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Even back home. (12)

1 Name: Scythe : 2011-12-03 22:41 ID:HhB/s6lV [Del]

A friend of mine told me that even U.S. soldiers are becoming terrorist. At first i didnt believe him but then he showed me an artical about a Lt. who was arrest after it was discovered he was going to level the military base he was stationed at. After that I saw more and more articles. Hell even a videogame magazine talked about it and how its being ignored by the media. "Homegrown" as they were reffered . It then hit me "If we cant trust our country who can we trust?"

2 Name: violetstrings : 2011-12-04 00:30 ID:J9LkXCY4 [Del]

Trust in God.
Trust The Dollars.
Anyway, not all people like that. But mostly, people becomes like that either because of pressure or because they saw that the goverment they work for, isn't the one they thought they work for.
I am not against Goverment, but some are the ones that seems so 'good' in the media, but like terrorists in the inside. What we see in anime's, killing their own man to achieve victory... or doing human experiments isn't so far from reality. Most Goverment-organizations do that right now.

3 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-12-04 00:50 ID:HJdR7vTq [Del]

What, you thought only people in the Middle East do things like this? That the government could be fully trusted? That you're not being manipulated by the media?

Lol, most of all though, I find it amusing how you assume that all U.S. soldiers are becoming terrorists based on a number of examples.

4 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-12-04 01:42 ID:KZIDNCy1 [Del]

Wow, that is very upsetting to hear... Im in the Navy so that kinda hurts to hear about something like that. No need to worry though! I can say that all the men who serve on the same ship that I do have no intention on doing these kind of things, and that's because we look out for each other 24/7. Sad to say though, not many military people DO look out for their shipmates/ battle buddies/ wingmans.

5 Name: Scythe : 2011-12-04 02:30 ID:zNjc+Y+9 [Del]

4 sorry if i offended u. 3 i did know but i didnt expect it to be such a large number and i dont assume all of them but i do know some of them do become inserts because they see their goverment as a group of greedy corrupts.

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-04 17:47 ID:e5oGN55j [Del]

Are you referencing the newest Game Informer for the new Rainbow Six game?

8 Name: Darasuum : 2011-12-04 21:15 ID:1Xc8gsw3 [Del]

>>3 Lt. Dodger is right. i thought that America was all happy and good until i got into the 7th grade. then i started to be ashamed of being an American. i don't know why the soldier did it, and if i did i might even go on his side.
America isn't all it's cracked up to be. seriously i might just become a pirate, go live on a boat in the pacific because I'm so tiered of America and its capitalism.

9 Name: Kotzo : 2011-12-04 21:45 ID:ph+YYHIr [Del]

In the end we have to find for ourselves what is worth fighting for and believing in. Don't listen to propaganda, and don't listen to anyone without actually thinking. This is part of why the Dollars needs to exist. Share our thoughts, find what's wrong, find what's right. Don't be ashamed because where you are born, just be proud that we can be better than it.

10 Name: Scythe : 2011-12-05 16:41 ID:msnHWjYh [Del]

>>9 I totally agree.

11 Name: Darasuum : 2011-12-05 18:18 ID:1Xc8gsw3 [Del]

>>9 agreed. also a bump cause everyone should see this. (read all posts)

12 Name: griffin : 2011-12-05 19:04 ID:r3HhHQyx [Del]

that is why I joined the dollars