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Woman Banned From McDonalds (19)

1 Name: The Doctor : 2011-10-27 23:29 ID:+YzE9pUK [Del]

A woman was banned from several McDonald Restaurants, for one thing: She video taped the playgrounds inside, and exposed the not so clean insides, everything from band-aids to blood, to body fluids, Viruses, bacteria and old food. She blasted it on national news, but instead of publicly hiring a cleaning company to show they're taking care of the problem, they simply banned her from all the McDonalds in the area saying "She was being disruptive to the employees and customers"

2 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-27 23:54 ID:CKsSBCp8 [Del]

I actually just watched a short video clip about this. It was pretty gross. And rather frustrating that the area manager just completely blew her off. If people all over the country and in other countries take swabs or shoot videos, I'd be curious to see video of or read about if McDonalds in general is like this. Cuz, for all anyone knows, it could just be some. Granted, that's no excuse for McDonalds to have let it get like that in the first place. Nor should it be an excuse to let them get like that in the future, but to assume something about every single one (as some people probably will) based on the findings at a few of them is just poor logic.

3 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-10-27 23:59 ID:CVIiS4sK [Del]

..wonder why i wouldnt want to go to MC D'S these days...AN THERE NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT THE ACTUAL FOOD!!!(shows how much they REALLY care on being sanitary) *shakes head*

4 Name: Marianna : 2011-10-28 03:45 ID:amjNWK3o [Del]

This is exactly why I don't eat at McDonalds. They seriously need a new manager who actually cares about the importance of sanitation.

5 Name: Schir : 2011-10-28 16:38 ID:TIKhwalV [Del]

Check this out. I found this on
It some things you should know about fast food.

6 Name: Juumonji!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-10-28 17:30 ID:Yn78MxfV [Del]


7 Name: Paspower : 2011-10-28 18:20 ID:2brWa215 [Del]

i hate mcdonalds...never did never will

8 Name: NutWin : 2011-10-28 18:22 ID:c/+i83KZ [Del]

We really should avoid fast food like McDonalds. Imagine the quality of the ingredients that a hamburger has, in order to make profit out of it.

9 Name: ...yu : 2011-10-28 23:39 ID:/1Vyc7c7 [Del]


10 Name: Kuro : 2011-10-29 02:44 ID:V4IE5KNe [Del]

thats just stupid. they're just saying about being disruptive because they don't wanna lose their reputation.

11 Name: AkikoNorimo : 2011-10-29 17:58 ID:Dx+P4mqJ [Del]


12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: trevor : 2011-10-31 06:49 ID:yAfxNBYn [Del]

this is why i dont want to work there. i will never work there

14 Name: b.A.killer : 2011-10-31 13:57 ID:nYfj0aQZ [Del]

This is realy sad, even though McDonalds food is unhealthy and their facility is worst than the food, and lets not get to the topic of their service, McDonalds help a whole lot of cancer Patients who cant afford help and other things related to this.

15 Name: Ran : 2011-10-31 19:05 ID:0VrU8qzw [Del]

Yo fuck mickey Dees

16 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-01 08:59 ID:IxTakpGD [Del]

Yeah, they're not all like that. The one I work at is nuts about sanitation, and making sure the food served to the customers is fresh.

17 Name: Kandykane... : 2011-11-01 15:40 ID:Piez4yTP [Del]

thats really stupid they cant be mad cause she caught them in the act of being very unsanitary place oops i think i spelled that wrong =) but anyway she should tak them to court n sue....

18 Name: Sumire : 2011-11-02 02:38 ID:OgSgWRxQ [Del]

They shouldn't have banned her, that's for sure. But she also shouldn't have blasted the thing all over the news. They should've just talked it over and settled on a compromise.

19 Name: Kenji : 2011-11-02 07:15 ID:BEgJnT+w [Del]

This is the reason why i don't eat at or support Fast-food restaurants.