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California man found stuck in tree trunk (15)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-26 23:44 ID:Y3IAH+cn [Del]

California police, responding to reports of someone screaming for help, discovered a man stuck inside the hollow trunk of a standing tree.

The man, whose name was not released, had crawled into a hole in the trunk leading to a cavity about 4 or 5 feet underground in Laguna Hills, The Orange County (Calif.) Register reported Tuesday.

Battalion Chief Kris Concepcion of the Orange County Fire Authority said only the man's head and arms were visible and it took 90 minutes to retrieve the equipment necessary to cut him free.

Firefighters were called to the scene to check the man's mental health.

"Why he's in a tree, I have no idea," Concepcion said.

It is unknown how long the man was stuck in the tree, and he was freed without suffering any injuries, the Los Angeles Times reported.

2 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-26 23:50 ID:zD0wR1Aq [Del]

All dese California incidents. lol. Man, what's wrong with these California men.

3 Name: Kaori !!b0Sn1zaL : 2011-10-27 00:33 ID:KC8aF38J [Del]

>>2 Good thing you're a California hermit nut.

4 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-27 02:33 ID:kooWffK0 [Del]

>Hermit nut.

I lol'd at that.

5 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2011-10-27 14:46 ID:unnctn+s [Del]

>> 2 i agree with you whats next.

6 Name: Kon : 2011-10-28 01:00 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

awww... poor tree

7 Name: ms.mell : 2011-10-29 01:44 ID:mXc52cce [Del]


8 Name: AkikoNorimo : 2011-10-29 18:00 ID:Dx+P4mqJ [Del]

The man shouldn't be inside a tree in the first friggen place

9 Name: Ark : 2011-10-29 19:03 ID:USUUrZ+z [Del]

Looks like he became... -puts on glasses-
One with Nature :D

10 Name: Unknown Apple : 2011-10-29 20:03 ID:Y3IAH+cn [Del]

>>9 XD you just made my day

11 Name: Marianna : 2011-10-30 00:33 ID:ss1LFLZ4 [Del]

>>9 YEEEAHHHH!!! *CSI Miami music starts*

12 Name: Merr : 2011-10-30 00:46 ID:EjcZfrDB [Del]

sounds like that crazy hermit in dragon age: origins...

13 Name: trevor : 2011-10-31 06:52 ID:yAfxNBYn [Del]

>>9 that is funny

14 Name: Saberion : 2011-10-31 11:28 ID:MYoXbmpJ [Del]

lol. talk about being "stuck in a hard place."

15 Name: Kenji : 2011-11-02 07:22 ID:BEgJnT+w [Del]

How the hell do you get stuck in a tree?! That doesn't happen everyday...