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Occupy Protesters (49)

1 Name: Lia : 2011-12-12 09:58 ID:GH2Yi0Gc [Del]

Does anyone know what the protesters from occupy Wall street and occupy LA are protesting about? I'm a bit confused, please help me out.

2 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-12 10:55 ID:Qyx5kLkF [Del]

Google it.

3 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-12 12:32 ID:e5oGN55j [Del]

a lot of it is not having jobs, which I find funny that they are spending all this time bitching about not having one instead of looking for one. yes I know there is more to it than that, I just chose to select one thing about it.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Quatre Winner : 2011-12-12 12:56 ID:50gCAqCb [Del]

That deleted reply is me; had a bit of trouble there. Anyway, all I said was that Occupy started off protesting the way Wall Street interferes with politics. Now, though, everyone's in it for their own thing.

6 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-12 14:04 ID:SPV7LmI2 [Del]

Starbucks+laptops+hipsters = occupy wallsreet.
.-. Im to uninformed to make a legit answer

7 Name: zero : 2011-12-12 16:00 ID:9ykhCdE3 [Del]

i'm just taking a guess here but the jobs and money plus the president didn't do any thing to help the economy that he said he would do.

8 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-12 16:02 ID:LbwzdWJl [Del]

Thats the way it always is. He started out when the economy was already bad, what did people expect? Him to wave a magic wand and it all get better? Life doesnt work that way.

9 Name: 10reapaer01!fPdAB8uxSM : 2011-12-12 16:25 ID:bU32tRW6 [Del]

>>9 Maybe he shouldn't have promised to do that then.

10 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-12 16:29 ID:LbwzdWJl [Del]

Why would you point out yourself. That wasnt very smart.
Like i said, its what always is done. Everyone governer, president, politian, etc does it. If they didnt they wouldnt get any votes. Sure it would be all fine n dandy if they didnt do it and said realistic things, but he isnt the only one thats done it, and its going to keep being done long after he is out of office.

11 Name: Drexyel : 2011-12-12 16:37 ID:R+AO32Px [Del]

yea i agree with sleepology

12 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-12 18:14 ID:e5oGN55j [Del]

I see that campaign already.

President Elect: "I am running for President, but unlike this guy, I promise not to do shit about this horrible economy, Can I please have your votes."

Yeah I don't see him winning that one.

13 Name: macking : 2011-12-12 19:54 ID:pUPESp4s [Del]

its about the fact that from the day anyone in the occupy movement was born they felt like something was vary wrong with the balance of power.

14 Name: Kon : 2011-12-13 20:28 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

Love them or hate them, they did change the discussion that takes place through out the country.
And I'm not sure what claims what occupy movement said that some people doesn't agree with, they are a lot of people doing a lot of things, with some really broad core issues, you are bound to find something that you don't agree with.

15 Name: TimeLeap : 2012-04-10 07:24 ID:PmtlC7fX [Del]

Greetings from Occupy Melbourne.
The occupy movement is about all different kinds of things and what one occupation could be about could be completely different to what another could be about.
>>3 You do realise that there are not enough jobs to go around and many of the complaints aren't exactly to do with being unable to find a job but more to do with being unable to find a job in the area you want. If you went to Univercity for years and paid money to study and used your time you could have spent working to study you wouldn't exactly want to be working for McDonalds would you?

16 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-10 13:25 ID:4pnz63x6 [Del]

That is basically their own fault. They should actively keep an eye out for open jobs in their area. Not work and work, then FINALLY decide to find a job in their area.

That is no one's fault but their own, for lack of keeping their damn eyes open. That is called PLANNING for the future. If you don't do it, you deserve to not have the job in the area that you're wanting.

You don't hold some entitlement to the jobs, just because you're going to school in that area. It's your JOB and obligation, to keep yourself in the know-how of past jobs, open jobs, and soon to come jobs in your area.

