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Brother Rapes Imouto 22 Times, Imouto Pleads For Leniency (73)

1 Name: Xion !8/MtyDeTiY : 2011-10-25 11:53 ID:FVt2M6Bf (Image: 469x659 png, 459 kb) [Del]

src/1319561601725.png: 469x659, 459 kb
A brother who raped his little sister 22 times has been spared the maximum sentence by his own sister’s plea for leniency.

The incident occurred in Taiwan’s Miaoli county, where a 19-year-old youth was found to have regularly raped his little sister, in the 6th year of elementary school, a total of 22 times over a 6 month period.

His crimes were supposedly prompted by him watching pornographic films, after which he would assault his sister as she bathed or slept.

As their parents were rarely home as a result of their jobs, it took some time for his conduct to come to light. His sister bore his attentions rather than report him.
After his arrest and conviction for multiple counts of rape, his little sister reportedly asked the court for leniency in sentencing:

Yells “I want you to give my brother the chance to make a fresh start in life!”

This, coupled with his apparent strong remorse and the further intercession of his mother, caused the judge to sentence him to 8 years in prison rather than the 10 years the prosecution sought.

2 Name: Mael !EBUxdqTImE : 2011-10-25 13:16 ID:kooWffK0 [Del]


3 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-10-25 13:32 ID:q5fQOPFp [Del]

My first reaction was to think of this.

Kind of a cute story though. More than the brother, I wonder what was going through the sister's head when this was happening and afterwards? Rape is usually fairly demonized by any popular media, so I take the descriptive terms in this article with a grain of salt - But with the way the sister had reacted, and went for six months and twenty-two rounds, it really is curious.

She apparently didn't even have any intention of reporting him, which leads me to believe the discovery was made by someone else rather than her issuing a complaint about it.

I wonder if she saw it as rape, or a bond of sorts. Since their parents are often gone, it wouldn't be surprising if the siblings were in fact rather close, due to having to mainly rely on each other for extended periods of time.

Somethings to think about. I doubt we'll ever hear an unbiased report on this subject now, though. The circumstances and reactions just seem odd to me, like something is either missing or not being said.

4 Name: ms.mell : 2011-10-25 13:37 ID:mXc52cce [Del]

i hate perverts and i dont think he'd change the poor lil girl is probably scared for life now that her brothers done that she can never be nieve or innocent ever again its probably going to affect her life later on as well

5 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-10-25 15:09 ID:5d4s/hWr [Del]

>>4 Did you even read the entire article...?

On topic: Power to the sister, man. Not just anyone can do something like that.

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-25 15:53 ID:zzTrNEsr [Del]

>>3 an interesting point of view. It really doesn't add up. 6th year in elementary school makes them about 10-12 or so, right? That's old enough to have done something about it before an entire 6 months has passed, regardless of if your parents are out quite a lot. It may be twisted, but she very well could have not minded, or been worried about her brother more than herself to report him.

In any case, the brother was still sick in the head for doing that. Even if it was consensual, that's straight-up pedophilia. No matter what sort of background there was, she is way too young to have sex, much less 22 times over half a year. Would make an interesting thing to read though, if Navi's theory is true.

7 Name: Celty13 : 2011-10-26 13:08 ID:CLGMXKdu [Del]

that is disgusting. it's incest... and downright despicable!

8 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-26 22:35 ID:CKsSBCp8 [Del]

>>7 What if both of them were older, say, in their twenties or thirties, perfectly capable of mature, logical thought, and were truly in love with each other and decided to consummate said love? Would that still be disgusting and dispicable?

9 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-27 02:40 ID:kooWffK0 [Del]

>>8 I'd question it for a bit, but hey, it's their choice. It doesn't affect my life. Therefore I wouldn't call it disgusting. That's in the same category as gay marraige to me, just a bit more...uhh...extreme? In any case, if two people love each other, then they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. I don't give a flying fuck.

>>7 No offense, but you seem like a close-minded individual.

>>3 Whoa... I hadn't exactly thought of it that way...

