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Tabacco companies suing FDA (12)

1 Name: cOlOr : 2011-12-09 21:42 ID:ZjaBMf4H [Del]

I just wanted to know if anyone new about the the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
getting sued for trying to put graphic warning labels on cigarette packs. Starting next year in fall. If you want to know more then here is a link.

2 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-10 09:00 ID:+YzE9pUK [Del]

Have they seen the packs over seas? Those are freaking graphic! lol

3 Name: Kon : 2011-12-10 22:58 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

If they can do that, can we sue the tobacco companies because of second hand smoke lung cancer? If you smoke and get it, well you knew the risks, but what about people that don't really have a choice in the matter? (kids if heavy smokers, and so on)

4 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-11 08:19 ID:+YzE9pUK [Del]


5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-11 16:40 ID:bCd1CqGS [Del]

What? No, this is total bullshit.

The FDA I mean. That's total bullshit.

The warning labels they put on the cigarette packs are completely disgusting - it's not wonder tabacco companies would sue them. First off, it's ignorant to assume people smoke because they don't know what smoking can do to you. If the FDA is allowed to do bullshit like this, it would set a precedent that would basically say it's okay to put something like images of leg amputations on packs of bacon. Overconsumption of fatty foods cuts off blood flow, and in the worst case scenario, those with morbid obesity have had to lose limbs. In the same way, smoking too much causes what is depicted on the images they put on the cigarette packs.

Everything about this is totally self-righteous and out of line. People smoke as a choice, not because they don't know it'll kill them. All this will do is cause discomfort as they buy the smoke packs anyway, and make people look at them with disdain like they are lesser people for buying them. The whole anti-smoking campaign is pretentious, in my opinion.

On top of that, it's directly interfering with the sale of their product. From the perspective of the free market, it's an unfair infringement on their right to market their shit.

>>3 There is a reason they have no-smoking areas. If you're in public, it's easy enough to fucking move - it's not like you're forced to stand next to them and take heavy whiffs of their exhalations. Calling second-hand smoke a legitimate problem, unless it's in a crowded area of just smokers, is an overused excuse.

6 Name: Kon : 2011-12-11 19:12 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

>>5 I do understand the what you're saying, the precedent that would be set, and this is an example of 2 extremes going head to head. I simply chose what I thought as being the lesser of two evils.
You see I grew up in Romania, and the "cool" factor of smokes there is in full swing; you couldn't see down the school corridor during breaks due to the heavy smoke of cigarettes. And you are right, smoking is a choice, but there is a lot of peer pressure to pick it up, simply to fit in, luckily I never cared what others thought of me, and never picked it up.

I was indeed amazed at the lack of smoking in high schools when I moved to the US, but also at the stigma that smoking carries.

Honestly, I wish that there was a happy medium, but if you allow the tobacco companies to flourish, then they will naturally want better sales, and push for adds, and what not, while the health nuts, as we've seen, would like to stop the sale of smokes for good, it started with no adds, then with no public smoking, so on and so forth.

My definitive answer to this, I'd have to say is... legalize pot!

7 Name: HERO : 2011-12-12 08:25 ID:fwBe7EBN [Del]

I agree with Misuto, yes they can be dangerous, I already know that. Don't insult my intelligence FDA. I can smoke if I damn well chose to.

8 Name: Obii : 2011-12-12 21:01 ID:GBImZLxX [Del]

But if they didn't put the surgeon general warning on the cigarette boxes then lung cancer victims could sue the Tabaco companies, and win, even though they knew it could give them cancer according to the law if the company knew it could cause cancer but didn't warn the consumer of the risks then that makes them liable for whatever injuries the product causes the consumer. So why would they want to take the warning off? It's the only thing saving their butts from a flood of lawsuits...or I could be wrong, I mean their smart enough to know what their doing right?

9 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-13 15:44 ID:tBSpzGqT [Del]

>>8 Surgeon general's warning is fine, just like any nutrition fact label on food. It's nonintrusive and all in text.

Putting a graphic image up on it? Overkill.

10 Name: Kon : 2011-12-14 03:10 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

>>9 Surgeon general's warning for a teen seems more like a dare, rather then a warning. This has nothing to do with people that are currently smoking or old enough to make the decision, fully aware of the implications, it's to discourage younger people from trying it out simply because.

Also, if you do enjoy smoking, Great! you could even buy yourself a case, and simply move the smokes from the pack into the case, if you don't wish to look at it.

11 Name: Sirjj : 2011-12-14 03:12 ID:gixhsKmC [Del]

Im all for it most my family smokes maby this will help some of them stop

12 Name: Sky :3 : 2011-12-14 09:46 ID:9UD/Ef6d [Del]

actually thats pretty stange for ciggarette companies to do that if they disobey the FDA they could get shut down