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Girl hit by car (20)

1 Name: Shikah : 2011-10-21 16:38 ID:TLDt9GYo [Del]

A freshman girl was hit by a car right in front of my school yesterday morning. The rumor is that she was crossing the street texting and the lady that hit her was also texting. People are also saying that she is is a comma. I'm not sure if these rumors are true, but I know for a fact that she was hit by a car. She is my friends friend which made this even more tragic for me. I really hope she makes it out okay :( I will reply to this thread if I hear anything else.

2 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-10-21 16:54 ID:bU32tRW6 [Del]

Not news. News topics cover things of public interest. Car crashes happen every day and no one outside of you knows who this girl is.

3 Name: DEX : 2011-10-21 17:04 ID:+GUCkFoQ [Del]

wow things like that happen evey day. i hope she is perfectly fine when she wakes up

4 Name: Shikah : 2011-10-21 18:57 ID:Gt9nWxlL [Del]

So sorry 0.0' I didn't know that it had to be a specific kind of news. It was a really big deal to me though and I thought maybe some of the other members would want to know about it idk Sorry :(

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-10-22 00:53 ID:5d4s/hWr [Del]

Lol. This is why you DON'T text when you're crossing a road and especially if you're driving by a highly populated area. Pay attention, lol.

7 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-23 16:27 ID:CKsSBCp8 [Del]

>>6 Agreed. They should make a device to install in cars that can tell if you're texting, and if you are, it shorts out your phone, and make it mandatory in all cars. It's just sad that people are so attached to their devices that they can't even put the phone down when they're driving. Hell, I don't even answer the phone when I drive. I've read that the way your attention is disrupted when you talk on the phone and drive is the same as driving while you're drunk.

8 Name: Xissx : 2011-10-23 23:38 ID:GPhf45Wu [Del]

This is what happens when you text on the road.

9 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-24 03:21 ID:cnlkfp1h [Del]

>>7 Or people could stop being stupid. If you believe at all in natural selection, acts of stupidity naturally bring about one's demise. I'm not trying to be callous, but don't place blame on devices or lack of precaution - when it all comes down to it, lack of thought is the ultimate killer.

10 Name: Ribon !/u7dT3gKM2 : 2011-10-24 04:49 ID:IEH/fuIS [Del]

>>7 I don't think that kind of device is a good idea. What about non-driving passengers? Their phones wouldn't work either. What if the car got a flat tire and they needed to call a tow truck? Etc. etc. etc...

As long as people use common sense, this shouldn't happen. It's tragic, sad, unfortunate, and never good to hear, but it's up to the people at fault to fix it. Not us.

11 Name: Shikah : 2011-10-24 18:34 ID:gVHUBlat [Del]

My whole school was informed today that she has passed away :( People in my school are going to ware White on Wednesday to show our support. May she rest in peace

12 Name: kabuto464 : 2011-10-24 18:46 ID:Ia418sI6 [Del]

>>9 Misuto your quite the buzzkill... I've noticed this on several posts. No offence however.

13 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-24 19:00 ID:zD0wR1Aq [Del]

Misuto: The next Buzz Killington. Ironically, Misuto also has a hat.

14 Name: Buzzkillingtonsuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-24 19:18 ID:wlpHuGz+ [Del]

Why, on the contrary, I have many a wonderful tale up my sleeve.

And perhaps, dare I say, at the risk of befouling my professionalism,

a jest or two :)

15 Name: insanity : 2011-10-24 19:21 ID:zU7Shvnw [Del]

i am so sorry shikah! :O i wuld b sad!
and to all the pppl who r all like ''who cares?'' then u shuld b ashamed! the dollars r suppost to b nice! that means nice to dollar members as well!

16 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-24 19:27 ID:zD0wR1Aq [Del]

Suppose to be nice? Whoa there, we aren't suppose to do anything, except be ourselves, and if being ourselves means being an asshole, so be it. We're given freedom of speech, and if freedom of speech conflicts with polite and niceness, then I'd choose speed any day, because I don't give a fuck about other people, and I expect them to not give a fuck about me.

Anyways, this got off topic way too fast.

17 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-24 19:28 ID:zD0wR1Aq [Del]

*speech. Not speed, although speed would be one hell of a superpower. Or drug.

18 Name: GrellSG : 2011-10-25 01:00 ID:DTtlEXxU [Del]

>>16 I could have sworn that this was for people of like mind who wanted to do something to better the world. I understand that there is no real order, leadership, etc., but still. There is no need to be a pompous twat.

19 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-25 01:47 ID:wlpHuGz+ [Del]

He's saying there is no obligation to 'better the world', though it is admirable and encouraged. Also, dissent does not mean lack of cooperation. We are allowed to disagree with as much fervency as we please - to disallow such a thing would be falsifying true interaction between each other.

Ultimately, freedom of expression is a nice thing to have. We aren't here to be outwardly nice without exception to every member on the site. That would be dumb. We are, however, here to help each other out or simply be there for a conversation if the need arises. That's what a community is - not a single-minded body of monotonous thought, but a collection of individuals with their own thoughts that may or may not disagree with the others.

...Oh dear. tl;dr again. Fuck.

20 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-25 02:38 ID:CKsSBCp8 [Del]

>>9 Oh, I wasn't placing blame on devices or lack of precaution, believe me. There are sooo many times I'd love to smack people across the face for being unbelievably stupid. I guess my thought was, if you could do something to offset the sheer amount of stupidity some people seem to have, it might be useful. But, as >>10 pointed out, my idea had many flaws. I guess that's why I'll never be an inventor lol.