10 Name: Celty13 : 2011-10-27 09:08 ID:CLGMXKdu (Image: 528x621 png, 32 kb) [Del]

src/1319724503426.png: 528x621, 32 kb
>>8 im sorry but a 19 year old brother raping his little sister is not okay! im sorry but if they were in love and older i wouldnt give a damn. but this is YOUNGER and so it is NOT okay! plus this is RAPE! and im suprised that she isnt tramatized.

>>9 no offense taken. btw gay marriage isnt that bad. i know a few people who are gay. but you are right if two people love each other they should be able to do whatever they want.

11 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-27 11:17 ID:4yYBIRqU [Del]

>>10 The report says rape, but it doesn't differentiate between violent rape (you know, the standard kind we see in the media and shows like CSI) or statutory rape (for being below the age of consent). We actually don't know whether the brother's advances were unwanted or not, although the whole line that said that he would "assault his sister as she bathed or slept" doesn't help.

Neither do we know whether he threatened her into silence or whether she kept quiet by herself for all that time. Likewise, we don't know if she or someone else reported it, although I personally lean more towards the view I'm about to jack from >>3: "She apparently didn't even have any intention of reporting him, which leads me to believe the discovery was made by someone else rather than her issuing a complaint about it."

Really, we don't have enough information to determine whether it was 1) an actual loving relationship that went way too fast, way too early, 2) the brother taking advantage of his sister's innocence, or 3) violent rape. Likewise, we don't have any information to suggest that the little sister was traumatized, and if she was if it was from the sexual activity or the fact her brother was being sent to jail.

inb4 "You support pedophilia, hurr durr" Nope, I just hate imbalanced arguments and statements without much factual basing.

12 Name: Ribon !/u7dT3gKM2 : 2011-10-27 12:56 ID:IEH/fuIS [Del]

That's a pretty crazy story right there. The girl is probably only around 12 or so, going by her grade. She seems like a pretty strong girl.

13 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2011-10-27 14:41 ID:unnctn+s [Del]

I cant belive it another thing like this happening in taiwan this is the third one i heard first it was the teacher raping her student then the guy who rapped the courpes of an old lady and konw this I mean whats going on over there???

14 Name: Phantom : 2011-10-27 19:48 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

Ill be honest,I just try not to let this stuff bother me.Human kind is quiet honestly afraid of anything they do not understand themselves and usually manage to demonize anything.Of course I could point alot of fingers at religion for most of this.

Lets face it,the west is scared shitless of anything while the east is much more accepting in a great many ways.

Also,fun note i would like to point out about this entire argument...

Did the brother ACTUALLY start this relationship? So far as I have read,is that is was automatically assumed he raped her. That is the quickest guesswork a person would make in the situation. When in fact you can also wonder if this sister was the one who first engaged in this relationship.Just because she's young doesnt mean a thing. Heck,you would be SHOCKED what kids know these days...(Especially with internet available)

I can speak personally on that one having...disturbingly...been flirted with by a gradeschool girl once....seriously...Im still wondering what the hell her parents taught her...that just was not all.period.

Got even worse when the girl ATTACKED my girlfriend !O_O;

15 Name: Kon : 2011-10-27 23:01 ID:DPdY8gys [Del]

I guess that the band "The Offspring" was right... but really, of all the games I've played, violent or simply f***** up, I never had the urge to just... rape some one, let alone my younger sister. and I know how messed up it sounds but Phantom does have a point, if the girl didn't testify, she may have been scared to do so, but yelling to his defense, that almost sounds like a guilty conscious.

16 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-28 01:14 ID:4yYBIRqU [Del]

>>14 "His crimes were supposedly prompted by him watching pornographic films, after which he would assault his sister as she bathed or slept."

Well, I guess we do have grounds to assume that he started the relationship.

17 Name: Ohasumi : 2011-10-31 00:08 ID:7MxB64xM [Del]

Uhm no... this is pretty disgusting... and I get the feeling that the little sister actually LIKED it... 1) because she never told authorities 2) she asked the court to reduce her assailant's punishment......

18 Name: KandyKane... : 2011-11-01 11:44 ID:MtJSmqjY [Del]

After he has did that to her why would she let him go free order for him to seek treatment dont let him rome...