17 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-04-11 15:17 ID:RdJfnS6J [Del]

I basicly heard it was about corporate greed, and, as Quatre said, wall street interfering with politics. I'm not gonna give my opinion because I'm leaning left politicly, and I tend to make people angry when it comes to those kinds of things.

18 Name: TimeLeap : 2012-04-12 09:35 ID:PmtlC7fX [Del]

>>16 People do plan for their futures it isn't as simple as looking for a job in your area and honestly an entire generation of people in America got told go to college and you will be sucessful when that isn't true. Don't you think we should have a more fair system where not everyone has to work to survive because not everyone needs to work and the people who do work will have rights to job security and such? How about a system where nobody has billions of dollars and nobody goes hungry? A dog eat dog capitalist system is one that will result in the failure that is America. Soon Australia will go that way too and then the people who were saying we have nothing to complain about here pretending the economy is the only political thing that matters will be joining people like me out on the streets.

19 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-12 11:11 ID:oTiK2OCE [Del]

Let me summarize this as small as I can.
Common sense. That is it.

Yeah, people imply it's as easy as going to college, and you get all of what you want. But that is for the morons who fail to use their common sense.

Oh, also, these idiots wants these high paying jobs they wished and trained for, then get stuck with something not so special. But there are still decent paying jobs, that almost anyone could get. Factory work. 10 to 15 to 20 dollars an hour. (Don't cry about it being hard work.)

That alone could help these idiots out till a job they want opens up, or saves them what money they need to open up their own business.

20 Name: TimeLeap : 2012-04-12 23:05 ID:PmtlC7fX [Del]

>>19 You are talking about common sense but clearly you don't have much.
Only a deeply flawed society could raise such people so why not change the way the society is run? Individulaism is a selfish thing and societys need ro run on collectivism or otherwise they fail.

21 Name: Kon : 2012-04-13 11:13 ID:BXkJU1ux [Del]

>>20 Truthfully, I am all for a more collective society, but reality tells us otherwise. We are a selfish species, shocker I know, but as soon as you understand that the sooner you could truly change the world around you. Take what you and the Occupy movement is doing, you wish to change the world to better suit your own personal philosophy, that is selfish, and your "deeply flawed society" comment, that just expresses the fact that you have an extreme mind set about your views, and that will lead people to not take you seriously.

22 Name: E~ : 2012-04-13 12:23 ID:W15Xi1db [Del]

This world needs change.

23 Name: TimeLeap : 2012-04-13 13:02 ID:PmtlC7fX [Del]

>>21 People are only selfish because we are socially conditioned to be that way. Selfishness and discrimination arose with class society.
How can I expect anyone to take me seriously if I don't express that I am serious about my opinions? I don't expect people to take me seriously when I am onthe fence about an issue.

24 Name: Nanami Rai : 2012-04-16 09:12 ID:NCxzfqvq [Del]

The group is a branch of some new Tea Party movement. Rumors are that they want to reform government and are against most of the rich people who dont lift a finger unless there's something in it for them

25 Name: Doremo : 2012-04-16 17:40 ID:BiLLY/X0 [Del]

Bumping stupid shit off

26 Name: Kon : 2012-04-16 19:11 ID:BXkJU1ux [Del]

>>24 Wait... that statement is just wrong. The Occupy movement is the direct and opposite effect to the Tea Party movement. Occupy is the more liberal part, while the Tea Party is strict conservatism. Indeed, if you take out the social issues and just look at their base political goals, they are pretty similar, however, they are very different, mostly because the Occupy movement is broadly focused on making government more transparent and work for the better of all, where as the Tea Party is mostly vocal about social issues, such as being against Gay Marriage, or Pro Life.

