child to gore rather quickly.

Somehow the kids today are combining tom and jerry with shit on mtv resulting in the outburst...

87 Name: Demyx : 2012-04-09 22:56 ID:MAklP8JA [Del]

Whats the point in it all? I bet if those teens had suffered like that dog...they woulda though before they acted.

88 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-09 23:42 ID:iydkJ8Wu [Del]


Very good point! Now why did they not think about that? Did everyone want to impress each other by watching it happen? Or is it just they're psychotic. From what I've read it seems that this case might actually be the fault of the parents. Kids that have a history of animal cruelty have also grown up in homes with spousal, elder, or child abuse.

Here's the link to a very informing page. It was very enlightening.

89 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-09 23:44 ID:iydkJ8Wu [Del]

So in order to change kids today, we must remove them from unfit homes? It seems rather rash, but still, it could possibly be the solution.

90 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-10 13:37 ID:4pnz63x6 [Del]

=What standards must be held/ used/ determined, to figure out what is unfit? What must a kid do, for you to jump to the conclusion they are in an unfit household?

=Killing an animal, hmm? Was there puppet strings attached to their body, leading back to that UNFIT home, showing parents are controlling them? Did parents beat them, and you can AUTOMATICALLY tell that because a kid acts out in a manner that is evil?
=Why not just punish the kids, because they are the ones doing it?
=It's not just unfit homes causing problems. It's the fact not everyone's mind forms into the same manner. Some people are just punks, from the moment they are born, till the day they fucking die.

91 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-04-10 19:40 ID:e2kZ0UM5 [Del]

Thats lame...beat those kids to a horrid pulp!!!

92 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-13 01:10 ID:DrD21672 [Del]

Either do something or do nothing really. It feels like that's what it boils down to.

93 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-13 01:14 ID:DrD21672 [Del]

>>90 May I point out sir, that your time stamp seems to be quite 1337. Quite sir, quite.

94 Name: MarisuZ : 2012-04-13 08:17 ID:CEZE27pp [Del]

This is very disgusting. I think that nowadays children and adult don't know what to do so they destroy other's life. Like these stupid teens.

95 Name: Ryuugan : 2012-04-13 10:33 ID:ect4o/F0 [Del]

grr. . . . how could anyone.......

96 Name: TimeLeap : 2012-04-13 13:18 ID:PmtlC7fX [Del]

That is horrible!
OP please don't be ageist though animal abuse is not something exclusive to any age group.

97 Name: Doremo : 2012-04-13 15:39 ID:BiLLY/X0 [Del]

Bumping stupid shit off

98 Name: Chuu Bear : 2012-04-15 09:53 ID:5OXhENeY [Del]

>>97 thanks lol.

I believe that I do not know enough about parameters regarding what the state sees as an unfit home to be honest bro. So instead of nit picking at that, let us discuss if said parameters are actually being enforced. How do we go about being more aware of insubstantial homes?

99 Name: Rai Nanami : 2012-04-15 14:29 ID:NCxzfqvq [Del]

To think that kids don't get punished for this kind of thing.... I may be a kid too, but I have more of a connection to animals

100 Name: Shika : 2012-04-15 16:21 ID:+HNtPFyu [Del]

that is quite clearly animal abuse. I hope those bastards got arrested

101 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-04-16 14:38 ID:pB4mmfgI [Del]


102 Name: silverband : 2012-04-17 01:23 ID:Zbmc51wu [Del]

now that really pisses me off blowing up a mailbox is one thing but killing a harmless animal for enshrinement is unforgivable

103 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-17 03:01 ID:uLV4W1bX [Del]

This is a very old copypasta. we are talking 4-6 years here.

104 Name: hayato dtb !!GOhouy4r : 2012-06-25 22:56 ID:C0C4ixJf [Del]

i want to cuss i really do. but being a dollar , were suppose to be good examples or Samaritans right? these kids need discipline and a punishment they wont forget.

105 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-25 23:02 ID:KeLN8551 [Del]

It's the internet. Feel free to cuss all you want, no one's stopping you.

Despite this incident, there has been worse, keep that in mind. Some people will find pleasure in other's suffering (this is a sadist), and they continually do things like this. Luckily it is a small amount of people, and more incidents are reported now then they were in the past.

Still, that doesn't make it right, in any manner (obviously). However, they're still people at the end of the day. Personally I don't think they deserve to die, or something to that effect. Detained? Yes. But not killed. Debate moral obligations some other time.

106 Name: Emily-chan : 2012-06-26 12:53 ID:ndGUsn4V [Del]

The problem is that today's children's inhibitions! They like to hurt others so spend their time .. others pick, beaten, killed when their mother, of course you know this, "O my son on the / my daughter ... of course this is not to lick one's boots at home with everyone in the school szüllőknek abused (physically, spiritually)
That's my opinion ... : P

107 Name: iono : 2012-06-26 13:19 ID:jyzq6ycA [Del]

i'd shove a bottle rocket down their throats to show them the horror of what the little fuckers did.

108 Name: lienay : 2012-06-27 10:16 ID:ugLHxA7/ [Del]

I heard about that itnwas a german shepard right those fucking little idiots need fucking mental help!

109 Name: Kk : 2012-06-27 10:51 ID:nh7fximL [Del]

I wish that would happen to them and see how they like it.

110 Name: Rin !3Ny3pQlOh2 : 2012-06-27 11:25 ID:t5qbWx/V [Del]

My gosh...that is seriously terrible. Well I guess it's time to go back to hating humanity.