19 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-01 12:50 ID:Sx7Y3SKE [Del]


You say this like it's unusual for people to enjoy having sex. Because incest doesn't mean the sex would suddenly burn with the fury of a thousand angry hornets, it's still sex.

tl;dr - Piston A goes into Slot B and produces Result C. IKEA instructions are pretty consistent, generally give the same result.

20 Name: Ohasumi : 2011-11-02 19:38 ID:7MxB64xM [Del]

>>19 I get your point. But it doesn't really change the fact that a brother having sex with his little sister is wrong. And of course the little sister victim would probably feel guilty about it unless she was threatened somehow...

or is that because I'm religious...? Come to think of it... do some cultures/religions actually allow incest? o.O Because if yes, this would change my opinion on the matter.

21 Name: Neruson : 2011-11-02 20:54 ID:o7i4Xa7p [Del]

I dunno, it kinda disturbs me too. It would be interesting to know if some cultures allow it though. I can't say that it would change my opinion on the matter much, but I would take it in a different light.

22 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-02 21:43 ID:wBHHy9H0 [Del]

pfft, allow it? Egypt and the british isles encouraged it for generations upon generations. If you point out any culture where family was considered or tied to having some sort of honor, then incest was a common practice - Be it for religion in Egypts case, rulership and nobility in the british' case, or simple house pride for many of the asian countries.

The concept of incest being "bad" is pretty new, carried almost entirely on the back of the judeo-christian religious spread (catholicism, jews, christians, if they follow the bible and/or Torah then they count).

So yes, outside of your religion which is relatively new compared to many, many others that date back to the earliest branches of civilization, incest was not only not a stigma, but also a regularly practice or encouraged act for preserving "pure noble" bloodlines, or keeping family secrets within the family.

For example, in Feudal Era japan - Marrying outside of your family, for the medium-higher level families, was really only done to secure an alliance between the two families. Otherwise, it was all kept in the family.

Rome practiced this as well, I recall a couple of its emperors/kings actually taking their own family as brides.

tl;dr - It's because you follow judeo-christianity and/or live in america, which has had that culturally pounded into your head since day 1. For that matter, homosexuality is also not a demonized practice - Outside of that same paranoid and xenophobic general christian view, it has been practiced and embraced in a great deal of cultures around the world, both in the past and to this day.

Instead of being something to hide, or something forbidden, it's just another factor of life and is thus treated as such - So many males can actually become extremely close and/or physically intimate with each other (not erotically intimate - I refer to hugs and what not) without fear of persecution, being shunned, made fun of, or what not.

tl;dr again - Christianity pretty much owns America, and thus most of you have it pounded into your head from day 1 that incest and homosexuals are terrible hell-bound sins or what not... When the rest of the world views them in an entirely different manner. Most people either never find this out, or they consider other cultures to be weird/wrong because they don't think about it too objectively.

23 Name: Kon : 2011-11-03 03:03 ID:DGx70gW6 [Del]

>>22 While that may be true... can't say that I've studied marital patterns throughout history, we also now have concrete scientific facts that inbreeding is very, very bad for the family's genetic pool in the long run.

24 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-11-03 04:58 ID:4yYBIRqU [Del]

...When done over a set of generations. One generation, there isn't enough elements to cause the genetic problems. 6 generations, you start getting the mad kings of Europe.

25 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-03 11:41 ID:Eim9aJ6V [Del]


A set of consecutive generations at that. The genetic mutation factor doesn't set in until the variation has been diluded time after time with no new material being added into it.

Concrete scientific facts are much more useful when people actually read up on them before citing them, because then they become concrete signs of ignorance thanks to the media playing scare tactics. So long as several generations behind you haven't engaged in incestuous relationships, that leaves the one in question to be free to go for it with minimum danger - No more so than the average percentage for childbirth defects that a couple from different families would have.

26 Name: Valentine : 2011-11-03 16:06 ID:pNcLeRtm [Del]

I agree with Celty13, the brother had no right of assaulting his sister, period! He was wrong he assault his sister the 1st time, but after he did 21 more time is just.... sick! He clearly has issues that need to be taken care of.