27 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-04-16 20:01 ID:MGZNWloS [Del]

>>26 Yeah that's not really right on the Tea Party either. The Tea Party is also about making government smaller and more transparent, the whole Gay Marriage and Pro Life are only from some parts of the Tea Party.
You see, the Tea Party isn't really one large group, more like many individual groups with different goals just sharing the same name. So a Tea Party group in one city may have some entirely different views than another. The common themes is the ideas of a smaller, less invasive, and more transparent government.
I can honestly say that I have never met any Tea Partiers who are Anti-Gay Marriage and only about 2/3rds are Pro Life, this coming from going to multiple rallies and two of their larger D.C. meet ups so I can see what they stand for myself.
<-- Doesn't trust most media sources, prefer to go and see things for myself if possible.

28 Name: Kon : 2012-04-16 23:03 ID:BXkJU1ux [Del]

>>27 And I'm glad that you're taking an initiative, however the Tea Party does have elected members in congress, and their voting record is why I'm expressing concern.
Good that you don't just mindlessly fallow media sources, however you should fallow your representative's voting record.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: WiseWolf : 2012-04-17 06:14 ID:MGZNWloS [Del]

>>28 I'm not a Tea Party member either, I shun any form of political parties (Independent, if anything I'm going to sign up as a Libertarian). And I've actually talked to some friends who recently joined up with their local Tea Party, it seems they are less than satisfied with their representatives. Guess power really does corrupt huh?

31 Post deleted by user.

32 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-21 10:13 ID:nLyDFcot [Del]

>>31 No.

33 Post deleted by user.

34 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-22 11:17 ID:nLyDFcot [Del]

Stop posting irrelevant bullshit. They have nothing to do with us. We don't give a fuck about them.

35 Name: The Doctor : 2012-05-22 14:29 ID:fLA8qSac [Del]

I don't think it does anything, because the people involved are not totally committed if it means getting rid of their favorite conveniences, they say "Down with Corporations!" but five minutes later they're gladly shopping at wal-mart and eating at McDonalds and drinking a $10 cup of coffee at Starbucks.

36 Name: zero : 2012-05-22 23:11 ID:9ykhCdE3 [Del]

aw don't badmouth McDonalds it is delicous i'm just kidding it but it is good

37 Name: Kon : 2012-05-23 02:27 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

>>36 Pink Goo. I know that they've taken it out, but since they've had it... I've never been able to eat there again.

38 Post deleted by user.

39 Name: ayko : 2012-05-23 08:41 ID:ysavkhpR [Del]

in frankfort there are too protesting

40 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-23 09:46 ID:nLyDFcot [Del]

>>38 Still, posting images of the group and not saying anything is stupid and he needs to stop it.

41 Post deleted by user.

42 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-24 07:00 ID:BxLDBs/g [Del]

>>41 why you so stoopid

43 Post deleted by user.

44 Post deleted by user.

45 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-24 09:30 ID:nLyDFcot [Del]

Listen. Spamming and fucking being stupid like this only hurts yourself. Continue it, but I'll just contact Reltair if it persists, and ask for a ban on you, if others agree it's the right thing to do.

46 Name: Leroy : 2012-05-27 21:51 ID:t6IWOJfy [Del]

Wow...Thiamor is everthing alright? Sorry I'm of topic Lia but I was concerned and curious about what had happened.So what did happen? If you don't want to talk about it just type: ... That way its simpler to get back on Lia topic.Oh and Lia,I'll do my best to find out about the protesters from occupy Okay...

47 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-05-27 21:55 ID:xzaX6w0i [Del]

>>46 Thiamor had always been a more violent advocate of order on the site. I don't particularly believe there's something wrong, it's just his personal method to make sure that people understand the rules.

48 Name: Leroy : 2012-05-27 22:00 ID:t6IWOJfy [Del]

Hey Lia I'm not sure if this is what your looking for but it was the first thing to catch my eye.So here's what I found:

49 Name: Leroy : 2012-05-27 22:23 ID:t6IWOJfy [Del]

Oh...well thanks Zeckarias for the clarification on Thiamor and I didn't mean to say that there was anything wrong with you Thiamor sorry if I offended anyone,but thanks really.