111 Name: Sempai : 2012-06-27 20:01 ID:qmirzW7U [Del]

i've heard of this too... but from stuff i hear at school they seem to be doing much worse to themselves

112 Name: Borgåstal : 2012-09-25 07:55 ID:GXcUDJhl [Del]

It is mostly because in this century, people do more stupid things which go in the eyes of media. Example: " A class yelled at teacher and calling her names until she commited a suicide" this happened not so long ago. Though this story is sad, it glad it was a dog and not a human. Though it is animal cruelty and sounds horrible...

Btw. How come humans would rather safe another species than its own. We are talking now about dogs. People are cruel to everyone..even to themselves.


113 Name: Khaos : 2012-09-25 08:37 ID:+vFLmb7j [Del]

humans believe they are superior to every other species but they are wrong

114 Name: Anei : 2012-09-25 10:05 ID:UVa0l28F [Del]

>>112 because we cant save our own its up to the goverment and president for example we cant legalize marajana be cause the government cant tax it but by legalizing it our econamy would be so much better we could make our on fuel from it and its a stronger wood then most yet as i said we can legalize it, so we make up for it by saveing the spieces that cant save them selves

115 Name: Swift : 2012-09-25 10:50 ID:Q8S53zNJ [Del]

>>114 I'm going to de-code this. Also- da fuck did I just read?

It's because we can't save our selves; its up to our government and president. An example- We can't legalize marijuana because the government can't tax it, (WHICH THEY CAN BY LEGALIZING IT FOR PURCHASE!) but by legalizing it, our economy would be so much better. (Contradiction much?) We could make our own fuel from it, and it's a stronger would than most. (What the what? Do you happen to be on this stuff?) As I said, we can legalize it, and we make up for it by saving the species that can't save themselves.

Again, The FUCK did I just read? Marijuana doesn't even have wood and has no potential as fuel. How does this even relate to the topic, anyway? Seriously, nimbers these days.

Now my opinion is that this was a pointless and very horrible thing to do. Assholes. And you completely stereotyped a generation in the title. I'm probably a year or two older than these fucks, but I'm still a part of the era. We aren't all like that. Obviously. I'm typing this, right?

116 Name: Swift : 2012-09-25 10:59 ID:Q8S53zNJ [Del]

I lied. It has wood. But it doesn't have enough per plant to accomplish anything, so it would not be of use.

117 Name: BAZILT97 : 2012-09-25 15:23 ID:M+0fo990 [Del]

i hate it when people her animals... I mean come on seriously. They disturb us in anyway. Unless they are scared. We need to do something

118 Name: dollar : 2012-09-25 17:36 ID:7vjG3z7B [Del]

Why would kids do this I mean im kid or teen and I cant belive someone would do this to a poor animal

119 Name: Nuin : 2012-09-25 18:25 ID:bJ0rY0a0 [Del]

dude, thats messed up. why would you even do that?

120 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-25 18:55 ID:r4d1vErz [Del]

It disgusts me how people can kill an animal in such a gruesome way, but if someone tried to do that to them, they would get all scared and beg for mercy. It is like they believe their stupid existence is more important than the existence of other life forms.

121 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 19:23 ID:IXQzDych [Del]

The only reason is because people don't care. They care about their own selfish self and nothing else, and those less powerful like animals, suffer because of it. Reasons like this are why I hate people.

122 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-09-25 21:34 ID:9oc+dOrW [Del]

Hey, I'm 12 and I don't shove fireworks down an animals' throat.

Plus, any source to go along with this, or what?

123 Name: ikazu !.q5vJqrC5Y : 2012-09-26 02:18 ID:6OiXXgea [Del]

what's the purpose of doing that anyway?

124 Name: Swift : 2012-09-26 08:21 ID:Q8S53zNJ [Del]

>>123 People are freaking stupid asses.

125 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 10:18 ID:44V9Cu+K [Del]

It's Human Stupidity, we all have it, and we all used it.

126 Name: Shilo : 2012-09-26 13:10 ID:+eQrlVX4 [Del]

I saw a pic of that on fb, its disgusting and completely unjustified

127 Name: musiclover : 2012-09-26 13:32 ID:lI0R/Jy8 [Del]

humans can be stupid just to get attention and other times they do it just to be with the cool kids in school or where ever they kind them

128 Name: Tsukkuyomi : 2012-09-26 14:20 ID:RXu5pmtQ [Del]

>>125 I for one never put a firework in a poor dog's mouth and let it die.

129 Name: doll : 2012-7-13 6:14 : 2012-09-26 17:12 ID:dzjdz7nd [Del]

I hope they get what's coming to them. Asshole

130 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-26 19:28 ID:xqJvrTjU [Del]

I have ceased to give a shit about the human race......

do you see all those fucks I gave up there?thats right.there are none.Because I just dont give a flying fuck anymore.

131 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-26 19:41 ID:7cJFOIkY [Del]


132 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 19:53 ID:44V9Cu+K [Del]

>>128 Never said anything about any of us doing that. Just said we all have Stupidity and did something stupid in our lives.

133 Name: Kow : 2012-09-28 08:44 ID:psNM5hDY [Del]

Its rather sad actually, how this generation is being raised without any regard for any life that isn't human.

134 Name: shun : 2012-09-28 10:45 ID:NC3uxBT1 [Del]

what kind of retard do that anyway

135 Name: sound wave : 2012-09-28 12:36 ID:kGW0q4xR [Del]

holly crap, what-the-hell!!

136 Name: Fir3_fly : 2012-09-29 11:47 ID:Ht8mCYJh (Image: 477x357 jpg, 80 kb) [Del]

src/1348937272021.jpg: 477x357, 80 kb

137 Name: Ei : 2012-09-29 12:35 ID:EZycUbg8 [Del]

That's what they do when they're not dropping bricks off of interstate overpasses at cars below, which often seriously injures people. People have even died.

Humans will always exhibit the capacity to be incredibly stupid.