Sorry for over reacting, just stating my opinion. ;_;

The little girl is so brave! I'm glad that she can live a normal life again without worry that her older brother is going to do something to her. And I hope that her brother will get the help he needs behind bars.

27 Name: Celty13 : 2011-11-03 17:19 ID:PMxI5So0 [Del]

>>26 it is sick. but the girl should have told an adult the first time.

that guy needs to stop watching porn, learn to control himself, and RESPECT A PERSONS BOUNDRIES!!

28 Name: Phantom : 2011-11-03 20:19 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

Ayanavi has been one of the most logical people Ive read replys of so far on this board, and I have to point out one very helpful thing....

If people REALLY want to complain about incest,I have to wonder....DID ANYONE OF YOU AT ALL PAY EVEN THE LEAST ATTENTION TO HARRY POTTER? Most "PUREBLOOD" Familys in the movies were supposedly MANY generations...Look at Sirius's family tree....Now think about HOW many cases of incest were shown in that one movie alone due to that tree.

Same in simple anime's like naruto. Most of the 'CLANS' shown in the series...exactly HOW do you think they preserve their Bloodline Techniques? Far as I have seen, almost all the Hyuuga clan looks alike.Trust me, Incest is seen in ALOT of media and most of the time,you just simply do not realize it.

29 Name: Valentine : 2011-11-04 15:58 ID:pNcLeRtm [Del]

*Sigh* T_T"

Phantom I respect your opinion, but last time I check Harry Potter was just a book! And Naruto is an anime. I understand back then people use to get married to family members and stuff like that to have a strong bloodline. For exsample Edgar Allan Poe married his cousin, but it was nothing sexual about their relationship! They were more like brother and sister then husband and wife. >.> Sure Poe loved her, but nobody can be quiet sure.

My point is maybe back then it was proper to be marry to your cousin or a close family member. Now in the 21st century it's kind of against the law to marry your own sister.

And the reason why I'm having such a hard time with it is that she was so young! It's not like she wanted her brother to do those terrible things towards her. And her brother was taken advantage of her and using her like she's some kind of toy who doesn't have any feelings! D:<

30 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-04 17:10 ID:zbwiS2hD [Del]

Against the law in America*

Fix'd that for you, Valentine. One country's laws do not constitute the world's laws.

31 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-04 22:03 ID:JfSDqY7e (Image: 372x417 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

src/1320462214251.jpg: 372x417, 50 kb

32 Name: Feral : 2011-11-05 08:05 ID:XGMIIT2N [Del]

>>31 Classy.

33 Name: Diamond : 2011-11-05 11:34 ID:vgMmA0cV [Del]

>>31 And from what manga is that?

34 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-11-06 02:19 ID:4yYBIRqU [Del]

>>33 Apparently it's from here:
Warning, this is definitely NSFW and involves large amount of blood and gore as the plot concerns a woman who comes back to life every time she is killed. Not to mention the sex and porn. Very much a guro work.

Also, learn to Google. Took me all of a minute to find using the image search function. Seriously, I think I should start copypasting 4chan's guide to finding source whenever I see one of these requests.

35 Name: Celty13 : 2011-11-07 10:51 ID:yQSgRzqh [Del]

>>31 Really?! Lol L
>>28 This is reality!!!! Not a book! Welcome to REAL life!

36 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-07 11:06 ID:yDqrGqDM [Del]

You obviously read the thread, but you posted something ignorant and uninformed anyway.

y u do?

37 Name: Tora-sama : 2011-11-29 08:34 ID:/vJA1E7E [Del]

OMG, People who rape are despicable but raping your younger sister...?! There's a special place in hell for him! He'll be dining with Hitler and Osama!!

38 Name: Daili : 2011-11-29 09:18 ID:E+ZNLNG9 [Del]

No mercy for that animal his soul will forever burn in the freezing fires of hell

39 Name: shahrazad : 2011-11-29 11:12 ID:lqc9k8+o [Del]

by watching porn really wtf what did he not have any contact with women other then his sister he going to love in hell

40 Name: Tora-sama : 2011-11-29 11:32 ID:/vJA1E7E [Del]


41 Name: Phantom : 2011-12-07 20:40 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

Been a while since i touched this subject but finally logged back on and caught up on it.

Valentine, Id like to point out,even in the 21st Century...THAT SHIT STILL HAPPENS.ARRANGED MARRIAGES TOO.EVEN IN THE USA.

On another note to your comment,

A Child denied contact with parents over months can become pretty messed up. Heck,ive known a child whos parents werent around much and started acting unstable.They learned how threatening the use of a kitchen knife can be if they use it! I havnt went to that house since!

42 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-12-07 21:34 ID:VOxHh/Tt [Del]

>>31 pfffffft. lolololololol. other than that, i do believe that Ayanavi covered the most...disturbing but perhaps most logical aspect of this case.

43 Name: Midnight : 2011-12-09 10:07 ID:Tz5QnORK [Del]

I wouldn't send him to prison just yet, but get that boy some help and put him on SERIOUS probation. If he screws up again, then kick his ass and send him to jail. 'Nuff said >:3!

44 Name: Saberion !gsOpfmfzEI : 2011-12-09 11:49 ID:MYoXbmpJ [Del]

@ Phantom and Ayanavi

I can see your points and I have the wonderful gift of being able to see BOTH sides of a conflict, but I'm going to side with you two on the grounds of there isn't enough visible information to form a valid and unbiased opinion.

Also I don't think very many people are REALLY paying attention to what's being posted. From what I can see, I could be wrong, this was posted by Xion to inform the Dollars about an article in the news that is generating a LOT of talk, not to condemn anybody just because they got a two paragraph clip if the whole story. Unless you know the ENTIRE thing, don't judge. Because like it has been mentioned several time before, we really don't know WHO started this or why.

And I am in NO WAY trying in insult people or say their opinions have no grounds or don't matter, I am simply stating my own slightly biased (due to the fact that I was raped as a 5 year old by my babysitter) views on the fact. And I don't want anyone's sympathy on my past, or trying to condemn my babysitter either (she's been through enough hell in her life as it is). Do you know why? Because I ENJOYED the experience, AT 5 YEARS OLD! I was smart enough to understand what was happening and I was old enough to know that it wasn't a "good thing". I could have said stop, but i didn't because I LIKED IT.

45 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2011-12-10 19:48 ID:Bo9oBaBy [Del]

A few points first
1- "She's been through hell enough" I'm sorry, but if you were 5 years old, how would she have been able to commit female rape? I don't really look into to these things but I'm pretty sure it's unlikely... I'm not sure if it's impossible, but hey, I wouldn't know ||ORZ'
2- You were 5. If you knew what was happening, at 5 and enjoyed it, I say, your childhood was pretty messed up. Of course, I'm trying to say that in the least offensive way possible.

This whole discussion is pretty much over though, since the logical points were covered. Other than cursing the guy out or calling him evil without reading most of the points shown in the thread, there's nothing to argue here is there?
+, LOL @ >>31

46 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-10 20:12 ID:LbwzdWJl [Del]

Okay, coming into this really late, mainly because i dont feel like getting involved, but i guess i shall.
To those of you totally freaking out about this, did you ever think there was a reason behind her not telling anyone, and even after the fact tryed to lessen his sentence because she didnt hate him for what he did and still wanted him in her life? No, i bet you didnt. Im not calling this kid of behaviour a good thing, but fuck people, dont judge others until you have judged yourself. Who knows, maybe it was voluntary. The word rape is used as a label for "Sexual intercourse with a minor", which is exactly what happened. We have absolutely no idea how things went down behind closed doors, who was the first to make a move, or who was the one to keep it going, so dont be tripping the fuck out and assuming the brother is a "'evil''sick''disgusting''bad'"etc. type of person, what happened happened. We have no right to judge that, it is not our place nor shall it ever be.

47 Name: Amonkira : 2011-12-11 00:12 ID:fUA/yMyP [Del]

I agree with you. It may have been voluntary, or involuntary. No-one can really know what truly happened. Or, this child may be one of pure kindness, even to those who do not deserve it. I do not agree with any form of rape. Personally, I believe all who rape should die by my hands. But... It is not up to us, is it? I hope this child who was raped is sparred from a painful life this may have caused. I hate her brother, but, for her sake, will not kill him...Yet.

48 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-11 08:19 ID:+YzE9pUK [Del]


49 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-11 08:19 ID:+YzE9pUK [Del]


50 Name: Phantom : 2011-12-11 13:01 ID:7baYd2CB [Del]

Ok,Doctor,quit bumping before the board administrator starts humping the ban hammer.Honestly.

Second,Bread,did you READ the topic? Shes 13 unless i read it wrong. And it appears people are finally beginning to think openly on this board so my work is done.

Next up I believe Ill be making a thread on the psychology of SAW.

51 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2011-12-11 16:15 ID:Bo9oBaBy [Del]

"due to the fact that I was raped as a 5 year old by my babysitter)"

I was talking about that, quoting from >>44 ( I think )
Unless you're talking about something else o_0 I'd like to see that thread on saw :D

52 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-11 16:28 ID:bCd1CqGS [Del]

>>50 How rude of you to assume the admin is so petty. What's wrong with bumping? There is a legitimate conversation happening on this thread.

53 Name: ??? : 2011-12-12 15:05 ID:o+PMEekz [Del]


54 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-12 16:04 ID:LbwzdWJl [Del]

>>50 Its a legit topic of convo about current news that people obvious feel like talking about, why in the hell would bossman take the time to ban doc for bumping that? He has better things to do with his life then deal with you not liking this thread

55 Name: Drexyel : 2011-12-12 16:46 ID:R+AO32Px [Del]

the female who was "raped" did not want to press charges so that leads me to belive that she was actuly enjoying the sexual intocorce wich is not rape but is still agint the law becase she was a minnor

56 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-12 18:06 ID:JvGRWcJj [Del]

Liking and wanting it are 2 different things.
There is no proof stating she let it happen. You can like eating pizza, but do you want that pizza shoved down your fucking throat?

Liking and wanting, I restate, are 2 totally different things.

57 Name: Fatality : 2011-12-12 18:27 ID:CXnwAUvu [Del]

>>55 V.V its not like that some girls would rather pretend it didn't happen they'd rather put it out their minds especially if it happens over and over some just look away and think about something else let the person do their business and move on some don't have strenght mentally to fight back like others do take that into consideration as well

58 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-12 18:37 ID:LbwzdWJl [Del]

We have no knowledge whether or not it was wanted.

59 Name: Hanaotome : 2011-12-12 20:47 ID:niI1+deY [Del]

well,the more i read the less the thread seems to be about...

All I have to say is : rape( sex with a minor) is illegal so he has to go to jail...
I couldnt really care less what the girls views are, she should have done something because thats what society says she should.
If u dont like the result change how society thinks and the law.... if not,then the result is apparent.

So my question is do you think there needs to be a revision in the way society views this incident?
*brother raping under-aged sister*<---condemned with jail.
...and we most likely will never know the full situation, no one besides them will so, its pointless to ask for more info. u have to make a decision with what u have.

60 Name: Juumonji's Cocoa!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-12-12 20:50 ID:Yn78MxfV [Del]


61 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-12 20:54 ID:LbwzdWJl [Del]

To answer your question, i think it should be slightly revised. For instance: 18 year old fucks his 17 year old gf after them going out for 3 years. Her parents take him to court cuz they stupid bitches. He shouldnt get labeled as doing statetory rape. Its just stupid. But for something that actually is rape, like 100% no ifs ands or buts, then they should definitely get the full sentence. This is not the case though.

62 Name: Wesley : 2011-12-12 22:55 ID:3ke8J/Vc [Del]

I'm at a loss of words for how fucking stupid this really is.

63 Name: The N.I.V. : 2011-12-14 11:04 ID:nJ63tSY5 [Del]

....... just Whoa.....just....whoa

64 Name: Clumzyy : 2011-12-17 11:12 ID:dkzw4+6X [Del]

That little girl must be 2 damn stupid and her brother is 1 sick bastard

65 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-17 11:23 ID:LQxz7I3G [Del]

Its just lovely how everything is so easily demonized.

66 Name: ASURA : 2011-12-17 12:23 ID:slska0wL [Del]

that's just wrrrrooong ... tf ...

67 Name: Thiamor !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-12-17 13:25 ID:JvGRWcJj [Del]

Seriously, we're holding a conversation and you call the girl stupid? Get the fuck out if you can't contribute anything good, worthwhile and of any importance.

68 Name: Loliprincess : 2011-12-17 19:48 ID:shemFB7a [Del]

That's so sad and I believe that little girl is so sweet and forgiving in wanting her brother to get away with what he did. Of course the brother really should have some type of punishment whether it's by his parents or even the justice system.

69 Name: Marionette!Y3qmp0cBtQ : 2011-12-18 14:58 ID:GDjimGeK [Del]

I'm a little late to this conversation, but there's no time like the present, right? (laugh)

I agree with Ayanavi; there's some interesting information written between the lines of this news article, and for anyone to flat out say, "This is rape, this is incest and it's wrong," just proves that they are quick to condemn and only consider the surface of the matter. Obviously, I'm not saying that I approve of this, but we can't summarily dismiss the girl as 'stupid' or the brother as a 'sick bastard'.

While I agree that it takes a special kind of twist in a person's psyche to find sexual interest in a twelve year old, no where in this story does it say that the girl was beaten, threatened or otherwise coerced into silence about her treatment. Likewise, it never says anything about the girl protesting or fighting or reporting her brother to the authorities. Granted, the girl isn't quite at an age where she can consent to sex, but that poster about was right: it says rape, not rape and battery. For all we know, it could be a charge of statutory rape. And maybe the girl is too young and the boy is a bit twisted, but who are we to say that there might not be more to this story than just 'the brother is a sick pervert and raped his sister'. Maybe the brother thought he 'loved' his sister, and that he could 'love' her like they do in the videos he saw; maybe the sister didn't really understand or comprehend what was going on, but maybe in time she came to accept or enjoy it?

Look, I'm not trying to justify rape or violation, but I'm just saying... don't be so quick to judge.

Truth is stranger than fiction, sometimes.

>>29 And I'd like to point out that people marrying their cousins still happens plenty nowadays; for the matter, people also marry their stepsiblings, uncles, aunts, former step-parents. All kinds of things. It's all good. And whether or not there's historical accuracy in Poe's sexual relationship (or lack thereof) with his cousin/wife, it wouldn't really matter anyway. There's no clinical, scientific or sociological justification against Poe having rampant, burn-the-bedsheets sex with his wife. It's not likely, given his constant melancholy, but it could have happened... and it would have been perfectly fine.

70 Name: tomthecrazzy : 2011-12-19 03:37 ID:9Z4/II7O [Del]

i blame porn

71 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-12-19 05:12 ID:rEnI4yO8 [Del]

Her brother better wise the-fuck-up because his sister believes in him to change, and I hope from him to change too.

72 Name: Red Angel : 2011-12-19 12:38 ID:LfinHthW [Del]

it was her who did the impposible she forgave him and really in order to forgive someone you must forgive yourself and how many people these days forgive someone for doing something like that to them..............and i can tell not that many people do nowadays. You see revenge is its own sin and do you really think that if that person did something bad to you is it really worth your effort to try and get back at him or her cause in the after life they will face what they have done, but not you. Really its anyones choice to get revenge or not, but if you do get revenge your not better then them, but your as the same as them.

73 Name: clair : 2011-12-19 13:45 ID:3t1lXzYf [Del]

wow poor girl must be hard for her. but this is so so wrong. i have mixed feelings about this. let me just say 1st off this is sick he should of gotten the ten yearas. 2nd off i cant believe that the sister would plea for leniance. she must have rily loved her brother. if i was in her situation i probably would do the same thing but regret it later, sure every1 deserves a second chance but this is not one i would say that 4.i also agree with what red angel says revenge is indeed its own sin